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Shoulder pain

The Effects of IASTM Using Vibration Stimulation on Shoulder Muscle Activity, Flexibility and Pain of Chronic Shoulder Pain Patients

The Effects of IASTM Using Vibration Stimulation on Shoulder Muscle Activity, Flexibility and Pain of Chronic Shoulder Pain Patients

... chronic pain on muscle activity and flexibility of the ...chronic shoulder pain were divided into the experimental group and the control ...measure pain, and the paired t-test to compare the ...


A case of cavernous lymphangioma causing shoulder pain

A case of cavernous lymphangioma causing shoulder pain

... causing shoulder pain Ji Hoon Park, MD 1 , Bum Sang Lee, MD 1 , Jong Kyu Lee, MD 1 , Soo Kyung Jang, MD 1 , Jin Hwan Kim, MD, PhD 1 , Jung Won Kim, MD 2 , Dong Jin Lee, MD, PhD ...


Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain in Shoulder Subluxation after Stroke: Associated with Range of Motion Limitation

Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain in Shoulder Subluxation after Stroke: Associated with Range of Motion Limitation

... The results from multivariate logistic regression analysis are summarized in Table 3. Of particular note, ROM of flexion and rotator cuff atrophy were significantly related to HSP in stroke patients (Nagelkerke R 2 = ...


A Case of Syringomyelia with Back and Shoulder Pain

A Case of Syringomyelia with Back and Shoulder Pain

... and shoulder pain, numbness of the upper right limb, headaches and ...and shoulder pain which was reduced greatly from a VAS score of 6 between ...


The clinical efficacy of thoracolumbar fascia release for shoulder pain

The clinical efficacy of thoracolumbar fascia release for shoulder pain

... SPADI: shoulder pain and disability index, TLFR: thoracolumbar fascia release, MPT: manual physical therapy. a Independent t-test, b paired t-test. patient, placed both the hands on the TLF area and ...


The Effect of Stabilization Exercise using Tele-rehabilitaion on Muscle Activity, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index in Rural Elderly People with Chronic Shoulder Pain

The Effect of Stabilization Exercise using Tele-rehabilitaion on Muscle Activity, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index in Rural Elderly People with Chronic Shoulder Pain

... Objective: This study covered the effect of stabilization exercise on muscle activity, shoulder painanddisability index(SPADI) oftheelderly people with chronic shoulder pain by tele-re[r] ...


The Effect of Cervical Kyongrak Massage on Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Exercise Range and Mood in the Elderly

The Effect of Cervical Kyongrak Massage on Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Exercise Range and Mood in the Elderly

... indicate that Cervical Kyongrak Massage may be an effective adjunct therapy for improving shoulder pain, shoulder exercise range and mood, and is considered as a independent and availabl[r] ...


The Shoulder Pain due to Metastatic Breast Cancer -A Case Report-

The Shoulder Pain due to Metastatic Breast Cancer -A Case Report-

... causes shoulder pain and limits movement of the shoulder ...of shoulder pain include calcific tendinitis, degenerative arthropathy, joint dislocation, fracture, and primary or ...


Correlation between Neck and Shoulder Pain, Neck and Shoulder Disability, Headache and Smartphone Addiction in Adults with Sleep Disorders

Correlation between Neck and Shoulder Pain, Neck and Shoulder Disability, Headache and Smartphone Addiction in Adults with Sleep Disorders

... (Shoulder Pain and Disability Index; SPADI) 통증 정도에 따른 통증 항목 5문항과 상지의 다양한 일상생활동작과 함께 움직임의 장애 정도를 측정하기 위해 고안된 장애 항목(Function/disability subscale) 8문 항 등 총 13개의 평가 항목을 가지고 ...


Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in Neck and Shoulder Pain Syndrome

Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in Neck and Shoulder Pain Syndrome

... of pain and concentration sections were merely ...of shoulder function which might be affected by ESWT is important to improve the quality of life in ...of shoulder ROM in group B is thought by ...


The Effect of Scapulothoracic Exercise and Thoracic Mobilization on Shoulder Pain and Function in Shoulder Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear

The Effect of Scapulothoracic Exercise and Thoracic Mobilization on Shoulder Pain and Function in Shoulder Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear

... Purpose : The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of scapulothoracic exercise and thoracic mobilization on shoulder pain and function in individulas with shoulder partial[r] ...


Effects of Kinesio Taping on Muscle Tone, Stiffness in Patients with Shoulder Pain

Effects of Kinesio Taping on Muscle Tone, Stiffness in Patients with Shoulder Pain

... Ⅱ. Methods 1. Subjects This study included 22 patients with shoulder pain who were treated at the S hospital in Daegu, Korea. The subjects were divided into the experimental group and control group, ...


Visuomotor Coordination Deficits of Ipsilateral Upper Limb in Stroke Patients with Shoulder Pain

Visuomotor Coordination Deficits of Ipsilateral Upper Limb in Stroke Patients with Shoulder Pain

... limb pain will lead to the restrictions of functional ...to pain of ipsilateral upper limb can be further aggravated the restrictions of functional ...


A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials on Acupuncture Treatment for Shoulder Pain

A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials on Acupuncture Treatment for Shoulder Pain

... Key words : shoulder pain, acupuncture, RCT, FEAS, modified Jadad score Ⅰ. 서 론 견관절은 신체 중에서 최대의 가동성을 갖는 구관 절로서 상완골두가 큰 반면 견관절와는 작고 얕아서 매우 불안정한바 조직의 손상이나 통증이 나타나기 쉽다 1) . 실제로 2009년도 건강보험 통계지표에서는 질 병 소분류별 다발생 ...


Relationship of neck disability index, shoulder pain and disability index, and visual analogue scale in individuals with chronic neck pain

Relationship of neck disability index, shoulder pain and disability index, and visual analogue scale in individuals with chronic neck pain

... neck pain and ...neck pain would affect lower back ...nal pain and disability in patients with chronic neck or lower back pain undergoing conservative treatment They reported that neck and ...


A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Topical Herbal Gel Treatment for Chronic Shoulder Pain

A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Topical Herbal Gel Treatment for Chronic Shoulder Pain

... Relief of chronic neck and shoulder pain by manual acupuncture to tender points — a sham-controlled randomized trial.. Complementary Ther Med.[r] ...


Therapeutic Exercises for Shoulder Pain

Therapeutic Exercises for Shoulder Pain

... 근육 에너지 요법이란 운동이 제한되어 있는 관절을 그 병 리학적 한계(pathologic barrier)까지 도달하여 저항을 가하 고 그 후 근긴장이 해소되는 이완된 위치까지 환자의 관절 을 움직여 근육이 이완되도록 하고 그 후 중립위까지 관절 을 조심스럽게 되돌려 놓고 마지막으로 근긴장의 재발 없 이 잘 견딜 수 있는 기[r] ...


Baduanjin Exercise for Shoulder Pain: A Systematic Review

Baduanjin Exercise for Shoulder Pain: A Systematic Review

... 학술지 발표가 되지는 않았지만 Ma LB 15) 의 연구 에서는 다른 연구들과는 다르게 관절경하 견봉성형 술을 시행한 후 발생한 견관절의 충돌증후군에 한방 치료인 팔단금과 침 치료와 양방치료인 항염증 약 물, 어깨 기능 운동 치료를 병행하는 것이 양방치료 만을 시행하는 것보다 UCLA shoulder score 상 유의한 효과가 있는 것을 확인 할 수 있었으며, 이는 현 시점에서 ...


Subacromial bursa injection of corticosteroid on hemiplegic shoulder pain

Subacromial bursa injection of corticosteroid on hemiplegic shoulder pain

... 목적: 뇌졸중 환자에서 어깨 통증은 흔히 발생하며 이로 인하여 기능 향상에 지장을 초래하고, 치료에 잘 반응하지 않으며 치료에도 시간과 비용이 많이 소요된다. 뇌졸중 후 발생한 어깨 관절주위 질환(periarticular shoulder disorders)을 가진 환자를 대상으로 전향적 무작위 이중맹검 대조군 연구를 통하여 초음파를 ...


Joint and Soft-Tissue Injection of the  Shoulder Pain

Joint and Soft-Tissue Injection of the Shoulder Pain

... clinical pain syndromes, and with ade- quate patient selection as well as proper injection tech- nique, morbidity can be reduced below that encountered with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ...Assoc Pain Med ...


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