Issue #13 Nov 1 2013
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
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Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations
between Korea and Canada
Foreign Policy News
President Park at Cyberspace Conference
To find ways to address the need for both security and openness in cyberspace, world leaders attended the Seoul Cyberspace Conference on October 17 and discussed pending cyberspace issues, including the growing rate of cyber crime and the emerging breaches of Internet security.
The two-day convention started with an opening ceremony attended by 1,600 representatives from 87 countries, including Korean President Park Geun-hye, British Foreign Secretary William Jefferson Hague and Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi, along with leaders from international bodies, such as the Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Hamadoun Toure.
In her congratulatory remarks, President Park Geun-hye hoped that the Seoul conference would contribute to the sharing of various experiences and visions. The conference will lead to global prosperity through an open and secure Internet, she said, and would also take us in the direction of a creative economy.
President Pushes for Creative Energy Sector
President Park Geun-hye said that her administration will nurture the energy industry through the fusion of information &
communication technology (ICT) and the scientific method, in order to realize her vision of expanding the creative economy's resourcefulness and innovation into other sectors. President Park stated her creative industry vision during her keynote address at a
special session of the 22nd World Energy Congress Daegu 2013, in Daegu on October 16.
"The energy industry is one of the perfect examples of the ways in which creative industries can shine. Korea will transform its energy industry so that it becomes a locomotive for the creative industries.
We will then share our knowhow and experiences of developing a creative energy economy with the international community," said President Park.
Foreign Minister Delivers Keynote Speech for “UN Day”
Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se delivered a keynote speech at an event to mark the 68th United Nations Day, which was hosted by the UN Association of Korea at the Plaza Hotel on October 24. In his speech, Minister Yun reflected on the ROK’s admission to the UN 22 years ago and its subsequent achievements in becoming a member of three major UN Councils – the Security Council, Human Rights Council and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Minister Yun also reaffirmed the Park Geun-hye government’s willingness to actively contribute to fulfilling the core values and visions of the UN.
Minister Yun explained that the Park Geun-hye government proposed a foreign policy vision for the “happiness of the global community”, which upholds the UN’s universal values of peace, human rights and development.
Vice Minister Accompanies Lawmakers to the Gaeseong Industrial Complex
Vice Minister Kim Nam-sik accompanied the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee lawmakers on their visit to the Gaeseong Industrial Complex(GIC).
The Vice-Minister and the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee lawmakers visited the GIC to determine the conditions of the tenant companies and seek an “advanced level of normalization” for the GIC.
Korea-Canada Relations
President of the Constitutional Court of Korea visits Ottawa
On Monday October 28, 2013, the President of the Constitutional Court of Korea, Park Han-Chul, visited Ottawa and participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the National War Memorial, along with His Excellency, Ambassador Cho Hee-yong and the Korean War Veterans. President Park Han-Chul and Ambassador Cho also met with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, The Honourable Beverley McLachlin, to discuss ways to forge stronger ties and promote cooperation between the two top courts of Korea and Canada.
Minister Oliver Concludes Successful Mission to Promote Energy Cooperation with South Korea
The Honourable Joe Oliver, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, delivered a keynote speech at the World Energy Congress in Daegu, South Korea on October 15. Minister Oliver took the opportunity to promote Canada as a secure, responsible supplier of energy, particularly liquefied natural gas (LNG), to Asia.
Minister Oliver’s successful visit to Korea supports the government’s priority of strengthening relationships to increase opportunities for Canada’s natural resource sectors. The Minister acknowledged the complementarity of interests between Canada, an ideal destination for further investment, and the Asia-Pacific’s pressing need for energy resources.
Embassy Activities
Ambassador Cho's Contribution to Diplomat and International Canada Magazine
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Canada and the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice, Ambassador Cho Hee-yong contributed an article entitled, ‘Reunification is always the goal for Korea’ to Diplomat & International Canada Magazine (2013. 10), which explains the Republic of Korea’s trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula.
In his article, Ambassador Cho explains that the new government's foreign policy, in which trust is the central concept, will effectively help overcome the current difficulties facing the Korean Peninsula and the region.
Embassy Speakers Series - Ambassador Marius Grinius
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea hosted its 8th Embassy Speakers Series seminar on Wednesday, October 30th in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Korea-Canada diplomatic relations.
Ambassador Marius Grinius, former Ambassador to the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations and to the UN Conference on Disarmament, joined over 100 guests to discuss North Korea and its next challenges. Ambassador Grinius provided his impressions of North Korea based on his four visits to Pyongyang; commented on recent developments in North Korea and in the region; and addressed some of the challenges related to future Korean unification.
Ambassador Cho Hosts Recital by Acclaimed Pianist Lucille Chung
On Monday October 21, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea invited world renowned Korean-Canadian pianist Lucille Chung to the Ambassador’s Residence for a special recital in celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Canada and the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice.
Performing for an audience of about 40 guests, including Korean War Veterans, former Canadian Ambassadors to Korea, the diplomatic corps, and the Korean-Canadian community, Lucille Chung played Robert Schumann’s Fatasiestucke Op. 12 and Franz Liszt Concert Paraphrase on Verdi’s Rigoletto.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Cho Hee-yong, greeted guests ahead of the recital, remarking on the importance of this year's double milestones and expressing his deep appreciation for Lucille Chung's contributions to the 'Year of Korea in Canada'. Lucille Chung explained that the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice presented the perfect opportunity for her to perform to friends of both countries.
11th Korea-Canada Forum
The 11th Korea-Canada/Canada-Korea Forum will be held in Ottawa from November 7th to 9th. The Forum is comprised of a high-level non-governmental group of about 20 persons from both Korea and Canada that will work together to identify ways for the two countries to advance common objectives. The theme of this year's
Forum is "Fifty Years and Counting: Building Korea- Canada Partnership in a Changing World" and will focus on trends in trade, investment, energy security, international cooperation, and regional security.
Turn Toward Busan Ceremony
On the evening of November 10, a remembrance service will be held at Ottawa's City Hall to mark the annual Turn Toward Busan ceremony.
Those in attendance will observe two minutes of silence and remember those who fell and who are buried in the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea. The ceremony is scheduled to start at 20:40 hrs
The Canadian ceremony is held in conjunction with the November 11 service for fallen service men and women of the Korean War, which takes place at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Busan.
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Korean Movie Night
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea cordially invites you to join us at our Korean Movie Night hosted at the Embassy on Thursday, November 14th at 18:00. The film, released this year, is titled "71: Into the Fire". Light refreshments will also be served.
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? 2013 Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Canada