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문서에서 Functions by Urban Land Management System (페이지 126-147)

본 연구는 2002년 국토계획법 제정시 기치로 내건 선계획-후개발 체제와 이를 포함한 국토의 계획적 관리체제 구축이 바로 우리 사회의 선진화를 위해 반드시 달성해야 할 중요한 목표가 된다는 인식에서 출발하고 있다. 계획적 관리체제를 구축하려면 토지를 대상으로 한 장래 목표의 계획(plan)과 여건이 형성되어 필요 한 시점에 추진하는 토지의 구체적 개발의 두 가지를 서로 이어주면서 또 각각의 기능 모두 온전하게 발휘될 수 있도록 엄정하면서도 유연하게 운영하는 토지이 용관리체제가 필요하다. 전 국토가 도시관리계획으로 관리되는 상황에서 도시관 리계획에 의한 토지이용관리기능이 제고되도록 하여야 한다.

본 연구는 토지이용관리체제 선진화의 핵심적 과제로 토지개발 용도 관리에 대해서는 개발허가 차원의 지목변경 관리와 시가지와 구분되는 도시주변부의 전 략적 토지이용관리, 그리고 이와 결합한 개발권선매제도와 개발권양도제의 도입 을 제안하였다. 또 개발밀도 관리에 대해서는 시, 군 지자체 조례용적률의 하향 조정, 기준용적률과 계획용적률의 이원화를 제시하였다. 이제 이들 핵심과제를 하나 하나 정책의제로 논의하고, 나아가서는 제도 개선 의제로 다루어져야 한다.

앞으로 공론화하여 각각의 제안에 대해 활발한 논의도 있어야 할 것이다. 중앙정 부가 주도하여 지자체와 협력할 것은 협력하고 또 개발권에 관해서는 사법부등 과도 같이 논의할 필요가 있다. 이와 관련된 연구과제와 관련하여서는 학계, 정 부, 지자체 관계자, 연구기관 관계자, 시민단체의 집중적 논의와 사회 전체의 지 적 역량을 결집하여 가야한다.

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Study on the Improvement of Land Use Control Functions by Urban Land Management System

Jae-Gil Park, Eun-Kwan Park, Se-Hoon Park, Chun-Man Cho, Yong-Jin Ahn Gi-Hyun Oh

In 2003, the Act on Planning and Use of National Territory was enacted unifying the existing Urban Planning Law for urban areas and National Land Use and Management Law for non-urban areas. This was originally triggered by the need for the establishment of the 「Plan-led Development」 system, which is aimed at both the prevention of uncontrolled urban sprawl to non-urban areas, and plan-based development and conservation of the national land. It has been 4 to 5 years now, and the system has yet to become full-fledged. Once a development plan is publicly announced for a specific area, the land prices of the area sharply rise and money starts to move for housing speculations. This is an inevitable dilemma for long-term development projects in general, since it is not practically possible to develop the whole project site place by place. This study argues that the core reason of this dilemma is the inefficient land use control under the Urban Land

Management Law, and unbalance in the relations of the tripod, Urban Comprehensive Plan, Urban Land Management Plan and Urban Development Project.

The Urban Land Management Plan can be understood as the 'land use conversion'. From a precise legal perspective, it means the conversion of the use of a land from one originally designated under the planning law. It means that the role of the Urban Land Management Plan System including the conversion of land use is to directly control the land use behaviors for a specific land on a legal basis. Therefore, the change of the Urban Land Management Plan means the change in the range of land use behaviors; as a result, it may lead to a subjective decision on land prices. In brief, even before land prices are decided on through the land market, the Urban Land Management Plan may change and fix the price of a land.

The top-down hierarchical relationships among the Urban Comprehensive Plan, Urban Land Management Plan and Urban Development Project, should be transformed so that each of them, with the unique function and role of its own, may stand on equal footage as each other in the triangular paradigm. For the transformation, it is essential to improve the land use control functions under the Urban Land Management Plan. The strong basis of the land use management functions under the Urban Land Management Plan, enables the Urban Comprehensive Plan to achieve its goals as a long-term plan. And the Urban Development Project may obtain its objectives under the conditions under which the consensus of the locals may be expected on diverse development projects in a timely manner.

As mentioned earlier, the primary purpose of the study is, by enhancing the functions of the land use control under the Urban Land Management Plan, to direct the country's urban planning system towards the equal relationships among the Urban Comprehensive Plan, Urban Land Management Plan and Urban Development Project, from the present top-down ones. Another purpose is to implement a sustainable

development of the overall national land, and achieve human settlements that are livable by re-establishing the urban planning system and improving the land use control functions under the Urban Land Management Plan.

In addition, the study intends to strengthen the role of the society under the Urban Land Management Plan through its precise, fair and equitable implementations. The fairness among local constituents should be achieved since the urban planning system functions as a land use control method. And the planning system should serve as an effective device to acquire a synergistic effect through social consensus.

The scope of the study stretches over the creation of environments in which the Urban Land Management Plan may successfully perform its functions, as well as substantialize the functions.

The conclusions of the study are, firstly, the land development rights should be clearly established so that the land use management system may fully perform its functions. Regarding this, plan-based management and conservation methods also should be explored for agricultural land and mountainous areas. In addition to the management and preservation of green areas, and agricultural and forestry area, methods to manage the development application-triggered land use should be explored.

Secondly, the Urban Land Management Plan should include the management guidelines for land use behaviors that are appropriate to the specifications of a land use conversion. Under the guidelines, building construction behaviors are allowed, which makes it possible to more clearly specify development rights.

Thirdly, the current practice of arbitrarily deciding on the application of the allowable maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) with different land-use classifications, without considering local features, environments, population scales, densities and so on, should be reflected and improved.

The application of the excessive maximum FAR to the unified urban-rural cities outside the Seoul metropolitan area, means the loss of urban land use control functions; therefore, the study presents some policy directions

to the improvement.

Fourth, for the enhancement of land use control functions through the District Unit Development Plan, the study formulates the basis for urban development which is plan-led and administratively affordable, by clearly defining and appling the Standard FAR on a legal basis. Lastly, there should be continual efforts to achieve the goals of the Urban Land Management Plan, which is to play a role in reasonably controlling urban land uses and developing a society into a community. In addition, it should be maintained in a clear and impartial manner under strict principles and standards.

■ Key words : Urban Land Management Plan, Urban Planning System, Land Use Control, Development Permit, Development Rights, Maximum FAR, District Unit Development

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부 록

<부록 1> 영국과 일본에서의 개발개념

1) 영국의 개발개념

◦ 영국에서는 모든 개발행위는 사전에 지방계획국에 의한 「계획허가 (planning permission)을 얻어야 함

- 계획허가제도는 극히 폭넓은 내용을 가지고 있으며, 시가지의 정리에 있어 토지이용의 규제, 건물용도의 규제, 용적율의 규제는 모두 이 계획허가제를 통해 이루어짐

- 계획허가에 있어서 지방계획국은 지방계획(local plan)을 중요한 판단 근거 로 삼고 있지만 반드시 이에 얽매이지는 않으며, 일반적으로 지방계회국이 심사에 있어서 상당한 재량권을 가지고 있음51)

◦ 영국의 도시 및 농촌계획법(Town and Country Planning Act, 1990)에 의하 면 개발(development)의 정의는 다음과 같음

- “토지의 위, 표면, 아래에서 건축물의 건축, 형질변경, 토석채취를 하거나, 건축물와 토지의 용도를 현격하게 변화시키는 행위”52)

- 구체적으로 ① 건축공사 ② 토목공사 ③ 채광공사 ④ 그 밖의 공사 ⑤ 용도 변경으로 분류되어 있으며, 용도변경의 경우 ‘중대한’ 것에 한정되어 있음

51) 渡辺俊一, 󰡔영국의 토지개발규제󰡕, 감정평가연구원, 64면.

52) “the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of any buildings or other land”

문서에서 Functions by Urban Land Management System (페이지 126-147)