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2 0 09 년 2 월 석사학위논문

Col l age nwounddr e s s i ngt oac hi e ve i nc r e as e dat t ac he dgi ngi va;

ahi s t ol ogi c alc ompar at i ves t udy

조 선 대 학 교 대 학 원

치 의 학 과

장 한 욱


Col l age nwounddr e s s i ngt oac hi e ve i nc r e as e dat t ac he dgi ngi va;

ahi s t ol ogi c alc ompar at i ves t udy

교원질 창상 드레싱을 사용한 부착치은의 증대량 평가 및 조직학적인 검사

2 0 09 년 2월 25 일

조 선 대 학 교 대 학 원

치 의 학 과

장 한 욱


Col l age nwounddr e s s i ngt oac hi e ve i nc r e as e dat t ac he dgi ngi va;

ahi s t ol ogi c alc ompar at i ves t udy

지도교수 김 병 옥

이 논문을 치의학 석사학위신청 논문으로 제출함.

2 0 0 9 년 1 1 월

조 선 대 학 교 대 학 원

치 의 학 과

장 한 욱


장한욱의 석사학위 논문을 인준함.

위원장 조선대학교 교 수 김 흥 중 인

위 원 조선대학교 교 수 장 현 선 인

위 원 조선대학교 교 수 김 병 옥 인

2009 년 11월

조선대학교 대학원













List of Table





List of Figures


Fig.2.Freegingivalgraftharvestingfrom palate···20


Fig. 4. Twofold collagen wound dressing Similar thickness with gingivalgraft···21

Fig. 5.Horizontal key suture to fix collagen wound dressing on recipientbed···22

Fig.6.APF onlygroup(6weeksaftersurgery)···22

Fig.7.APF combinedwithFGG group(6weeksaftersurgery)···23

Fig.8.APF combined with collagen wound dressing (6 weeks after surgery)···23


Fig.10.APF combined with collagen wound dressing group (x40, x100)···23


Fig.11.APF combinedwithFGG group(x40,x100)···23



Collagen wound dressing to achieve increased attached gingiva ; a histological comparative study

Han-Wook Jang



GraduateSchoolofChosun University

An adequateband ofkeratinizedtissuewasviewed asimportantto preventfuturerecession and maintain periodontalhealth.The purpose ofthis study was to evaluate the width ofattached gingiva and to evaluate histologically after apically repositioned flap(APF), APF combined with free gingivalgrafts(FGG),and APF combined with collagenwounddressingcoverage.

Eightmongreldogs,rightandleftmaxillary canineareaswereused (16 surgicalsites).First,only APF procedurewasperformed.Second, APF combined with free gingivalgrafts(FGG)was performed.Third, APF combinedwithcollagenwounddressingcoveragewasperformed.

After6 weeks,the results were observed.The measurementvalue wasprobingdepth(PD),widthofkeratinizedgingiva(KG),andwidthof attached gingiva(AG).a soft tissue biopsy was harvested under localanesthesiafrom each dog.Biopsy wasperformedintheareaof


2mm abovethecaninemarginalgingiva.

Thecomparisonbetween3surgicalproceduresshowedthatthewidth of keratinized and attached gingiva increased clinically. The comparison of the widths of the keratinized and attached gingiva beforeand aftersurgery showed thatthedifferences weresignificant in each group(P<0.05).APF combined with FGG areas showed more attachedgingivaincrementandfavorablephysiologicalappearancethan othersurgicalprocedures(No significantdifference between groups in attached gingiva increment). APF combined with collagen wound dressing coverage areas showed similar attached gingiva increment with APF only areas.AndasifAPF combinedwith FGG areas,APF combined with collagen wound dressing coverage areas also showed favorablephysiologicappearancethanAPF onlyareas.

According to the results ofthe histologicalexamination,keratinized gingivawasformedin allgroups.In theapically positionedflap(APF) group,a few inflammatory cells were detected.And in the aspectof the keratinized layer thickness,the free gingivalgrafts(FGG) group showedthethickestkeratinizedlayerandapically positionedflap(APF) groupshowedthethinnestkeratinizedlayerrespectively.

These results suggest that APF combined with collagen wound dressing coverage was usefulprocedure to increase the keratinized gingivaandattachedgingiva.


I. Introduction

The attached gingiva is composed ofkeratinized epithelium,dense connective tissue,and periosteum and plays an importantrole in the protectionoftheperiodontalstructures1).Formany years,thepresence of an "adequate" amount of keratinized gingiva was considered a keystoneforthemaintenanceofperiodontalhealth2,3,4).Lang and Loe5) reported thatdespite the factthatthe tooth surfaces were free from plaque,"all surfaces with less than 2.0mm of keratinized gingiva exhibited clinical inflammation and varying amounts of gingival exudates." The attached gingiva provides increased resistance ofthe periodontium to externalinjury,contributes to the stabilization ofthe gingivalmargin position,and aids in the dissipation ofphysiological forcesthatareexerted by themuscularfibersofthealveolarmucosa onto thegingivaltissues8).Butotherinvestigators7,8,9)failed to find a similarassociation and reported thatitispossibletomaintain healthy marginaltissues,even in areaswith a reduced ormissing keratinized gingiva. However, Valderhaug and Birkeland10) reported that subgingival placement of restorations was associated with a significantly higherrateofgingivalinflammation,attachmentloss,and gingivalrecession over10 years.In addition there was a significant association between subgingivalrestorationsand gingivalinflammation in areas with minimalkeratinized gingiva in patients with less than optimalplaquecontrol11).

An the presence ofsite-related conditions,e.g.,gingivalrecession, thin periodontium,and rootprominence,combined with a reduced or missing amount of attached gingiva, may indicate a gingival augmentationprocedure.Serinoetal.12)showedthatsiteswithgingival


recession should be considered susceptible to additional apical displacementofthe softtissue margin. The American Academy of Periodontology13) suggested several indications for gingival augmentation procedures: to prevent soft tissue damage in the presence of alveolar bone dehiscence during naturalor orthodontic tooth eruption; to halt progressive marginal gingival recession; to improveplaquecontroland patientcomfortaround teeth and implants;

and to increase the insufficientdimension ofgingiva in conjunction withfixedorremovableprostheticdentistry.

Since Friedman14)introduced the term mucogingivalsurgery in the 1950s, various procedures have been used to correct problems associated with thelack ofattached gingiva.Oneofthefirstsurgical techniques designed to correct such problems was an apically positioned flap15,16).This technique allowed surgeons to increase or preserve the area ofattached gingiva by moving the tissue apically andexposing avariablebandofcrestalbone,depending onhow much attachedgingivawasdesired16).Anothertechniquetoincreaseattached gingiva wasfreeepithelialized palatalgingiva graft17).Theavailability toobtainadequatedonortissueandabilitytotreatmultipleteethwere two of the advantages of this technique;its disadvantages include technicaldifficulty,postoperativediscomfort,andpoorcolormatch.

Recently,many ofthe disadvantage ofthe classic procedure have been overcome by modification of procedure and use of tissue engineering materials16).Collagen wound dressing have been used for controlofbleeding and stabilization ofblood clots,and protection of woundbed.

The purpose ofthis article was to evaluate the width ofattached gingiva and to evaluatetissuehistologically afterapically repositioned


flap (APF),APF combined with free gingivalgrafts(FGG),and APF combinedwithcollagenwounddressingcoverage.


Ⅱ. Materials and methods

1. Surgical procedure

Eightmongreldogsabout1yearold and weighing about17-19kg each were used for this experiment. Supragingival scaling was performend on alldogs before surgery.Anesthesia was induced by injection oftiletamine-zolazepam (Zoletil50®,Virbac,Carros,France- 5-10mg/kg,intramuscular)and xyalzineHCL (Rompun®,Bayer,Korea -0.15ml/kg,intramuscular).

In both quadrants of the maxilla the canine area were used as experimentalsites.Three differentsurgicaltechnique was performed ontosixteencanineareas(Table1):

First, only apically repositioned flap was performed. APF were performed according to themodified techniquedescribed by Carnio et al16).Before the incisions were made,the levelofcrestalbone was probed to detectthe presence ofany bone dehiscence.A periodontal probe or anesthetic needle may be used via gingival sulcus. A horizontalbeveled incision was made in the attached portion ofthe keratinizedgingivaslightlyapicaltothealveolarcrest.Themesialand distalextensions ofthe initialhorizontalincision were made(20mm). Two verticalincisions were placed on the mesialand distalends connecting the horizontal incision(20mm). These incisions extended beyondthemucogingivaljunction.A split-thicknessflapwaselevated, moved apically,positioned atthedesired level,and fixed by periosteal horizontalsuture with resorbable suture materials(Monosyn® 5-0,B.

BRAUN Melsungen AG,USA).The size ofexposed periostealbed was20mm x20mm(Fig.1).

Second,APF combined with free gingivalgrafts was performed.


APF procedure was performed same as first method.Free gingiva graft was harvested from palate, trimmed and shaped to fit the recipientsite(Fig.2).The thickness ofgraftwas about1.5mm.And thegraftwasfixedontoperiostealbedwithhorizontalkey suture(Fig.

3).Pressurewasapplied to therecipientsiteaftersuturing to ensure hemostasisandtissueadaptationfor3min.

Third,APF combined with collagen wound dressing (Collatape® , Zimmer Dental,California,USA) coverage was performed.Twofold Collatape® wasused forsamethicknessasFGG.Afterpreparation of recipientsite,Collatape® was trimmed and shaped to fittherecipient site(Fig.4).And Collatape® was fixed same as FGG method(Fig.5). Pressure was also applied for 3 min. This study protocol was approvedbytheChosunUniversityDentalHospitalInsitutionalReview Board(#CDMDIRB-0902-A29).

2. Postsurgical care

Following surgery,each dog received an injection of antibacterial agent(Gentamicin 0.1ml/kg,Daesung,Korea) for seven days.Tooth cleaning with 0.2% chlorhexidindigluconatwas performed three times perweekfor4weeks.

The sutures were removed two weeks after surgery. Healing presented uneventful. The soft tissue graft were fully integrated withoutanysignofnecrosis.

3. Clinical measurements

Theindex wasmarked on mid-buccalsurfaceofcanine,3mm from gingival margin.Probing depth(PD) was measured at three points (mesio-buccal,mid-buccal,and disto-buccal)to the nearestmilimeter


with aprobe(tipdiameter:0.45mm;probing force:20gm/pressure).The PDs atthree points were averaged forthe purpose ofanalysis.The width of keratinized gingiva(KG) at the mid-buccal point was measured from the mucogingivaljunction(MGJ) to the free gingival margin. The width and thickness of attached gingiva(AG) was calculated by subtracting PD atthemid-buccalpointfrom thewidth ofKG tothenearestmilimeter.

4. Biopsy

Six weeks afterAPF,a softtissue biopsy was harvested under localanesthesiafrom each dog.Biopsy wasperformedintheareaof 3mm abovethecaninemarginalgingiva.Allofthe specimens were

fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution for further descriptive histological analyses. Following dehydration, the specimens were embedded in paraffin and serially sectioned in 5 um thick sections. Each section was individually stained with eitherhematoxylin and eosin (H&E)stain.Allsections underwent lightmicroscopicexaminations.

5. Statistical analysis

A statisticalsoftware program(SPSS 16.0,SPSS Inc.USA) was used forallstatisticalanalyses.The paired T-testwas performed to analyze the differences between baseline and six weeks postsurgery.

Analysis of variance(ANOVA) were performed to analyze the differenceforthecontinuousclinicalparametersbetweenthreesurgical procedures. A value of P<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.


Ⅲ. Results



Treatment with three surgical procedures resulted in statistically significant augmentation of the apico-coronal dimension of the keratinizedgingivaandattachedgingiva(P<0.05)(Fig.6,7,and8).

In APF areas,the mean apico-coronaldimension ofthe keratinized gingivawas12.85mm (range,7.2mm to16.7mm)preoperatively and 20.40 mm (range,17.0 mm to 21.9 mm)postoperatively.The mean apico-coronaldimension oftheattachedgingivawas11.22mm (range, 5.4 mm to 14.2 mm)preoperatively and 18.80mm (range,15.5 mm to 20.4mm)postoperatively.

In APF combined FGG areas,the mean apico-coronaldimension of the keratinized gingiva was 14.30 mm (range,7.2 mm to 16.7 mm) preoperatively and 22.22 mm (range, 13.1 mm to 15.3 mm) postoperatively.The mean apico-coronal dimension of the attached gingiva was 13.02 mm (range,11.9 mm to 14.0 mm)preoperatively and20.97mm (range,18.2mm to25.2mm)postoperatively.

In APF combined Collatape® coverageareas,themean apico-coronal dimensionofthekeratinizedgingivawas13.25mm (range,10.8mm to 15.1 mm)preoperatively and 20.42 mm (range,19.8 mm to 21.5 mm) postoperatively.The mean apico-coronal dimension of the attached gingivawas11.65mm (range,9.1mm to13.5mm)preoperatively and 19.15mm (range,18.3mm to19.9mm)postoperatively.

No statistically significantdifference in probing depth was detected pre-andpostoperativelyineachprocedures.

No statistically significant differences could be assessed for each procedure(Table3).




gingivawasformedinallgroups.Intheapicallypositionedflap(APF) group,afew inflammatorycellsweredetected.Andintheaspectof thekeratinizedlayerthickness,thefreegingivalgrafts(FGG)group showedthethickestkeratinizedlayerandapicallypositionedflap(APF) groupshowedthethinnestkeratinizedlayerrespectively.

Andwemeasuredthethicknessofepithelium usingthetelescopic histologicpictures.Theresulswereasfollowed.Intheapically positionedflap(APF)group,theaveragethicknessofwholeepithelium was1218.3um andthatofkeratinizedlayerwas25.8um.IntheAPF combinedCollatapegroup,theaveragethicknessofwholeepithelium was1569.19um andthatofkeratinizedlayerwas44.17um.Inthe APF combinedFGG group,theaveragethicknessofwholeepithelium was1763.39um andthatofkeratinizedlayerwas57.11um.


Ⅳ. Discussion

Themainobjectiveofthisstudywastoevaluatethechangesinthe amount of attached gingiva and to evaluate tissue histologically following application ofAPF,APF combined FGG,and APF combined collagen wounddressing coverage.Thestudy showedthattheamount of attached gingiva had increased six weeks after surgery in all procedures. However, there were some morphological differences between procedures.In APF areas,foldings and scarlike tissues are observed at vestibule area.It was believed the split-thickness flap moved to coronally during healing due to muscular movement of vestibule.In APF combined FGG areas,there were more attached gingivaincrementandshowedfavorablephysiologicalmorphology than other groups(No significantdifference between groups in amountof attached gingiva)). In APF combined collagen wound dressing coverage areas, there were similar amount of attached gingiva incrementwith only APF areas.But,as ifAPF combined with FGG areas,APF combined with collagen wound dressing coverage areas also showed favorable physiologicmorphology than only APF areas. collagen wound dressing controls bleeding and stabilized blood clots, and protects wound bed.And itis slowly absorbed during 10 to 14 days.But,if collagen wound dressing is exposed directly to oral environment, it is absorbed more rapidly18). It was believed that Collatape® actasscaffold to disturb theapically positioned flap move to coronally,and protection ofthe recipientbed.So itis considered APF combined with collagen wound dressing coverage areas showed favorablephysiologicmophology.

The histologicfindings ofthethreegingiva specimensafter6 weeks


postoperative showed normalgingiva tissue.The keratinized gingiva wasformedinallgroups.Intheapicallypositionedflap(APF)group,a few inflammatory cells were detected.The specimens werecomposed of orthokeatinized or parakeratinized epithelium with low-formed reteridges.In other two groups,the specimens were composed of orthokeratinized epithelium with well-formed reteridges31).And in the aspectofthekeratinizedlayerthickness,thefreegingivalgrafts(FGG) group showed the thickest keratinized layer and apically positioned flap(APF)groupshowedthethinnestkeratinizedlayerrespectively.

Although thepresenceofkeratinized gingiva orattached gingiva is not a critical factor in reducing bone loss, it appears to be significantly advantageous in reduction ofgingivalinflammation and plaqueaccumulation19).According toseveralreports,2.0mm ofattached gingivaissufficientforthemaintenanceofperiodontalhealth20,21),even incasesinwhichsubgingivalrestorationmarginsareplaced22,23). In this study,modified apically repositioned flap surgery performed to increase the attached gingiva16).According to some authors,24,25,26)the main determining factorofthenatureofthenew tissuesthatdevelop overtheexposed periosteum restswith origin ofthegranulation cells thatmigrateoverthewound.Thesecellsmigratefrom theperiosteal connective tissue,adjacentgingivaland alveolar mucosa,periodontal ligament,and bone marrow spaces.The surgicalwound created by APF is surrounded completely by keratinized tissue.This prevents non-keratinized epithelialcells originating from the oralmucosa from proliferating ontothesurgicalarea16).Asa result,predictableincrease in theapico-coronalgingivaldimension cameto possible.Theresults ofthisstudyareinagreementwiththoseofpreviousstudies15,16).

Augmentation ofkeratinized tissue width and vestibular deepening


with autogenous free gingival grafts have been predictable and effectivemethod28,29,30).Although theincidenceofcomplicationsisvery low,discomfortand pain atthe donorsite are frequently observed29). TheuseofCollatape® eliminatestheneedofasecondary surgicalsite and provides an unlimited amount of donor tissue.However it is difficultto conclude whether wellorganized keratinized gingiva was created.


V. Conclusion

The APF, APF combined with FGG, and APF combined with collagen wound dressing coverage showed successful increase of attached gingiva.APF combined with FGG,collagen wound dressing coverageareasshowed moresmooth and physiologicattached gingiva formation than APF only areas.Histologicalfindingsalsoshowed that keratinized layerofthe APF combined collagen wound dressing was thickerthanthatoftheapicallypositionedflap(APF)group. Theresults of this study prove that APF combined collagen wound dressing technique are usefultechniques clinically and histologically.Further studies are necessary to determine the influence ofcollagen wound dressingandvariousrecipientbedpreparations.



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교원질 창상 드레싱을 사용한 부착치은의 증가량의 비교 및 조직학적 평가

장 한 욱

조선대학교 대학원 치의학과 (지도교수 :김병옥)

적절한 두께의 각화치은은 향후의 치은 퇴축을 방치하고 치주조직의 건 강을 유지하는데 중요하다고 여겨지고 있다.이 연구의 목적은 근단 변위 판막술,유리 치은 이식술을 동반한 근단 변위 판막술,그리고 교원질 창 상 드레싱(Collatape® ,ZimmerDental,California,USA)피개를 동반한 근단 변위 판막술을 각각 시행한 경우 부착치은의 증가량을 평가하고 조 직학적인 검사를 통해 각각의 술식을 비교하였다.

8마리 잡종견의 상악 좌우측 견치부분을 실험에 사용하였다.첫 번째는 근단 변위 판막술 만을 사용하였고,두 번째는 유리 치은 이식술을 동반 한 근단 변위 판막술을,세 번째는 교원질 창상 드레싱 피개를 동반한 근 단 변위 판막술을 시행하였다.

6주 후 결과를 관찰하였다.치은열구 깊이,각화치은의 너비,그리고 부 착치은의 너비를 각각 측정하고 조직학적인 검사를 위해 생검을 시행하였 다.3가지 술식의 각화치은과 부착치은의 너비를 비교한 결과 술 전 보다 모두 통계적으로 유의하게 증가하였다(P<0.05).유리 치은 이식술을 동반 한 근단 변위 판막술은 다른 술식들 보다 더 많은 양의 부착치은의 증가 와 생리적으로 더 양호한 형태의 치은형성이 관찰되었다(부착치은의 증가 량에 있어서는 다른 술식들과 유의한 차이는 없었다).교원질 창상 드레 싱 피개를 동반한 근단 변위 판막술은 부착치은의 확보량에 있어서는 근


단 변위 판막술만 시행한 부위와 비교 시 유사한 결과를 보였으나,더 생 리적으로 양호한 형태의 치은 형성이 관찰되었다.조직학적 검사 결과 역 시 유리치은 이식술을 동반한 근단변위 판막술에서 더 많은 양의 각화치 은이 형성되었으며 다음으로 교원질 창상 드레싱 피개를 동반한 근단 변 위 판막술이 근단 변위 판막술만 시행한 경우 보다 더 많은 양의 각화치 은이 형성되었다.

교원질 창상 드레싱 피개를 동반한 근단 변위 판막술은 각화 치은과 부 착치은의 양을 증가시키는 데 있어서 유용한 술식으로 생각된다.


Tabl es

Table1.Surgicalareasineightdogs Right

Mx. canine

Left Mx. canine Dog 1 APF alone APF + FGG

Dog 2 APF + FGG APF + Collatape®

Dog 3 APF + Collatape® APF alone

Dog 4 APF alone APF + FGG

Dog 5 APF + FGG APF + Collatape®

Dog 6 APF + Collatape® APF alone

Dog 7 APF + FGG APF + Collatape®

Dog 8 APF alone APF + Collatape®




Parameter Baseline

(mean ∓ SD)


(mean ∓ SD) P Value


APF only 1.625±0.3500 1.600±0.3742 0.718

APF + FGG 1.275±0.0957 1.250±0.1915 0.761

APF + Collatape® 1.475±0.2062 1.465±0.3202 0.741

Width of

keratinized gingiva

APF only 12.850±4.0485 20.400±2.2906 0.040

APF + FGG 14.300±1.1165 22.225±3.0999 0.025 APF + Collatape® 13.250±1.7746 20.425±0.7455 0.010

Width of

attached gingiva

APF only 11.225±4.1250 18.800±2.2316 0.042

APF + FGG 13.025±1.1325 20.975±3.1224 0.023 APF + Collatape® 11.650±1.8484 19.150±0.6608 0.009 APF;apicallyrepositionedflap:FGG;freegingivalgraft

* SPSS 16.0, paired T-test

Table 3. ComparisonofPost-surgeryclinicalparameters(mm)


Post-surgery (mean ∓ SD)

P Value

APF only APF + FGG APF +


PD 1.600±0.3742 1.250±0.1915 1.275±0.3202 0.247

Width of

keratinized gingiva 20.400±2.2906 22.225±3.0999 20.425±0.7455 0.458 Width of attached

gingiva 18.800±2.2316 20.975±3.1224 19.150±0.6608 0.380 APF;apicallyrepositionedflap:FGG;freegingivalgraft

* SPSS 16.0, one-way ANOVA


Fi gur es

Fig.1.Apically repositioned flap.Recipientbed preparation(20mm x 20mm)

Fig.2.Free gingivalgraft harvesting from palate (2cm x 2cm x 0.15cm)



Fig.4.Twofoldcollagenwounddressing(Collatape® )Similar thicknesswithgingivalgraft(2cm x2cm x0.15cm)


Fig.5.HorizontalkeysuturetofixCollatape® onrecipientbed

Fig.6.APF only group (6 weeks aftersurgery).Foldings and scar liketissuesareobservedatvestibulearea.


Fig. 7. APF combined with FGG group (6weeks after surgery). Smoothandphysiologicmorphologyofattachedgingivaisobserved.

Fig.8.APF combinedwithCollatape® coverage(6weeksaftersurgery) Smoothandphysiologicmorphologyofattachedgingivaisobserved.



Fig.10.APF combinedwithCollatape® coverage(x40,x100)

Fig.11.APF combinedwithFGG group(x40,x100)


저작물 이용 허락서

학 과 치의학과 학 번 20087268 과 정 석사

성 명 한글: 장 한 욱 한문 : 張 漢 彧 영문 :Jang Han Wook

주 소 광주광역시 북구 두암동 주공 3단지 301동 1305호

연락처 E-MAIL : jhhnwy95@naver.com


한글 : 교원질 창상 드레싱을 사용한 부착치은의 증대 및 조직학 적 소견평가

영어 : Collagen wound dressing to achieve increased attached gingiva; a histological comparative study

본인이 저작한 위의 저작물에 대하여 다음과 같은 조건아래 조선대학교가 저작물을 이용할 수 있도록 허락하고 동의합니다.

- 다 음 -

1. 저작물의 DB구축 및 인터넷을 포함한 정보통신망에의 공개를 위한 저작물의 복제, 기억장치에의 저장, 전송 등을 허락함

2. 위의 목적을 위하여 필요한 범위 내에서의 편집ㆍ형식상의 변경을 허락함.

다만, 저작물의 내용변경은 금지함.

3. 배포ㆍ전송된 저작물의 영리적 목적을 위한 복제, 저장, 전송 등은 금지함.

4. 저작물에 대한 이용기간은 5년으로 하고, 기간종료 3개월 이내에 별도의 의사 표시가 없을 경우에는 저작물의 이용기간을 계속 연장함.

5. 해당 저작물의 저작권을 타인에게 양도하거나 또는 출판을 허락을 하였을 경우에는 1개월 이내에 대학에 이를 통보함.

6. 조선대학교는 저작물의 이용허락 이후 해당 저작물로 인하여 발생하는 타인에 의한 권리 침해에 대하여 일체의 법적 책임을 지지 않음

7. 소속대학의 협정기관에 저작물의 제공 및 인터넷 등 정보통신망을 이용한 저작물의 전송ㆍ출력을 허락함.

동의여부 : 동의( ○ ) 반대( )

2009년 2월 일

저작자: 장 한 욱 (서명 또는 인)

조선대학교 총장 귀하


관련 문서

최근 조직구성원들로 하여금 자신이 일하고 싶은 부서를 자유롭게 선택하도록 함으로서 동기와 열정을 불러일으키는 조직형태가

첫째, 그 기업의 가장 중심적인(major) 영업활동과 관련하여 발생하는 이익이기 때문이다.. 물론 기업 의 최종이익은 주변적이면서도 부수적인 활동(예를

본고는 REDD+관련된 국제 논의 흐름을 조명하는데 집중하고자 한다. 그리고 REDD+ 체제 완성을 위해 향후 논의되어야 할 의제와 이에 대한 서로 다 른 의견을 확인해보고자

단, 아파트 주민공동시설 사용과 운영방안에 대해서는 실입주 후 관리사무소 및 입주자 대표회의에서 결정하여 운영됨.. • 부대복리시설은 아파트

본고는 REDD+관련된 국제 논의 흐름을 조명하는데 집중하고자 한다. 그리고 REDD+ 체제 완성을 위해 향후 논의되어야 할 의제와 이에 대한 서로 다 른 의견을

본 논문에서는 일정한 목표 저항 값에 대하여 접지전극 시공을 위한 대상 부지 에서 대지 저항률을 측정하고 분석한 결과를 검토하여 접지전극 재료별로 접지저

양각의 텍스트의 경우 한 글자 단위로 입력 후 각각 글자 크기와 위치를 조절하 여 서로 떨어지지 않도록

첫째, 그 기업의 가장 중심적인(major) 영업활동과 관련하여 발생하는 이익이기 때문이다.. 물론 기업 의 최종이익은 주변적이면서도 부수적인 활동(예를