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① 당신은 필요로 합니다:


Academic year: 2021

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중3영어 동아(이병민) 01과 본문 어순 ①

Find a Dream and Live It!

Part 1

① 당신은 필요로 합니다:

1) (need / you)

② 스파게티 스틱 20개

2) (spaghetti / of / 20 sticks)

③ 마시멜로 1개

3) (marshmallow, 1)

④ 테이프 1미터

4) (of / 1 meter / tape)

⑤ 줄 1미터


(string / of / 1 meter)

⑥ 규칙:

6) (rules)

⑦ 각각의 팀은 4명의 사람이 있습니다.

7) (four / team / each / has / people)

⑧ 당신은 너의 반에 가장 높은 탑을 지을 필요가 있습니 다.


(in / build / have / your / the / class / you / tallest / to / tower)

⑨ 마시멜로가 꼭대기 위에 있어야 합니다.

9) (be / marshmallow / on / the / must / top)

⑩ 탑은 스스로 서야 합니다.


(stand / tower / by / the / must / itself)

⑪ 시간제한은 15분입니다.


(is / time / the / limit / 15 minutes)

⑫ 이 활동은 다음에 좋습니다.

12) (good / activity / this / is / for)

⑬ 관계성을 구축하는 것

13) (relationships / building)

⑭ 문제를 해결하는 것

14) (solving / problems)

⑮ 창조적으로 생각하는 것

15) (creatively / thinking)

Part 2

① 마시멜로 도전을 어떻게 하셨나요?


(challenge / do / did / the / how / marshmallow / you)

② 각각의 팀은 마시멜로 도전을 다르게 합니다.


(challenge / team / marshmallow / every / does / the)

③ 몇몇 예들을 봅시다.


(some / look / let’s / at / examples)

Œ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Can’t, I Can’t, but We Can Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, Can’t, but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can 중3영어 동아(이)


http://moruhaka.tistory.com 지이다영어교실

② 01과 본문 어순 중3영어 동아(이병민)

④ 당신은 어느 것을 가장 좋아하나요?

19) (you / one / like / which / do / best)

⑤ A팀 / 당신이 행동하기 전에 생각하라.

20) (act / before / think / you / TEAM A)

⑥ 우리는 많은 좋은 생각들을 가졌습니다.

21) (good / had / we / many / ideas)

⑦ 우리는 서로에 대해 자세히 이야기했습니다.

22) (detail / each / talked / idea / we / in / about)

⑧ 우리가 최고의 아이디어를 고르는 것은 쉽지 않았습니 다.


(choose / easy / the / was / best / for / it / idea / us / not / to)

⑨ 갑자기 선생님이 말씀하셨습니다,

24) (the / said / suddenly / teacher)

⑨ “5분 남았다.”

25) (minutes / five / left)

⑩ 서둘러서,

26) (a / in / hurry)

⑩ 우리는 스파게티 스틱들을 함께 테이프로 묶었습니다.

27) (together / sticks / taped / of / we / spaghetti / the)

⑪ 그러고 나서, 우리는 그것들 주변을 실로 감쌌습니다.

28) (them / the / we / string / then / around / wrapped)

⑫ 줄이 테이프에 들러붙었습니다,


(tape / stuck / string / to / the / got / the)

⑫ 그리고 그것은 엉망이었습니다.

30) (a / it / big / and / was / mess)

⑬ 1초를 남겨두고,

31) (one / left / with / second)

⑬ 저는 꼭대기에 마시멜로를 두었습니다!

32) (marshmallow / put / on / I / the / top)

Part 3

① B팀 / 한번 해보는 거야.

33) (TEAM B / do / just / it)

② 우리는 계획하는 것에 많은 시간을 보내지 않았습니 다.


(planning / much / didn’t / time / we / on / spend)

③ 모든 구성원들이 당장 탑을 쌓는 것을 시작했습니다.

35) (members / tower / started / right / the / building / away / all / the)

④ 우리의 첫 번째 탑은 텐트처럼 보였습니다.

36) (tent / looked / first / like / our / tower / a)

⑤ 그것은 매우 높지 않았습니다.

37) (wasn’t / tall / it / very)


지이다영어교실 http://moruhaka.tistory.com

중3영어 동아(이병민) 01과 본문 어순 ③

⑥ 우리는 다시 시도했습니다.

38) (tried / we / again)

⑦ 다음 탑은 높았습니다,

39) (was / next / the / tower / tall)

⑦ 하지만 그것은 혼자서 설 수 없었습니다.

40) (stand / it / by / but / couldn’t / self)

⑧ 많은 시도 후에,

41) (many / after / tries)

⑧ 우리가 아름답고 높은 탑을 쌓는 것이 가능했습니다.

42) (a / for / beautiful / was / and / us / tall / it / to / possible / build / tower)

⑨ 그것은 피사의 사탑처럼 보였습니다.


(the Leaning Tower of Pisa / looked / it / like)

⑩ 우리는 마침내 우리가 원했던 것을 만들었습니다!

44) (what / finally / we / we / made / wanted)

Part 4

① C팀 / 우리는 한 팀입니다.

45) (one / we’re / TEAM C / team)

② 우리는 최고의 아이디어를 고르기 위해 노력하지 않았습 니다.


(idea / to / didn’t / choose / we / the / try / best)

③ 대신에, 우리는 좋은 아이디어를 취해서 그것을 바탕으 로 향상시켰습니다.


(improved / a / we / on / good / instead / it / idea / took / and)

④ 한 학생은 우리가 튼튼한 기초가 필요하다고 말했습니 다.


(strong / we / student / needed / base / one / a / said)

⑤ 또 다른 학생은 기초를 위해 삼각형 모양을 제안했습니 다.


(for / a / the / student / base / triangle / another / shape / suggested)

⑥ 우리 모두는 동의하고 역할을 나누었습니다.


(the / and / all / roles / divided / we / up / agreed)

⑥ 시간 확인하는 사람, 테이프를 자르는 사람 등

51) (cutter / checker / as / and / such / tape / time)

⑦ 우리는 한 팀으로서 함께 일했습니다.

52) (as / worked / a / we / together / team)

⑧ 결국, 우리는 우리의 높은 탑을 쌓았습니다!

53) (tall / we / the / tower / built / in / our / end)


교과서 본문은 출판사 및 공동저자에게 저작권이 있습니다.

ⓒ 2019. Minkyu Hwang.

All right reserved

http://moruhaka.tistory.com 지이다영어교실

④ 01과 본문 어순 중3영어 동아(이병민)

중3 동아(이) 01과 본문 어순


1) You need:

2) 20 sticks of spaghetti 3) 1 marshmallow 4) 1 meter of tape 5) 1 meter of string 6) Rules:

7) Each team has four people.

8) You have to build the tallest tower in your class.

9) The marshmallow must be on top.

10) The tower must stand by itself.

11) The time limit is 15 minutes.

12) This activity is good for:

13) Building Relationships 14) Solving Problems 15) Thinking Creatively

16) How did you do the marshmallow challenge?

17) Every team does the marshmallow challenge differently.

18) Let’s look at some examples.

19) Which one do you like best?

20) TEAM A / Think before you act.

21) We had many good ideas.

22) We talked about each idea in detail.

23) It was not easy for us to choose the best idea.

24) Suddenly the teacher said, 25) “Five minutes left.”

26) In a hurry,

27) we taped the sticks of spaghetti together.

28) Then, we wrapped the string around them.

29) The string got stuck to the tape 30) and it was a big mess.

31) With one second left,

32) I put the marshmallow on top!

33) TEAM B / Just do it.

34) We didn’t spend much time on planning.

35) All the members started building the tower right away.

36) Our first tower looked like a tent.

37) It wasn’t very tall.

38) We tried again.

39) The next tower was tall 40) but it couldn’t stand by itself.

41) After many tries,

42) it was possible for us to build a beautiful and tall tower.

43) It looked like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

44) We finally made what we wanted!

45) TEAM C / We’re one team.

46) We didn’t try to choose the best idea.

47) Instead, we took a good idea and improved on it.

48) One student said we needed a strong base.

49) Another student suggested a triangle shape for the base.

50) We all agreed and divided up the roles 51) such as time checker and tape cutter.

52) We worked together as a team.

53) In the end, we built our tall tower!


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