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종합적이고 체계적인 관점의 계획수립과 조정

문서에서 그 림 차 례 (페이지 132-138)

건설금융관련 제도는 상당부분 건설교통부와 재정경제부, 금융감독원 등 여러 부처가 관련되어 있다. 다양한 부동산, 건설관련 제도를 관장하는 건설교통부와 재정 및 금융을 다루어 오던 재정경제부간의 업무영역이 중첩되고 서로 다른 이 해관계로 인해 같은 제도가 중복 추진되어 혼란과 비효율을 발생 시키고 있다.

건설금융과 관련된 건설업체 및 금융기관 같은 활동주체들도 일관되지 못한 정부의 관리․감독과 정책으로 인해 혼란을 겪게 되며, 효율적인 경제활동이 어 렵게 된다.

건설금융 관련 제도의 효율적이고 체계적인 추진을 위해서는 관련 부처간의 업무와 역할이 명확하게 분담되고 이를 협의․조정할 수 있는 기능이 필요하다.

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참고문헌 123


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Strengthening the Financing in the Construction Industry

Myeong-soo Kim, Hyeock-Jin Kwon

Severe recession and restructuring in the financial industry caused by economic crisis in 1997 have made financial condition of enterprises getting worse. Especially construction companies which are more sensitive to financial condition have recorded higher debt ratio than other industries.

Construction companies cut down construction investment and expenditure mainly owing to the so-called "financial constraints".

Therefore the vicious cycle arises from investment reduction and results in the long-term depression of the construction industry.

Many efforts such as the introduction of new type of project financing, ABS(Asset Backed Securities) and REITs(Real Estate Investment Trust) have been made to overcome construction financing difficulties. Although many problems have been incurred in the enforcement process of these financing methods, any suitable plan to solve those problems is not proposed yet.


This study is designed to get over the basic problems by approaching the problem comprehensively and systematically and to find out possible solutions. In order to achieve this object, first we examine factors and problems which are the main cause of the "financial constraints" in existing direct and indirect financing. Then we analyse status, problems and improvement plans.

The introduction in the first chapter refers to study overview including the background, necessity, object, scope and method of study.

In the second chapter, we clarify the importance of construction financing by analysing its definition, mechanism and characteristics. The financing can be divided into industrial financing, consumption financing and other financing. Financing in the construction industry(or construciton financing) is one part of industrial financing and can be defined as "Decision of raising fund which is required to sustain construction economic activities, its operation and expenses incurred by them".

Also this chapter deals with the acting patterns of three sectors concerned with construction financing. The characteristics of construction financing are as followings;

① Short-term operating fund is mainly demanded in construction financing. ② Demands for construction financing are different in accordance with business type by construction firm. ③ Biased Fund operation by construction firms ④ Unstable fund raising structure ⑤ External capital-centered fund ⑥ Bill dealing-centered fund

In the third chapter, we look into the history of domestic construction financing and circumstantial changes by examining how construction financing was originated and how related system has been changed. And we deal with differences, advantages and disadvantages of existing financing and new type of financing.

As the early discriminative systems had been repealed one by one


with the beginning of the 1990s, there is no provision of discriminative articles at present. Although fund raising condition has been improved, construction companies are still suffering from insufficiency of fund.

Hence, new financing methods like project financing and real estate finance are being introduced.

We examine the status of construction firms and fund raising including new type of financing methods by analysing the actual condition. Although financial condition of the construction firms has been significantly improved recently, the recognition of financial institutions has been not changed yet. In addition, we explain the actual status of direct financing such as stocks and corporate bonds, and indirect financing such as loans and fund raising through financial cooperatives in the construction industry. Furthermore, we examine the status of new financing methods; ABS, REITs and project financing with an emphasis on PPI(Private Participation Infrastructure).

In the fifth and sixth chapter, we analyse the financial status and the status of financing use, and point out several problems. Then we intend to propose improvement plans in views of construction firms and financial firms, plans to raise operating fund for small and medium sized construction firms and plans to improve new financing methods for development projects.

We point out the following problems; characteristics of the construction industry and its moral hazard, less consideration of characteristics of the construction industry and its recent changes, the poor condition of development finance, the limit of real estate finance for developer, less comprehensive and systematic laws and plan.

Finally, we propose several strategies to strengthen the financing for the construction industry;

① Uplifting credit level of the construction firms


② Strengthening appraisal and examination function for the construction industry

③ Supporting small and medium sized construction firms' finance

④ Easy financing for development project

⑤ Improving methods for real estate finance

⑥ Making a comprehensive and systematic financing plan

문서에서 그 림 차 례 (페이지 132-138)