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Pathological findings

Correlation between Computed Tomography and Pathological Findings of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Treated with Imatinib Mesylate

Correlation between Computed Tomography and Pathological Findings of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Treated with Imatinib Mesylate

... Our study had several limitations, including its retrospective nature. First, the dominant pathological finding did not allow us to determine whether tumor shrinkage was due to chemothera- py or reflecting the ...


Clinical and Pathological Findings of a Korean Family with Pathogenic Variants of the TTN Gene

Clinical and Pathological Findings of a Korean Family with Pathogenic Variants of the TTN Gene

... Titinopathies are a group of clinical and pathologically heterogeneous muscle disorders. These diseases have been frequently reported in the Finnish population, but have been rarely found in Asian populations. 1 We ...


Clinical and Pathological Findings of Renal Biopsy in Children: Outcomes from a Single Center Over 27 Years

Clinical and Pathological Findings of Renal Biopsy in Children: Outcomes from a Single Center Over 27 Years

... dical history and physical findings. However, in certain cases, a discrepancy between clinical and pathological findings exists, with patients exhibiting similar clinical symptoms despite different ...


Ductal Carcinoma with Multicystic Changes in a Patient with Interstitial Mammoplasty via Paraffin Injection: MRI and Pathological Findings

Ductal Carcinoma with Multicystic Changes in a Patient with Interstitial Mammoplasty via Paraffin Injection: MRI and Pathological Findings

... and pathological findings of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) with multicystic changes in a 41-year-old woman with a previous history of interstitial mammoplasty by paraffin ...


Radiological-Pathological Findings of Central Sclerosing Hemangioma Initially Misdiagnosed as Papillary Adenoma by Bronchoscopic Biopsy: A Case Report

Radiological-Pathological Findings of Central Sclerosing Hemangioma Initially Misdiagnosed as Papillary Adenoma by Bronchoscopic Biopsy: A Case Report

... Radiological-Pathological Findings of Central Sclerosing Hemangioma Initially Misdiagnosed as Papillary Adenoma by Bronchoscopic Biopsy: A Case Report 1 기관내시경 조직검사에서 유두상 선종으로 오진된 중심성 경화혈관종의 영상의학적-병리학적 소견: ...


Ganglioneuroblastoma of the Hypothalamus: Radiologic and Pathological Findings of a Case

Ganglioneuroblastoma of the Hypothalamus: Radiologic and Pathological Findings of a Case

... 1 Department of Radiology, Wonkwang University Hospital Ganglion cell tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) are uncommon. There have been few reports in the literature about ganglion cell tumors that arise from the ...


Comparison between Palpable and Nonpalpable Breast Cancers: Mammographic and Pathological Findings

Comparison between Palpable and Nonpalpable Breast Cancers: Mammographic and Pathological Findings

... Conclusion : Palpable and non-palpable cancers showed statistically significant differences in mammographic findings such as mass shape and category, but not in the margin of the mass. T[r] ...


The Pathological Findings of Chloromethylisothiazolinone and Methylisothiazolinone-associated Lung InjuryMedicine General & Policy

The Pathological Findings of Chloromethylisothiazolinone and Methylisothiazolinone-associated Lung InjuryMedicine General & Policy

... 1/3 https://jkms.org Although the evidence linking humidifier disinfectant-associated lung injury (HDLI) and exposure to humidifier disinfectants (HDs) containing 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin- 3-one ...


Pathological findings of the mixed infection with canine distemper virus and Streptococcus canis on farmed badger

Pathological findings of the mixed infection with canine distemper virus and Streptococcus canis on farmed badger

... necropsy findings failed to collapse and showed dark reddening and had yellowish nodules on the cut ...histopathologic findings include multifocal necrosis with hemorrhage of the lung, severe lymphoid ...


Contralateral Internal Mammary Lymphadenopathy Mimicking Metastasis in a Patient with a History of Breast Cancer and Prior Interstitial Mammoplasty by Paraffin Injection: MRI, PET-CT, and Pathological Findings

Contralateral Internal Mammary Lymphadenopathy Mimicking Metastasis in a Patient with a History of Breast Cancer and Prior Interstitial Mammoplasty by Paraffin Injection: MRI, PET-CT, and Pathological Findings

... pathologic findings of contralateral internal mammary lymphadenopathy suspicious of breast cancer metastasis in a 58-year-old woman with history of left breast cancer, and previous interstitial mammoplasty by ...


Discrepancy between Clinical and Final Pathological Evaluation Findings in Early Gastric Cancer Patients Treated with Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection

Discrepancy between Clinical and Final Pathological Evaluation Findings in Early Gastric Cancer Patients Treated with Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection

... posttreatment pathological findings, the noncura- tive resection rates for patients who did not meet the pathologi- cal curability criteria for ESD indications have been reported to be between 11% and ...


Pathological observation of porcine respiratory disease in slaughter pigs

Pathological observation of porcine respiratory disease in slaughter pigs

... The aims of this study were to assess the lung lesions and to compare gross observations with histo- pathological findings in the lungs of slaughter pigs. During August of 2010 through July of 2011, the ...


Cortical Dysplasia: MRI Findings According to the Pathological Grading

Cortical Dysplasia: MRI Findings According to the Pathological Grading

... Of twelve patients with cortical dysplasia other than tuberous sclerosis , as seen on MRI , six showed poor gray-white matter differ- entiation , and six showed co[r] ...


Pathological, immunohistochemical, and bacteriological findings in dogs infected with Brucella canis

Pathological, immunohistochemical, and bacteriological findings in dogs infected with Brucella canis

... Moreover, most inflammation in animal organs can be induced by the injury or the infections including virus, bacte- ria, fungus, and others. However, we did not perform other etiological examinations except B. canis ...


The relationship of radiological findings and pathological types of primary lung cancer

The relationship of radiological findings and pathological types of primary lung cancer

... In undifferentiated cell carcinoma , hilar mass with mediastinal widening and pleural effusion is fre- quent finding... Pathologícai Frequencies of Primary Lung carcinoma%[r] ...
Gageum's Pathological view of Sasim-tangjeung

Gageum's Pathological view of Sasim-tangjeung

... 전변 이론을 제시한 것이 된다. 그러나 이는 尤在涇이 王淑和나 成無已의 六經傳變說을 계승하고 있는 점에서 볼 때 배치되는 주장이 된다. 즉, 육경전변상 태양에서 양명으로, 소양으로 전변 된다고 하였을 때 陰經을 침입한 사기는 양명이나 소양을 거치 지 않고 바로 삼음병으로 전변되는 것이므로 혹 육경전변설의 오류를 비판하는 의가의 견해[r] ...


Pathological Discussion of Anemia in Fish

Pathological Discussion of Anemia in Fish

... 평균적혈 구용적 (mean corpuscular volume, MCV)에 따라 대구성 (macrocytic), 소구성 (microcytic) 또는 정 구성 (normocytic)으로 분류하며, 평균적혈구헤 모글로빈농도 (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, MCHC)에 따라 정혈색소성 (nor[r] ...


Pathological Laughing and Crying : Pathophysiology and Treatment

Pathological Laughing and Crying : Pathophysiology and Treatment

... 98 국 문 초 록 병적 웃음과 울음(Pathological laughing and crying, PLC)은 감정과 관계없이 갑작스럽게 표출되는 웃음이 나 울음이 특징이며 신경계 질환과 관련 있다. 이는 환자의 대인관계 및 일상생활에 상당한 곤란을 가져오지만 약물치료에 비교적 반응이 좋으므로 적절한 진단이 중요하다. PLC는 전전두엽과 변연주변 네트워크(paralimbic ...


Pathological Classification of Panaeatic Cancer and  Precancerous Casion

Pathological Classification of Panaeatic Cancer and Precancerous Casion

... However, most pancreatic tumors are of ductal origin, and a majority of these are ductal adenocarcinomas.. Pancreatic carcinomas of ductal type can be separated into several categorie[r] ...


Pathological Narcissism and Metacognition of Emotional  Face Recognition

Pathological Narcissism and Metacognition of Emotional Face Recognition

... with pathological narcissism as compared with the control subjects by using relative and global measures, and to investigate the relationship be- tween relative meta-accuracy and ...the pathological ...


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