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Academic year: 2022

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시사 | 신정현


p.07 Lesson

1 Joining a School Club

Words & Expressions







튼튼 Step 1 p.11

1지원하다 2편안한 3 인기 4 깨진, 고장난 5수리하다 6복도 7, 액자 8전시하다 9이벤트, 행사 10의상, 복장 11회원 12회장 13 사진찍기, 사진술 14키보드, 건반 15참가하다 16대회, 시합 17이제부터는, 지금부터 18 ~을염두에두다 19 ~참가하다 20어디보자.

1 homepage 2 invention 3 band 4 machine 5 mind 6 culture center 7 drum 8 pillow

9 skill 10 compete 11 keyboardist 12 chopstick 13 festival 14 passion 15 genius 16 inventor 17 take pictures 18 make up one’s mind 19 on Mondays 20 be interested in


쑥쑥 p.08

1 the drums 2 comfortable 3 contest 4 join 5 passion 6 apply 7 machine 8 member 9 compete 10 frame 11 participate in 12 on Mondays 13 take pictures

14 in mind 15 Let me see 16 made up her mind

1 Which, or, prefer, to 2 art or sports 3 Which do you prefer

4 Which, prefer, or, How about you, like, better 5 Do, need 6 to take, Yes 7 Do I need 8 May I ask, Do I need to



튼튼 Step 2


1 need 2 Which do you prefer 3 prefer, to 4 the red, the brown 5 how about 6 May I 7 need to 8 Yes, you do 9 bring 10 No, you don’t


무 | 한 | 도 | 전 (B) - (A) - (D) - (C)


1 to join 2 both, and, Which, you prefer 3 From now on 4 Do 5 you don’t need to, on

6 lets join 7 prefer, to 8 on Mondays, Which 9 in your hand 10 newest invention 11 aren’t you 12 every month 13 as 14 cool




1 ⑴ Do I need to drink a lot of [much] water?

⑵ Which do you prefer, red or green?

⑶ I prefer the keyboard to the drums.

2 3 4 5 6 7 need[have]

8 Which 9

1 상대방이어느것을선호하는지물을때 which ~를이용할수있다. 2 ‘~해야하는지’ 의무여부를물어보는표현이다.

3 선호를묻는질문에자신의선호에대한응답을하는말이므로,


4 ‘내가 ~해야하나요?’에해당하는의무여부를묻는표현이들어 가야한다. B의응답에서주어가 you이므로 ②가들어가야한다. 5 ‘너는어때?’라고의견을물어보는표현이다.

6 문맥상 them은 skis를가리키므로 ③에들어가야한다. 7 의무 여부를물어보는표현으로 need가들어가야한다. need

대신 have를사용할수있다.

8 ‘어느것이더좋니?’의의미로의문사 Which가들어가야한다. 9 의무여부를묻는질문에대한응답이들어가야한다. 빈칸뒤에서 매주화요일과목요일에연습한다고했으므로 ⑤가들어가야한다. 1 전시하다: 물건들을잘보이는곳에두다

2 발명품: 발명되어진것

3 천재: 아주뛰어난재능이있는사람 4 회장: 동아리의우두머리

5 고치다: 어떤것을고치거나수리하다 6 드럼: 드러머 = 키보드 : 키보드연주자 7 경쟁하다 : 경쟁 = 발명하다 : 발명

8 그동아리회원들은월요일마다배드민턴을연습한다. 9 나는사진동아리에가입하기로결심했어.



1 display 2 invention 3 genius 4 president 5 repair 6 7 8 9

10 From now on, you are the bands drummer.

11 I am interested in the movie club.

12 What kind of house did you have in your mind?




튼튼 p.17




아하! 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 확인문제

아하! 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F

Reading p.20~21



1 newest 2 largest 3 smallest 4 biggest 5 best 6 most expensive 7 most dangerous 8 happiest


1 clean 2 study 3 help 4 laugh C

1 coolest 2 hardest 3 cheapest 4 most beautiful D

1 to repair repair 2 getting get 3 felt feel E

1 The teacher made her students be quiet.

2 The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo.




1 2 3

4 ⑴ Judy makes her brother study math.

⑵ Fishing is the most exciting activity for me.

⑶ She has the children play soccer.

5 makes, practice 6 the most dangerous

7She is the smartest in our class.

⑵ I made him wash my car. 8 9most the most ⑵ to clean clean

⑶the most strong → the strongest

⑷created create


튼튼 p.23

1 Welcome to, president 2 interested in, right 3 take pictures 4 sometimes 5 Going out 6 During, display 7 most exciting event 8 make, look 9 learn, skills 10 turn, into 11 Have you, heard 12 make, on time 13 be late for, coolest inventions 14 special activities, participate in 15 one of, members 16 the newest 17 To, don’t need 18 passion, ideas, better




1 Jisu, are you still looking at the club activities homepage?

2 Do you have any clubs in mind?

3 I’m thinking about joining the photo club this year.

How about you?

4 I am interested in the photo club and the invention club.

5 Shall we watch those clubs’ videos then?

6 Welcome to FOCUS. I am Yongjin Ahn, the president of FOCUS.

7 Are you interested in photography?

8 Then, FOCUS is the right place for you.

9 At our club, we take pictures of people, places, and things.

10 We sometimes go to parks and rivers on photo trips.

11 Going out with a camera is a lot of fun!

12 During our school festival, we display our photos in the hallway.

13 This is our club’s most exciting event of the year.

14 Do you want to make your friends look better in your photos?

15 Come to our club and learn some special skills.

16 Our club members try to turn their ideas into cool inventions.

17 Have you ever heard of an alarm pillow?

18 In the morning, it will make you get up on time.

19 You will never be late for school again.

20 This is one of our club’s coolest inventions.

21 We have special activities, too.

Lesson 1. Joining a School Club 03 1 ① hot은 ‘단모음+단자음’으로끝나므로자음을한번더쓰고

-est를붙여야한다. → hottest

2 문장의구조로보아목적어와목적격보어를갖는 5형식문장이 므로사역동사 made가빈칸에들어가야한다.

3 ④ make는 5형식을 이끄는 사역동사이므로 practicing을 practice로바꿔야한다.

7 (1) smart의최상급은 smartest이다.

(2) 주어(I) + 사역동사(made) + 목적어(him) + 목적격보어 (wash my car)

8 ②는직접목적어와간접목적어가있는 4형식 문장이고나머지 는모두 5형식문장이다.

9 (1) 최상급앞에는정관사 the를써야한다.

(2), (4) make와 have는사역동사이므로목적격보어자리에 동사원형이와야한다.

(3) strong은 -est를붙여최상급을만든다.


기출 문제


영역별 유형

● 어휘

01 genius 02 03 04 05 06 From now on 07

● 의사소통

01 prefer 02 03 04 (D) (B) (A) (C) 05 06 07 08 Which do you prefer 09 to 10

● 문법

01 visiting 02 03 most 04 feels feel 05 06 07 08 09

10 Swimming is the most interesting activity for me.

● 독해

01 02 03 04

05 an alarm pillow 06 07 08

09 Im thinking about joining the photo club this year.

10 11 the newest 12 13

● 어휘

01 매우 똑똑하거나재능이있으며어떤것을 매우잘하는사람을 천재(genius)라고한다.

02 주어진 <보기>의문장과 ④에서는 ‘가입하다, 들어가다’라는의 미로사용되었고나머지는 ‘합류하다’라는의미로사용되었다. 03 세상에없던것을최초로만드는것은 ‘발명품’이다. 04 be interested in: ~에관심[흥미]이있다

● 의사소통

01 선호표현하기: I think A is better than B는 I prefer A to B로바꾸어쓸수있다.

02 허락을 구하는 A의말에 ‘물론이지.’라며 흔쾌히수락했으므로 다음에 ‘어서하세요.’라는내용이오는것이알맞다.

03 Shall we ~?는제안이나 권유를나타내므로, 승낙의 표현인 Sure!가들어가야한다.

05 ⑤는권유나제안하는질문이므로 ‘마음껏드세요’라는 대답은 맞지않는다.

06 ③을제외하고는모두둘중어느것이더좋은지묻는표현이다. 07 문맥상의무여부를묻는표현이들어가야하므로, ④가질문으


08 B의대답으로보아선호를묻는표현인 which do you prefer 를써야한다.

09 prefer A to B: B보다 A가더좋다 10 대화의흐름상물건을권하는표현이알맞다.

● 문법

01 전치사 about의목적어는동명사(-ing) 형태로나타낸다. 02 사역동사 make는목적어가행위를 하는주체(능동)이면 목적 22 We sometimes participate in invention contests.

23 Last year, one of our club members won second prize in a big contest.

24 Every September, we put the newest inventions on display and invite friends and families to see them.

25 To become a member of Inventopia, you dont need to be a genius.

26 Just bring your passion and ideas.

27 We can make things work better together.


도전 p.26

1 Are you still looking at the club activities homepage?

2 I’m thinking about joining the photo club this year.

3 I am interested in the invention club.

4 At our club, we take pictures of people, places, and things.

5 Going out with a camera is a lot of fun!

6 During our school festival, we display our photos in the hallway.

7 This is our club’s most exciting event of the year.

8 Our club members try to turn their ideas into cool inventions.

9 Have you ever heard of an alarm pillow?

10 You will never be late for school again.

11 Last year, one of our club members won second prize in a big contest.

12 To become a member of Inventopia, you don’t need to be a genius.


무 | 한 | 도 | 전




After You Read C

hold, every year, During vacation, share, compete with, be like

After You Read D

Let me see, prefer, make up my mind, shall we, interested in, most exciting, display, look, happy, will join

Language in Use B

there are, feel comfortable, repairing machines, broken machine

Writing Connection C

The most popular, the largest number, makes, help the fewest, popularity



우리 학교! p.34~37


01 02 03 04 turn, into 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 changing change 17 18축제기간동안복도에사진을전시하는 19 20 with 21 22

23 They invite friends and display their inventions.

24 25

Lesson 1. Joining a School Club 05


03 3음절이상의형용사의최상급은 「the+most+형용사」이다. 04 make는사역동사로목적어가능동이면목적격보어로동사원형

을쓴다. 따라서동사 feels는원형인 feel을써야한다. 05 ③ Peter가셋중에서가장몸무게가많이나간다.

06 make가 5형식문장에쓰이면목적격보어로형용사또는 동사 원형이올수있다.

07 ④ happy의최상급은 happiest이다.

08 one of 복수명사 / 주어역할을하기위해서는동명사나 to부정 사의형태가되어야한다.

09 ⑤ the most large → the largest

10 interesting의최상급은 most interesting으로 most 앞에정 관사 the를붙인다.

● 독해

01 ②는주어가 Going out with a camera이므로 are가아니라 is로써야한다.

02 be interested in: ~에 관심이[흥미가] 있다 / in the hallway: 복도에

03 ③ 사진클럽멤버들은사진들을나눠주지않고전시한다. 04 turn A into B: A를 B로바꾸다

05 앞문장에있는자명종베개를가리킨다.

06 위글 ⓒ의 make는사역동사로 ‘~가 …하도록만들다’라는의 미로 5형식문장을만들지만, ②는 ‘만들다’라는의미의일반동 사로쓰였다.

07 one of + 복수명사: ~ 중의하나 08 have ~ in mind: ~을염두에두다

09 be thinking about+-ing: ~하려고생각중이다

10 Shall we ~?는 ‘우리 ~할까?’라는뜻으로, 제안이나권유를나 타낸다. Let’s ~로바꿀수있다.

11 new의최상급은 newest이다.

12 글의흐름상열정과아이디어가있으면된다는표현이들어가는 것이자연스럽다.

13 ① Inventopia 발명클럽멤버가되기위해꼭천재일필요는 없다.

01 축제는무엇인가를축하하기위해여는행사이다.

우리 학교!


단원별 p.38~41

01 pillow 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

10 (She comes to practice) Twice a week.

11 (C) (B) (A) (D) 12 13 14 15 This festival is the most exciting event this year.

16 feels feel 17 18 makes 19 20 21 an alarm pillow

22 23 24 25 why dont we

02 have ~ in mind: ~을마음에두다 / be interested in: ~관심 이있다

03 ④는 invention에대한설명이다. 04 turn A into B: A를 B로바꾸다

05 participate in: ~에참가하다 / don’t need to: ~할필요가없다 06 ③ From now on: 지금부터는, 앞으로는

07 사역동사 make 다음에목적어와목적격보어의관계가능동이


08 상대방의동아리활동을칭찬해주는내용이들어가야한다. 09 빈칸뒤에이어지는내용으로보아긍정의응답이알맞다. 10 밑줄친부분은 ‘컴퓨터보다사진찍기가더좋다’는의미이므로


11 about은전치사이므로목적어로 쓰이려면 동명사 joining을 사용해야한다.

12 ⑤ hard의최상급은 the hardest이다

13 ③은현재진행형을만드는현재분사이고나머지는모두동명사 이다.

14 ②는 be동사 is와일반동사 play가같이쓰일수없기 때문에 현재진형행의문장으로 「주어 +be동사 +-ing」 형태로나타내 야한다.

15 형용사 dangerous의최상급은 the most dangerous이다.

16 사역동사 make목적어가능동일경우 목적격보어로동사원


17 ‘사진을찍다’는의미를나타내는관용표현은 take pictures이다. 18 This가나타내는 내용은바로 앞에있는 문장으로, 축제 기간


19글의내용에는사진봉사활동에대한언급이없다. 20 compete 다음에 with가나와 ‘~와경쟁하다’를뜻한다. 21 발 명 동 아 리( i n v e n t i o n c l u b )에 관 한 내 용 이 므 로

Edisonians, An Invention Club이제목으로적당하다.

22 ② 발명동아리멤버들은다른발명동아리의사람들과경쟁을


23 매년 ‘과학의 날’에 Edisonians 회원들은친구를초대하고발 명품들을전시한다.

24 popular의최상급은앞에 most를붙이고, strong의최상급은 뒤에 -est를붙인 strongest이다.




나오는 시험에


01 ⓐ Go ahead ⓑ Do I need to apply to join the club 02 The elephant is the biggest animal in the zoo.

03 Playing the piano is the most boring activity for me.


최고난이도 p.44

01 Do I need to bring

02 ⑴My mother makes me do the dishes.

⑵Paul’s teacher makes him wash his hands.

03 [모범답안]Photography is the most interesting activity for me. / Travelling to other countries is the most interesting activity for me.

04 [모범답안] ⑴Minji is the shortest of the three.

⑵Junsu is the heaviest of the three.

⑶He is also the tallest of all.

01 머리아래에목이아프지않게받쳐주는것은 ‘베개(pillow)’이다. 02 take pictures: 사진을찍다 / take a walk: 산책을하다 03 ‘회사나팀에책임을지는사람’은 president(회장)이다. be in

charge of: ~에책임이있다

04 turn A into B: A를 B로바꾸다 / prefer A to B: B보다 A를 더좋아하다

05 apply to: ~에지원하다

06 B의응답은 선호 묻기에 대한 응답이므로 Which do you prefer, A or B?의형태로물어봐야한다.

07 ③ 수학과영어중에서어떤걸더좋아하냐는질문에역사를좋 아하지않는다는대답은어울리지않는다.

08 from now on은무엇을시작할때 ‘이제[지금]부터’라는 의미 로쓰인다.

09 매일연습하느냐는질문뒤에이어지는대화 내용으로보아 ⑤ 가가장자연스럽다.

10 위대화에서화요일과목요일이라고나오므로, 그녀는일주일에 두번연습하러온다.

12 ④ 사역동사 make는목적어다음에목적격보어로동사원형이 온다.

13 ④에서 make는 ‘만들다’로쓰여목적어가나오는 3형식문장이 고, 나머지 help, have, let 사역동사로 5형식문장을이끈다. 14 ②는 I think baseball is better than soccer.가되어야같은


15 형용사 exciting은 「the+most+exciting」의형태로최상급을 만든다.

16 make는사역동사로목적어가능동이면목적격보어로동사원형 을쓴다. 따라서 feel을써야한다.

17 ① 뒤에이어지는문장에서가장많은회원수라고했으므로, 가 장인기가많다는내용의주어진문장은 ①에위치하는것이자 연스럽다.

18 사역동사 make(s)가 ‘~를 …하게 하다’라는 의미로쓰이며 5 형식문장을이끈다

19 ② 발명자의동아리는언제시작하는지알수없다. 20 participate in ~: ~에참가하다

21 밑줄친 ⓐ는앞문장에나온 an alarm pillow를가리킨다. 22 ④ 본문에회원가입자격에대한언급은없다.

23 ② 학교동아리가입에관한대화이다.

24 선호를물어보고대답하는표현에는주로 prefer가쓰인다. 25 shall we 다음에동사원형이왔으므로 why don’t we로바꿔


10 be thinking about 구문뒤에는동명사가쓰인다.

11 ‘~해야하나요?’라고의무여부를물을때는 Do I need to ~?


12 둘 중 하나에 대한 상대방의 선호에 대해 물을 때는 의문사 which를이용한다.

13 사역동사 make는 「주어+make+목적어+목적격보어」의형태 로쓰며, 목적어와목적격보어가능동관계일때는동사원형으 로써야한다.

14 cool의최상급은 coolest이다. 최상급앞에소유격이왔으므로 정관사 the는쓰지않음을주의한다.

15 「사역동사(make)+목적어+목적격보어(동사원형)」를활용하여 영작한다.

16 최상급 newest를활용하여영작한다.

01 의무여부를묻는표현에는 Do I need to ~?, Do I have to

~?, Is it necessary to ~?, Should I ~? 등이있다. 02 「주어+make+목적어+목적격보어」의형태로문장을완성한다. 03 최상급표현을이용하여가장좋아하는활동에대해답한다. 04 tall, short, heavy, light 등의최상급표현을이용하여글을완성


04 This is the most beautiful diamond ring in the world.

05 The computer is the most important invention.

06 My math teacher is interested in baseball and cycling.

07 I’ll wait until he makes up his mind.

08 My father has a black sports car in mind.

09 He will participate in the Olympics next year.

10 She is thinking about making dinner for her parents.

11 bring → to bring 12 What → Which 13 telling tell 14 most cool coolest 15 My grandmother always makes people feel


16 We put our newest inventions on display every year.

17 The hottest city is Sydney.

18 The coldest city is Moscow.


p.47 Lesson

2 Fun Science Around Us

Words & Expressions




1 2놓다; 장소 3 바꾸다; 변화 4 흩뿌리다 5준비하다 6따르다 7 ~ 없이 8맛있는 9건강한 10궁금한, 호기심이많은 11지시, 지침 12증가하다 13 , 향, 풍미 14간단한 15붓다 16낮추다 17절반; 절반의 18금속의 19제조기 20 ~하는방법 21 A부터 B까지 22 A를 B에추가하다 23 ~를생각하다

1 article 2 bowl 3 microwave 4 recipe 5 energy 6 freezer 7 syrup 8 yogurt 9 washing machine 10 light bulb 11 heat 12 chopstick 13 possible 14 noodle 15 stir 16 temperature 17 timer 18 square 19 relax 20 come up 21 according to 22 depend on 23 turn into


쑥쑥 p.48

1 lower 2 decrease 3 impossible 4 simple 5 unhealthy 6 directions 7 sprinkle 8 prepare 9 turns into 10 coming up 11 depends on 12 According to

13 The amount of recycled paper is increasing.

14 Add chocolate syrup to the milk.

15 She washed her baby from head to toe.


도전 p.49

1 article 2 recipe 3 stir 4 microwave 5 change 6 light bulb 7 timer 8 freezer 9 washing machine 10 coming up 11 depends on 12 The amount of information on the Internet is


13 How did the strawberries turn into jam?

14 What do you think of Korean people?

15 Can you tell me how to get ink out of clothes?





튼튼 Step 1

1 how to use, easy 2 good at, how to make

3 Could you tell me, First, set, take, out 4 wash, how to do, in the water, from, to 5 how, type, write

6 make yogurt, and, yogurt maker, add, to, for, few 7 First, Second, Third, Last



튼튼 Step 2


1 after school 2 how to use 3 to change 4 good at 5 how to 6 according to 7 First, square

8 inside 9 circle under 10 Last, star 11 how to 12 First, turn, around 13 four times

14 Second, put 15 Third, over, stay 16 Last, slowly, for


무 | 한 | 도 | 전 (C) - (B) - (A) - (D)


1 looks delicious 2 made it myself 3 how to 4 Can you tell me 5 Let me write 6 add, to 7 going to 8 wrong 9 ink, upset

10 too bad, worry 11 get, out of 12 What should 13 for a day 14 made 15 without 16 can’t believe 17 put, into, sprinkle 18 Why, need

19 heat from milk




1 2 ⑴ Can you tell me how to send an email?

⑵ First, put the food in the microwave.

⑶I know how to use a washing machine.

3 4 5 worry ⓑ to get 6 7 8

1 ‘~하는방법을알고있다’의뜻으로능력을표현한다.

3 ‘~하는방법’의뜻으로방법을표현할때에는 「how to+동사원 형」으로나타낸다.

4 add A to B: A를 B에더하다

Lesson 2. Fun Science Around Us 07



아하! 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 확인문제

아하! 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T

Reading p.60~61



튼튼 p.63




1 2 3 4 to eat 5 three sheets of 67 8 ⑴ I have some pictures to show you.

⑵ He is looking for somebody to talk with.

⑶ He usually has a salad and two pieces of cake.

⑷ She drinks three cups of coffee a day.

9 ⑴ Cathy has two DVDs to watch this weekend.

⑵ We need a house to live in.

⑶ I bought two bottles of water at the mart.

1 how to make 2 anything 3 need 4 Without 5 brought 6 three cups of 7 one cup of 8 half 9 Place, inside 10 Stir, with 11 depends on

12 turn into 13 takes, from 14 goes down 15 need the salt 16 add salt

17 lower 18 for ice cream 19 or

20 add, syrup 21 different flavors of 22 Lets try 1 수량표시에사용하는물질명사는단수형태로써야하므로, ⑤

에서 cakes는 cake로바꿔써야한다.

2 앞의명사를수식하는형용사적용법의 to부정사가되어야하므 로빈칸에는 to가들어가야한다.

3 주어진문장의 to부정사는형용사적용법이다. ① 형용사적용법

② 명사적용법 ③ 부사적용법 ④ 명사적용법 ⑤ 부사적용법 4 형용사적용법의 to부정사가들어가야하므로, to eat이적절하다. 5 물질명사 paper는 a sheet of를이용하여수량을표시하며, 복수 로쓸때는수사와함께단위명사 sheet의복수형을사용해야한다. 6 cake의수량을나타낼때에는 a piece of를이용하며, 복수는


7 ④에서 friends를꾸며주는 to부정사뒤에전치사 with가들어 가야한다.

8 (1) 형용사적용법의 to부정사를이용해야한다. (2) 형용사적 용법의 to부정사이고, 전치사 with가필요한 것에주의한다. (3) two pieces of를이용하여 cake의수량을나타낸다. (4) three cups of를이용하여물질명사인 coffee의수량을표현 한다.




튼튼 p.57

A 1 bread 2 paper 3 coffee 4 chalk 5 water

B 1 to visit 2 to do 3 to attend 4 to send


1 give → to give 2 glass glasses 3 wasting → to waste


1 There is no chair to sit on.

2 I have no money to lend him.

3 I have a sheet of paper to make something.

A 물질명사의수량 표시는각 명사에맞게 단위명사를이용하여


B 앞의명사를수식하는형용사적용법의 to부정사가들어가야한다. C 1, 3. give, wasting은앞의명사를수식하는형용사적용법의


2. 물질명사의 수량표시는 단위명사를써야 하므로 glass는 glasses로써야한다.

D 1, 2. 명사를수식하는형용사적용법의 to부정사를이용한문장 이다.

3. a sheet of는물질명사 paper의수량표시를위한단위명사이다. 5 ⓐ 부정명령문은 「don’t+동사원형」으로나타낸다. ⓑ how 뒤

에 to부정사를써서 ‘~하는방법’이라는의미를나타낸다. 6 열거를할때가장먼저오는말이 First이므로 Second가있는


7 요구르트를만드는방법을설명하는대화에서요구르트가건강 에좋다는내용은흐름상어색하다.

8 ‘시도하다’는 try, ‘직접’은 myself, ‘~할것이다’는 be going to로나타낸다.








1 I read a newspaper article about how to make ice cream and thought of you, Miss Curious.

2 I dont see anything to be curious about.

3 Its because we dont need a freezer with the recipe.

4 Without a freezer? Is that possible?

5 Yes. I brought the recipe. Here it is.

6 Things to prepare: milk, ice, salt, a big bowl, a metal cup, chopsticks

7 Steps to Follow

8 Put three cups of ice in the bowl.

9 Sprinkle one cup of salt over the ice.

10 Pour half a cup of milk into the metal cup.

11 Place the metal cup inside the bowl.

12 Stir the milk with chopsticks.

13 The amount of time to stir the milk depends on the amount of milk.

14 How can milk turn into ice cream without a freezer?

15 Its because ice takes heat from the things around it.

16 So the temperature goes down and the milk turns into ice cream.

17 Why do we need the salt?

18 It can lower the temperature around the ice to -20℃. 19 Thats the temperature of a freezer for ice cream.

20 Now do you understand?

21 Can we make chocolate or melon ice cream, too?

22 Just add chocolate or melon syrup to the milk.

23 You will get different flavors of ice cream.

24 (That) Sounds interesting! Lets try it right now.


도전 p.66

1 I read a newspaper article about how to make ice cream.

2 It’s because we don’t need a freezer with the recipe.

3 Yes, I brought the recipe. Here it is.

4 Put three cups of ice in the bowl.

5 Place the metal cup inside the bowl.

6 The amount of time to stir the milk depends on the amount of milk.

7 How can milk turn into ice cream without a freezer?

8 Its because ice takes heat from the things around it.

9 So the temperature goes down and the milk turns into ice cream.

10 It can lower the temperature around the ice to -20℃. 11 Just add chocolate or melon syrup to the milk.

12 Pour half a cup of milk into the metal cup.


무 | 한 | 도 | 전

After You Read C

how to, that, at first, Adding, the most interesting, helps, take

After You Read D

for making, to try, cups of, sprinkle, takes heat from, half a cup of milk, place, inside, need to stir, turns into, how it tastes

Writing Connection B

two pieces of, for, four pieces of, a glass of

Writing Connection C

are going to, to prepare, To cook, steps to follow, First, pour, add, when, boil, for

Check Up B

Let, to treat, clean cloth, clean, with water, until, dries

기출 문제


영역별 유형

● 어휘

01 02 03 04 05 depends on 06 07 08

● 의사소통

01 02 03 04 (C) (B) (D) (A) 05 06 07 how 08 09

● 문법

01 to 02 03 04 05 how to cook 06 07 I need something fun and exciting to do.

08 She has a lot of friends to help her.

09 Jane needs some paper to write on.

10 I dont see anything to be curious about.


● 독해

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10냉동고없이아이스크림을만드는 11 12 how to treat 13 14

15 I thought science was very difficult

● 어휘

01 신문이나잡지에있는한편의글은 article(기사)이다. 02 sprinkle의의미는 ‘흩뿌리다’이다.

03 ①은 ‘긴장을풀다’라는 의미의동사 또는 ‘휴식’이라는의미의 명사이고나머지는모두형용사이다.

04 recipe: 조리법

05 depend on: ~에달려있다, ~에의해결정되다

Lesson 2. Fun Science Around Us 09


우리 학교!


p.74~77 단원별

01 02 03 04 turns into 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 stay → to stay 18 19 We have four bottles of water to drink. 20 in 21 22 23 to 24

25 Lunch: a sandwich, an orange, a can of soda, and four pieces of chocolate

Dinner: spaghetti, a glass of tomato juice, and a cup of hot chocolate

06 increase와 develop는유의어관계이고나머지는모두반의어 관계이다.

07 place:  놓다  곳, 장소

08 수학문제를잘푼다고했으므로 be good at ~ 표현을이용한 문장과의미가가장비슷하다. be good at: ~을잘하다

● 의사소통

01 오븐의사용법을아는지묻고있으므로 how to use가들어가 야한다.

02 A: 바이올린을연주하는방법아세요? B: 아니요, 몰라요. 03 순서대로열거할때, first, second, third를사용한다. 04 (C) 엄마, 이전구를어떻게바꾸는지아세요? - (B) 미안, 나는

어떻게하는지몰라. 아빠한테물어보는게어때? - (D) 네. 아 빠, 이거어떻게바꾸는지아세요? - (A) 물론이지. 내가가르쳐 줄게.

05 ②는권유나제안하는질문에 대해 ‘미안해, 난어떻게하는지 몰라’라는대답은어색하다.

06 how to+동사원형」은 ‘~하는 방법’이라는 의미를 지니며,

「how I should+동사원형」으로바꾸어쓸수있다. 07 「how to+동사원형」은 ‘~하는방법’이라는의미를지닌다. 08 대화의흐름상상대방말에놀라는표현이알맞다.

09 방과후에어머니를자주도와주고여러가지집안일에능숙한 것으로보아다정하고가정적인성격임을알수있다.

● 문법

01 첫번째문장은 「의문사+to부정사」 구문이고, 두번째문장은형 용사적용법의 to부정사구문이므로둘다 to가들어가야한다. 02 ②에서는 a pen을수식하는형용사적용법의 to부정사가되어

야하므로 writing을 to부정사로바꿔써야한다. → a pen to write with

03 형용사적용법의 to부정사가수식하는명사를찾아야한다. 보 통, 긍정문에서는 something, 부정문에서는 anything을사 용한다.

04 ④는 add A to B로 to가전치사로쓰었고, 다른 나머지모두 to부정사로쓰였다.

05 how I should cook ~ = how to cook ~

06 물질명사는셀수없고, 단위명사를이용하여수량을나타낸다. 07 to부정사용법으로, -thing으로끝나는명사를수식할때는 「명

사 + 형용사 + to부정사」의어순이된다.

08 형용사적용법의 to부정사로, 앞에오는명사를수식한다. 09 형용사적용법의 to부정사로, 앞에오는명사를수식한다. 이문

장에서는전치사 on에주의한다.

10 anything을수식하는형용사적용법의 to부정사가필요하므로 being은 to be로수정해야한다.

11 ④ 물질명사의수량을나타낼때복수형일경우단위명사에 -s 또는 -es를붙인다.

● 독해

01 turn into = change into (~되다, 변하다) 02 바로앞에나온질문에대한이유를나타낸다. 03 turn into: ~되다, 변하다

04 이야기흐름상흥미롭게들린다는표현이알맞다. 05 depend on: ~달려있다. ~의해결정되다 06 아이스크림을만드는조리법(recipe)관한내용이다. 07 ①소금의양보다세배많은얼음이필요하다. 08 「how + to부정사」로 ‘~만드는방법’을의미한다.

09 to부정사용법으로, to부정사가앞에나온명사를수식한다. ② 는 add A to B, to전치사로쓰였다.

10 that바로앞의내용을가리킨다.

11 글의흐름상아이스크림을만드는조리법을가져온것을의미하 는 ③응답으로알맞다.

12 「how + to부정사」로 ‘~하는방법’을의미한다. 13 베인상처를치료하는절차에대한내용이다.

14 의미상 ⓐ에는 ‘~ 없이’라는의미를가진 without들어가야 고, ⓑ에는 add ~ to 구문이되어야하므로 to들어가야한다. 15 ‘나는과학이매우 어렵다고생각했다’라는 의미의구문을만들


01 possible의반의어는 impossible이다.

02 전자파에너지에의해음식이조리되거나가열되는기계는전자 레인지이다.

03 lower는 low의비교급으로 ‘더낮은’이라는 의미로쓰이기도 하고, ‘(온도를) 낮추다’는의미의동사로도쓰일수있다. 04 ‘~로변하다’는 turn into ~로쓰는데, 시제가현재이고주어가

3인칭단수이므로 turns into가되어야한다. 05 ③ according to ~는 ‘~에따라, ~에따르면’이다.

06 ⑤는제안을 표현하는문장이므로 ④에서처럼 That sounds great! 정도로응답해야한다.

07 ④ 흐름상 ‘하지만나는그걸 만드는방법을몰라.’가어울리므 로But I don’t know how to make them.이되어야한다. 08 전치사 for + -ing(동명사) / 「how + to부정사」는 ‘~하는방



Lesson 2. Fun Science Around Us 11

우리 학교!


단원별 p.78~81

01 02 curious 03 04 turns into

05 on, into 06 07 I know how to send an email.

08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19, ,

20 because 21 22 23 24 25 09 Let’s ~(~하자) 구문을쓰는것이자연스럽다.

10 write ~ down: ~을쓰다 / add A to B: A를 B에추가하다 11 대화 내용의흐름상 Good Luck!(행운이있기를!)이가장적


12 ⑤ 아이스크림만드는것을설명하는내용이고현재 직접만들 고있지는않다.

13 물질명사의 수량표현으로복수형일경우수사와함께 -s 또는 -es를단위명사에붙인다.

14 ⑤의 to는전치사로쓰였고, <보기>와나머지문장들은 to부정 사의형용사적용법으로쓰였다.

15 ②에서 ‘무엇을해야할지’라는 의미는 「what+to부정사」로나 타낸다.

16 ②는 ‘시리얼한그릇’이되어야하므로 a bowl of를단위명사 로쓰고, 나머지는 ‘한조각’이라는의미의단위명사인 a piece of로쓸수있다.

17 to부정사의형용사적용법으로, to부정사(to stay)가앞에나온 명사 a hotel을수식한다.

18 물질명사의 복수형은 「수사+단위명사복수형+of+물질명사」 의형태로나타낸다. ① a piece of advice: 충고 한마디 ② two cartons of apple juice: 사과주스두곽 ③ a slice of bread: 빵한조각 ④ a bottle[glass] of beer: 맥주한병[잔]

⑤ a bowl of soup: 수프한그릇

19 물질명사의 복수형은단위명사를복수형으로나타낸다. to부정 사는명사뒤에쓰이면앞에나온명사를수식하는형용사의역 할을한다.

20 pour ~ in: ~에붓다 / put ~ in: ~에넣다

21 ③ 만드는설명첫단계(First) 바로전에위치하는것이자연스 럽다.

22 ⑤ 위글에서는라면수프가얼마나매운지에대한언급은없다. 23 add A to B: A를 B에덧붙이다[추가하다]

24 아빠의설명에 Nancy가흥미를느끼며재미있겠다고답했으므


01 the amount of: ~의양

02 ‘더많은것을 알고싶고 관심을가지는’이라는 의미는 ‘호기심 많은(curious)’이다.

03 무언가준비되도록만들다: 준비하다(prepare)

04 turn into: ~로되다, 변하다

05 depend on: ~에달려있다 / turn into: ~로변하다 06 be good at: ~을잘하다

07 how to+동사원형: ~하는방법

08 ⑤ 이야기순서에따라마지막설명을할때는주로 Last를쓴다. 09 흐름상 ‘사용하는방법’이라는내용이와야하므로 how to use


10 내용상사용방법순서로맞는것은 ②이다.

11 글의흐름상잉크묻은것에대한유감을표현하는말이들어가 야한다.

12 ②의앞문장이옷에잉크가묻은내용이므로 ‘속상하다’는내용 은바로뒤에위치하는것이알맞다.

13 get A out of B: A를 B로부터없애다[제거하다] 14 글의흐름상만드는방법을아는지묻는것이알맞다. 15 what+to부정사: 무엇을 ~할지 / to부정사의형용사적용법 16 ②의빈칸에는 ‘~의위로’라는의미의전치사 over가오고, 나

머지는 to부정사가앞의명사를수식하는형용사적용법으로쓰 인다.

17 cake의단위명사는 piece이다. a can of cake → a piece of cake

18 ③ 물질명사의복수형은단위명사의복수형으로나타낸다. two sheet of papers → two sheets of paper

19 advice와 information 역시앞에 a piece of를붙여각각 ‘충 고한마디’와 ‘정보하나’라는의미로쓸수있으나 ‘손에들고 있다’는내용과어울리지않기때문에정답이될수없다. 20 앞에서물어본 내용에 대해 이유를말해주고 있으므로이유를

나타내는접속사 because가들어가는것이적절하다.

21 냉동고없이어떻게아이스크림을만들수있는지에대해대화 하고있다.

22 위글에서아빠는얼음에소금을넣으면주변온도를영하 20도 까지낮추어줄수있다고했다.

23 ⓐ와 ⑤는 ‘두다’라는의미의동사로쓰였고, ①~③은 ‘장소’라 는의미의명사로쓰였다. ④의 my place는 ‘우리집’이라는의 미이다.

24 depend on: ~ 에달려있다

25 왜얼음위에소금을뿌리는지에대한응답은나와있지않다.



시험에 나오는


01 something, to 02 four glasses 03 five bowls 04 three pieces 05 a cup of 06 two bottles

07 My mother’s birthday is coming up soon.

08 The princess doesnt know what to wear for her party.

09 Please add some ice to your water when you drink.

10 The future of the team depends on your decision.

11 Alice got a job at the museum to volunteer on Fridays.

12 Ricky has a lot of homework to do.

13 She’s looking for a guesthouse to stay in during her trip.

14 Jim has a few colleagues to meet at church on Sundays.

15 Let me tell you how to treat a cut.

16 The wizard turned into a handsome prince.

17 I want to do something special to show my friends.

18 to watch

19 a baseball game to watch 20 to go on Tuesday, Thursday 21 four comic books to read


최고난이도 p.84


01 ⑴ how to plant a tree

⑵ what to say about your friend

⑶ where to go

⑷ when to get off

02 First, ask a librarian how to make a library card and make one for yourself.

Second, go to a computer to get to know where you can find a book you are looking for.

Third, go to the bookcase and find the book. Last, show the book to the librarian with your library card and borrow it.

03 I ate a bowl of cereal, a glass of milk, and scrambled eggs for breakfast. At lunch time, I ate curry and rice, a glass of orange juice, an apple, and potato salad at school. For dinner, I ate bulgogi, jabchae, a bowl of sikhye and two pieces of cake.

01 something이형용사와함께 to부정사앞에쓰일때는 「something+형용사+to부정사」의형태로나타낸다.

02~ 06 물질명사의수량표현으로복수형일경우수사와함께단 위명사에 -s 또는 -es를붙인다.

07 come up: 다가오다

08 what + to부정사: 무엇을 ~ 해야할지 09 add A to B: A를 B에덧붙이다[추가하다] 10 depend on: ~에달려있다

11 Alice는금요일마다자원봉사할박물관일자리를얻었다. 12 Ricky는해야할숙제가많다.

13 그녀는여행하는동안머무를게스트하우스를찾고있다. 14 Jim은일요일마다교회에서만나는직장동료가몇몇있다. 15 사역동사 let+목적어+동사원형: ~하게하다 / treat a cut: (베

인) 상처를치료하다. 16 turn into: ~이되다. 변하다

17 something이형용사와함께 to부정사앞에쓰일때는


01 「의문사+to+동사원형」 표현을이용하여문장을완성한다. 02 명령문을이용하여 책을 대여하고 반납하는과정을 나타낸다.

해설열거를할때는 First ...., Second ..., Third .... 등의 표현을이용한다.


p.87 Lesson

3 Traditional Games

from Around the World

Words & Expressions







튼튼 Step 1 p.91

1놀라운 2몇몇의 3 깨뜨리다; 휴식 4 편안한 5요리, 접시 6막대 7유익한 8형성하다 9선물 10궁금한, 호기심이많은 11표시, 상징 12득점하다 13 14영화 15때리다 16인기있는 17두뇌, 18던지다 19나오다, 개봉하다 20 ~을알아내다 21어서빨리 ~하고싶다 22 ~대해궁금해하다

1 player 2 beach 3 culture 4 blind 5 delicious 6 reporter 7 service 8 documentary 9 circle 10 helpful 11 home country 12 traditional 13 website 14 recipe 15 shout 16 information 17 introduce 18 surprisingly 19 according to 20 similar to 21 talk about 22 take care of


쑥쑥 p.88

1 break 2 form 3 popular 4 brains 5 traditional 6 similar to 7 can’t wait to 8 take care of

9 come out 10 find out 11 hit 12 break 13 throw 14 scores


도전 p.89

1 player 2 shout 3 reporter 4 throw 5 informative 6 7 8 9 break 10 I want to find out more about you.

11 When you see a fire, you should shout.

12 I’m curious about how to play sipa.

1 What, I think, helpful information 2 about having, take care of

3 do you, works hard, always tries, That’s why 4 What, living, think, difficult 5 about, Can, singer 6 curious about, think, no idea, more, kinds of, Still,

noodles, spaghetti



튼튼 Step 2


1 What, about 2 is good 3 think about 4 I think, helpful 5 always smile, feel 6 interested in 7 am curious about, want to 8 in 9 the country of 10 home country

11 heard, for 12 wait to see 13 Where did you 14 visited 15 do there 16 went to, for dinner 17 curious about 18 a lot of 19 sounds


1 What, think 2 I think 3 don’t like 4 think, boring 5 came out 6 about 7 food cultures 8 curious about

9 How[What] about 10 talk about, think about 11 good for, when 12 how about you 13 dont think 14 playing, to stop


무 | 한 | 도 | 전 (B) - (D) - (C) - (A)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 about 8

1 의견을 물을때는 What do you think about ~?을사용하 고, 자신의의견을말할때는 I think ~로나타내므로, 빈칸에는 think가들어가야한다.

6 상대방의의견을묻는 표현으로 What do you think about

~? 또는 What's your opinion on ~? 등을쓸수있다. 7 What do you think about ~?은 ‘~에대해 어떻게생각하

니?’의의미를나타내고, How about you?는 ‘너는 어떠니?’

의의미로 What about you?와바꿔쓸수있다. 1 선수: 게임이나스포츠에참가한사람

2 외치다: 큰소리로말하다 3 보도자: 기사를보도하는사람 4 던지다: 공중에어떤것을보내다 5 유익한: 유익한사실을제공하는

6 난다큐멘터리영화가유익하고재미있다고생각해. 7 나는남동생을돌볼수있다.

8 그것에는몇가지이유들이있다.

Lesson 3. Traditional Games from Around the World 13





1 Hi, Im Tom Reilly from Teens Report.

2 Today our student reporters are going to talk about traditional games from around the world.

3 Let’s go first to Paul in the U.K. Are you there, Paul?

4 Yes, Tom. I’d like to introduce “rounders”.

5 Its similar to baseball.

6 To play “rounders”, you need two teams.

7 Can you see the player hitting a small, hard ball with a bat?

8 The team scores points when a player goes around all four bases.

9 Playing this game is always fun.

10 Id like to try it. Thank you, Paul.

11 Now lets go to Seoul, Korea. Come in, Sora.

12 Thanks, Tom. Can you hear my family shouting?

13 They are playing a popular Korean game,


14 To play yunnori, you need a board, four yut sticks, and small tokens.

15 Players on each team throw the yut sticks in the air, and get do, gae, geol, yut, or mo.

16 You move your tokens on the board according to the sticks.

17 Your team’s tokens should arrive back at the starting point first to win the game.

18 My mom looks excited because she got yut.

19 You know why? When you get yut or mo, you can throw the sticks again.

20 Thank you, Sora. That looks like a lot of fun.

21 Finally, we have Abina here to introduce a game from Ghana.

22 Hello, Tom. I’m Abina in Ghana.

23 People here enjoy playing menya kwan mansen with their friends.

1 첫 번째 문장은 「look+형용사」 구문이고, 두 번째 문장은

「look like+명사」 구문이므로, 3인칭단수인 looks가공통으 로들어간다는것을알수있다.

2 모두 지각동사가 있는 5형식문장이다. 목적격보어로 현재분 사나동사원형이 올수 있으며, ④는 to shop을 shop이나 shopping으로고쳐야한다.

3 ‘~처럼보이다’는목적어로 a waiter가왔으므로 「look like+

명사」 구문을쓴다.

4 지각동사(see)의목적격보어로진행을나타내기때문에현재분 사(hitting)를사용하여나타낸다.

5 주어진문장의밑줄친부분은현재분사이다. ⑤는동사 enjoy 의목적어로동명사 (~하는 것)이고, 나머지는모두 현재분사 (~하고있는중인)로쓰였다.

6 ‘~인것같다’는 「look+형용사」로나타내며, 이유를나타내는 접속사는 because이다.

9 (1), (3) 「주어+지각동사+목적어+동사원형[현재분사] ~」

(2) look like+명사: ~처럼보이다 Grammar



튼튼 p.97


1 singing 2 burning 3 like 4 surprised 5 touch B

1 shouting 2 looked 3 like 4 dancing C

1 excitedly → excited 2 to bake → baking / bake 3 called calling / call


1 Hana sees the cat climbing the tree.

2 They look happy when they eat my dishes.



1 23 looked like 4 see, hitting 567 to dance dancing[dance]

⑵ sang→singing[sing] ⑶ with→like

8 I saw my mom shopping[shop] at the store.

⑵ He looks very smart.

⑶ The person looks like a young woman.

9 ⑴ Can you hear my little brother shouting?

⑵ The game looks like a lot of fun.

⑶ You see many children holding hands to form a circle.



아하! 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T

Reading p.100~101





1 to talk about 2 similar to 3 To play 4 see, hitting 5 scores points 6 always fun 7 hear, shouting 8 are playing 9 need a board 10 throw 11 according to 12 to win

13 look excited 14 throw 15 looks like 16 to introduce 17 enjoy playing

18 holding hands 19 breaks the circle 20 Why


Lesson 3. Traditional Games from Around the World 15




1 It’s similar to baseball.

2 Can you see the player hitting[hit] a small, hard ball with a bat?

3 Playing this game is always fun.

4 Can you hear my family shouting[shout]?

5 You move your tokens on the board according to the sticks.

6 My mom looks excited because she got “yut”.

7 That looks like a lot of fun.

8 People here enjoy playing “menya kwan mansen”

with their friends.

9 With this game, you see many children holding[hold]

hands to form a circle.

10 When the player inside breaks the circle and gets out, another game starts.


무 | 한 | 도 | 전




After You Read C

when, again and again, one, best players, It, to break

After You Read D

What do you, see, holding, curious about, is trying to, looks like, Shall, find out

Language in Use C

to sing, similar to playing, according to

Writing Connection C

weekends, talk with, sound like, Why dont

Check Up F

look like, when, smell, cooking, look happy

기출 문제


영역별 유형

● 어휘

01 traditional 02 03 04 05 06 similar to

● 의사소통

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 came out 08 09

● 문법

01 to climb → climbing[climb] 02 03 04 05 Ryan saw Judy shopping[shop] at the store.

06 My dad heard someone calling[call] his name.

07 08 move / moving 09 10 11

● 독해

01 02 03

04 holding / hold 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

● 어휘

01 traditional은 ‘오랜 기간동안 사회에서지속되어온방식들에 속하는’이라는의미의단어이다.

02 I can’t wait to: 나는정말 ~하고싶다 / What do you think about ~?: ~에대해어떻게생각하니?

03 사실을바탕으로한영화는다큐멘터리라는장르이므로정답은


04 look after: ~을돌보다 (= take care of) 05 come out은 ‘나오다, 개봉하다’는의미로쓰인다. 06 similar to는 ‘ ~와비슷한’이라는의미로쓰인다.

● 의사소통

01 상대의생각을묻고있으므로이에대한응답으로 ②가가장적 절하다.

02 ⑤는상대방의생각이나의견을물으므로의견을표현하는대답 이나와야한다.

03 be curious about ~은 ‘~에대해궁금하다’는의미이므로 ⑤ 가문맥상가장비슷한표현이다.

04 문맥상 ‘딱딱한, 질긴’이라는의미이므로 tough로바꿔쓸수있다. 05 식당의서비스에대한상대방의의견을묻는표현이오는 것이


06 식사를하는 중인지모두마쳤는지에대해서는대화를통해알 수없다.

07 come out: 개봉하다, 나오다

08 제안이나권유를나타내는표현은 How[What] about ~?이다. 09 대화의흐름상 최근 개봉된음식에 관련된 다큐멘터리에대한


● 문법

01 지각동사 see 뒤에목적격보어로, 목적어와능동관계를이루는 24 With this game, you see many children holding

hands to form a circle.

25 One player is inside the circle. The person says,

“Menya kwan mansen! 26 It means “I want a way out!”

27 When the player inside breaks the circle and gets out, another game starts.

28 Thanks, Abina. Today we learned about some traditional games.

29 Why don't you try playing them with your friends?

30 This is Tom Reilly.


관련 문서

8 선행사가 the time 이고 빈칸 이하에서 시간을 나타내는 부사 구 at the time 을 대신해야 하므로, 빈칸에는 관계부사 when 또는 at which 가 알맞다...

11 나머지는 선행사와 빈칸 뒤에 쓰인 명사의 소유 관계를 나타 내는 소유격 관계대명사 whose가 필요하지만, ③은 주격 관 계대명사 which나 that이

As Sangmin told the story, Juwon wasn’t really listening again?. Juwon seemed to be thinking

놀람을 나타내는 표 현을 하는 것이 자연스럽다... 구문은 뒤에 이어지는 주어에 따라

국제물류주선업자는 국제물류주선업의 전부 또는 일부를 휴지 또는 폐지하고자 하는 경우에는 미리 국토 해양부장관에게 신고하여야

16 내용상‘먹이를 줄 세 마리의 괴물들’ 이라는 의미가 되어야 하므로 동사 feed 는 monsters 를 꾸며 주는 형용사적 용법의 to 부정사 형태로 써야 한다.. 19 빈칸

11 -thing 으로 끝나는 대명사는 형용사가 뒤에서 수식을 한다.. 12 수식하는 형용사가 뒤에 있으므로 빈칸에는 -thing 으로 끝나 는

Constitutional President Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, International. Financial Services