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Kyungpook Mathem.at.ical Joum 허 Vol.34. No.2229-237December 1994


A. Duksu Oh

Dedicated to Professor Younki Chae on his sixtieth birthday

For an n-dimensional hypercube Qn and a given integer p (1


P ~

n), the minimum cardinality of a p-restricted cut of Qn, denoted K(n,p), provides a generalized measure of node fault tolerance in n-cube networks


where a p-restricted cut of Qn is a vertex cut of Qn which contains at most p neighbors of each vertex in Qn. This paper is concerned with K(n,p) and the structure of the minimum cardinality p-restricted cuts of Qn. It is shown that Qn admits a ]>-restricted cut if and only if n


3p -



that K(1’11 ,]>끼) 즈 p2n-p w‘v애/

K(I1,p) = ]>2π p

f and on비1ly if n ~ 3p - 2,’ and n ~ 2p for ]>


3. This

paper also presents for each )J and n

(1 <

p ~ 11 ~ 3p - 2


and n ~ 2)J for



3), a characterization of all minimum cardinality p-restricted cuts of


’‘’ and an algorithm for finding all such cuts of Qn.


Introduction and Notation

The notion of connectivity generalization was introduced by F. Harary [1]. [n an application to fault tolerance analysis for a multicomputer whose underlying network topology is modeled by G, the classical vertex connec tivity is the minimum cardinality


of a set of faulty processors F 5uch that G - F is disconnected. However, the processors in such an F may not

[비 1 simultaneously (i.e.


F l11ay belong \.0 forbidden faulty sets); thus



classical vertex connectivity is not an accurat.e deterministic l11easure of node fault tolerance of the network topology for a l11ulticomputer in which some su bsets of the processors do not fail simultaneously. Esfahanian and

Received July 3, 1993



230 A. Duksu Oh

Hakimi [2J proposed, mainly because of the deficiency of the c1assical ver- tex connectivity in the above context, generalized vertex connectivities (by imposing some conditions or restrictions on the components of G - F and/or the set F) as models to analyze the reliability of such networks.

[We note that for a connected graph G the problem of finding the mini- mum cardinality

15 1

of a vertex cut


of G under the restriction that the set of neighbors of v is not contained in 5 for each vertex v in G was shown to be NP-complete [4].]

No\v, \\'e consider an n-dlime히태ns히Jon퍼a떠1 hyperπrlωu배C l

prηro야v씨l버de an accurate deterministic measure of node fault tolerance in η­

cube networks


Esfahanian [3J proposed vertex connectivity of Qn under the restriction that at most n - 1 neigbbors of any processor may fail simultaneously (i.e., F does not contain the set of neighbors of any ver- tex in Qn). An exlension to this is vertex connectivity of Q" under the restriction that fol' a gi 、ren p (1






at mosl p neighbors of any processor may fail simultaneously. This gives rise to the definition of a p-restricted cul. For a given p (1


p :S: n), a p-restricted cut F of Qn is a vertex cut of Q" such tha.t F contains a.t most p neighbors of each vertex in Qn, \ovhile a p-coηditional cut F of Qn is a vertex cut of Qn such tha.l F conlains at most p neighbors of each vertex in Qn - F 까'e denote the collection of a.ll rninimum cardinality p-restricted cuts (p-conditiona.l

cul respectiveJy) of Qn by κ ( 11. p) (F(n, p), respect.ively). In [5] it is shown that a p-conditional cut of Q" always exists and the cardinality


of F E F(n, p) is p2"-P, and tha.t for p = 2, Qn admits a p-res얀tr끼IC다ted cαωu바 Jt if anà on새1


10 this paper, we obtain an upper bound and a sharp lower bound for the minul1lum cardinality of a p-restricted cut of Qn, and iIlvestigale the structure of F's in κ(n , p). We denote by κ(n , p) the cardinality




κ (11., p). In ~2, we sho\\' that Q" admits a p-restricted cut if and only i f n :S: 3p 2


and that κ (np) :::: p2n-p when n :S: 3p - 2. We also show that (1) κ( '11.,])) = p2n-p if and only ifn 3]) - 2, and n :S: 2p for l'


3, (1!) 2P



:::: κ(1시 p)

when Jl


3 and 2])


n :S: 3p - 2. We then

present for each )) and rr (1


p :S: n S 3p - 2, and n :S: 2]) for ])



a cha.racterization of all rninimum cilrdinillity p-restricted cuts of Qn- 1"

~3 , we develop an a.lgorithm for finding all F's in κ (n , p) for given n and p wbere 1 < p :S: n :S: :3p - 2


and n S 2]1 for ]1



Tbe vertices of Qn are distinctly labeled by binary n-tu


Restricted cuts in hypercubes 231

and two vertices are adjacent if and only if their binary labels differ in ex- actly one bit position. For a subcube W of Q"


V(W) denotes the vertex set of W. For a v E V(Q"), A (Q" : ν) denotes the set of all vertices which are adjacent to v in Q". Note that for each p (1


p :S n)


F E κ (n , p)


E .1"

(n ,



respectively) if and only if


is a minimum cardinality

vertex cut of Q" Sl때 that IA(Q" : x)


FI :S p for all x E V(Q,,) (all x E V(Q,,) - F, respectively). For an X


V(Q,,), [XI denotes the sub- graph of Qn inclucecl by X. For clisjoint vertex sets X, Y of Q" , X 8 Y denotes [X U Y


where an eclge inciclent to a ve때x in X and to a vertex in Y is referrecl to as a CTOSS edge. For two disjoint subcubes 5 and T of Q" (i.e., V(5) and V(T) are disjoint), 5 8 T will mean V(5) 8 V(T). Two disjoint k-subcubes 5 and T of Q" are called a에 acent if 58 T = Qk+'; in this case, the one-to-one correspondence between V(5) and V(T) defined by cross edges is an isomorphism between 5 and T. For two - 1)- subcllbes Land RofQn with Q" = L8 Rancl asubcllbeX of L


XR will denote the subcube of R corresponding to X

To facilitate our discussion we introduce tbe following decomposition of Qn by a subcube. For an (n - k)-subcube 5 of Qn (1:S k :S 미),’ n w defìne A; (Q" : 5) (0 :S i :S k) by:


(Qn 5)


{5}; A


(Qn : 5)


{W 1 W is an (n - k)-subcube of Qn, 58 W = Qn-k+d; for 2 :S i :S k


A(Qn : 5) = {W 1 W is 11.11 (71 - k)-slIbcube of Q" , W 8 U Qn-k+' for some U E A;-1 (Qn : 5)} - A;-2 (Qn 5). Note that


A; (Qn 5)1

(D ,

0 :S i :S k


and if we contract each (71 -



10 ~i :S k서} to a s잉1l1g밍le ve히Iηtex t“띠hen tμhe resu비l니lμ…t“ω띠lIl g gr대때a이p이)h is Qk. Tbus


if A, B E A;(Q" : 5), A B (0




k) tben no vertex of A is ad jacent to a vertex of B. Note also that each member of A; (Q" : 5) (O:S i


k) is adjacent to k - i members of A;+



5). The above reprε:sentation of Q.

by A; (Qn : 5)


0 ~ i :S k


is referrecl to as the decomposition of Qn by 5


and denOLed by Qn = Qk X 5. V(A; (Qn : 5)) (0 :S i :S k) will denote tbe set of ertices in A; (Qn : 5), i.e., V(A; (Q" : 5)) = U{V(W ) 1 W E A; (Q" : 5)}. [n 씨lat follows, A


(Qn : 5) ancl A2 (Qn : 5) will be clenotecl by A(Q" : 5) ancl ß (Qn : S), respectively


Minimum cardinality p ... restricted cuts of


We fìrst det.ermine all 71’s (1


p ~ n) for 、이lich Q" admits a p- restricted cul. (A similar situatjol1 cloes not arise for the case of p- conclitionaJ cut of Qn; in fact, for each p and 11 (1


p:S n), Q" admits a p-conditional cul 떼. )


232 A. Duksu Oh

Theorem 1. Lel p and n be inlegers


1 < p :S n. Then lhere exisls a

p-reslπ cied c-ut of Qn if and only if n :S 3p - 2

Proof Let n > 3p - 2


and suppose that there exists a. prestricted cu t F of Qn. Select two components C1 a.nd C2 of Qn - F, a.nd define 5 by 5

= min {d(" , ν) 1 " E C1 v E C2},

here d( μ, ν) is the dista.nce between

" a.nd v in Let 5




v) where" E C" v C2


a.nd let X be the smallest subcube of Qn containing " and v. So


X is a 5-subcube of Qn


and note that A(X : ,,) U A(X : v) C F. h follows that 1 < Ó :S p. Also,

it follows from Qn = Qn-ó X X that IA(Qn : X)I = 11.- 5. Now


select a w E A(X : ,,), and write A(z) = {Y E A(Qn : X) 1 the vertex in Y corresponding to z is in F} where z E {ll




ω}. Since IA(Qn : z)


FI :S p and IA(X : u)1 = IA(X : v)1 = 5


、vesee that IA(u)l :S p - 8


IA(v)1 ::; p- 8 and IA(tι)1 :S p; thus IA(u) U A(v) U A(w)1 :S 3p- 28 :S 3p-2- 5 < 11.

Ó. Hence there exists a Z E A( Qn X) such that {,,', v’, ψ'}



= ø

where u', v' and w' are respectively the verlices in Z corresponding to ll, v and ω. This is a contradiction 10 the choice of u and v. 'vVe conclude tha.t if 11. > 3p - 2


Q" does not admit a p-restricted cut



we construct a p-restricted cut of Q" for each n and p (p


11. :S 3p - 2)

Case 1. n :S 2p For an (야n- p끼)샤)-su비l니,bcu때l

P:S n :S 2p


it follows from the structure of lhe decomposition Q" = Qp X 5 tbat F(S) is a p-restricted cut of Qn- Note t.hat IF(5)1 = p' 2n- p

Case 2. 2p < n.

Write Lo = Qn. For 1 :S k :S n-2p


let Lk a.nd Rk be (n-k)-subcubes of Lk-l such that Lk-l = LkOR k


a.nd denote by fk the isomorphism from Lk to Rk defined by the cross edges. Note thal Lπ-2p = Q2p' Now


let S be a p.subcube of Ln-2p and write F(2p


i) = V(A; (Ln-2p : 5))




i :S n - 2p


1. For 0 :S j :S n - (2p


1) and 1 :S i :S n - (2p




define F(2p+ j


1,i) = F(2p+ j,i) Ufn_2p_j(F(2p+ j ,i


1)). lt follows

from the fact tha.t each member of A; (Ln-2p : 5) (0 < i < p) is adja.cent to i members of A


(L"-2p : S) and to p - i members of A+1 (L"_2p : S) that F(2p






1) is a. p-restricted cut of L,,-(2p+j+l), thus F(n


1) is a p-restricted cut of Q". This completes the proof.

We note that Theorem 1 includes tbe result for p = 2, obtained in [5]. Since every p-restricted cut of Qn is a p-conditional cut of Q"


it follows from Theorem 1 and Lemma 1 below that κ(np) 2: p2n- p wben p < η :S 3p - 2. Next


we determine n and p for which ",(n


p) = p2n-p.


Restricted cuts in hypercubes 233

Lemma 1 ([히). Lel l' and n be inl ege1'S


1 < p ~ π

1 I

F E F (n

, 1')

then IFI p.2n- p

Lemma 2 ([6]). Lel F E F(ι


1 < l' ~ n


l' 켜 3. Then Qn - F has

'0 compoηenls, Ol1e 01 which. is an (11 - p)-subcube


01 Q" and F =

V(A(Qn : 5))

Le밍mma 3 (이[π[7]끼께]). Let F E ηrF(야. 3이)


3 ':; n T,ηT끼her사! Qn - F h. a따s two

nenη ls and onc 01 the lollowing holds

(i) One compone01 Qn - F is an (n - 3 )-subcube 5 01 Qn and F = V(A(Qn : 5))

(μ) Th.el'e exist (n - 1 )-subcubes L and R 01 Q

’ ‘

ψith Q" = L 8 R such that F


V(A(L : X )) U V(ß(R: XR)) 101' somc (n - 4)-subcube X 01 L.

Theorem 2. Lel 1


l' .:; n ~ 3

1' -

2. Then:

(i) ,,(n


p) ~ p2"-p.

(ii) κ(n ,p)


p2"-P il and only iln ~ 2


or l'



(iii) 2P .

(,,~:삶1 ) ~



l' > 3 and 2p





(1) Assume fiTheorem l rst thal and




2p. From the proof of Theorem 1


there exists a p-restricted cut F of Qπ with IFI = p.2"-p. Thus


κ (n , p) = p2"-P



let l' = 3. \싸 need only show that ".(7


J) 3 . 24 Select an F E F(7


3) such that Lemma 3 (α) holds for F. S ince F is also a 3- restricted cut. Q


and \FI




、vesee that κ(7, 3)


3.24 Conversely


assume ,,(n


p) = p2n-". Then K(n


p) C F(n


p) by Lemma J. Jf l'


3 and 11



1' ,

lhen lhe structure of any F


F (n


p) (Lemma 2) sllO

F ls not a p restrlCled cut of

Q ’ ‘’

a contradiction. llencc


n .:; 2p or l' = 3

() ln the proof of Theorem 1, we have construcled a p-restricted cut F(n


l) of Q,,; from the construction of F(n


1) we have IF(n


1)1 = 2p (μ‘

) ,

and thus 2p

( ζ삶

) ~



p). The proo[ is now complete

Rema1'k. Theorem 2 (ii) includes t.he result for l' = 11 - 1, obtained in [31 Theorem 2 (ii) sh。、‘s 1hat. for gi ven η and l' (1


l' ~ n .:; 3

1' -



and 11 ~



for p


3), the n-cube nelworl、 can tolerate up 10 p2n-p - 1 processor

failures and remains conned ed provided that al most l' neighbors of any processor are allowed to fail.

We next eslablish lhe following characteriza.tion of all F's in κ(np)

when 1 < l' ~ n ~ 3p - 2, and n ~ 2


for l'





A .

Duksu Oh

Theorem 3. Let 1


p :S n :S 3p - 2


aπd n :S 2p for p


3. Th

(1) lf p


3 then κ (np) = {V(A(Qn: 5))


5 ;s an (n - p)-subcube of Qn}.

(2) lf n :S 6 then κ (n , 3) = {V(A(Qn : 5))


5 is an (n - 3)-subcube ofQn} U {V(A(L: X)) U V(B(R: X n))


L and R are (n -1)-subcubes ofQn with Qn


L 0 R


X is an (n - 4)-subcube of L}.

κ(7 , 3) = {V(A(L: X)) U V(B(R X n ))


L and R al'e 6-subcubes OfQ7 with Q7 = L 0 R


X is a 3-subcube of L}.

Proof By Theorem 2 (ii) and Lemma 1


we bave κ(n , p) C ;:(n


p) If p


3 and F E κ (n , p) tben by Lemma 2


F = V(A(Qn : 5) for an (n - p)-subcube 5 of Qn. Note by Lemma 3 tbat κ(7 , 3) consists of all F’s in ;:(7


3) such that Lemma 3 (ii) holds for F. Now


let F E κ (n , 3)

By Lemma 3


we conclude that if 11 :S 6 then one of the following (i-ii) holds


while if n = 7 then only (ii) holds

(i) F = V(A(Qn : 5)) for an (n - 3)-subcube 5 of Qn.

(ii) There exist (n - 1 )-subcubes L and R of Qn with Qn = L 0 R such tha.t F = V(A(L : X )) U V(B(R : X n)) for some (n - 4)-subcube X of L.

Conversely, write F(5) = V(A(Qn : 5) where 5 is an (n - p)-subcube of Qn; in addition


fol' ])




、vrite F(X






V(A(L : X)) u V(B(R X n )) where L and R are (n -I)-subcubes of Qn with Qn = L 0 R


X is an (n - 4)-subcllbe of L. Note that F(5) is a p-l'estricted cut of Qn for (n






、.vhile F(X




R) is a 3-restricted cut of Qn. Since IF(5)1 = ])2"-p and IF(X




R)I = 3.2"-3


Theorem 2 (ii) implies F(5) E κ(n ,]))

for (11






and F(X




R) E κ (n3). This completes the proof



3 and 2p


n :S 3])-2. 1n this ca.se


it seems t,hat characterizing a.ll F

Slll κ (n ,7') is diffìclIlt. Theorem 2 (iii) gives an upper bound for



p). For the question about the exact value of κ( 11.,]))we propose the following conjedure

Conjecture. If l' > 3 and 2])


11 :S 3]) - 2

미en κ(11, p)=2






AIgorithm for finding minimum cardinality p- restricted cuts of Qn

Using the characterization of κ (n ,])) (Theorem 3), we have the f,아

lowing algorithm for finding all F's in κ (n])) for given 11 and p ιhere


< ])

:S 11 :S 3]) - 2, and 11 :S 2]) for ])



Algorithm minimum cardinality p-restricted cuts of Qn


Restricted cuts in hypercubes 235

(version 1)

Input: Qn and an integer p (1


p :::: n :::: 3p - 2, and n :::: 2p for p


3) Output: κ (np)

1. Let κ =0;

2. If (n


p) 카 (ï


3) then

for each (n - p )-subcube 5 of Qn do begin

F V(A(Qn : 5));

κ κ u {P};


if p = 3 then

for each pair of (11. - 1 )-sllbcubes L and R of Qn with Qn = L 8 R do

for eacb

(n -

4)-subcllbe X of L do begin

F V(A( L : X)) U V(ß(R: Xn)); κ ← κ u {P};


3. Return (κ (n , p) κ)

Next, we construct all F's in lC(n,p) for each n and p (1




n :::: 3p - 2


and n :::: 2p for p


3) usi ng the charaderization of κ (n , p)

(Theorem 3), and then present a concrete 、 ersion of the above algorithm.

For a k E {O


I}, k denotes the complement of k. Let {i"i2

, ...

C {1



,‘ ,

n} (i


< i2 < ... < ip). For each (C"C2''''

,Cp )

E V(Qp)





C21"" Cp ) =


C2"" 'Cp )




C2)""Cp )




C21 ... ,강)} and write 5(n; i11 .•.


1:p ; C)

’ ‘ ’

Cp ) = {(x



Xn) E V(Qn)




= Ck for k =




, ... ,

p}, and dcfìne F(n; i" ...


ip ; c" ...


cp ) by:

F(n; i" ...


ip; c" ...


= U{S(n; 1" ...


lp; d" d2

, ... ,

dp )



, ... ,

dp) E C (C"C2" "'Cp )}

Observe lhat 5(n; i" ...



, ,;

c" ...


cp ) is the vertex set of a.n (n-p)-subcllbe

。 [ Qn and conversely the vertex scl of each (n - p)-subcube of Qn is of the [orm 5(η i]

... ,

ip ; C)

, .. "

cp )


aJso note tha.L F(n; i)’“ Zp; Cl1 ••


cp )

is the set of all vertices in A(Qn: [5(11.; i" ...


lp; C" Cp )]). By Theorem 3


we conclude that if p


3 then κ(n, 1') consists of a.1I F’s of the form

F(n; it1 .•• ,ip ; Cl: ... ,cp )

For p = 3


we use additional notations: Let 8 E{O


1}. For each j E {1



, ... ,



write 5(n




8) = {(Xl

X,,) E \f(Qn)


Xj = 8};


236 A. Duksu Oh

for each (C"C2


C3) E V(Q3)


let CO(CI>C2


C3) = {(히, C2 , C3)' (Ct ,감, C3)


(cμC2 ,전)} and

C ,

(C" C2


C3) = {(하,강, C3) , (하, C2 ,전), (C" 갈,강)}. Now


for each j E {1



, .. . ,

n} - (i"i2 , 씨 and (C"C2


C3) E V(Q3)


write S(n; 1:" ι ;3; C"C2


C3; j


8) ((.1:t, ...


Xn) E S(n




8) 1 Xi


Ck for k = 1




3}, and define F(n; i" i2


i3; C"C2


C3; j


6) by

F(n; i"i2


13; C"C2


C3; j


8) = U{S(n; l"i2


i3; d"d2


d3; j


6) 1 (d" d2


d3) E C6( C" C2



Observe that S(n




6) is the vertex set of an (n-l )-subcube of Qn


and the vertex set of each (n - 1)-subcube of Qn is of the form S(n






and that Qn = [S(n




0)] 8 [S(n




1 )]. Also note that the 、ertex set of each (n - 4)-subcube of [S(n , ι8)] is of the form S(n; i l




i3; Cl




C3; j



From the structure o[ the decomposition [S( n




6)] = Q3 X [S( n; 1" i 2



C" C2


C3; j


6) ], we see that F(n; i" ;2


i3; C" C2


C3; j


is the set of all vertices in A([S(n




O)]: [S(n; i"i2






C3; j

, O )]) ,

and F(n; il


i 2



C" C2


C3; j


1) is the set of all vertices in ß([S( n




1)] : [S( n; i" i2


잉 Cl




C3; j


I)]). By Theorem 3


we conclude that if n :<::: 6 then κ(n , 3) consists of all F

s of the form F(n; i" 12


13; CI




C3) and all F

s of the form U{F(n; i,,12


13; C"C2


C3; j




= O


l}; while κ(7 , 3) consists of all F's of the form U{F'(n; il




;3; CI




C3; j




= 0



This completes the co따t. ruction of all F'

S 111 κ (np) for each n and p (1 < p :<::: n :<::: 3p - 2


and n :<::: 21' for p




which also establishes the following concrete version of the above algorithm [01' finding al1 FS Il1

κ (np).

Algorithm minimum cardinality I'-restricted cuts of Qn (version 2)

lnput: Qn and an integer p (1 < l' :<::: n :<::: 3]) - 2, and 11. :<::: 21' for p


3) Output κ (n , p)

1. Let κ =

ø ;

2. For each {i"i 2

, .. . ,

ip} C {1



, ...

n} (il<i2< ... <ip) do for each (cμ C2, ... ,cp) E V(Qp) do


if (n,])) 낯 (7,3) then begin

let C = {(긴, C2’ “’cp )




C'4h ...



, ...

, (Cl ,C2)"" 강)};

F • ((Xt,X2""'Xn) E V(Qn) 1 (Xi"Xi" ...


Xip ) E C};

κ ← κU {F};



Restricted cuts in hypercubes

if p


3 then


let C o = {(잔 , C2C3), (Cl' 깐C3), (c" c" C3)};

let C


= {( c" 전, C3), ( Cl , C2, C3), (Cl , 강감)};

for each j E {1,2, ... ,

n} -

{i"i"i3} do begin


Fo {(XJ, X" ... ,Xn ) E V(Qn)


Xj = 0, (x;p 자 , Xi3) E



end encl:



{(Xj,X" ... ,Xn ) E V(Qn)




1, (Xip X2,Xi 3) E


κ κU {Fo




3. Return (κ (np) κ)


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관련 문서

노인에서의 수면 무호흡으로 인한 장기적 합병증이 중년 환자와 비교하여 차이가 있는지 여부는, 노인의 수면 무호 흡을 하나의 특정질환으로 간주할 것인지 아니면 노인의

혼합제를 사용하여도 천식 조 절이 되지 않는 경우 경구 약제인 류코트리엔 조절제 그리 고 (또는) 테오필린을 추가하여 사용한다. 류코트리엔은 효 과 면에서는

결핵균에 감염된 사람의 일부에서만 결핵이 발병하는데 어떤 사람에서 결핵이 발병하는지 그 자세한 기전은 알려져 있지 않지만 결핵균의 독성(virulence)이 강하거나 결핵균에

12) Maestu I, Gómez-Aldaraví L, Torregrosa MD, Camps C, Llorca C, Bosch C, Gómez J, Giner V, Oltra A, Albert A. Gemcitabine and low dose carboplatin in the treatment of

Subsequently, we propose a model in which underlying tendencies (individual differences in af- fective reactivity and in worldviews) influence cogni- tive appraisals of

Levi’s ® jeans were work pants.. Male workers wore them

The derivation of the t-distribution was first published at 1908 in Biometrika by William Sealy Gosset, while he worked at a Guinness Brewery in Dublin.. He was

They do so in the context of the interventions and constructions of governments and more powerful “others.” The Bugis identify themselves as Bugis, but in a Malaysian context