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문서에서 국민공감 국토정책 실현을 위한 (페이지 152-164)

이 연구는 국토체감지표 체계를 정립하고 향후 지속적으로 지표를 개발 및 활용하기 위한 방안을 중심으로 한 기초연구이다. 연구의 기간을 감안하여 내용적으로 국토체감

지표에 대한 개념적 정의와 방법론적 접근, 시범지역을 대상으로 일부 체감지표를 시범 구축하여 활용 방안을 모색·제안하는데 연구내용이 국한되어 있다. 향후 국민 수요에 맞는 다양한 국토체감지표를 발굴하고, 체계적으로 생산하기 위한 분석방법을 개발해야 하며, 지표의 신뢰성과 유용성에 대해 삶의 현장에서 주민들과 함께 검증 등 후속 연구가 이루어져야 한다.

특히, 국토체감지표를 국민 수요 관점에서 생산하고 공유하기 위해서는 지표를 발굴하고 생산하는 과정에 다양한 이해관계자가 참여해야 한다. 이를 위해 각 부문별 국토체감 관련 자료생산 주체와 활용주체 간의 협력적 거버넌스를 구축과 역할 분담, 이를 통해 참여형 양방향 지표구축 및 활용체계를 마련하는 연구도 지속되어야 한다. 끝으로 국토체감지표로부터 정책을 발굴하고 모니터링하기 위한 지표의 표준 화, 시각화, 융합화를 위한 방법론에 대한 연구도 후속적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다.

R | E | F | E | R | E | N | C | E


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Keywords: Citizen-oriented Territorial Indicators, Quality of Life

Recently, the aim of territorial policy has switched from growth and development to the pursuit of people’s happiness, emphasizing the quality of life, happiness, locational welfare, cultural convergence, safety and security. Accordingly, the way of measuring policy performance needs to be changed following the shift in policy orientation. Some limitations of currently used territorial indicators have been pointed out. Firstly, most of them are macro indices measuring the degree of total economic growth. Secondly, many indicators have focused on the performance of the supply-side policies for providing public infrastructure and as such, actual demand for the infrastructure has not been properly considered. Thirdly, the production and utilization of indicators has been confined to administrative boundary.

This study is based on the consensus that new framework of building territorial indicators needs to be established in such as way that the actual demand for territorial policies be properly considered in the process of pursuing people’s happiness as one of the critical government goals. To this end, the methodological focus of building new, demand-side indicators is on reflecting place-based reality, convergence, and collaboration. In pursuit of place-based reality, individual, subjective and demand-oriented indicators are developed to supplement the weakness of the current supply-side indicators so that the relevant policy properly

target actual demand. In terms of convergence, territorial statistical data need to be combined to locational information and human behavioral aspects to promote multi-faceted utilization of the indicators. The indicator production framework emphasizing the collaboration among citizens, stakeholder, agencies providing statistical information are suggested in such a way that actual demand are properly incorporated by promoting public participation in the process of building indicators to supplement the problem of the current one-way framework where agencies exclusively lead the whole process of producing indicators.

The place-based and demand-side territorial indicators consist of five sub-categories: stability of community, convenience in using neighborhood infrastructure, efficiency of land use, safety, and amenity considering citizens’

daily demand towards securing living-place, working-place, and recreational-place.

Citizens, public officials, experts presented with the suggested indicators selected some key indicators in objective and subjective terms respectively by survey and advisory conference. For the demonstration purpose, some of the selected indicators representing the daily demands of citizens in the city of Daegu were measured in terms of the degree of satisfaction on accessibility to public transit service, convenient service provision of cultural and welfare public facilities, access to emergency medical services.

In this study, the methodological framework of producing and utilizing place-based, demand-side territorial indicators were presented. In addition, suggested were further works for institutionalizing the territorial monitoring system which cover the whole process of building additional indicators, standardizing data collection and transformation, establishing open collaborative network, constructing sustainable production and utilization system of the indicators, etc., so that the indicators be flexibly applied to citizens’ daily of living, working and recreating from the level of community to metropolitan regions. In the future,

it is expected that the suggested indicators and associated methodological framework are empirically validated and put into institutional use and consequently, provide useful measures of evaluating the performance of territorial policy in perspective of satisfying citizen’s actual demand.


문서에서 국민공감 국토정책 실현을 위한 (페이지 152-164)