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Keywords: Sharing economy, Urban Space

Today, the sharing economy is increasing fast and penetrating our everyday lives. Especially this study focuses on the utilization of urban spaces based on the sharing economy. The main goal of this study is to suggest policy recommendations for vitalizing urban spaces based on the sharing economy, and for solving potential conflicts and institutional problems due to urban space sharing.

First, we reviewed the mechanism and background of the sharing economy.

The sharing economy has the win-win system in which all stakeholders have mutual benefits by utilizing unused resources. The growth of the sharing economy is mainly due to the reputation system and instant information delivery by The Internet of Things(IOT). In addition the recent global economic shrinkage vitalizes the unused resource sharing rather than owning new products.

Next, we investigated foreign policies and practices for vitalizing the urban spaces based on the sharing economy. In Japan, the sharing economy is utilized as a tool of urban regeneration for solving urban problems such as vacant houses and stores. British central government refines the regulation system and adopts demonstration projects for supporting the sharing economy. In America, local and state governments develop diverse policy tools for ensuring safety such as car sharing insurance and homeowner residence requirement for home-sharing.



The third part of this study dealt with policy trends related to the sharing economy in Korea. 5 metropolitan cities and 25 small and medium cities made ordinances for vitalizing the sharing economy. The national government starts to recognize the sharing economy as a new agenda in our society.

The fourth part of this study analyzed the sharing types of urban spaces and addressed their implications and challenges in terms of urban policy in Korea.

Diverse urban spaces are traded, shared and utilized in creative ways due to the development of internet and mobile technologies. The technology development makes it possible to vitalize unused or underused urban spaces such as vacant rooms of houses, vacant offices, daytime vacant parking lots in residental areas, and vacant public facilities in the evening or on weekend. The sharing economy also shows potentials as a policy tool for solving diverse urban problems. However the sharing of urban spaces may raise social issues such as security problem, land use violation and tax evasion.

Therefore, we suggest that national and local governments utilize actively urban space sharing for urban problem solving and urban regeneration, and at the same time that they improve the institutional system to solve issues related to security, land use, and tax. Through the sharing-based urban regeneration we can achieve second-class citizen residence stability, job creation, and slum prevention by utilizing vacant houses, vacant stores and vacant offices in the declined areas. Related to institutional improvement, we recommend that parking lot sharing be associated to car-sharing for avoiding traffic congestion, that commercial home-sharing be limited in residential areas, that coworking spaces be vitalized in the regulation free zone, and that public facilities be utilized as multi-used spaces for citizen.


Sharing Cities Julian Agyeman 외 2013

구분 과제명 책임자 년도 연구내용

구분 과제명 책임자 년도 연구내용

구분 과제명 책임자 년도 연구내용

[부록 2] 회의록

이라는 컨퍼런스가 있었음

(법적 문제)

대전벌집 간판 1 대전벌집 간판 2

대전벌집 2층 오피스 공간 대전벌집 2층 회의실

대전벌집 2층 제작실 대전벌집 2층 부엌

대전벌집 지하1층 강당 대전벌집 회의

출처: 직접 촬영

- 현재 다양한 사업을 하고 있고, 올해 주력으로 하는건 셰어하우스 사업임 (벌집의 공유플랫폼 사업)

- 프로토 타입으로 시작으로 만들어보긴 햇는데 관리비용도 엄청 많이 들어 현재는 오프라인 사업에 집중

- 슬레이라는 외국의 툴을 가져와서 적용시키고 있음