앞으로 중점적으로 연구할 과제로는 우선 관련 분야간의 학제적 연구를 들 수 있다. 도시행정학, 정책학, 사회학, 도시계획학 분야 간에 살고싶은 도시만들기에 대한 공동연구 및 논의가 필요하다. 이들 연구는 이론적 지식과 실천적 지식이 다같이 함양될 수 있는 것으로 추진되어야 한다.
두 번째는 지자체 행정을 혁신적으로 변화시키는 연구에 우선 순위를 둘 필요 가 있다. 생활자치를 전제로 지자체 행정의 내부 개혁을 추진하는 좋은 사례를 발굴하여 조사․분석함으로써 실천적 지식으로 체계화하여야 한다. 살고싶은 도 시만들기를 계기로 지자체 정책이 선진화하고, 시민과의 협력적 관계를 바람직 하게 형성해가는 모형을 찾아야 할 것이다.
마지막으로 도시계획의 역할 재정립에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 살고싶은 도시 만들기는 지금까지의 물리적 차원의 도시개발이 중심이 되던 것에서 사회자본을 살리면서 시민생활환경의 장소적 의미를 가져다주는 도시만들기로 변화하지 않 으면 안된다. 이러한 방향 전환은 지금까지와는 다른 패러다임으로 나아가는 것 을 말한다. 이에 따라 물리적 계획으로서 도시계획과 사회, 문화, 복지 등의 비물 리적 계획과의 관계 정립도 새로이 이루어져야 한다. 거버넌스 시대의 도시계획 의 역할과 제도운용을 다시 한번 짚어 볼 필요가 있다.
R ․ E ․ F ․ E ․ R ․ E ․ N ․ C ․ E ․ S
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S ․ U ․ M ․ M ․ A ․ R ․ Y
The Making of Livable Cities in Korea
Jae-gil Park, Hyun-Sik Kim, Kwang-Ik Kim, Wang-Gun Lee, Pillsung Byun, Seung-Mi Hwang.
This study deals with the making of livable cities in Korea. Concretely, the study focuses on the following issues: why livable cities need to be made in Korea, what the making of livable cities means, and what role the Korean national government should play in making the Korean cities livable.
In Korea cities have so far been developed chiefly to accommodate urban population of which the size has been increased by industrialization. Thus, the making of cities has been unfolded mostly in the form of urban physical development from a supply-side perspective (e.g., land developers). However, statistics show that a large number of residents are not satisfied with urban living environment created by the existing supply-side development. And the survey of 8 cities that our work has conducted finds out that the citizens’
satisfaction with such crucial elements of urban living environment as public transit, cultural infrastructure, and landscape is very low-level. The
supply-side development also weakens social capital(e.g., tie, norm, trust), thereby generating social costs. Moreover, such development deprives many existing residents of the meanings that neighborhoods, villages, or cities can have as a place.
Given this, the supply-side urban physical development has to shift to the resident-led urban management which seeks compact development rather than urban excessive outward expansion and which prefer social and community-based programs over physical and top-down planning.
Considering that population recently stabilizes in many cities, especially in the Capital Region of Korea, such a kind of paradigm shift can be pursued in Korea.
In fact, the shift was undertaken in foreign countries earlier. In the 1960s
‘garden city’ as well as ‘skyscrapers in the park’ was criticized for being based only on experts’ views. Jane Jacobs also argued that the livable cities had to be created not by experts but by citizens. This new thinking led to the New Urbanism which has strengthened since it surfaced in the 1990s. In this context, Urban Village Campaign has also been driven forward in UK.
However, the resident-led making of livable cities is still in an infant stage in Korea. At this juncture, we have to discuss what part the national government has to play to promote such resident-sided efforts given the cooperation with local governments and civil society. This implies that the national government should have no more and less than the roles for motivating and enriching discussions concerning the making of livable cities.
In order to secure policy implications for the making of livable cities in Korea, our research examines not only several cites in foreign countries as significant cases but Machi-Zhukuri in Japan. The cases include the City of Irvine in US, Freiburg im Breisgau in Germany, Strasbourg in France,