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2003년 6월 고2 모의고사 영어 문제


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2003학년도 6월 고2 전국연합학력평가 문제지

제 3 교시





◦문제지에 성명과 수험번호를 정확히 기입하시오. ◦답안지에 수험번호 및 답을 표기할 때에는 반드시 ‘수험생 이 지켜야 할 일’에 따라 표기하시오. ◦문항에 따라 배점이 다르니, 각 물음의 끝에 표시된 배점 을 참고하시오. 1점 문항에만 점수가 표시되어 있고, 나머지 는 모두 2점씩입니다. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1번부터 17번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 방송을 잘 듣고 답을 하기 바랍니다. 듣는 내용은 한 번만 방송됩니다.


대화를 듣고, 남자가 찾는 여자를 고르시오. [1점]


대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 대화하는 장소를 고르시오. ① 공원 ② 주차장 ③ 백화점 ④ 지하철 ⑤ 버스 정류장


대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 오늘 저녁에 할 일을 고르시오. [1점] ① 외식 ② 영화 관람 ③ TV 시청 ④ 연극 관람 ⑤ 야구 경기 관전


대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오. ① 교수와 학생 ② 면접관과 지원자 ③ 간호사와 환자 ④ 매니저와 영화 배우 ⑤ 감독과 운동 선수


대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자에게 부탁하는 일을 고르시오. ① 책상을 정리하는 것 ② 식당을 예약하는 것 ③ 은행에서 돈을 찾는 것 ④ 전자 우편을 확인하는 것 ⑤ 자동차 열쇠를 가져오는 것


다음을 듣고, 무엇에 관한 내용인지 고르시오. ① 친구를 사귀는 요령 ② 전공 선택의 어려움 ③ 진로 상담의 필요성 ④ 취업을 위한 준비 과정 ⑤ 직업 교육의 중요성


대화를 듣고, 남자가 택시를 타고 집을 출발하여 기차역에 도착하는데 걸릴 예상 시간을 고르시오. ① 20분 ② 30분 ③ 40분 ④ 50분 ⑤ 60분


대화를 듣고, 여자가 찾고 있는 스웨터를 고르시오.


대화를 듣고, 남자의 심정을 묘사한 것으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [1점] ① lonely ② satisfied ③ angry ④ relaxed ⑤ proud


다음을 듣고, 선생님이 당부하는 사항으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. ① 안전에 항상 유의합시다. ② 규칙적인 운동을 합시다. ③ 학습 계획을 잘 세웁시다. ④ 봉사활동을 열심히 합시다. ⑤ 다양한 취미활동을 합시다.


대화를 듣고, 남자가 기뻐하는 이유로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. ① 선물을 받아서 ② 파티를 열게 되어서 ③ 여행을 갈 수 있어서 ④ 시험 결과가 좋아서 ⑤ 옛 친구들을 만날 수 있어서 ① ④ ⑤ ② ④ ① ③ ② ⑤


외 국 어 영 역 (영 어 )


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━


대화를 듣고, 여자의 생각을 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오. [1점] ① 필요한 물건은 서로 빌려주어야 한다. ② 사용한 후에는 정리정돈을 잘해야 한다. ③ 남의 물건은 허락을 받고 사용해야 한다. ④ 손해를 입혔을 때는 반드시 보상해야 한다. ⑤ 꼭 필요한 물건이 아니면 사지 말아야 한다.


다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오. [1점] ① ② ③ ④ ⑤


대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. Woman:

① Yes, I took the medicine after every meal. ② No, I don’t want to drink anything now. ③ No, I have a lot of work to do these days. ④ Yes, this is the place you’re looking for. ⑤ No, there’s really no medicine for the flu.


대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


① You’re right. I didn’t know that. ② Sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t.

③ Forget it. You can give it another try. ④ Sounds great. Thanks for your help. ⑤ Good. You’ll never regret.


대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [1점]


① Wow! Sounds great.

② You should be at work on time. ③ Can I go swimming now?

④ Why don’t you have your vacation? ⑤ Of course. I have been there before.


다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Mrs. Cohen이 Danny에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Mrs. Cohen: Danny, _________________________ ① I’d like to check out some books.

② I really appreciate your help.

③ I don’t mind your using my computer. ④ I’m glad that I can do it for you. ⑤ I’m sure you’ll do better next time.

이제 듣기․말하기 문제는 다 끝났습니다. 18번부터는 문제의 지시에 따라 답을 하기 바랍니다.


다음 글에 묘사된 상황을 가장 잘 나타낸 것은? [1점] The match was so fast-paced and heated that there were many fouls. Sometimes the referee’s decision was obviously wrong. This made some spectators angry. At one stage, some people who were not satisfied with the referee’s decision rushed onto the field. The police went after them, and had no choice but to use their batons. This was enough for the rest of the crowd to get out of control. Everyone was running into the ground in disorder. Meanwhile, some fell down and were badly hurt.

① festive ② humorous ③ lonely ④ peaceful ⑤ violent


‘I’의 어린 시절의 기억에 관한 설명 중, 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [1점]

I remember vividly an episode from my childhood. I used to play with a lot of dolls and toys in our church’s Sunday-school playroom. One day I took one of them home, and that night my brother saw me playing with it. “I know where you got that,” he said. “You stole it from the church!” Stole it! From

the church! Those words hit me like a thunderbolt.

My mother’s anger rose up like a terrifying wave in my mind. I ran 2.5 kilometers to return the doll and all the way back home.

① 형의 말에 두려움을 느꼈다. ② 교회에서 인형을 가지고 왔다. ③ 어머니의 화난 모습이 떠올랐다. ④ 밤에 천둥소리를 자주 들었다. ⑤ 밤길을 달려서 교회로 갔다.



. 아래에 주어진 사전 뜻풀이 가운데, 밑줄 친 make out의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?

It was raining cats and dogs last night. I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.

make out 1. to write all the necessary information (on a form, check, receipt, etc.): to make out a list

2. to see or hear with difficulty: He could just make out the number plate of the car. 3. to understand or decide whether or not something is true: I can’t make out if Neil likes him or not. 4. to pretend usually falsely: He makes out he’s the only person here who does any work. 5. to succeed:

The firm isn’t making out as well as was hoped. ① 1 ② 2 ③ 3 ④ 4 ⑤ 5 [21~25] 글을 읽고, 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


. Every week, we see animal actors on TV, in the movies, or in advertisements. Some of these animal actors are loved by many people. Most of the animal actors are chosen for their looks, but __________ is also important. Studios often want a friendly animal that likes people. Most important is that the animal can be trained. Animal actors have to follow instructions and sit for a long time without moving. This can be hard for the impatient animal, so film-makers often try to find animals that are faithful and obedient.

① health ② speed ③ size ④ personality ⑤ experience


A recent survey of 4,350 Americans with Internet connections at home shows how the information age is changing our daily lives. More than 70 percent of those surveyed log on several times a week just after getting home from work, and a quarter of those stay online all evening. And Web surfing is even taking over the American tradition, watching TV. Half of those surveyed say that they now watch less, and 19 percent say that the Internet is more important to them than TV. The Internet becomes a great force that __________.

*survey (설문) 조사, (설문) 조사하다

① takes up our free time ② reduces working hours ③ influences the economy ④ creates many new jobs ⑤ offers new ways of studying


People fear that sharks will attack them while they are swimming. But people are more dangerous to sharks than sharks are to people. Thousands of sharks have been killed by humans. Only a handful of humans have been killed by sharks. Sharks do not hunt people. In fact, they try to stay away from humans. Humans are a threat to sharks all over the world. In Australia and South Africa, sharks are caught and killed in the nets that are supposed to protect swimmers. With people around, sharks have good reason to .

① be afraid ② get hungry ③ attack other fish ④ become friendly ⑤ have no interest


Technology will make the elderly . Researchers are developing computers that link elderly people with such conveniences as transport and meal services. For the elderly, there are special televisions that make it possible to have a health check with a doctor without leaving home. There are even refrigerators that kindly make their own shopping lists and a computer telephone service that calls twice a day and tells family or friends if there is no answer. Technology has helped the elderly live longer. Now, it has promised them a better life. [1점]

① help each other ② feel sad and lonely ③ keep their promises ④ use computers easily ⑤ live more comfortably


Some animals are hunters. Others are mainly prey. Some people say that the difference between the hunters and the hunted . Where an animal’s eyes are placed on its head shows its special needs. The tiger is a good example. Its eyes are close set on the front of its head. This allows the tiger to focus on its prey. In contrast, look at the eyes of a horse. A horse’s eyes are on the sides of its head. The eyes can turn to allow the horse to see to the sides and partly behind itself. This helps the horse see danger, so it can get away fast. [1점]

① lies in their eating habit ② is related to their speed ③ can be seen in the eyes ④ has to do with their size ⑤ depends on where they live


외 국 어 영 역 (영 어 )


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━


다음 글에 나타난 필자의 심경의 변화로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]

Dad lost his job, and now Mom is too sick to work. The bills are piling up. We could lose our house. It’s not a very large home, but to me it is a castle. I was born here and have grown up here. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Just then the mail carrier knocked. “More bills,” I thought to myself as I walked toward the door. There was a letter for me. The letter said that I had won the contest for the best recipe for tomato soup. First prize was ten thousand dollars and a lifetime supply of tomato soup. Our money worries are over!

*recipe 조리법

① bored ➡ angry ② peaceful ➡ excited ③ excited ➡ nervous ④ sad ➡ happy ⑤ calm ➡ disappointed


다음은 인터뷰의 일부이다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 질문을 <보기>에서 골라 짝지은 것 중, 가장 적절한 것은?

Reporter: (A)

Mr. Brosnan: Following me around for a day

would show who the real Brosnan is. I stop my car to buy some chewing gums and a paper at the newsstand. I just say hello to my neighbors who think I’m James Bond. I’m anything but Bond.

Reporter: (B)

Mr. Brosnan: Of course, I’d love to. I grew up on

Bond films. And I’ve had the time of my life playing this role. It brings pleasure to people around the world. They’ve said the role is mine as long as I want it. It’s a wonderful gift in my life.

<보 기>

a. Can you tell me when you first found joy in acting? b. How much are you like James Bond in real life? c. Will you do another Bond film in the future? d. What are your difficulties as a movie star? (A) (B) ① a  d ② b  c ③ b  d ④ c  a ⑤ d  b


밑줄 친 The same이 뜻하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? It is certain that the great influence of realism and romanticism in literature is significant. There have been many great realistic works. But many romantic stories gain high popularity as well. The literature will lose its charm without either kind of works. The same is true in our life. In order to support ourselves, we should learn working hard to earn a living. It’s realistic. But everyone can imagine what life would look like if we could not enjoy our favorite music. That is a gray and dull picture of life. No one likes the world like that. So it is clear that romance is as important as reality. ① 문화 생활을 즐기는 것 ② 경제적으로 성공하는 것 ③ 자신의 능력을 계발하는 것 ④ 대중적인 인기를 획득하는 것 ⑤ 현실과 낭만을 함께 중시하는 것


다음 글에서 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Although scientists do not know for certain ① why we dream, some believe that our dreams are associated with thoughts and feelings that we experience ② while we are awake. For example, dreams about shouting people ③ are thinking to be about giving or ④ receiving an important message. Dreams in which you ⑤ are flying often represent freedom or escape.


(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 골라 짝지은 것은?

The custom of decorating the body with jewels (A) is / are an ancient habit. The mode of the early cave people was to make necklaces from shells, seeds, pebbles and bones. It was the fashion to wear bracelets and (B) put / putting pieces of bone or wood in the nose or ears. As civilizations developed, so (C) were / did fashions. Body decoration, however, was, and still is a most popular means of showing human vanity.

(A) (B) (C) ① is  put  did ② are  put  did ③ is  putting  did ④ are  putting  were ⑤ is  put  were



다음 글에서 예로 든 감수성이 예민하고 사려 깊은 사람의 귀를 그림으로 가장 잘 나타낸 것은? [1점]

The size and shape of your ears show your character more than any other part of the face. Other parts of the face change shape as we get older, but ears do not change their shape. They only change in size. In ancient times people thought that a person with big ears had a good and generous character. They thought that a person with round, small ears was sensitive and thoughtful. Ears with pointed edges showed a changeable character.


다음 편지를 쓴 사람이 바라는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? I love the rainforests and all the animals that live there. It makes me very sad that you lend money to companies that destroy the rainforest. I feel sad for animals like the orangutan who lose their home because of this rainforest destruction. Please be a rainforest hero and promise that you won’t lend money to companies that destroy the environment. Why don’t you lend money instead to good companies that help the earth by getting energy from the sun and the wind? I hope that you don’t let us down. ① 근무 여건 개선 ② 연구 예산 지원 ③ 대출 정책 수정 ④ 환경 단체 조직 ⑤ 에너지 대책 수립


다음 글 바로 앞에 올 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점] Studies have found that their presence in the home can also contribute to lower teenage crime rates and a decrease in teenagers’ dropout from school. Fathers’ parenting styles are also believed to contribute to children’s ability to understand and communicate emotions. Those studies show that the absence of a father in the family is a big social problem in modern society. So, it is important to encourage fathers to take a more active role in their children’s lives.

① 대안 학교의 필요성 ② 여성 취업의 증가 ③ 평생 교육의 확대 ④ 청소년 범죄의 원인 ⑤ 가정에서 아버지의 역할


다음 글에서 교육에 관하여 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

What is education about? Is it really about learning facts and figures by heart? No, it is not. People criticize modern education because some kids don’t know the multiplication table. But what does that matter in the age of computers? I think education is about something much more important. It’s about teaching people how to live, how to get on with one another, how to form relationships. It’s about understanding things, not just knowing them. I want my kids to understand.

*multiplication table 구구단 ① 수학 교육을 강화해야 한다. ② 첨단 기자재를 활용해야 한다. ③ 진로 지도가 활성화되어야 한다. ④ 충분한 예산이 뒷받침되어야 한다. ⑤ 지식 암기보다는 이해를 유도해야 한다. [35~36] 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


In 1925, after many unsuccessful attempts, Scottish inventor John Baird created the first moving images. Some people disliked the invention, saying it was evil. Fortunately, no one listened to them. This was the beginning of television! The first program went “on the air” in London in 1936. However, it was not possible to manufacture television sets in large numbers until the 1950s. Later, black and white televisions changed to color. Today, a TV set is relatively inexpensive and a central part of life for people all over the world. [1점]

① TV: Necessary Evil ② History of Television ③ A Dangerous Invention ④ The First TV Program ⑤ John Baird, the Great Inventor


Before computers were invented, the words byte and

modem didn’t exist, and a mouse was something that

made some people scream. Words are added to language as new things are invented. Changes in society also cause changes in language. For example, today the people of the former Soviet Union use words like free

market and capitalism. Changes in attitude to the rights

of individuals also affect language. The elderly are now called senior citizens and the handicapped are described as physically challenged.

① Factors in Language Change ② Importance of Language

③ Some Causes of Social Changes ④ Rights and Needs of Individuals ⑤ Characteristics of Modern Age ① ② ③ ④ ⑤


외 국 어 영 역 (영 어 )


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━


Rembrandt에 관한 설명 중, 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

Rembrandt was born in Holland to a wealthy family. He was sent to a fine university, but he did not like his studies. He only wanted to paint. He sketched the faces of people around him. From the beginning, the faces of people fascinated him. When he was 25, Rembrandt went to paint in Amsterdam, where he lived for the rest of his life. After his wife died, he spent all his time painting. But instead of painting what his customers wanted, he painted exactly the way he wanted. Unsold portraits filled his house and he could not pay his debts.

① 가난한 집안에서 태어났다. ② 대학교를 다닌 적이 없었다. ③ 평생을 암스테르담에서 살았다. ④ 처음부터 초상화를 주로 그렸다. ⑤ 그림을 팔아서 많은 돈을 벌었다.


다음 글에서 얻을 수 있는 교훈을 한 문장으로 나타내고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 가장 적절한 것끼리 짝지어진 것은? [1점]

Some years ago, a senior World Bank official boarded a Washington-bound flight from New York with a package of documents under his arm. When a flight attendant was helping him to store it safely under the seat, he said in fun, “Please, be careful. It is a bomb.” Within minutes, someone tapped him on the shoulder, “I want you to get off the flight for an investigation.” Of course he was found completely innocent, but he had to travel on the next plane.

 (A) (B) ① joke  situation ② speech  audience ③ plan  event ④ plan  budget ⑤ speech  subject


다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

A carefully chosen slang expression can sometimes add interest and liveliness to writing. ① It can be helpful in establishing a humorous and casual tone. ② More importantly, in a few cases, it can suggest an attitude or a shade of meaning that a more formal expression could not. ③ In fact, slang is not proper for the comparatively formal writing that college courses demand. ④ Therefore, some formal writing may contain slang expressions. ⑤ But if you feel sure that a slang expression can cause some other effects, don’t be afraid to use it.


글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

However, sometimes our facial expressions do not match our words.

We often express our feelings by doing things like smiling or frowning. ( ① ) Sometimes we use facial expressions to add information to something we are saying. ( ② ) Think about your classmate. ( ③ ) As she raised her eyebrows, she probably said, “Oh, what a surprise to see you here!” Both her face and words expressed her feeling. ( ④ ) If someone says to you, “I’m fine,” but he is looking down and frowning, how do you think he really feels? ( ⑤ ) You can easily know he is trying to hide his feeling.


다음에 열거한 내용이 적용될 수 있는 상황으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점]

◦ Make good eye contact with the other person. ◦ Keep the fingers together with the thumb up

and open.

◦ Slide your hand into the other person’s so that each person’s skin between the thumb and forefinger touches the other’s.

◦ Squeeze firmly.

◦ Pump two or three times from the elbow. ① shaking hands ② giving an address ③ showing the way ④ typing letters ⑤ seeing an eye-doctor



. 다음은 우리나라의 인터넷 이용자 수 및 이용자의 증가율 을 나타낸 도표이다. 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① The number of Internet users has steadily increased since 1997.

② The increasing rate of the number of Internet users is the highest in 1999.

③ The increasing rate of the number of Internet users in 2001 is lower than in 2000.

④ The number of Internet users in 2001 is greater than the total number of those in 1999 and 2000.

⑤ The number of Internet users in 2002 is greater than in 2001, but the increasing rate is lower.

[43~44] 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


Imagine watching a movie with no music! When movies first began, there was no sound. So, an orchestra played in the movie theater to make the movie more enjoyable! Today, the music that goes with a movie is an important part of the movie. In fact, people often remember the music from a movie more than the movie itself. Perhaps you can’t remember the movie Bodyguard, but you might remember the theme song I will always love you. It sold millions of copies worldwide and became one of the biggest selling songs in history. [1점] ① the joy of singing songs

② the process of film-making ③ music in the movies

④ harmony in an orchestra

⑤ the popularity of Hollywood movies


Competition has a place in life. If you want to achieve more success and be better than others, you must adapt yourself to competition. However, everything we do today, whether in doing business or making friends, depends on our ability to get along with one another. In our society, most tasks demand the cooperation of many individuals so that they can be accomplished efficiently. In this situation, we must be supportive and cooperative. It is hard for a person who is cut off from others to have a deep understanding of the world he lives in and to accomplish a success in career.

① 생존 경쟁의 이유 ② 상호 협동의 중요성 ③ 직업 선택의 자유 ④ 인간 소외의 문제점 ⑤ 교우 관계의 개선

[45~46] 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


Anyone who has played a computer game knows that it is great fun. But computer games are also a great way to improve your English. In many games, you can hear all the characters speak real English. The dialogue is slow, clear, and you can usually stop the action and listen to a phrase again. In addition, you have contact with a large number of grammatically correct sentences. These sentences are not only spoken. If you turn on subtitles, you will hear the pronunciation and see the spelling at the same time. The result? More will be left in your memory. [1점]

① 문법은 언어학습의 중요한 요소이다.

② 지나친 컴퓨터 사용은 언어 능력을 떨어뜨린다. ③ 컴퓨터 게임은 영어 학습에 도움이 될 수 있다. ④ 쉽고 명확한 단어 사용은 대화를 즐겁게 만든다. ⑤ 외국어를 정확하고 자연스럽게 구사하는 것은 어렵다.


So many people are frustrated in their relationships. They love their partners, but when there is some trouble, they do not know what to do to make things better. Through understanding how completely different men and women are, you will learn new ways for successfully relating with, listening to, and supporting the opposite sex. Not only do men and women communicate differently, but they think, feel, react, love, and appreciate differently. You should know they almost seem to be from different planets, speaking different languages.

① 상대방을 자신처럼 사랑해야 한다. ② 이성간의 차이점을 인식해야 한다. ③ 늘 새로운 것을 배우려 해야 한다. ④ 사랑을 위해서는 참을 줄 알아야 한다. ⑤ 행복을 원한다면 대화를 많이 해야 한다.


외 국 어 영 역 (영 어 )


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ [47~48] 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. (A)

However, there are two disadvantages to these computer news services. One is that you might miss some fascinating news about a topic that may interest you. And the other is that you miss the wonderful experience of lying on the sofa on a rainy Sunday afternoon with a cup of coffee and looking through every section of the daily newspaper.


Such a specialized paper exists―on your computer. There are many online news services just for you. They allow you to focus on your interests and quickly find articles that you’ll probably want to read. With them, you just type a topic under “Search” or choose one of their topics.


Suppose you absolutely hate news about crime and don’t want to see it on the front page of your daily paper every day. Suppose you love some subject―astronomy, for instance―that is often hard to find in the paper. Is there a newspaper that is written just for you, with only articles that interest you?


위의 (A), (B), (C)를 이어 하나의 글로 구성할 때, 가장 적절한 순서는? ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)


윗글에서 필자가 제시하는 인터넷 신문의 장점으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점] ① 별도의 비용이 들지 않는다. ② 제작에 직접 참여할 수 있다. ③ 종이 낭비를 막을 수 있다. ④ 보통의 신문보다 훨씬 신속하다. ⑤ 원하는 기사만 골라서 볼 수 있다. [49~50] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

There is an old saying in English: “Laughter is the best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects (a) it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve people’s health.

Tests were carried out. People watched funny films, while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. (b) It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; (c) it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet.

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be capable of reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group which tolerated (d) it for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that (e) it helps to produce endorphins in the brain.


윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [1점] ① What Causes Laughter

② Laughter and Health ③ How Exercise Works ④ Smile and Kindness

⑤ Why People Like Funny Programs


윗글의 내용으로 보아, 밑줄 친 부분 중 나머지 넷과 가리키는 바가 다른 것은? ① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e) ※ 확인사항 ○ 문제지와 답안지의 해당란을 정확히 기입(표기)했는지 확인하시오.


관련 문서

I have

중간/기말 대비

는 상대방의 말에 대한 반대 의견을 나타내는 표현이다.. 식당의 음식이 좋았다는 말에 대 한 반대 의견을 표현하고 이유를 말하는

하나는 그 사람을 돕는 것이고, 나머지 하나는 그 사람에게 작은 선물을 주는 것입니다.. 11 해설 주어는 His smile 이며 동사구는 3

가장 중요한 지원제도였던 단체수의계약제도가 2006년 말에 폐지된 반면 중소기업 우수 기술개발제품 에 대한 공공구매는 더욱 강화되고 있다.. 중소기업

중간/기말 대비

05 dancers, stories, movements 06 between good and evil 07 are playing, paint 08 are playing, wear 09 only, allowed, dance 10 that, dancers need to train 11 When, a group of

예외라면 정말 한국인이 없는 지역 (그런 지역에 한국인이 다닐만한 어학원이 있 을지도 의문이지만)에 가서 철저하게 영어로만 서바이벌을 하기로 한다든지, 원어민