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④ 나는 우리가 같은 반인 것이 기뻐.


Academic year: 2021

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중3영어 천재(이재영) 01과 대화문 어순 ①


① 이봐, 민준아.

1) (Minjun / hey)

③ 정말 놀랍구나!

2) (a / what / surprise)

③ 안녕, 소라야.

3) (Sora / hi)

④ 나는 우리가 같은 반인 것이 기뻐.


(in / glad / the / I’m / same / we’re / class)

⑤ 나도 마찬가지야.

5) (am / I / too)

⑥ 우리는 중학교의 우리의 마지막 학년이야.


(middle / our / now / last / we’re / year / in / in / school)

⑦ 기분이 어떠니?

7) (feel / do / how / you)

⑧ 나는 더 많은 공부할 거리가 있을 것이 약간 걱정이 야.


(more / worried / a / that / I’m / there’ll / little / be / schoolwork)

⑨ 나도 마찬가지야.

9) (too / me)

⑩ 우리는 또한 우리의 고등학교에 대해 생각해야만 해.

10) (high / to / also / think / we / about / have / our / school)

⑪ 너는 어느 종류의 학교를 마음에 두고 있니?


(in / school / kind / do / which / you / of / have / mind)

⑫ 나는 애니메이션 고등학교를 생각 중이야.


(school / an / thinking / animation / I’m / high / of)

⑬ 나는 그리는 것을 좋아해.

13) (love / I / painting)

① 올리버, 너는 무슨 동아리에 가입할 거니?


(join / are / what / you / oliver / going / club / to)

② 나는 잘 모르겠어.

15) (not / I’m / sure)

③ 너는 어때, 소라야?

16) (about / Sora / how / you)

④ 나는 학교 댄스 동아리에 가입하기를 원해.

17) (club / join / want / the / I / school / to / dance)

⑤ 정말?

18) (really)

Œ What Matters to You? What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What What Matters What What What Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? You? 천재(이)


② 01과 대화문 어순 중3영어 천재(이재영)

⑥ 하지만 나는 네가 애니메이션 고등학교를 준비하고 있다 고 들었는데.


(animation / you’re / high / I / preparing / but / for / an / heard / school)

⑦ 맞아, 하지만 나는 쉴 시간이 좀 필요해.


(relax / need / but / some / right / time / I / to)

⑧ 우리 모드는 스트레스를 극복하기 위해 무언가를 할 필 요가 있어.


(get / to / all / over / do / we / something / need / to / stress)

⑨ 네 말이 맞아.


(that / can / again / you / say)

⑩ 나와 함께 하는 게 어때?

23) (join / don’t / me / why / you)

⑪ 재미있을 거야.

24) (be / It’ll / fun)

⑫ 아니, 괜찮아.

25) (thanks / no)

⑬ 춤추는 것을 나를 위한 것이 아냐.

26) (for / is / me / dancing / not)

⑭ 나는 왼발이 2개라고.(몸치라고)

27) (left / have / I / feet / two)

① 지민아, 봐봐!

28) (look / Jimin)

② 이 빨간 폰 케이스 멋지게 보인다!

29) (case / red / looks / that / phone / nice)

③ 네 말이 맞아!


(that / can / you / say / again)

④ 엄마는 생신 선물로 그것을 좋아하실 거야.


(present / it / would / birthday / as / Mom / a / love)

⑤ 나는 그것이 얼마가 인지 궁금해.

32) (much / wonder / it / I / how / costs)

⑥ 어디 보자.

33) (me / let / see)

⑦ 그것은 4만원이야.

34) (cost / it / 40,000 won)

⑧ 정말?

35) (really)

⑨ 그것 정말 비싸다!

36) (so / that’s / expensive)

⑩ 나는 동의하지 않아.

37) (don’t / I / agree)

⑪ 봐봐!

38) (look)


중3영어 천재(이재영) 01과 대화문 어순 ③

⑫ 그것은 또한 지갑으로 쓰여.

39) (a / works / wallet / it / as / too)

⑬ 오, 나는 그것은 못 봤어.

40) (see / I / oh / didn’t / that)

⑭ 그러면 엄마를 위해 그것을 사드리자.

41) (it / let’s / for / then / buy / Mom)

⑮ 좋아.

42) (okay)

⑯ 나는 엄마를 위해 무언가 특별한 것을 사게 되어서 기 뻐.


(Mom / buy / delighted / something / I’m / special / to / for)

⑰ 나도 그래.

44) (am / so / I)

① 나는 그 문제에 대해 너와 동의하지 않아.

45) (issue / with / don’t / you / I / on / agree / that)

② 나는 네가 그 계획을 좋아하지 않는다는 것을 몰랐 어.


(plan / you / didn’t / didn’t / I / like / know / the)

① 너는 네 자유 시간에 무엇을 하니?


(time / do / do / in / what / your / you / free)

② 나는 음악을 들어.

48) (music / listen / I / to)

③ 나는 그것이 가장 위대한 발명품이라고 생각해.

49) (the / think / greatest / I / it’s / invention)

④ 나는 그것 없이 살 수 없어.

50) (without / can’t / I / live / it)

⑤ 나는 초콜릿이 가장 위대한 발명품이라고 생각해.

51) (think / the / I / greatest / chocolate / invention / is)

⑥ 그것은 내가 기분이 좋게 만들어.

52) (feel / makes / it / me / good)

⑦ 그것은 또한 내가 공부할 때 내가 더 잘 집중하도록 도 와줘.


(I / me / also / focus / it / better / helps / when / study)

⑧ 많은 사람들이 종이가 가장 위대한 발명품이라는 것에 동의할 거야.


(the / agree / greatest / people / that / many / is / paper / will / invention)

⑨ 종이 덕택에,

55) (to / thanks / paper)

⑨ 우리 모두는 책을 읽고 무언가를 적을 수 있어.



④ 01과 대화문 어순 중3영어 천재(이재영) (things / read / books / and / can / write / down /

we / all)

① 너 너무 심각해 보인다.

57) (look / serious / you / so)

② 무슨 일이야?

58) (going / what’s / on)

③ 아, 나는 그냥 내일 학교 연극을 위해 연습중이야.

59) (play / practicing / I’m / tomorrow / for / oh / the / just / school)

④ 그것에 대해 어떻게 느끼니?

60) (feel / do / about / how / you / it)

⑤ 나는 내가 실수할까봐 걱정돼.


(mistake / may / worried / make / I’m / I / a)

⑥ 나는 네가 잘하리라고 확신해.

62) (do / sure / well / I’m / you’ll)

⑦ 행운을 빌어!

63) (a / break / leg)

⑧ 고마워.

64) (thanks)

① 너 오 선생님에 대해 들어 봤니?

65) (about / you / have / heard / Mr. Oh)

② 아니.

66) (no)

③ 그에 대해서 뭐?

67) (about / what / him)

④ 그는 텔레비전 퀴즈 쇼에서 1등을 했어.


(quiz / prize / won / show / in / he / the / first / TV)

⑤ 그건 놀랍지 않아.

69) (not / it’s / surprising)

⑥ 그는 모든 것에 대해 알고 있는 것처럼 보여.

70) (know / seems / about / he / to / everything)

⑦ 네 말이 맞아!


(that / can / again / you / say)

⑧ 그는 걸어 다니는 사전이야.

72) (a / he’s / dictionary / walking)


교과서 본문은 출판사 및 공동저자에게 저작권이 있습니다.

ⓒ 2020. Minkyu Hwang.

All right reserved

중3영어 천재(이재영) 01과 대화문 어순 ⑤

중3 천재(이) 01과 대화문 어순


1) Hey, Minjun.

2) What a surprise!

3) Hi, Sora.

4) I’m glad we’re in the same class.

5) I am, too.

6) We’re now in our last year in middle school.

7) How do you feel?

8) I’m a little worried that there’ll be more schoolwork.

9) Me, too.

10) We also have to think about our high school.

11) Which kind of school do you have in mind?

12) I’m thinking of an animation high school.

13) I love painting.

14) Oliver, what club are you going to join?

15) I’m not sure.

16) How about you, Sora?

17) I want to join the school dance club.

18) Really?

19) But I heard you’re preparing for an animation high school.

20) Right, but I need some time to relax.

21) We all need to do something to get over stress.

22) You can say that again.

23) Why don’t you join me?

24) It’ll be fun.

25) No, thanks.

26) Dancing is not for me.

27) I have two left feet.

28) Jimin, look!

29) That red phone case looks nice!

30) You can say that again!

31) Mom would love it as a birthday present.

32) I wonder how much it costs.

33) Let me see.

34) It costs 40,000 won.

35) Really?

36) That’s so expensive!

37) I don’t agree.

38) Look!

39) It works as a wallet, too.

40) Oh, I didn’t see that.

41) Then let’s buy it for Mom.

42) Okay.

43) I’m delighted to buy something special for Mom.

44) So am I.

45) I don’t agree with you on that issue.

46) I didn’t know you didn’t like the plan.

47) What do you do in your free time?

48) I listen to music.

49) I think it’s the greatest invention.

50) I can’t live without it.

51) I think chocolate is the greatest invention.

52) It makes me feel good.

53) It also helps me focus better when I study.

54) Many people will agree that paper is the greatest invention.

55) Thanks to paper,

56) we all can read books and write things down.

57) You look so serious.

58) What's going on?

59) Oh, I'm just practicing for the school play tomorrow.

60) How do you feel about it?

61) I'm worried I may make a mistake.

62) I'm sure you'll do well.

63) Break a leg!

64) Thanks.

65) Have you heard about Mr. Oh?

66) No.

67) What about him?

68) He won first prize in the TV quiz show.

69) It's not surprising.

70) He seems to know about everything.

71) You can say that again!

72) He's a walking dictionary.


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