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참 고 문 헌

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

1. Background and Purpose of the Study 2. Main Contents and Research Methods

Chapter 2 Major Trends and Turning Points on the Future of Seoul 1. Major Changes of Population and Households

2. Major Socio-Economic Changes

3. Housing Demand and Supply of the Seoul

Chapter 3 The Future of Seoul 2030, Evolution of Residential Areas: Prospects and Policy Agenda

1. Perspectives on the Future of Residential Areas of the Seoul

2. Major Characteristics of Residential Areas Changes of the Seoul(1970~2010) 3. Main Driving Forces of Residential Areas Changes of the Seoul

4. Changes of Main Driving Forces Causing Residential Areas Transition 5. Residential Location Patterns of the Seoul and Future Prospects

6. Evolution of Residential Areas in the Seoul: Prospects and Policy Agenda

Chapter 4 The Future of Seoul 2030, Evolution of Economic Activity Centers:

Prospects and Policy Agenda

1. Perspectives on the Future of Economic Activity Centers of the Seoul 2. Major Factors on the Decentralization Trends of Economic Activity Centers 3. Changes of Main Driving Forces Causing Economic Activity Centers Transitions 4. Evolution of Economic Activity Centers in the Seoul Metropolitan Area: Prospects and

Policy Agenda

Chapter 5 The Future of Seoul 2030, Evolution of Neighborhood Commercial Areas: Prospects and Policy Agenda

1. Perspectives on the Future of Neighborhood Commercial Areas of the Seoul 2. Locations and Main Features of Neighborhood Commercial Areas of the Seoul 3. Major Characteristics of Changes on Neighborhood Commercial Areas of the


4. Changes of Main Driving Forces Causing Neighborhood Commercial Areas Transitions 5. Evolution of Neighborhood Commercial Areas in the Seoul: Prospects and Policy Agenda


서울연 2012-PR-56

미래 서울 2030 : 도시공간의 진화

발 행 인 이 창 현 발 행 일 2012년 9월 15일 발 행 처 서울연구원

137-071 서울특별시 서초구 남부순환로 340길 57 전화 (02)2149-1234 팩스 (02)2149-1025 값 6,000원 ISBN 978-89-8052-958-2 94300

978-89-8052-957-5 (세트)

본 출판물의 판권은 서울연구원에 속합니다.