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이 연구는 농촌활력 증진을 위해 추진되고 있는 농촌토지의 다원적 활용과 각 종 농촌개발사업이 농촌토지이용 문제로 인해 그 효과가 저하되고 있다는 문제 의식에서 시작되었다. 이에 이 연구는 농촌활력 증진의 차원에서 어떻게 하면 농 촌토지이용을 계획적으로 관리할 수 있을 것인가 하는 것에 연구의 초점을 두고 진행되었다.

그동안 농촌지역의 토지이용은 토지소유자에게 맡겨 놓아도 별 문제가 없었 다. 토지용도의 혼재나 충돌로 외부불경제가 발생하는 경우가 드물었고, 설사 발 생하더라도 양보와 타협 등을 통해 내부적으로 해결해 왔기 때문이다. 그러나 토 지이용의 양태가 다양해지고 규모가 커지면서 문제가 발생하고 있다. 농촌토지 이용과 관련하여 나타나고 있는 문제가 농촌활력 증진에 걸림돌이 되고 있는 것 이다.

이러한 인식을 바탕으로 사례조사를 실시한 결과, 토지용도간의 충돌과 소규 모 분산개발로 인해 농촌 어메니티가 훼손되고 기반시설 공급이 저해되는 결과 를 낳고 있고, 각종 농촌개발사업에 필요한 적정부지를 확보하기가 어려워 사업 효과가 저하되는 사례가 나타나고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이 같은 점들은 전문 가 설문조사 결과에서도 재확인되었다.

이에 따라 이 연구는 농촌토지이용에 대해서도 계획적인 관리가 필요함을 지 적하였다. 일본은 농촌토지이용을 어떻게 관리하고 있는지 알아본 결과, 그들은 계획적 관리 측면에서 우리보다 한 걸음 앞서 있었다. 먼저 리 단위까지 확대된 마을만들기 사업에서 마을만들기 계획을 통해 마을내 토지이용의 방향과 개발수 준을 정하고 있었다. 그리고 마을 특성을 고려하여 토지용도를 구분하고 그에 따 른 시설입지를 제한하고 있었다. 중요한 것은 이 같은 농촌토지이용관리가 마을 단위에서 주민 스스로에 의해 이루어지는 점이다. 이는 매우 중요한 시사점을 주 는 것이다.

이러한 점을 참고로 이 연구에서 제시한 농촌토지의 계획적 관리방안은 다음 과 같다. 첫째, 농촌토지이용에 관한 계획체계를 정비하고, 국토계획체계와 연계 하자는 것이다. 둘째, 농촌토지에 대해서도 기본적인 중요한 용도에 대해서는 용 도구분을 하는 방안이다. 셋째, 개발행위허가제 및 제2종지구단위계획의 적용범 위및 기준 등을 농촌특성을 반영하여 조정하는 방안이다. 넷째, 농어촌정비사업 추진시 토지수용절차에 특례규정을 신설하고, 사업방식에 매수방식과 환지방식 을 병용하는 혼합방식을 신설하는 등 토지확보를 쉽게 할 수 있도록 하자는 것 등이다.

이상의 방안은 현행 제도에 상당한 변화를 가져 오는 것으로, 현행 제도의 골 격에 상당한 변화를 가져 오는 것이다. 따라서 일시에 이를 채택하기 어려울 수 도 있다. 그러나 농촌개발사업의 사업효과와 직결된 적정 사업부지 확보방안은 단기적으로 큰 어려움 없이 해결할 수 있다고 보므로 빠른 시일 안에 개선할 필 요가 있다고 본다. 아울러 농촌활력 증진이 농촌정책 중에서 하나의 핵심이 되고 있는 상황을 감안할 때, 농촌계획체계 정비 및 용도구분 신설에 대해서도 전향적 인 검토가 필요하다고 본다.

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Rural Land Use Management System for Rural Viability

Hyeok-Jae Choi, Dae-Sik Ji, and Seung-Jong Kim

This research begins from recognition of reviving rural areas depressed by decrease and aging of population, the gap of income and living condition between urban and rural areas, and the opening of agricultural market. Today there is a variety of efforts in policy for the promotion of rural viability. In addition to this, however, this research especially looks into the way of managing rural land use for the promotion of rural viability. In the first chapter, needs, aims, scope, and the method of the research is explained. Then, major preceding studies are examined, and the difference between those and this is explained.

And the flow of logic of this study and the research framework including the process of performance are presented.

In the second chapter, it is examined what the rural viability is and how it connects with the vision of rural areas. After that, the state of rural land use management and rural development projects is looked through, and in the process of which, points out the limit that problems


related land use impedes the promotion of rural viability. According to this, the logical basis is presented which suggests that it is needed to divide rural lands into uses under their features and functions and makes it utilized in various ways.

In the third chapter, the case analysis is performed in order to specify the problems in rural land use and rural development projects. For this, rural areas are divided into three: rural areas in capital region and around large city, general rural areas, rural areas in mountains, and seven example villages among them are selected. And the data on land use status and Korea Land Information System are analyzed using techniques by Geographic Information System(GIS), and the condition of the population and changes in land uses of example areas in the last ten years is analyzed. Additionally, through field studies and an interview to persons in charge, it is reaffirmed that insufficiency of systematic management in rural land use and development projects impedes the promotion of rural viability. By all accounts, cause and appearance;

diagnosis and the prescription are drawn and set down as the foundation of the systematic management of rural land use.

In the fourth chapter, the system and method for rural land use management in Japan which has similar structure and system on land use with Korea is examined. Japan establishes land use plan for equipment, development and preservation of local administrative districts in low level called 'Si, Cho, and Son.' And it is also establishing rural community equipment plan based on land use plan in order to equip satisfactory condition for cultivating and dwelling. Especially it enlarges the village equipment projects, designates zoning by establishing the village land use plan under self-governing agreement by inhabitants, and restricts uses and density of building according to this. That is, in areas withheld from subdividing zoning such as the area for restricting built-up or non-zoning area, inhabitants themselves promote efficient rural land use by designating agricultural zone, residential zone, preservation zone and specified zone and managing

land use.

In the fifth chapter, on the basis of the problem ought to be improved drawn from example analysis in the third chapter and the implications of Japan's rural land use management in the fourth chapter, the plan for systematic management of rural land use is presented. The specification of the plan is as follows.

The first is structuring the rural area equipment planning system to include items of rural land use and rural development projects and have hierarchy in scope of planning. And having it linked with national territory planning system in each stage of hierarchy.

The second is introducing basic zoning of rural land including non-agricultural land use as well as agricultural land use in order to prevent the conflicts between land uses and scattered and small scale development. The examples of the zoning are as follows: rural residence, tourism and recreation, livestock business, business related to agriculture and forestry, natural environment and landscape.

The third is to except agricultural and forest region and natural environment preservation region which are hardly expected to cause need of infrastructure for development from the application of the development permission system. Likewise, agricultural management region, preservative management region, agricultural and forest region, and natural environment preservation region which could rather cause scattered and small scale development are excluded from the application of restrict against contiguous development. Moreover, as a part of the second-class district plan, the rural type which reflects rural specificity is established, and applicable guideline for planning is prepared. And the standard and restrict regarding the location of industrial complex in rural area are differentiated according to regional circumstances.

The fourth is, if bargaining for land purchase is unaccomplished, admitting it as deliberation for land purchase in act on land acquisition and compensation for public works and making it possible to require arbitration immediately. And among the facilities supposed to be


established as a part of farming and fishing village equipment projects, admitting those for public interests as facilities by urban planning simplifies the installation procedure.

In the sixth chapter, the expected effects of this research and contribution for policy are explained, and features and limits of this research are added. Finally, synthesizing all the arguments by now, policy recommendation and further task to study are proposed.

Key Words_ Rural Viability, Rural Development Projects, Conflicts between Land Uses, Scattered and Small Scale Development, Rural Amenity, Multiple Uses of Rural Land, Equipment of Planning System, Zoning