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한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009


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(3) 한국학술지인용보고서. KJCR 2009 Copyrightⓒ 2010 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information Published on August 31, 2010 DOI : 10.1633/KISTI.KJCR.2009 ISBN : 978-89-6211-541-3 * 본 자료의 전문은 KSCI 사이트(http://ksci.kisti.re.kr/kjcr/2009)에서 열람하실 수 있습니다. (The complete text of this report is available on the web at http://ksci.kisti.re.kr/kjcr/2009) *. 수록된. 학술지의. 정보. 검색은. KSCI. 사이트(http://ksci.kisti.re.kr)에서. 제공됩니다. (Further information about listed journals can be found on the web at http://ksci.kisti.re.kr). 지은이 : 최선희, 김병규, 류범종, 최희윤 Choi, Seon-Heui / Kim, Byung-Kyu / You, Beom-Jong / Choi, Hee-Yoon. 발행인 : 박영서/Park, Young-Seo 발행처 : 한국과학기술정보연구원 305-806 대전 유성구 과학로 335 Tel : 82-42-869-1748 ksciadmin@kisti.re.kr. |. http://www.kisti.re.kr. *본 자료는 행정안전부와 한국정보화진흥원이 주관하는 국가 DB 사업의 지원을 받아 제작되었습니다. *Production Editor : 김해성, 양진호, 김현정 [(주) 윕스].


(5) ㅍ. C ontents. 발간사. ⅳ. 요약문. ⅵ. KSCI Journal List. ⅸ. Chapter. 1 02 1장 / 지표요약. Chapter. 2 32 1장 / Citing Journal 512 2장 / Cited Journal. Chapter. 3 992 1장 / 학술지 발간정보 변경사항 994 2장 / 2009년 이형정보 리스트.

(6) ㅍ. 발/간/사 최근 들어 연구결과나 연구자들에 대한 평가가 객관적인 정보를 제공할 수 있는 계량화된 수치에 의존하는 상황이 보편화 되고 있습니다.. 그러나. 해외. 서지정보제공기관에서. 제공된. 평가는. 국내의 연구 환경과 성과를 충분히 반영하기에는 다소 부족한 측면이. 있었습니다.. 해외. 학술저널들을. 중심으로. 발표되는. 지표들은 국내의 연구자들이나 단체들이 평가를 위해 선호하는 학술정보원에 대한 수요와 구매가 더 심화된 형태의 해외 의존 현상으로 연결되고 그 결과 학문분야에 따라서는 우리 연구자들에 대한. 제대로. 연구결과들이. 된. 평가가. 이루지지. 국내자원이라는. 않거나,. 이유만으로. 새롭고. 가치있는. 저평가되는. 일도. 발생하게 되었습니다. 이는 한국적인 상황을 반영할 수 있는 평가서비스에. 대한. 기술과. 서비스. 개발에. 대한. 요구로. 이어졌습니다. KISTI 는 2001 년부터 국내 과학기술 정보의 디지털화와 확산 기반 구축을 위해 현재까지 국내에서 발간된 459 종의 학술지에 대해. 전체. 논문정보. 27. 만건과. 참고문헌정보. 500. 만건의. 데이터베이스를 구축하였습니다. 이를 통해 다양한 그룹의 국내외 이용자를 위한 신속하고 정확한 원문제공은 물론 데이터와 원문의 고도화된 연계기능, 각종 인용지표 산출 및 분석 통계 서비스, 표준화 기술의 활용과, 글로벌 서비스를 위한 직관적이고 간결한 영문인터페이스, 시각화된 정보를 제공할 수 있는 정보 환경이 가능하게 되었습니다. 이렇게. 구축된. '한국과학기술인용데이터베이스는(KSCD:. Korea. Science Citation Database)는 정부기관에서는 인용지표를 활용한 국내 과학기술에 대한 객관적 파악, 연구동향의 분석으로, 국가 R&D. 사업의. 기반정보로,. 기획,. 투자,. 과학기술정보의. 중점사업의. 선정. 수요자이면서. 등. 의사결정의. 생산자이기도. 한. 학술단체와 대학, 연구소 등에서는 선의의 경쟁을 통한 국내 학술지의 수준향상, 인용관계 파악으로, 연구의 효율성 제고와 효과적인 학술자원의 선정과 연계 활용 서비스, 상호협력을 위한 중요자료로, 일반 이용자들은 과학기술 정보 지식의 제고 수단으로 다양하게 활용될 수 있습니다..

(7) 발/간/사 이번에. 발간되는. ‘한국과학기술인용보고서. KJCR. 2009’에서. 저희 연구원이 지난 10 년간 추진해 온 국내 과학기술 정보의 구축 및 확산 사업의 소중한 결과를 여러분에게 알리고 나눌 수 있게. 되어. 기쁘게. 생각합니다.. 학회정보화와. 학술정보의. 디지털화를 위한 지속적인 노력을 통해 구축된 KJCR(Korea Journal Citation Reports)과 KSCI(Korea Science Citation Index) 서비스는. 세계. 다른. 인용색인. 서비스와. 비교해도. 우리의. 학술환경을 반영한 그래서 더욱 유용한 서비스임을 말씀드릴 수 있습니다. 더 나아가 이를 기반으로 글로벌 서비스와 연계 및 협력을 강화하고 아시아는 물론 세계적으로도 주도적인 역할을 담당해 나가리라 확신합니다. 끝으로. 본. 보고서의. 과학기술인용데이터베이스의 정보유통본부. 기반이 구축을. 지식기반실. 되는 위해. 방대한. 그동안. 국내학술정보유통팀의. 국내. 고생해. 온. 노고를. 치하하며, 아무쪼록 이 보고서가 국내외 과학기술 정보유통 관계자뿐 아니라 연구 활동에 전념하시는 연구자, 과학기술 정책 입안에. 노력하시는. 정부. 부처. 관계자. 여러분께. 도움이 되기를 간절히 바랍니다.. 2010 년 8 월 31 일 한국과학기술정보연구원 원장 박 영 서. 조금이나마.


(9) 요/약/문 - 한국학술지인용보고서 KJCR 2009 요약 –. 2009 년 한국학술지인용보고서가 발표되었습니다. 2002 년 416 종 저널, 29,865 건의 인용문헌과 526,045 건의 참고문헌으로 구축을 시작 2010 년 2009 년 간행된 439 종의 저널을 대상으로 36,150 건의 인용문헌과 728,454 건의 참고문헌을 구축, 전체 27 만 건의 인용문헌과 500 여 만 건의 참고문헌으로 이루어진 한국학술지인용보고서를 요약합니다. 인용지수, 또는 영향력 지수라 불리는 Impact Factor 는 동일한 주제 분야 내에서 학술지의 상대적 중요성을 비교‧평가하여 특정 집단의 중요성이나 품질, 영향력을 측정하는 하나의 지표입니다. 학술지의 인용지수가 높을수록 그 집단의 영향력이 높다고 할 수 있습니다. 2009 년 최고의 인용지수(Impact Factor)를 기록한 학술지는 Korean Journal of Community Nutrition(대한지역사회영양학회지)(1.322), Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science(한국식품조리과학회지)(1.067), Journal of the Optical Society of Korea(0.929), International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing(0.91), The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition(한국식품영양학회지)(0.873), Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science(한국약용작물학회지)(0.862), Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning(농촌계획)(0.826), The Korean Journal of Nutrition(한국영양학회지)(0.776), Korean Journal of Air-Conditions and Refrigeration Engineering(설비공학논문집)(0.764), Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology(한국식품과학회지)(0.754)의 차례입니다. 인용지수가 1 이 넘는다는 것은 2 년 동안 해당 학술지에 수록된 전체 논문이 적어도 1 번 이상 다른 논문에 의하여 인용되었음을 나타냅니다. 인용지수가 나타내는 숫자가 클수록 인용이 많이 되었음을 의미합니다. 여기서 또 학술지의 인용지수를 이야기 할 때 중요한 한 가지가 있습니다. ZIF(Z-Impact Factor) 지수, 즉 기존의 인용에서 자기인용을 제외한 수치를 계산한 지수입니다. 학문의 발전이 기존의 것을 토대로 발전하고 연구자들이 연구성과의 연장선에 서 있음을 감안하면 지나친 자기인용으로 인한 학문의 발전을 막기 위한 하나의 지표로 볼 수 있습니다. 2009 년의 ZIF 지수 상위 10 개 학술지는 Korean Journal of Community Nutrition(대한지역사회영양학회지)(0.918), Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science(한국식품조리과학회지)(0.674), Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology(한국식품과학회지)(0.638), The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition(한국식품영양학회지)(0.573), The Korean Journal of Nutrition(한국영양학회지)(0.527), Korean Journal of Food.

(10) Culture(한국식생활문화학회지)(0.51), Korean Membrane Journal(0.5), Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning(농촌계획)(0.477), Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety(한국식품위생안전성학회지)(0.445), Journal of Ginseng Research(고려인삼학회지)(0.42)의 순입니다. 인용지표와 차이가 클수록 자기인용이 많다고 해석할 수 있습니다. 인용지수의 해석에 있어서 즉시성 지수는 학술지가 출판된 뒤 얼마나 빨리 인용되었는지 나타내는 지표입니다. 특정연도의 출판된 문헌수로 같은 해에 인용된 문헌을 나눈 수가 되며 2009 년 KJCR 의 즉시성 지수에서는 Journal of the Geological Society of Korea(지질학회지)(0.559), Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology(한국농림기상학회지)(0.558), Korean Journal of Community Nutrition(대한지역사회영양학회지)(0.333), Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(0.333), The korean journal of orthodontics(대한치과교정학회지)(0.324), The Journal of The Population Association of Korea(한국인구학회지:한국인구학)(0.318), Korean Journal of Gynecologic Oncology(부인종양)(0.29), Korean Journal of Apiculture(한국양봉학회지)(0.263), Bulletin of the Korean society of Fisheries Technology(한국어업기술학회지)(0.25), Landscape and Ecological Engineering(0.238) 등이 상위에 위치했습니다. 즉시성 지수는 앞의 영향력 지수나 ZIF 지수가 주로 2 년동안 인용된 문헌의 수를 대상으로 삼는데 비해 출판된 그 해의 인용문헌을 대상으로 하기 때문에 연구분야별 정보의 순환 속도를 파악할 수 있어 첨단 주제분야를 쉽게 알 수 있게 합니다. 인용지표의 산출공식에 각 학문분야의 연구특성과 연구성과물의 출판주기, 해당 주제영역 종사자 집단의 규모와 특성, 기타 등등의 이유로 일률적으로 지표산출의 공식에서 2 년이라는 인용주기를 적용하는 것은 공평하지 않은 지표산출일 수 있습니다. 이를 보정하기 위한 한 방법으로 2 년, 3 년, 5 년간의 인용지수를 산출한 것도 KJCR 의 특징입니다. 아래의 표를 참조하시면 각 인용주기에 따른 학술지 순위의 변화를 보실 수 있습니다.. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Journal Impact Factor(2 years). Journal Impact Factor(3 years). Journal Impact Factor(5 years). Kor. J. of Community Nutrition. Kor. J. of Community Nutrition. (대한지역사회영양학회지). (대한지역사회영양학회지). (대한지역사회영양학회지). Kor. J. of Food and Cookery Science. Kor. J. of Food and Cookery Science. Kor. J. of Food and Cookery Science. (한국식품조리과학회지). (한국식품조리과학회지). (한국식품조리과학회지). The Kor. J. of Food And Nutrition. Kor.. J. of Food Culture. J. of the Optical Society of Korea. Kor. J. of Community Nutrition. (한국식품영양학회지). (한국식생활문화학회지). Int. J. of Precision Engineering. Kor. J. of Food Culture. The Kor. J. of Food And Nutrition. and Manufacturing. (한국식생활문화학회지). (한국식품영양학회지). The Kor. J. of Food And Nutrition. J. of Kor. Society of Rural Planning. Kor. J. of Food Science and Technology. (한국식품영양학회지). (농촌계획). (한국식품과학회지). Kor. J. of Medicinal Crop Science. Kor. J. of Medicinal Crop Science. J. of Kor. Society of Rural Planning(. (한국약용작물학회지). (한국약용작물학회지). (농촌계획). J. of Kor. Society of Rural Planning. The Kor. J. of Nutrition. The Kor. J. of Nutrition. (농촌계획). (한국영양학회지). (한국영양학회지). The Kor. J. of Nutrition. Int. J. of Precision Engineering. J. of the Kor. Society of Food Science and. (한국영양학회지). and Manufacturing. Nutrition (한국식품영양과학회지). Kor. J. of Air-Conditions and Refrigeration. Kor. J. of Food Science and Technology. Kor. J. of Medicinal Crop Science. Engineering (설비공학논문집). (한국식품과학회지). Kor. J. of Food Science and Technology (한국식품과학회지). J. of the Optical Society of Korea. (한국약용작물학회지) Int. J. of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing.

(11) 각종 지수와 관계없이 순수하게 2009 년 간행된 학술지의 인용횟수를 살펴보면 Journal of the architectural institute of Korea planning & design(대한건축학회논문집:계획계)(59 건/문헌 438 건), Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition(한국식품영양과학회지)(56 건/문헌 260 건), Journal of the Korean Physical Society(38 건/문헌 874 건), Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society(38 건/문헌 671 건), Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure and Construction(대한건축학회논문집:구조계)(36 건/문헌 264 건), Journal of the Geological Society of Korea(지질학회지)(33 건/문헌 59 건), Food Science and Biotechnology(27 건/문헌 259 건), The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers(전기학회논문지(2007))(25 건/문헌 375), Current Applied Physics(25 건/문헌 399 건), AsianAustralasian Journal of Animal Sciences(24 건/문헌 222 건), Korean Journal of Food Preservation(한국식품저장유통학회지)(24 건/문헌 147 건)의 순서입니다. ‘한국학술지인용보고서 KJCR 2009'는 국내에서 발행된 학술저널의 2009 년 수록 인용논문과 참고문헌을 대상으로 이루어진 것입니다. 하나의 학술지에 대한 절대적이고 유일한 평가기준은 존재하지 않지만 분석된 보고서는 연구결과물의 생산자인 학술지 발간주체인 연구기관들과 단체, 연구자개인들에게, 또 소비자가 되는 각종 대학과 기관, 그리고 정부단체에까지 연구자원에 대한 분석과 보고를 겸한 또 다른 자원이 될 것입니다. 이 ‘한국학술지인용보고서 KJCR 2009'로 각 연구단체와 연구자 개인에게는 연구를 위한 선의의 경쟁을 유도하고, 연구환경과 정책 담당‧평가 주체에게는 좋은 참고자료로 활용 될 것입니다.. Note *인용지수가 같은 값인 경우 학술지명의 알파벳순에 의해 순위가 정해지며, KJCR 에 발표된 지수들은. Data. coverage, 지표산출지침 등의 원인으로 다른 인용색인지수들과 차이가 날 수 있습니다. KJCR 에 대한 문의사항은 ksciadmin@kisti.re.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다. *각 학술지에 대한 Citing Journal List 와 Cited Journal List 는 지면상의 제약으로 인하여 1 페이지씩만 제공되므로 자세한 내역은 http://ksci.kisti.re.kr->KJCR 에서 확인하시기 바랍니다..


(13) KSCI Journal List 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. 가정의학회지. The journal of the Korean academy of family medicine. DGJOBJ. 감염과 화학요법. Infection and chemotherapy. TGHHBB. 건설관리. Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. GGRHB1. 경영과학. Korean Management Science Review. GOGGCJ. 경영정보학연구. HGKJCF. 고려인삼학회지. Journal of Ginseng Research. GROSBR. 고생물학회지. Journal of the Paleontological Society of Korea. GSMHBH. 공업화학. Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. GOOOB2. 공학교육. Engineering Education. KHKOBK. 공학교육연구. Journal of Engineering Education Research. KHKOCH. 교육시설. The Journal of Korean Institute of Educational Facilities. GOSSBR. 구조물진단학회지. Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance inspection. GJMJBK. 국토계획. Journal of the Korea Planners Association. GTDSB6. 농약과학회지. The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science. NOGHBC. 농업교육과 인적자원개발. Journal of Agricultural Education and Human Resource Development. NOGOB3. 농촌계획. Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning. NCGHBW. 농촌의학.지역보건. Korean journal of rural medicine. NCOHBS. 대기. Atmosphere. KSHHDL. 대한가정학회지. Korean Home Economics Association. DHGJBI. 대한간호학회지. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. DHGHB1. 대한건축학회논문집:계획계. Journal of the architectural institute of Korea planning & design. DHGCCZ. 대한건축학회논문집:구조계 대한골절학회지. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure and Construction. DHGCBW. The Journal of the Korean society of fractures. KGJHBW. 대한교통학회지. Journal of Transportation Research Society of Korea. DHGTBM. 대한구강내과학회지. Korean Journal of Oral Medicine. GGNGBC. 대한구강보건학회지. The Journal of the Korean academy of dental health. GGBGBG. 대한구강악안면외과학회지. Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. GGOGB1. 대한금속재료학회지. Journal of The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials. GSJRCW. 대한기계학회논문집 A. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A. DHGGCI. 대한기계학회논문집 B. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B. DHGGDU. 대한나학회지. Korean leprosy bulletin. DHNHB8. 대한내과학회지. Korean journal of medicine. DHNGBV. 대한내분비학회지. Journal of Korea society of endocrinology. DNBBBF. 대한대장항문학회지. The Journal of the Korean society of coloproctology. DJHMBB. 대한공업교육학회지. KOKOB5.

(14) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. 대한두경부종양학회지. Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology. DKBJBQ. 대한마취과학회지. Korean journal of anesthesiology. MCGHBY. 대한방사선의학회지. Journal of the Korean Radiological Society. OSOHB1. 대한방사선종양학회지. The journal of the korean society for therapeutic radiology and oncology. BSJOBD. 대한법의학회지. The Korean journal of legal medicine. 대한병리학회지. The Korean Journal of Pathology. BRHHBZ. 대한비뇨기과학회지. Korean journal of urology. BNGGBM. 대한산부인과내시경학회지. Korean journal of gynecologic endoscopy. SNSGB9. 대한산부인과학회지. Korean journal of obstetrics and gynecology. SBOGCD. 대한산업공학회지. Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers. SGHHB1. 대한산업의학회지. The Korean journal of occupational and environmental medicine. SOOHBP. 대한생식의학회지. BOHHBM. DHBOB6. 대한성형외과학회지. DSOHBA. 대한세포병리학회지. The Korean Journal of Cytopathology. DSPBB5. 대한소화기내시경학회지. Korean journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy. DHSNBY. 대한소화기학회지. DSHKBH. 대한수의학회지. TSSOBU. 대한수학회논문집. Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society. DBSHCJ. 대한수학회보. Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society. E1BMAX. 대한수학회지. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. 대한수혈학회지 대한스포츠의학회지. Korean journal of sports medicine. 대한신경과학회지 대한악안면성형재건외과학회지. DBSHBB DHSHDF THSOBX HKSKCS. The Journal Of Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. OOMSBS. 대한안과학회지. Journal of the Korean ophthalmological society. DHRGCK. 대한안전경영과학회지. Journal of the Korea Safety Management and Science. OJGOBW. 대한약침학회지. Journal of Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute. DHOCBS. 대한영상의학회지. Journal of the Korean Radiological Society. OSOHC4. 대한외과학회지. Journal of the Korean surgical society. DOKHB5. 대한외상학회지. HKOSBL. 대한용접접합학회지. Journal of the Korean Welding and Joining Society. DHOJBN. 대한원격탐사학회지. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing. OGCSBN. 대한위생학회지. The Korean Journal of Sanitation. DHOSBQ. 대한의료정보학회지. Journal of Korean society of medical informatics. 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지. Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research. OOSCB@. 대한이비인후과학회지. Korean Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. HNHHBB. 대한인간공학회지. Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea. OGGHBK. Economic and Environmental Geology. JOHGB2. Journal of Korean academy of rehabitation medicine. DJHOB7. The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D. DHJGG7. 대한자원환경지질학회지:자원환경 지질 大韓再活醫學會誌 대한전기학회논문지:시스템및제어 부문 D. ORJBB9.

(15) 한글학술지명 대한전기학회논문지:전기기기및에. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B. DHJGE1. The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C. DHJGF4. The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A. DHJGDT. 대한전자공학회논문지 CI. Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI. DHJJMM. 대한전자공학회논문지 SC. Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC. DHJJJX. 대한전자공학회논문지 SD. Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD. DHJJLN. 대한전자공학회논문지 SP. Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP. DHJJNO. 대한전자공학회논문지 TC. Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC. DHJJK@. 대한전자공학회논문지 TE. Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TE. DHJJOK. 대한정형외과학회지. Journal of the Korean orthopaedic association. JHOHBV. 대한조선학회논문집. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea. DHJSCN. 대한지리학회지. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society. DHJRB7. 대한지역사회영양학회지. Korean Journal of Community Nutrition. DJOSBK. 대한지질공학회지:지질공학. The Journal of Engineering Geology. JJGHBG. 대한진단검사의학회지. Korean journal of laboratory medicine. DJGOBR. 대한체질인류학회지. The Korean journal of physical anthropology. CJORBP. 너지변환시스템부문 B 대한전기학회논문지:전기물성.응 용부문 C 대한전기학회논문지:전력기술부 문A. 대한초음파의학회지. DCOPB1. 대한치과교정학회지. The korean journal of orthodontics. CKCKBC. 대한치과보존학회지. The Journal of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry. CGBJBC. 대한치과보철학회지. The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics. CGBCB1. 대한치과턱관절기능교합학회지. The Jorunal of Korean Academy of Stomatognathic Function and Occlusion. 대한치주과학회지 대한토목학회논문집. CTGGB5 DCJGB@. Journal of The Korean Society of Civil Engineers. TMHHC2. 대한통증학회지. DTJHBT. 대한피부과학회지. DHPBCE. 대한해부학회지. Korean journal of anatomy. DHHHCZ. 대한핵의학회지. The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine. HOOHBU. 대한화약발파공학회지:화약.발파. Explosives and Blasting. HOBPBK. 대한화장품학회지. Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea. HJPHBN. 대한화학요법학회지. HHOBB5. 대한화학회지. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society. JCGMDC. 대한환경공학회지. Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers. DHHGBR. 대한흉부외과학회지. The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. HBOGB3. 동의생리병리학회지. Korean Journal of Oriental Physiology and Pathology. DRSRDH. 목재공학. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology. HMJGBP. 방사선방어학회지. Journal of Radiation Protection. BSBOB5. 보건교육건강증진학회지. Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion. BGGJBY. 부식과 방식. HBSHG2. 부인종양. Korean Journal of Gynecologic Oncology. 분석과학. Analytical Science and Technology. 분자세포학회지. Molecules and Cells. KPSPBY BGHHBN E1BJB7.

(16) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. 비파괴검사학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing. BPGGB1. 산업경영시스템학회지. Journal of the Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering. SOGOBO. 산업공학. IE interfaces. SGHHD7. 산업식품공학. Food Engineering Progress. SSGHBI. 상하수도학회지. Journal of The Korean Society of Water and Wastewater. SHSDB3. 새물리. New Physics. HMRHBB. 생명과학회지. Journal of Life Science. SMGHBM. 생물환경조절학회지. Journal of Bio-Environment Control. SMHGBV. 생약학회지. Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy. HKSOBF. 생화학분자생물학소식. DSHBCQ. 설비공학논문집. Korean Journal of Air-Conditions and Refrigeration Engineering. 센서학회지. Journal of Korean Sensors Society. HSSHBT. 소아알레르기및호흡기학회지. Pediatric allergy and respiratory disease. SOORB0. 소음진동. Journal of KSNVE. SOJDBN. 수산해양교육연구. Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education. SSHGB2. 수질보전. Journal of Korea Society on Water Quality. 순환기. The Korean Circulation Journal. TSHHBZ. 식물병연구. Research in Plant Disease. SMBRCU. 식물분류학회지. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy. SMBHBD. 식물생명공학회지. Korean Journal of Plant Biotechnology. SMSMCM. 神經精神醫學. Journal of the Korean neuropsychiatric association. SGJSB5. 약학회지. YAKHAK HOEJI. DHOHBI. 에너지공학. The Korea Society for Energy Engineering. OGJGBN. 엘라스토머. Elastomer. HKGMCJ. 열처리공학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment. OCRHB6. 염색가공. Dyeing and Finishing. OSGGC1. 예방의학회지. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. DHOBBA. 운동과학. Exercise Science. ODSRBE. 원예과학기술지. Korean Journal of Horticutural Science and Technology. OOHHBV. 유체기계공업학회지:유체기계저널. Journal of Fluid Machinery. OCGKB7. 응용통계연구. Korean Journal of Applied Statistics. GCGHDE. 인포메이션 디스플레이. Information Display. HGJBBV. 임상 당뇨병. Diabeter monitor. 임상병리와 정도관리. Clinical Pathology and Quality Control. DOKJBV. 자연과문명의조화. Civil engineering. TMHHD5. 전기학회논문지(2007). The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers. DHJGII. 전기학회논문지 P. The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers. DHJGHA. 전력전자학회논문지. The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics. JRJJC3. 전력전자학회지. The Journal of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics. JRJJBH. 약제학회지. SBGHC5. SJBJB8. KOJHBZ. 전자공학회논문지 IE. DNBHCW. DHJJZS. 정보과학회지. Communications of the Korea information science society. JBGHBM. 정보보호학회지. KIISC Review. JBBHBD. 제어로봇시스템학회논문지. Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems Engineering. JOJDCV. 제어로봇시스템학회지. iCROS. JOJDBL.

(17) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. 지구물리. Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society. JGMRBN. 지구물리와 물리탐사. Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration. MRTSBC. 지역사회발전학회 논문집. JSBHBH. 지질학회지. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea. 천문학논총. Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society. CMHHCI. 천문학회지. Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society. CMHHBA. 천식및알레르기. Journal of asthma, allergy and clinical immunology. DHCSBB. 패션비즈니스. DJJHB2. HGPSBI. 품질경영학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management. PJGOB9. 한국가금학회지. Korean Journal of Poultry Science. GGHHBK. 한국가정관리학회지. Journal of Korean Home Management Association. GJGRBW. 한국가축번식학회지. Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction. DMBSBI. 한국가축위생학회지. Korean Journal of Veterinary Service. GCOSBX. 한국강구조학회 논문집. Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. GGJHBP. 한국건설관리학회논문집. Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. GGRHC4. 한국건축시공학회지. Journal of the Korean Institute of Construction. GCSGBX. 한국결정성장학회지. Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology. GJSJBE. 한국결정학회지. Korean Journal of Crystallography. HGGJBI. 한국경영과학회지. Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society. GOGGBB. 한국고분자학회논문지:폴리머. Polymer. 한국곤충학회지. Entomological Research. 한국공작기계학회논문집. Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers. GJGGC6. 한국과학교육학회지. Journal of The Korean Association For Research In Science Education. GHGOBX. 한국과학사학회지. Journal of The Korean History of Science Society. GHSHBV. 한국광물학회지. Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea. GMHHB4. 한국광학회지. Hankook Kwanghak Hoeji. KGHHBU. 한국국제농업개발학회지. The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture. GJNGBA. 한국군사과학기술학회지. Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology. GSGGBW. 한국군사운영분석학회지. Journal of the Military Operations Research Society of Korea. GBGOB5. 한국균학회지. The Korean Journal of Mycology. GNHHDL. 한국농공학회논문집. Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers. NGHHCI. 한국농공학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers. NGHHBA. 한국농림기상학회지. Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. NRGSBM. Journal of Biosystems Engineering. NOGGB5. 한국대기환경학회지. Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment. DGHGBJ. 한국도서관정보학회지. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society. DOTBB9. 한국동굴학회지. Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea. DGHHB0. 한국동물분류학회지. The Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology. DMBRBT. 한국동물자원과학회지. Journal of Animal Science and Technology. DMJGDA. 한국마린엔지니어링학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers. BOGGBY. 한국막학회지:멤브레인. Membrane Journal. HGMHBB. 한국문헌정보학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science. MHJBB6. 한국미생물생명공학회지. Korean Journal of Microbiololgy and Biotechnology. MSMSBV. 한국농업기계학회지:바이오시스템 공학. GBJHCY HGGCBW.

(18) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. 한국미생물학회지. The Korean Journal of Microbiology. 한국방송공학회논문지. Journal of Broadcast Engineering. BSGHC3. 한국방송공학회지. Korea Society Broadcast Engineers Magazine. BSGHBH. 한국방재학회 논문집. MSMHBQ. BJHHD8. 한국보건행정학회지. Korean Journal of Health Policy and Administration. BGHJBH. 한국복식학회지:복식. The Korean Society of Costume. BSHHBV. 한국복합재료학회지:복합재료. Journal of The Korean Society for Composite Materials. 한국분말야금학회지. Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute. 한국비블리아학회지:한국비블리아 한국산업위생학회지 한국생물공학회지 한국생태환경건축학회논문집. Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and environmental hygiene Korean Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal of the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment. BHJRB9 BMOGBP BBROBV SOOSB1 KHGSBC STHGBY. 한국생화학회지. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. SHBSBU. 한국섬유공학회지. Journal of the Korean Fiber Society. SOGHBG. 한국세라믹학회지. Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society. SRMHB8. 한국소성가공학회지:소성가공. Transactions of Materials Processing. SSGGB@. 한국소음진동공학회논문집. Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering. SOJDCM. 한국수산학회지. Journal of the Korean Fisheries Society. KSSHBC. 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집. Transactions of the Korean hydrogen and new energy society. SSONB2. 한국수의공중보건학회지. Korean Journal of Veterinary Public Health. SGBHBX. 한국수자원학회논문집. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association. SJOHCI. 한국수정란이식학회지. Korean Journal of Embryo Transfer. SJROBD. 한국식생활문화학회지. Korean Journal of Food Culture. SSMHB4. 한국식품과학회지. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology. SPGHB5. 한국식품영양과학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition. SPOOBG. 한국식품영양학회지. The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition. HGSPB1. 한국식품위생안전성학회지. Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety. SPOHBV. 한국식품저장유통학회지. Korean Journal of Food Preservation. SPOSBX. 한국식품조리과학회지. Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science. HJRGB8. 한국실내디자인학회논문집. Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal. SNDJBZ. 한국심리학회지.일반. Korean journal of psychology. KPROBE. 한국안전학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Safety. HOJHB0. 한국암반공학회지:터널과지하공간. Journal of Korean Society For Rock Mechanics. OBGHBQ. 한국암석학회지. The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea. HGOSBQ. 한국약용작물학회지. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. OOJJBO. 한국양봉학회지. Korean Journal of Apiculture. OBHHBJ. 한국양식학회지. Journal of Aquaculture. GSHHBD. 한국어류학회지. Korean Journal of Ichthyology. ORHHBA. 한국어병학회지. HGOPB8. 한국어업기술학회지. Bulletin of the Korean society of Fisheries Technology. OOGSB2. 한국역학회지. Korean journal of epidemiology. OHHJBZ.

(19) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. 한국연초학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science. 한국염색가공학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers. OSGGBT. 한국영양학회지. The Korean Journal of Nutrition. KOOHBL. 한국영재학회지:영재교육연구. Journal of Gifted/Talented Education. OJHHBM. 한국우주과학회지. Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences. OJOOBS. 한국유전학회지. The Korean Journal of Genetics. JJHHC7. 한국유화학회지. Journal of The Korean Oil Chemists Society. HGOHBI. 한국육종학회지. Korean Journal of Breeding. RJHHBI. 한국윤활학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. HGOCBS. OHHHB9. 한국음향학회지. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea. 한국응용곤충학회지. Korean journal of applied entomology. OOGCBV. 한국응용생명화학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry. OOSMBK. 한국의류산업학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing Industry. ORSHBT. 한국의류학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. GORHB4. 한국의학교육. Korean journal of medical education. HNGOBX. 한국인구학회지:한국인구학. The Journal of The Population Association of Korea. GOGHBY. 한국임상수의학회지. Journal of Veterinary Clinics. OSSOB1. 한국임학회지. Journal of Korean Forestry Society. HOMHBJ. 한국자기학회지. Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society. GJKHBR. 한국자동차공학회논문집. Transactions of Korea Society of Automotive Engineers. JDCGCC. Journal of the Korean Institute of Resources Recycling. RSOCB3. 한국자원식물학회지. Korean Journal of Plant Resources. JOSMBA. 한국작물학회지. Korean Journal of Crop Science. JMHHBK. 한국잔디학회지. Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science. JDHHBF. 한국잠사학회지. Korean Journal of Sericultural Science. JSHHBX. 한국잡초학회지. Korean Journal of Weed Science. JCHHBQ. 한국재료학회지. Korean Journal of Materials Research. GJRHBQ. 한국자원리싸이클링학회지:자원리 싸이클링. 한국전기전자재료학회논문지 한국전기화학회지 한국전산구조공학회논문집 한국전산구조공학회학회지:전산구 조공학. Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea Computational Structural Engineering. GOHHBH. JJJRCC JHHHB@ JSGJCV JSGJBL. 한국전산유체공학회지. Journal of computational fluids engineering. JSRCB3. 한국전자파학회논문지. Journal of the Korea Electromagnetic Engineering Society. JJPHCH. 한국전자파학회지:전자파기술. The Proceedings of the Korea Electromagnetic Engineering Society. JJPHBK. 한국전자현미경학회지. Korean Journal of Electron Microscopy. JJHMBC. 한국전통조경학회지. Journal of Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture. HJOHBR. 한국정밀공학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering. JMGHBV. Journal of KISS:Databases. JBGHEH. Journal of KISS:Software and Applications. JBGHF3. 한국정보과학회논문지:데이타베이 스 한국정보과학회논문지:소프트웨어 및응용.

(20) 한글학술지명 한국정보과학회논문지:시스템및이. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. Journal of KISS:Computer Systems and Theory. JBGHG6. Journal of KISS:Information Networking. JBGHH9. Journal of KISS:Computing Practices and Letters. JBGHIF. 한국정보관리학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for information Management. JBGRBQ. 한국정보보호학회논문지. Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology. JBBHCB. 한국정보처리학회논문지 A. The KIPS Transactions:PartA. JBCREI. 한국정보처리학회논문지 B. The KIPS Transactions:PartB. JBCRFU. 한국정보처리학회논문지 C. The KIPS Transactions:PartC. JBCRDA. 한국정보처리학회논문지 D. The KIPS Transactions:PartD. JBCRGX. 한국정원학회지. Journal of the Korean traditional garden research association. HJOHAG. 론 한국정보과학회논문지:정보통신 한국정보과학회논문지:컴퓨팅의 실제 및 레터. 한국정책학회보 한국조경학회지 한국조명전기설비학회논문지. HJCHB4 Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers. JGHHBR JMJGCE. 한국주거학회논문집. Journal of the Korean housing association. HGJGBB. 한국주조공학회지. Journal of the Korean foundrymen society. HJGHBQ. 한국지구과학회지. Journal of the Korean Earth Science Society. JGGHBA. 한국지구시스템공학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for Geosystem. GGSGBO. 한국지반공학회논문지. Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society. GJBGC4. 한국지방자치학회보. Journal of Local Government Studies. JBJCBR. 한국지역개발학회지 한국지진공학회논문집. HGGBBT Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea. 한국지질동맥경화학회지. GJJGB@ DMKHB9. 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수. The Journal of Korean Society of Soil and Ground Water. 토양환경. Environment. 한국진공학회지. Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society. 한국창조공학회지. JGSTB5 KJGHBI HKCJB1. 한국철도학회논문집. HGCDCF. 한국철도학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for Railway. 한국체육학회지. The Korean Journal of Physical Education. HGCDB9 SPBRBR. 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편. SPBRDC. 한국체육학회지자연과학편. SPBREP. 한국초전도저온공학회논문지. Journal of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics. CJJOCB. 한국초지학회지. Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland Science. GCJHBG. 한국추진공학회지. Journal of the Korean Society Propulsion Engineers. CJGHBH. 한국축산식품학회지. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources. CSSPBQ. 한국측량학회지. Journal of Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography. GCRHBD. 한국콘크리트학회논문집. Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute. CCRTCN. 한국태양에너지학회 논문집. Journal of. TOONB4. 한국토양비료학회지. Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer. TBRHBL. 한국통계학회논문집. The Korean Communications in Statistics. GCGHC8. 한국통신학회논문지. The Journal of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences. GCSHCI. the Korean Solar Energy Society.

(21) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. 한국통신학회지:정보통신. The Journal of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences. 한국퍼지및지능시스템학회논문지. Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems. 한국펄프종이공학회지:펄프종이기. Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper. 술. Industry. 한국폐기물학회지. Journal of Korea Solid Wastes Engineering Society. PGMHBU. 한국표면공학회지. Journal of The Korean Institute of Surface Engineering. PMGHBJ. 한국하천호수학회지. Korean Journal of Limnlolgy. HOSHB9. 한국학교보건학회지. GCSHBA PJJNBT PPJOBT. HKHKB2. 한국항공우주학회지. Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical Space Science. 한국항해항만학회지. Journal of Korean navigation and port research. GHMHD9. 한국해안해양공학회논문집. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers. HOHODK. 한국해안해양공학회지. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers. HOHOBM. 한국해양공학회지. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology. HOGHC7. 한국해양정보통신학회논문지 한국해양학회지:바다. The Journal of the Korean Institute of Maritime Information and Communication Sciences The Sea. 한국행정학보. HGJHBY. HOJBC0 GHOHBG HJHHBJ. 한국화재소방학회논문지. Transactions of Korean Institute of Fire Science and Engineering. 한국환경과학회지. Journal of the Environmental Sciences. KHGGB3. 한국환경농학회지. Korea Journal of Environmental Agriculture. HGNHB8. 한국환경독성학회지. Journal of Environmental Toxicology. HRDSBI. 한국환경보건학회지. Korean Journal of Environmental Health. HROSBE. 한국환경복원녹화기술학회지. HJSBCY. HKBOB5. 한국환경생태학회지. Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology. HRSCBX. 한국 CAD/CAM 학회논문집. Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers. CDCHCH. 한국 IT 서비스학회지. Journal of the Korea society of IT services. OTSBB9. 航空宇宙醫學. The Korean Journal of Arospace and Environmental Medicine. HHGOB3. 항공우주의학회지. Korean journal of arospace and environmental medicine. HHGOC6. 핵의학분자영상. Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. HOOHCX. 화학공학. Korean Chemical Engineering Research. HHGHHL. 환경생물. Korean Journal of Environmental Biology. HGSMBT. 환경영향평가. Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment. HOPHBL. Molecular & Cellular Toxicology. DDODB@. Architectural research. DHGCFS. Immune Network. DHMOD5. Journal of Bacteriology and Virology. DHMSCK. The Korean journal of internal medicine. DHNGCY. The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology. DHORC3. Annals of dermatology. DHPBB8. Korean Journal of Ophthalmology. DHRGBO. Korean journal of pediatrics. DHSGBQ. Reproductive & Developmental Biology. DMBSCU. Korean Diabetes Journal. DNBHBQ. Experimental and Molecular Medicine. DSHBBF. Toxicological Research. DSHHBQ.

(22) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. Korean Journal of Nephrology. DSJHBV. International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration. E1ACAP. The Asian Journal on Quality. E1AJAK. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. E1APAR. Korea-Australia Rheology Journal. E1ARAH. International Journal of Automotive Technology. E1ATAA. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE. E1BBA1. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. E1BOBJ. Animal Cells and Systems. E1BSAF. Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering. E1CAA3. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems. E1CAB6. International Journal of CAD/CAM. E1CDBZ. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials. E1CJBL. Journal of Community Nutrition. E1CNAO. Corrosion Science and Technology. E1COB2. Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment. E1DGB6. Geoscience Journal. E1DJBZ. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. E1DMBP. KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems. E1EEB3. KIEE International Transactions on Electrophysics and Applications. E1EEC6. KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering. E1EEEF. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology. E1EEFQ. Journal of the Korea Electromagnetic Engineering Society. E1ELAT. International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems. E1FLA5. Fibers and Polymers. E1FPAN. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. E1FSA3. Journal of Medicinal Food. E1FSB6. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. E1GHBJ. Geosystem Engineering. E1GOAR. International Journal of Human Ecology. E1HEAZ. Environmental Engineering Research. E1HGBK. The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. E1HHB2. International review of public administration. E1HJBF. Journal of the Fisheries Science and Technology. E1HKAL. Natural Product Sciences. E1HSBY. International Journal of Maritime Information and Communication Sciences International Journal of Industrial Entomology:IJIE. E1ICAW E1IEAM. International Journal of Safety. E1IJAU. Journal of Information Processing Systems. E1JBB0. International Journal of Costume. E1JCAN. The Journal of Microbiology. E1JMA1. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. E1JSE6. Mycobiology. E1KHB0.

(23) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. Metals and materials international. E1KIAN. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. E1KMBE. KSTLE International Journal. E1KSA1. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. E1MAAP. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. E1MBA4. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. E1MEAX. Journal of Magnetics. E1MGAB. Korean Membrane Journal. E1MJA7. Macromolecular Research. E1MRAA. International Journal of Management Science. E1MSAQ. Nutritional Sciences. E1NSA@. Nutrition Research and Practice. E1NSBN. Journal of Communications and Networks. E1NUAJ. Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanograpy. E1OCA0. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. E1OGB9. Forest Science and Technology. E1OHBL. Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry. E1OOBF. Journal of the Optical Society of Korea. E1OSAB. Journal of Plant Biotechnology. E1PBAN. Archives of Pharmacal Research. E1PHAW. The Plant Pathology Journal. E1PPBG. Journal of the Korean Physical Society. E1PSB2. Current Applied Physics. E1PSC5. Journal of Power Electronics. E1PWAX. Korean Journal of Radiology. E1RDBQ. Journal of Veterinary Science. E1SEBR. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea. E1SKAV. Advanced Composite Materials. E1SKBY. Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology. E1SOAH. Food Science and Biotechnology. E1SPB8. JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science. E1STAN. Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials. E1TEAO. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. E1TMBH. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. GCGHB5. International journal of steel structures. GGJHD5. International Journal of Oral Biology. GGSMBL. Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. GHHGC4. Ocean Science Journal. GHOHDS. The Korean Journal of Parasitology. GSCHBT. Electronic Materials Letters. GSJRBQ. The Korean Journal of Hematology. HGHHBW. Journal of Information Display. HGJBCY. KSAS Internatioanl Journal. HGJHC0. Information Systems Review. HGKJB9. Cancer research and treatment. HKOHBF.

(24) 한글학술지명. 영문학술지명. KOJIC. Journal of clinical neurology. HKSKBR. Ocean and Polar Research. HOGBB1. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society. JCGMCS. Weed Biology and Management. JCHHCW. ALGAE. JORHBK. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. KJKHB9. Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. MCGHC0. Genomics & Informatics. OJCHBH. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. OJRHBJ. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology : HEB. OOHHCY. Biomolecules & Therapeutics. OOOMB4. Waste recycling and management research. PGMHCX. Experimental Neurobiology. SDSOBW. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems. SGHHEA. Psychiatry investigation. SGJSC8. Laboraroty Animal Research. SHDMCN. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society. SKOKBV. Journal of Plant Biology. SMHHB8. Interdisciplinary Bio Central. SMJBB7. The Korean Journal of Ecology. STHHBE. Journal of Ecology and Field Biology. STHHCL. The Korean journal of hepatology. TKHHBM.

(25) CHAPTER Ⅰ 1장 / Summary (지표요약).

(26) 한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009 | ChapterⅠ. 지표요약 KOJIC. Journal Title(Kor.). Journal Title(Eng.). Docs.. Refs.. Cited. 1. DJOSBK. 대한지역사회영양학회지. Korean Journal of Community Nutrition. 66. 2258. 22. 2. HJRGB8. 한국식품조리과학회지. Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science. 83. 2619. 13. 3. E1OSAB. Journal of the Optical Society of Korea. 79. 1356. 16. 4. E1MAAP. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 107. 2228. 21. 5. HGSPB1. 한국식품영양학회지. The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition. 90. 2213. 20. 6. OOJJBO. 한국약용작물학회지. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 65. 1520. 13. 7. NCGHBW. 농촌계획. Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning. 46. 1060. 10. 8. KOOHBL. 한국영양학회지. The Korean Journal of Nutrition. 69. 2267. 14. 9. SBGHC5. 설비공학논문집. Korean Journal of Air-Conditions and Refrigeration Engineering. 93. 991. 13. 120. 3099. 16. 91. 2527. 6. 10. SPGHB5. 한국식품과학회지. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology. 11. SSMHB4. 한국식생활문화학회지. Korean Journal of Food Culture. 12. SPOOBG. 한국식품영양과학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition. 260. 7805. 56. 13. E1PWAX. Journal of Power Electronics. 100. 1612. 10. 14. E1BBA1. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE. 124. 3562. 5. 15. OBHHBJ. 한국양봉학회지. Korean Journal of Apiculture. 38. 753. 10. 16. SJBJB8. 수질보전. Journal of Korea Society on Water Quality. 111. 2288. 23. 17. HOSHB9. 한국하천호수학회지. Korean Journal of Limnlolgy. 53. 1617. 11. 18. DHGHB1. 대한간호학회지. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 90. 2577. 4. 19. E1MGAB. Journal of Magnetics. 40. 596. 4. 20. HRSCBX. 한국환경생태학회지. Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology. 59. 1369. 5. 21. MSMSBV. 한국미생물생명공학회지. Korean Journal of Microbiololgy and Biotechnology. 60. 1526. 7. 22. GCJHBG. 한국초지학회지. Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland Science. 44. 871. 10. 23. NRGSBM. 한국농림기상학회지. Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 29. 564. 10. 24. SPOHBV. 한국식품위생안전성학회지. Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety. 58. 1277. 4. 25. GROSBR. 고려인삼학회지. Journal of Ginseng Research. 54. 1510. 8. 26. DJJHB2. 지질학회지. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea. 59. 2010. 33. 27. SGBHBX. 한국수의공중보건학회지. Korean Journal of Veterinary Public Health. 34. 851. 2. 28. KHKOCH. 공학교육연구. Journal of Engineering Education Research. 48. 824. 2. 29. SJOHCI. 한국수자원학회논문집. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association. 95. 1921. 16. 30. GTDSB6. 국토계획. Journal of the Korea Planners Association. 121. 2508. 13. 31. GORHB4. 한국의류학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 180. 4790. 18. 32. GSJRBQ. Electronic Materials Letters. 42. 690. 6. 33. E1MJA7. Korean Membrane Journal. 4. 85. 0. 34. HNGOBX. 한국의학교육. Korean journal of medical education. 44. 701. 6. 35. DHGCBW. 대한건축학회논문집:구조계. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure and Constru. 264. 3557. 36. 36. E1KIAN. Metals and materials international. 152. 3208. 11. 37. OOSMBK. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry. 122. 2897. 20. 38. E1SPB8. Food Science and Biotechnology. 259. 7694. 27. 한국응용생명화학회지. 2.

(27) 한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009 | ChapterⅠ. 지표요약 Cited(2 y Cited(3 y Cited(5 y Self CitedSelf CitedSelf CitedIF. IF(3 year IF(5 year Imme. In ZIF. ZIF3. ZIF5. Self CitedSelf Citing. 193. 261. 401. 59. 85. 137. 1.322. 1.220. 1.156. 0.333. 0.918. 0.822. 0.761. 0.318. 0.003. 239. 364. 556. 88. 131. 186. 1.067. 1.090. 1.043. 0.157. 0.674. 0.698. 0.694. 0.308. 0.002. 91. 93. 96. 77. 78. 81. 0.929. 0.727. 0.505. 0.203. 0.143. 0.117. 0.079. 0.688. 0.008. 101. 119. 137. 87. 100. 117. 0.910. 0.748. 0.581. 0.196. 0.126. 0.119. 0.085. 0.857. 0.008. 131. 198. 266. 45. 54. 59. 0.873. 0.925. 0.824. 0.222. 0.573. 0.673. 0.641. 0.700. 0.006. 119. 156. 220. 62. 73. 91. 0.862. 0.757. 0.604. 0.200. 0.413. 0.403. 0.354. 0.769. 0.007. 71. 103. 137. 30. 39. 55. 0.826. 0.805. 0.725. 0.217. 0.477. 0.500. 0.434. 0.400. 0.004. 128. 189. 317. 41. 56. 79. 0.776. 0.756. 0.722. 0.203. 0.527. 0.532. 0.542. 0.143. 0.001. 165. 192. 241. 133. 141. 154. 0.764. 0.552. 0.371. 0.140. 0.148. 0.147. 0.134. 0.385. 0.005. 181. 283. 569. 28. 41. 80. 0.754. 0.747. 0.790. 0.133. 0.638. 0.639. 0.679. 0.063. 0.000. 144. 228. 381. 46. 68. 112. 0.750. 0.809. 0.854. 0.066. 0.510. 0.567. 0.603. 0.667. 0.002. 338. 479. 768. 144. 194. 278. 0.700. 0.678. 0.628. 0.215. 0.402. 0.404. 0.401. 0.464. 0.003. 54. 79. 100. 49. 70. 82. 0.675. 0.658. 0.532. 0.100. 0.063. 0.075. 0.096. 0.800. 0.005. 144. 165. 206. 111. 120. 137. 0.667. 0.532. 0.418. 0.040. 0.153. 0.145. 0.140. 1.000. 0.001. 44. 49. 61. 42. 46. 56. 0.657. 0.533. 0.459. 0.263. 0.030. 0.033. 0.038. 1.000. 0.013. 145. 190. 229. 86. 105. 120. 0.650. 0.483. 0.389. 0.207. 0.265. 0.216. 0.185. 0.565. 0.006. 85. 108. 169. 50. 65. 105. 0.620. 0.571. 0.473. 0.208. 0.255. 0.228. 0.179. 0.636. 0.004. 135. 190. 333. 52. 77. 130. 0.605. 0.534. 0.508. 0.044. 0.372. 0.317. 0.310. 0.500. 0.001. 45. 58. 64. 39. 48. 50. 0.592. 0.487. 0.354. 0.100. 0.079. 0.084. 0.077. 0.250. 0.002. 70. 99. 137. 25. 42. 58. 0.583. 0.596. 0.531. 0.085. 0.375. 0.343. 0.306. 0.200. 0.001. 59. 79. 96. 29. 37. 39. 0.573. 0.497. 0.354. 0.117. 0.291. 0.264. 0.210. 0.571. 0.003. 46. 59. 75. 30. 37. 49. 0.561. 0.484. 0.359. 0.227. 0.195. 0.180. 0.124. 0.900. 0.010. 29. 38. 63. 14. 15. 25. 0.558. 0.442. 0.412. 0.345. 0.288. 0.267. 0.248. 0.900. 0.016. 61. 77. 109. 12. 17. 23. 0.555. 0.513. 0.487. 0.069. 0.445. 0.400. 0.384. 0.250. 0.001. 43. 56. 88. 9. 10. 13. 0.531. 0.505. 0.518. 0.148. 0.420. 0.414. 0.441. 0.625. 0.003. 50. 60. 87. 15. 20. 25. 0.526. 0.438. 0.399. 0.559. 0.368. 0.292. 0.284. 0.909. 0.015. 32. 35. 42. 12. 12. 12. 0.525. 0.438. 0.339. 0.059. 0.328. 0.288. 0.242. 0.000. 0.000. 36. 46. 61. 26. 34. 47. 0.522. 0.484. 0.415. 0.042. 0.145. 0.126. 0.095. 0.000. 0.000. 99. 134. 225. 47. 60. 97. 0.518. 0.465. 0.468. 0.168. 0.272. 0.257. 0.266. 0.375. 0.003. 106. 150. 269. 48. 64. 118. 0.510. 0.482. 0.497. 0.107. 0.279. 0.277. 0.279. 0.692. 0.004. 174. 280. 478. 81. 118. 195. 0.501. 0.539. 0.562. 0.100. 0.268. 0.312. 0.333. 0.611. 0.002. 36. 42. 45. 28. 33. 36. 0.500. 0.404. 0.352. 0.143. 0.111. 0.087. 0.070. 0.833. 0.007. 8. 8. 8. 0. 0. 0. 0.500. 0.320. 0.190. 0.000. 0.500. 0.320. 0.190. 0.000. 0.000. 36. 46. 68. 28. 35. 56. 0.486. 0.434. 0.425. 0.136. 0.108. 0.104. 0.075. 1.000. 0.009. 243. 336. 475. 124. 159. 207. 0.484. 0.444. 0.388. 0.136. 0.237. 0.234. 0.219. 0.583. 0.006. 96. 116. 139. 59. 70. 85. 0.482. 0.419. 0.316. 0.072. 0.186. 0.166. 0.123. 0.273. 0.001. 61. 95. 144. 20. 23. 27. 0.480. 0.497. 0.427. 0.164. 0.323. 0.377. 0.347. 0.500. 0.003. 211. 298. 387. 114. 159. 199. 0.480. 0.481. 0.402. 0.104. 0.220. 0.224. 0.195. 0.519. 0.002. 3.

(28) 한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009 | ChapterⅠ. 지표요약 KOJIC. Journal Title(Kor.). Journal Title(Eng.). 39. HGNHB8. 한국환경농학회지. Korea Journal of Environmental Agriculture. 63. 1402. 5. 40. JGHHBR. 한국조경학회지. Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture. 67. 1750. 12. 41. HSSHBT. 센서학회지. Journal of Korean Sensors Society. 71. 937. 4. 42. KJGHBI. 한국진공학회지. Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society. 69. 1146. 15. 43. GHGOBX. 한국과학교육학회지. Journal of The Korean Association For Research In Science Educatio. 74. 2535. 11. 44. E1PSB2. 874. 16273. 38. 45. GGRHC4. 한국건설관리학회논문집. Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 90. 1283. 5. 46. HKGMCJ. 엘라스토머. Elastomer. 54. 1307. 2. 47. SPOSBX. 한국식품저장유통학회지. Korean Journal of Food Preservation. 147. 3564. 24. Journal of the Korean Physical Society. Docs.. Refs.. Cited. 48. GJGRBW. 한국가정관리학회지. Journal of Korean Home Management Association. 105. 4702. 9. 49. DHJRB7. 대한지리학회지. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society. 49. 1922. 3. 50. KSHHDL. 대기. Atmosphere. 26. 611. 2. 51. DGHGBJ. 한국대기환경학회지. Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment. 48. 1047. 5. 52. E1DMBP. 222. 8276. 24. 53. JCHHBQ. 한국잡초학회지. Korean Journal of Weed Science. 45. 835. 5. 54. NOGHBC. 농약과학회지. The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science. 44. 974. 4. 55. CSSPBQ. 한국축산식품학회지. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources. 91. 2913. 8. 56. CKCKBC. 대한치과교정학회지. The korean journal of orthodontics. 37. 1090. 12. 57. HGKJCF. 경영정보학연구. 30. 1730. 1. 58. OOGCBV. 한국응용곤충학회지. 70. 1659. 13. 59. HGOPB8. 한국어병학회지. 43. 994. 1. 60. DHGCCZ. 대한건축학회논문집:계획계. 438. 6772. 59. 61. E1ATAA. International Journal of Automotive Technology. 90. 1444. 6. 62. SSGHBI. 산업식품공학. Food Engineering Progress. 52. 1235. 5. 63. HKSOBF. 생약학회지. Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy. 65. 1491. 9. 64. HKBOB5. 한국환경복원녹화기술학회지. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 한국측량학회지. Korean journal of applied entomology. Journal of the architectural institute of Korea planning & design. 66. 1470. 8. Journal of Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and. 78. 991. 10. 47. 2435. 6. The Korean journal of occupational and environmental medicine. 42. 1575. 7. Journal of Plant Biology. 80. 3263. 3. 109. 1268. 15. 43. 818. 8. 120. 5336. 5. 54. 1407. 8. 121. 2222. 6. 65. GCRHBD. 66. HJCHB4. 한국정책학회보. 67. SOOHBP. 대한산업의학회지. 68. SMHHB8. 69. HJSBCY. 한국화재소방학회논문지. Transactions of Korean Institute of Fire Science and Engineering. 70. HGMHBB. 한국막학회지:멤브레인. Membrane Journal. 71. BSHHBV. 한국복식학회지:복식. The Korean Society of Costume. 72. HJOHBR. 한국전통조경학회지. Journal of Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture. 73. E1CAB6. 74. OCGKB7. 유체기계공업학회지:유체기계저널 Journal of Fluid Machinery. 70. 698. 6. 75. GGBGBG. 대한구강보건학회지. The Journal of the Korean academy of dental health. 62. 1571. 4. 76. GGSMBL. International Journal of Oral Biology. 30. 880. 1. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems. 4.

(29) 한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009 | ChapterⅠ. 지표요약 Cited(2 y Cited(3 y Cited(5 y Self CitedSelf CitedSelf CitedIF. IF(3 year IF(5 year Imme. In ZIF. ZIF3. ZIF5. Self CitedSelf Citing. 53. 63. 96. 15. 17. 29. 0.477. 0.396. 0.378. 0.079. 0.342. 0.289. 0.264. 0.800. 0.003. 57. 78. 129. 25. 34. 56. 0.471. 0.429. 0.411. 0.179. 0.264. 0.242. 0.232. 0.083. 0.001. 66. 82. 108. 53. 66. 86. 0.468. 0.385. 0.296. 0.056. 0.092. 0.075. 0.060. 1.000. 0.004. 75. 83. 85. 70. 77. 78. 0.466. 0.340. 0.271. 0.217. 0.031. 0.025. 0.022. 1.000. 0.013. 76. 105. 160. 44. 67. 105. 0.466. 0.434. 0.372. 0.149. 0.196. 0.157. 0.128. 0.909. 0.004. 839. 1011. 1113. 760. 924. 1014. 0.463. 0.394. 0.305. 0.043. 0.044. 0.034. 0.027. 0.632. 0.001. 78. 107. 170. 26. 45. 71. 0.462. 0.433. 0.406. 0.056. 0.308. 0.251. 0.236. 0.600. 0.002. 24. 35. 46. 20. 29. 38. 0.453. 0.449. 0.331. 0.037. 0.075. 0.077. 0.058. 0.500. 0.001. 113. 158. 264. 9. 13. 19. 0.445. 0.415. 0.453. 0.163. 0.409. 0.381. 0.420. 0.417. 0.003. 72. 99. 151. 40. 51. 74. 0.436. 0.396. 0.351. 0.086. 0.194. 0.192. 0.179. 0.444. 0.001. 50. 65. 86. 27. 31. 43. 0.435. 0.404. 0.310. 0.061. 0.200. 0.211. 0.155. 0.333. 0.001. 34. 49. 51. 20. 24. 24. 0.425. 0.426. 0.347. 0.077. 0.175. 0.217. 0.184. 0.500. 0.002. 54. 90. 130. 33. 54. 73. 0.425. 0.427. 0.370. 0.104. 0.165. 0.171. 0.162. 1.000. 0.005. 218. 279. 390. 194. 248. 344. 0.423. 0.349. 0.287. 0.108. 0.047. 0.039. 0.034. 0.958. 0.003. 38. 49. 75. 30. 40. 62. 0.418. 0.366. 0.355. 0.111. 0.088. 0.067. 0.062. 0.800. 0.005. 43. 60. 96. 18. 26. 38. 0.417. 0.395. 0.378. 0.091. 0.243. 0.224. 0.228. 0.500. 0.002. 72. 97. 142. 37. 47. 63. 0.414. 0.386. 0.364. 0.088. 0.201. 0.199. 0.203. 0.750. 0.002. 31. 37. 54. 30. 35. 49. 0.413. 0.306. 0.243. 0.324. 0.013. 0.017. 0.023. 1.000. 0.011. 21. 28. 50. 9. 13. 19. 0.412. 0.308. 0.311. 0.033. 0.235. 0.165. 0.193. 0.000. 0.000. 51. 72. 99. 40. 50. 66. 0.408. 0.407. 0.361. 0.186. 0.088. 0.124. 0.120. 0.615. 0.005. 24. 30. 42. 22. 28. 36. 0.407. 0.337. 0.290. 0.023. 0.034. 0.022. 0.041. 1.000. 0.001. 298. 447. 625. 155. 218. 304. 0.405. 0.393. 0.351. 0.135. 0.194. 0.202. 0.180. 0.644. 0.006. 72. 110. 153. 50. 73. 97. 0.400. 0.379. 0.376. 0.067. 0.122. 0.128. 0.138. 0.500. 0.002. 33. 49. 62. 11. 13. 15. 0.398. 0.408. 0.328. 0.096. 0.265. 0.300. 0.249. 0.200. 0.001. 53. 81. 145. 29. 32. 41. 0.398. 0.429. 0.466. 0.138. 0.180. 0.259. 0.334. 0.444. 0.003. 52. 73. 98. 19. 31. 43. 0.397. 0.392. 0.321. 0.121. 0.252. 0.226. 0.180. 0.375. 0.002. 52. 63. 86. 44. 51. 68. 0.397. 0.352. 0.321. 0.128. 0.061. 0.067. 0.067. 0.800. 0.008. 35. 39. 65. 18. 21. 33. 0.393. 0.312. 0.294. 0.128. 0.191. 0.144. 0.145. 0.500. 0.001. 29. 43. 76. 12. 19. 37. 0.392. 0.387. 0.404. 0.167. 0.230. 0.216. 0.207. 0.571. 0.003. 63. 76. 83. 38. 39. 39. 0.391. 0.322. 0.236. 0.038. 0.155. 0.157. 0.125. 0.333. 0.000. 57. 68. 82. 49. 56. 65. 0.388. 0.333. 0.273. 0.138. 0.054. 0.059. 0.057. 1.000. 0.012. 33. 51. 69. 29. 45. 61. 0.388. 0.425. 0.354. 0.186. 0.047. 0.050. 0.041. 0.625. 0.006. 99. 137. 195. 44. 55. 72. 0.379. 0.360. 0.340. 0.042. 0.211. 0.215. 0.215. 0.400. 0.000. 32. 40. 46. 22. 29. 33. 0.376. 0.313. 0.274. 0.148. 0.118. 0.086. 0.077. 1.000. 0.006. 68. 90. 105. 47. 62. 68. 0.366. 0.333. 0.263. 0.050. 0.113. 0.104. 0.093. 0.500. 0.001. 51. 63. 75. 41. 47. 50. 0.364. 0.294. 0.217. 0.086. 0.071. 0.075. 0.072. 0.333. 0.003. 40. 68. 107. 37. 61. 91. 0.357. 0.425. 0.416. 0.065. 0.027. 0.044. 0.062. 1.000. 0.003. 18. 21. 24. 17. 20. 23. 0.353. 0.292. 0.209. 0.033. 0.020. 0.014. 0.009. 1.000. 0.001. 5.

(30) 한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009 | ChapterⅠ. 지표요약 KOJIC. Journal Title(Kor.). Journal Title(Eng.). 77. BNGGBM. 대한비뇨기과학회지. Korean journal of urology. 78. DHOBBA. 예방의학회지. 79. CCRTCN. 80. HOGHC7. 81. DSHBBF. 82. GGJHBP. 한국강구조학회 논문집. 83. HOHODK. 84. Docs.. Refs.. Cited. 205. 4528. 8. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. 58. 1849. 10. 한국콘크리트학회논문집. Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute. 83. 1338. 11. 한국해양공학회지. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology. 101. 1113. 9. Experimental and Molecular Medicine. 101. 3554. 5. Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction. 64. 920. 5. 한국해안해양공학회논문집. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers. 51. 784. 9. GMHHB4. 한국광물학회지. Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea. 40. 960. 7. 85. GBJHCY. 한국고분자학회논문지:폴리머. Polymer. 97. 2379. 4. 86. E1APAR. 87. KSSHBC. 한국수산학회지. Journal of the Korean Fisheries Society. 88. OOGSB2. 한국어업기술학회지. 89. HGOSBQ. 한국암석학회지. 90. JGSTB5. 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양 The Journal of Korean Society of Soil and Ground Water Environme. 91. HOMHBJ. 한국임학회지. 92. GSCHBT. 93. JMHHBK. 94. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 54. 1315. 1. 104. 2680. 5. Bulletin of the Korean society of Fisheries Technology. 28. 370. 7. The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea. 25. 673. 1. 50. 1131. 8. Journal of Korean Forestry Society. 100. 2529. 6. The Korean Journal of Parasitology. 71. 1598. 5. 한국작물학회지. Korean Journal of Crop Science. 72. 1278. 4. ORHHBA. 한국어류학회지. Korean Journal of Ichthyology. 40. 1144. 7. 95. STHGBY. 한국생태환경건축학회논문집. Journal of the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environ. 64. 923. 0. 96. E1MBA4. 243. 7153. 12. 97. JGGHBA. 한국지구과학회지. Journal of the Korean Earth Science Society. 77. 2203. 7. 98. DHJSCN. 대한조선학회논문집. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea. 71. 686. 9. 99. HROSBE. 한국환경보건학회지. Korean Journal of Environmental Health. 65. 1725. 3. The Korean journal of hepatology. 78. 1850. 5. Korean Journal of Environmental Biology. 53. 1608. 2. Korean Diabetes Journal. 78. 1964. 17. 106. 2367. 5. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100 TKHHBM 101 HGSMBT. 환경생물. 102 DNBHBQ 103 OOHHBV. 원예과학기술지. 104 SMBRCU. 식물병연구. 105 DDODB@. Korean Journal of Horticutural Science and Technology Research in Plant Disease. 43. 636. 2. Molecular & Cellular Toxicology. 50. 1420. 6. 106 TOONB4. 한국태양에너지학회 논문집. Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society. 67. 484. 12. 107 SHSDB3. 상하수도학회지. Journal of The Korean Society of Water and Wastewater. 91. 1280. 5. 108 DHSHDF. 대한수혈학회지. 33. 494. 2. 109 SMHGBV. 생물환경조절학회지. Journal of Bio-Environment Control. 74. 1285. 5. 110 HJPHBN. 대한화장품학회지. Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea. 40. 742. 1. 111 HJHHBJ. 한국행정학보. 61. 3533. 4. 112 HOHOBM. 한국해안해양공학회지. 0. 0. 0. 27. 1147. 0. 160. 1656. 10. 113 JORHBK 114 SOJDCM. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers ALGAE. 한국소음진동공학회논문집. Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Enginee. 6.

(31) 한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009 | ChapterⅠ. 지표요약 Cited(2 y Cited(3 y Cited(5 y Self CitedSelf CitedSelf CitedIF. IF(3 year IF(5 year Imme. In ZIF. ZIF3. ZIF5. Self CitedSelf Citing. 151. 209. 299. 139. 194. 274. 0.348. 0.308. 0.259. 0.039. 0.028. 0.022. 0.022. 0.750. 0.001. 44. 79. 126. 15. 24. 38. 0.346. 0.403. 0.409. 0.172. 0.228. 0.281. 0.286. 0.000. 0.000. 62. 81. 116. 36. 41. 53. 0.346. 0.297. 0.232. 0.133. 0.145. 0.147. 0.126. 0.545. 0.004. 56. 85. 116. 41. 49. 64. 0.339. 0.347. 0.301. 0.089. 0.091. 0.147. 0.135. 0.778. 0.006. 57. 81. 97. 37. 49. 54. 0.339. 0.323. 0.241. 0.050. 0.119. 0.127. 0.107. 0.600. 0.001. 49. 55. 77. 23. 27. 35. 0.338. 0.247. 0.206. 0.078. 0.179. 0.126. 0.112. 0.400. 0.002. 21. 21. 22. 19. 19. 19. 0.333. 0.333. 0.244. 0.176. 0.032. 0.032. 0.033. 0.889. 0.010. 26. 31. 36. 18. 19. 21. 0.333. 0.272. 0.206. 0.175. 0.103. 0.105. 0.086. 0.857. 0.006. 60. 79. 106. 54. 71. 89. 0.333. 0.292. 0.239. 0.041. 0.033. 0.030. 0.038. 0.750. 0.001. 34. 47. 62. 9. 13. 17. 0.333. 0.301. 0.240. 0.019. 0.245. 0.218. 0.174. 0.000. 0.000. 43. 59. 93. 14. 18. 24. 0.331. 0.304. 0.297. 0.048. 0.223. 0.211. 0.220. 0.600. 0.001. 22. 24. 33. 11. 13. 16. 0.328. 0.258. 0.190. 0.250. 0.164. 0.118. 0.098. 0.429. 0.008. 12. 19. 31. 9. 15. 24. 0.324. 0.345. 0.313. 0.040. 0.081. 0.073. 0.071. 1.000. 0.001. 38. 47. 64. 15. 20. 31. 0.322. 0.283. 0.254. 0.160. 0.195. 0.163. 0.131. 1.000. 0.007. 62. 96. 130. 27. 47. 59. 0.318. 0.318. 0.295. 0.060. 0.179. 0.162. 0.161. 0.500. 0.001. 31. 40. 56. 20. 28. 41. 0.316. 0.265. 0.273. 0.070. 0.112. 0.079. 0.073. 1.000. 0.003. 46. 75. 115. 19. 31. 44. 0.311. 0.253. 0.207. 0.056. 0.182. 0.149. 0.128. 0.250. 0.001. 30. 39. 72. 10. 12. 26. 0.309. 0.273. 0.320. 0.175. 0.206. 0.189. 0.204. 0.714. 0.004. 50. 53. 62. 20. 20. 22. 0.307. 0.269. 0.212. 0.000. 0.184. 0.168. 0.137. 0.000. 0.000. 184. 265. 369. 91. 126. 162. 0.307. 0.295. 0.278. 0.049. 0.155. 0.155. 0.156. 0.417. 0.001. 41. 63. 101. 24. 31. 51. 0.306. 0.309. 0.281. 0.091. 0.127. 0.157. 0.139. 0.857. 0.003. 49. 73. 110. 36. 54. 81. 0.302. 0.305. 0.276. 0.127. 0.080. 0.079. 0.073. 0.556. 0.007. 40. 65. 98. 18. 31. 42. 0.299. 0.311. 0.287. 0.046. 0.164. 0.163. 0.164. 0.667. 0.001. 50. 74. 97. 24. 33. 42. 0.296. 0.297. 0.269. 0.064. 0.154. 0.165. 0.152. 1.000. 0.003. 28. 39. 55. 13. 15. 18. 0.295. 0.273. 0.196. 0.038. 0.158. 0.168. 0.132. 0.500. 0.001. 41. 54. 74. 14. 22. 27. 0.295. 0.274. 0.279. 0.218. 0.194. 0.162. 0.177. 0.706. 0.006. 47. 73. 115. 28. 34. 45. 0.294. 0.297. 0.269. 0.047. 0.119. 0.159. 0.164. 0.200. 0.000. 26. 38. 63. 14. 18. 31. 0.292. 0.259. 0.253. 0.047. 0.135. 0.136. 0.129. 0.500. 0.002. 35. 40. 40. 23. 27. 27. 0.292. 0.248. 0.198. 0.120. 0.100. 0.081. 0.064. 0.667. 0.003. 39. 53. 70. 20. 23. 28. 0.291. 0.276. 0.251. 0.179. 0.142. 0.156. 0.151. 0.750. 0.019. 47. 65. 79. 26. 33. 39. 0.290. 0.243. 0.174. 0.055. 0.130. 0.119. 0.088. 0.600. 0.002. 20. 23. 25. 13. 16. 17. 0.290. 0.267. 0.208. 0.061. 0.101. 0.081. 0.067. 1.000. 0.004. 33. 42. 58. 23. 30. 43. 0.289. 0.244. 0.225. 0.068. 0.088. 0.070. 0.058. 0.400. 0.002. 23. 31. 42. 7. 12. 14. 0.288. 0.258. 0.170. 0.025. 0.200. 0.158. 0.113. 1.000. 0.001. 36. 57. 110. 24. 37. 63. 0.288. 0.303. 0.314. 0.066. 0.096. 0.106. 0.134. 0.500. 0.001. 18. 32. 46. 0. 0. 0. 0.286. 0.323. 0.291. 0.000. 0.286. 0.323. 0.291. 0.000. 0.000. 21. 29. 49. 4. 7. 15. 0.284. 0.236. 0.238. 0.000. 0.230. 0.179. 0.165. 0.000. 0.000. 87. 124. 196. 66. 90. 131. 0.283. 0.270. 0.245. 0.063. 0.068. 0.074. 0.081. 0.700. 0.004. 7.

(32) 한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009 | ChapterⅠ. 지표요약 KOJIC 115 OGGHBK. Journal Title(Kor.). Journal Title(Eng.). 대한인간공학회지. Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea. 116 OJRHBJ. Docs.. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. Cited. 49. 897. 2. 137. 2594. 4. 41. 1118. 1. 17. 103. 0. 196. 2824. 16. 117 GOGGBB. 한국경영과학회지. 118 HOBPBK. 대한화약발파공학회지:화약.발파 Explosives and Blasting. 119 DHGGCI. 대한기계학회논문집A. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A. 120 OHHHB9. 한국윤활학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engine. 62. 629. 4. 121 CGBJBC. 대한치과보존학회지. The Journal of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry. 54. 1520. 2. 122 JRJJC3. 전력전자학회논문지. The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics. 63. 618. 6. 123 BGGJBY. 보건교육건강증진학회지. Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion. 13. 405. 2. 124 SSONB2. 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집. Transactions of the Korean hydrogen and new energy society. 68. 822. 11. 125 OGCSBN. 대한원격탐사학회지. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing. 52. 856. 4. 242. 5426. 13. Journal of Aquaculture. 21. 548. 4. Animal Cells and Systems. 57. 1718. 0. 126 E1HHB2 127 GSHHBD. Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Scien. Refs.. The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 한국양식학회지. 128 E1BSAF 129 SOOSB1. 한국산업위생학회지. Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and environmental hygie. 41. 1053. 3. 130 GHOHBG. 한국해양학회지:바다. The Sea. 24. 1031. 2. 131 GNHHDL. 한국균학회지. The Korean Journal of Mycology. 34. 687. 3. Archives of Pharmacal Research. 222. 6517. 14. 55. 773. 5. 132 E1PHAW 133 OBGHBQ. 한국암반공학회지:터널과지하공간 Journal of Korean Society For Rock Mechanics. 134 DHGJBI. 대한가정학회지. Korean Home Economics Association. 101. 4171. 11. 135 DHHGBR. 대한환경공학회지. Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers. 143. 3010. 6. 136 GJBGC4. 한국지반공학회논문지. Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society. 93. 1594. 8. 137 HGCDCF. 한국철도학회논문집. 145. 1543. 11. 17. 284. 1. 8. 127. 0. 138 E1SKAV. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea. 139 CMHHCI. 천문학논총. Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society. 140 BGHJBH. 한국보건행정학회지. Korean Journal of Health Policy and Administration. 30. 927. 0. 141 HMJGBP. 목재공학. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology. 73. 1162. 4. 142 GJJGB@. 한국지진공학회논문집. 143 E1DJBZ. Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea. 44. 627. 5. Geoscience Journal. 41. 1389. 9. 144 DHJJMM. 대한전자공학회논문지CI. Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI. 79. 1206. 4. 145 BHJRB9. 한국복합재료학회지:복합재료. Journal of The Korean Society for Composite Materials. 46. 666. 2. 146 SPBRDC. 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편. 216. 8498. 13. 147 JMGHBV. 한국정밀공학회지. Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering. 221. 2741. 12. 148 DJGOBR. 대한진단검사의학회지. Korean journal of laboratory medicine. 91. 1894. 4. 386. 6196. 22. 0. 0. 0. 39. 1232. 13. 64. 700. 5. 149 E1MEAX 150 TMHHC2 151 E1KMBE 152 NOGGB5. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 대한토목학회논문집. Journal of The Korean Society of Civil Engineers Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 한국농업기계학회지:바이오시스템 Journal of Biosystems Engineering. 8.

(33) 한국 학술지 인용보고서 KJCR 2009 | ChapterⅠ. 지표요약 Cited(2 y Cited(3 y Cited(5 y Self CitedSelf CitedSelf CitedIF. IF(3 year IF(5 year Imme. In ZIF. ZIF3. ZIF5. Self CitedSelf Citing. 30. 38. 54. 15. 18. 26. 0.283. 0.230. 0.236. 0.041. 0.142. 0.121. 0.122. 0.500. 0.001. 33. 44. 56. 29. 37. 47. 0.282. 0.229. 0.187. 0.029. 0.034. 0.036. 0.030. 0.750. 0.001. 20. 24. 33. 8. 9. 11. 0.282. 0.211. 0.166. 0.024. 0.169. 0.132. 0.111. 1.000. 0.001. 9. 10. 13. 5. 5. 6. 0.281. 0.204. 0.121. 0.000. 0.125. 0.102. 0.065. 0.000. 0.000. 86. 135. 178. 48. 69. 91. 0.280. 0.261. 0.184. 0.082. 0.124. 0.128. 0.090. 0.438. 0.002. 27. 34. 44. 18. 22. 28. 0.278. 0.239. 0.194. 0.065. 0.093. 0.085. 0.070. 0.500. 0.003. 28. 43. 48. 28. 43. 48. 0.277. 0.289. 0.192. 0.037. 0.000. 0.000. 0.000. 1.000. 0.001. 34. 49. 63. 18. 26. 35. 0.276. 0.251. 0.178. 0.095. 0.130. 0.118. 0.079. 0.167. 0.002. 25. 34. 53. 1. 2. 4. 0.275. 0.252. 0.222. 0.154. 0.264. 0.237. 0.205. 0.000. 0.000. 35. 39. 52. 29. 33. 45. 0.273. 0.209. 0.189. 0.162. 0.047. 0.032. 0.025. 1.000. 0.013. 35. 45. 55. 21. 27. 30. 0.273. 0.233. 0.204. 0.077. 0.109. 0.093. 0.093. 1.000. 0.005. 122. 156. 209. 93. 118. 151. 0.271. 0.252. 0.219. 0.054. 0.064. 0.061. 0.061. 0.231. 0.001. 26. 43. 63. 5. 11. 14. 0.268. 0.299. 0.274. 0.190. 0.216. 0.222. 0.213. 0.000. 0.000. 20. 23. 27. 11. 12. 15. 0.267. 0.215. 0.113. 0.000. 0.120. 0.103. 0.050. 0.000. 0.000. 17. 21. 33. 12. 14. 19. 0.266. 0.198. 0.192. 0.073. 0.078. 0.066. 0.081. 0.667. 0.002. 22. 27. 34. 10. 10. 12. 0.265. 0.250. 0.225. 0.083. 0.145. 0.157. 0.146. 1.000. 0.002. 14. 21. 32. 8. 9. 11. 0.264. 0.288. 0.235. 0.088. 0.113. 0.164. 0.154. 0.333. 0.001. 126. 175. 278. 25. 36. 61. 0.261. 0.265. 0.253. 0.063. 0.210. 0.210. 0.197. 0.286. 0.001. 25. 28. 37. 14. 17. 21. 0.260. 0.194. 0.157. 0.091. 0.115. 0.076. 0.068. 0.800. 0.005. 54. 110. 216. 16. 24. 42. 0.260. 0.285. 0.299. 0.109. 0.183. 0.223. 0.241. 0.091. 0.000. 87. 127. 190. 36. 47. 70. 0.254. 0.246. 0.214. 0.042. 0.149. 0.155. 0.135. 1.000. 0.002. 67. 86. 111. 44. 55. 65. 0.253. 0.230. 0.171. 0.086. 0.087. 0.083. 0.071. 0.750. 0.004. 50. 68. 89. 24. 35. 48. 0.251. 0.213. 0.189. 0.076. 0.131. 0.103. 0.087. 0.727. 0.005. 8. 8. 12. 1. 1. 2. 0.250. 0.136. 0.113. 0.059. 0.219. 0.119. 0.094. 1.000. 0.004. 9. 11. 18. 8. 10. 16. 0.250. 0.216. 0.205. 0.000. 0.028. 0.020. 0.023. 0.000. 0.000. 13. 18. 29. 7. 9. 14. 0.250. 0.228. 0.227. 0.000. 0.115. 0.114. 0.117. 0.000. 0.000. 36. 64. 77. 28. 49. 62. 0.248. 0.299. 0.223. 0.055. 0.055. 0.070. 0.043. 0.750. 0.003. 23. 36. 47. 13. 20. 23. 0.247. 0.228. 0.181. 0.114. 0.108. 0.101. 0.093. 0.400. 0.003. 20. 29. 38. 7. 9. 13. 0.247. 0.234. 0.191. 0.220. 0.160. 0.161. 0.126. 0.778. 0.005. 37. 51. 67. 19. 28. 37. 0.247. 0.242. 0.206. 0.051. 0.120. 0.109. 0.092. 0.500. 0.002. 17. 25. 51. 13. 20. 38. 0.246. 0.227. 0.235. 0.043. 0.058. 0.045. 0.060. 1.000. 0.003. 104. 134. 134. 97. 123. 123. 0.245. 0.198. 0.198. 0.060. 0.016. 0.016. 0.016. 1.000. 0.002. 106. 164. 234. 65. 97. 123. 0.245. 0.233. 0.177. 0.054. 0.095. 0.095. 0.084. 0.583. 0.003. 36. 56. 75. 15. 24. 33. 0.245. 0.249. 0.196. 0.044. 0.143. 0.142. 0.110. 0.000. 0.000. 137. 181. 239. 76. 95. 126. 0.244. 0.229. 0.188. 0.057. 0.109. 0.109. 0.089. 0.727. 0.003. 151. 204. 284. 0. 0. 0. 0.242. 0.209. 0.165. 0.000. 0.242. 0.209. 0.165. 0.000. 0.000. 15. 22. 47. 6. 11. 12. 0.242. 0.239. 0.200. 0.333. 0.145. 0.120. 0.149. 0.462. 0.005. 29. 47. 60. 24. 37. 44. 0.240. 0.261. 0.204. 0.078. 0.041. 0.056. 0.054. 0.800. 0.006. 9.


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▪ 공급업체 관계 개선, 공동 프로세스 개선, 사양개선 등을 통한 구매원가절감 실현이 매우 필요한 물품. ▪ 연간 구매금액이 높으며 상대적으로