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중2 영어 천재(이재영) 1-2과_사하중 기출문제


Academic year: 2021

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다음 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 잘 짝지어진 것은? [1과]1

⦁The science room is clean, but the art room is (A)____________.

⦁Kelly is carrying a bag. It looks heavy, but it is (B)____________. (A) (B) ① dirty easy ② dirty clean ③ messy bright ④ messy light ⑤ messy full 다음 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [1과]2

(The phone rings.) W: woman, B: boy

W: Hi, Jongha. B: Hello, Grandma.

I'd like to visit you this Saturday. W: That'll be great.

We can plant some vegetables together. B: Really? What kind of vegetables?

W: This time. I'm planning to plant some tomatoes and peppers.

B: Wow! That'll be fun.

W: I heard it's going to be sunny this Saturday. You should bring your cap.

B: Okay, I will.

W: Why don't you put on sunscreen before you leave?

B: No problem. I'll see you on Saturday. W: Okay. Bye.

① This is the conversation between Jongha and grandma.

② Grandma will visit Jongha this Saturday. ③ Grandma tells Jongha a special plan. ④ Jongha likes his grandma's offer.

⑤ Jongha will prepare for his cap and sunscreen before leaving for grandma's.


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다음 그래프의 해석으로 적절하지 않은 것은? [1과]3 ① 위 그래프는 한해의 계획에 대해 200명의 <Teen Today>독자들에게 물어본 결과를 나타낸 것이다. ② 한 해의 계획으로 가장 많은 학생들이 ‘새로운 친구를 사 귀기’를 대답하였다. ③ 한 해의 계획으로 총 학생의 14%가 학생들이 ‘좋은 성 적 받기’ 라고 대답하였다. ④ 26명의 학생은 ‘책을 읽는 데 더 많은 시간 가지기’를 자 신의 한해 계획으로 이야기 하였다. ⑤ 200명 중 19명은 올해 유용한 기술을 배우고 싶어 한다. 다음 Mike가 쓴 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과] My Phone Habit

I want to change my phone habit. I use my phone when I feel bored. I text my friends or play games on the phone. I know that it is a waste of time. From now on, I will do two things to break the habit. I will turn off my phone after 10 p.m. I will also download a phone control app to use my phone less often. If I feel bored, I will talk to my family or read comic books.

위 글을 참고하여 Mike가 휴대폰 사용습관을 바꾸고 싶어

하는 이유를 찾아 다음 문장을 완성하시오.4

He thinks that using too much phone is

_________________________________________ ________. 위 글에서 Mike가 습관을 바꾸기 위해서 할 일 두 가지를 찾아 한국말로 쓰시오.5 (1)______________________________________ (2)______________________________________ 다음 문장 속 밑줄 친 부분이 올바른 것은?6

① I want to be a friend which is kind. ② Sue is carrying a dog who has long ears. ③ An orange is a fruit which have a lot of Vitamin C.

④ Ann was the person whom I met on the way home.

⑤ The book who I need on the bus was a movie magazine.


텍스트를 입력하세요.

다음에 이어질 대화의 순서가 알맞은 것은? [1과]7

A: Do you have a special goal for the year? B: ______________________________________ A: : ______________________________________ B: : ______________________________________ A: : ______________________________________

ⓐ I'm planning to run every morning. ⓑ I'd like to be healthier.

ⓒ Cool! How would you like to achieve your goal? ⓓ Sounds god. ① ⓑ-ⓒ-ⓐ-ⓓ ② ⓑ-ⓒ-ⓓ-ⓐ ③ ⓑ-ⓐ-ⓒ-ⓓ ④ ⓐ-ⓒ-ⓑ-ⓓ ⑤ ⓐ-ⓓ-ⓒ-ⓑ
 다음 대화를 읽고 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 공통 단어를 고른 것 은? [1과]8

Girl: Can I talk with you for a minute, Minsu? Boy: Sure. What is it?

Girl: I'm working on my weekly schedule. Boy: Really? Good for you, little sister.

Girl: Here. Have a look and give me some advice. Boy: Hmm, you have a lot of study time.

Girl: Yeah, I'm going to study hard.

Boy: Why don't you add some (A)____________? Girl: (A)_______________?

Boy: Yeah, I mean you need to relax once in a while.

① idea ② opinion ③ downtime ④ study plans ⑤ useful skills

다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 어색한 것은? [2과]9

A: What are you cooking, Brian?

B: I'm making kebab. Would you like some? A:


① I'd love some. ② Yes, thank you. ③ Yes, I'm very full.

④ No thanks, I dont' eat meat. ⑤ No, thank you. I'm not hungry.


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다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1과]

Beginning a new school year is stressful to many students. How can we get off to a good start? Teen today asked Raccoon 97, a popular webtoon artist, for ideas. Let's think about things that are hard to change or easy to change.

Things That Are Hard to Change

Your Messy Room_ You clean it up. Then you bring new stuff into it, and it soon gets messy again. But don't worry. Your room is much (A)clean than mine. Your Family_ There is always someone in your family who drives you crazy. Remember that he or she is still a member of your family. You just have to live together and care for each other.

Your Name on Your Teacher's List_ If you are late or do not behave, your teacher will put your name on his or her list. You cannot easily change the list.

Things That Are Easy to Change

Your Underpants_ If you change them every day, your mom will not tell you one hundred and one times. Your Friends_ You can change your friends. Does it sound strange? You may think that you have the perfect number of friends. If you add a new friend to the list, however, you will feel even (B)good than before. Your Mind_ You thought one thing at first, and now you think another thing. That is okay. As someone said. "If you can change your mind, you can change your life." "Focus on the things that are easy to change, and try to make today better than yesterday. Good luck!"

위 글을 잘 이해한 사람을 고른 것은?10 ① 가희: Raccoon97은 유명한 화가야. ② 향기: 이 글은 바꾸기 쉬운 것에 집중하고 어제보다 나은 내일을 위해 노력하라는 교훈을 줘. ③ 현정: 친구는 ‘바꾸기 어려운 것’에 속해. ④ 남희: ‘만약 자신의 마음을 바꾸면 친구도 바뀐다.’는 부 분이 인상 깊어. ⑤ 경희: 행동을 바르게 했을 때 적힌 선생님의 명단속 이름 은 바꾸기가 어렵지. 위 글의 (A), (B)의 형태로 알맞은 것끼리 짝 지은 것은? 11 (A) (B) ① clean good ② cleaner gooder ③ cleaner more better ④ cleaner better ⑤ more cleaner better

위 글을 읽고 다음 질문에 대한 답을 영어로 쓰시오.12

Q: Why does your room get messy again soon?

<조 건> ⦁주어는 I로 시작할 것 ⦁ 위 글을 참고하여 because를 제외하고 6-7단어로 작성 할 것 Because _________________________________________


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다음 Mike의 계획표를 보고 <조건>에 맞게 대화를 완성하 시오. [1과]13

Jake: Hey! Mike, what are you going to do tomorrow? I have a lot of homework about science project. Can you help me?

Mike: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm going to meet Jenny to watch a movie.

Jake: Really? then how about this Saturday? Do you have a special plan?

Mike: I'm so sorry again. _________________________________________ <조 건> ⦁현재진행형 시제로 작성할 것. ⦁동사 plan을 사용하여 문장을 완성할 것. _________________________________________ 다음 문장의 알맞은 곳에 who, which를 넣어 문장을 완 성하여 쓰시오.14

(1) The museum I wanted to visit is not open today. (2) Do you know the boy Ms. Wright is talking to?

(1)______________________________________ (2)______________________________________

When What

tomorrow watch a movie this Saturday go to a concert


텍스트를 입력하세요.

정답 ④ 1 ② 2 ④ 3 a waste of time 4 휴대폰 조절앱 설치하기 / 10시이후 휴대폰 끄기 5 ④ 6 ① 7 ③ 8 ③ 9 ② 10 ④ 11

I bring new stuff into it 12

I'm planning to go to a concert. 13

(1) The museum which I wanted to visit is not open today. 14


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