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본 연구는 중․고등학교 운동선수의 학업성취도와 관련된 요인들을 추출하고 이 에 관계를 규명하는데 있어서 수행과정에서 나타난 몇 가지 문제점을 중심으로 앞 으로의 연구과제에 대하여 제안하고자 한다.

첫째, 본 연구는 대중적으로 인기 있는 운동 종목의 운동선수들에 국한하여 다 루었으나 후속연구에서는 비인기 종목의 운동선수들에 대한 연구가 시도되어야 할 것이다.

둘째, 본 연구는 농구 한 종목에만 국한 되어 연구가 이루어졌지만 후속 연구에 서는 다른 종목에 대한 연구가 시도되어야 할 것이다.

셋째, 본 연구는 여자학교의 심층면접 거부로 인하여 남자운동선수들에 국한되 어 연구 하였지만 후속에서는 여자 운동선수들에 대한 연구가 시도되어져야 할 것 이다.

넷째, 본 연구는 중․고등학생에 국한되어 연구하였지만 후속에서는 학업성취와 관련해서 교사나 부모에 대한 연구도 시도되어야 할 것이다.


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Ethnography Case Study Academic Achievement of the Athletes in Middle and High School

by Ji, Sang-wook

Dept. of Physical Education Graduate School, Kook min University

Seoul, Korea

The objective of this dissertation is to clarify the Academic achievement of the athletes in middle school and high school. The qualitative method was chosen for this research. I chose 12 highly skilled students in basketball at middle and high school as experimental group with purposeful sampling and collected materials with in-depth interview and non-participant observation from them.

I analyzed materials by using constant comparative method and I found the primary factors related with the Academic achievement of highly skilled athletes at middle school and high school through the categories of each subject matter.

I drew the factors according to the above-mentioned research methods and research processes and finally got the following results.

First, there are 4 factors which make them start plunging into athletics. As considered concretely, the 4 factors are the opportunities which they start the athletics, their motivation, their parents' opinions, and their change of schools.

One of the factors, the factor, "parents' opinions" was classified into 2 types, agreement and partly agreement. It is motivation among the 4 factors that has representativeness.

Second, I classified into 5 categories in their school life factors which are related with their Academic achievement - school classes, their under achievements at school work, their learning obstacles, the causes of the learning obstacles and a fixed idea of their teacher to them. I put 2 subordinate categories, the completed learning obstacles and the partly learning obstacles under their learning obstacles of the above 5 categories. And I divided the causes of learning obstacles into 3 groups; a reduction of lesson, learning abandonment, their preference of athletics to learning. All of these 5 categories in their school life factors have representativeness because there is a correlation among the 5 categories.

Third, there are 4 classifications in individual matters related with the scholastic achievements of the athletes in middle and high school; the standardization of educational objectives, their feeling of isolation from other students, the oblivion of their status, individual learning and preparation for an exam. Of these 4 classifications, the factors that have representativeness are the standardization of educational objectives, the oblivion of their status, individual learning and preparation for an exam.

Fourth, I classified into 3 categories in the interest in their school record. The 3 categories are teachers' interest, parents' interest, students' interest. And the subordinate factors in each category are indifference, the decline of interest, and partly expectation. All of these 3 factors have representativeness.

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