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④ 그동안 어떻게 지냈니?


Academic year: 2021

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중3영어 동아(이병민) 04과 대화문 어순 ①


① 안녕, 에이미.

1) (Amy / hi)

② 한국에 온 것을 환영해.

2) (to / welcome / Korea)

③ 오랜 만이야, 민호야.


(see / time / Minho / long / no)

④ 그동안 어떻게 지냈니?

4) (have / been / how / you)

⑤ 잘 지냈어.

5) (great)

⑥ 너는 공항에서 여기로 어떻게 왔니?


(come / did / here / airport / how / from / you / the)

⑦ 나는 지하철로 여기에 왔어.

7) (by / came / I / subway / here)

⑧ 너는 한국의 지하철에 대해 어떻게 생각하니?


(in / feel / do / about / how / the / you / subway / Korea)

⑨ 나는 그것이 매우 깨끗하다고 생각해.

9) (very / think / clean / I / it’s)

① 브라이언, 너는 그 소식 들었니?

10) (hear / did / the / Brian / you / news)

② 무슨 소식?

11) (news / what)

③ 우리는 다음 주부터 수업 동안에 스마트폰을 사용할 수 있어.


(next / smartphones / classes / week / during / we / use / can / from)

④ 응, 나는 그것을 들었어.

13) (I / yes / that / heard)

⑤ 너는 그것에 대해 어떻게 생각하니?

14) (feel / do / about / how / you / it)

⑥ 나는 그것이 매우 유용하다고 생각해.

15) (will / useful / think / be / I / it / very)

⑦ 나는 내가 모르는 단어들을 찾아볼 수 있어.

16) (know / up / can / words / I / I / look / don’t)

⑧ 그래.

17) (yeah)

⑨ 우리는 인터넷으로 정보도 찾을 수 있어.


(Internet / find / can / information / we / on / also / the)

 Open Open a Book, Open Your Mind Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Book, Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Your Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind Mind 동아(이)


② 04과 대화문 어순 중3영어 동아(이병민)

⑩ 맞아.

19) (right)

⑪ 그것은 매우 유용할 거야.

20) (very / will / helpful / it / be)

① 내가 너에게 어려운 문제를 물어봐도 되니?

21) (question / you / I / a / can / difficult / ask)

② 물론이지. 최선을 다 할게.

22) (my / I’ll / best / sure / try)

③ 너는 원 푸드 다이어트에 대해 어떻게 생각하니?

23) (food / feel / do / about / how / the / you / single / diet)

④ 나는 그것이 쉽지만 건강에 좋지 않다고 생각해.

24) (easy / think / but / I / it’s / unhealthy)

① 너는 영화를 즐겼니?


(the / you / movie / did / enjoy)

② 응, 나는 그것이 많이 마음에 들었어.

26) (it / I / a / yes / liked / lot)

③ 그것에 대해 무엇이 가장 마음에 들었니?

27) (it / like / did / most / what / about / you)

④ 연기가 매우 대단했어.

28) (so / acting / the / great / was)

⑤ 나는 그것에 대해 너와 동의해.

29) (on / with / I’m / that / you)

① 이봐, 제시카.

30) (Jessica / hey)

② 너는 왜 항상 에너지 드링크를 마시고 있니?


(drinks / always / are / drinking / why / energy / you)

③ 왜냐하면 그것들이 나를 깨어있도록 돕기 때문이야.

32) (me / they / stay / because / help / awake)

④ 나는 그것에 대해 너와 동의해,

33) (on / with / that / I’m / you)

④ 하지만 그것들은 카페인이 너무 많아.

34) (too / they / much / but / have / caffeine)

⑤ 음, 그것들이 내가 내 공부에 집중할 수 있도록 도와 줘.


(studies / me / they / focus / well / on / help / my)

⑥ 너는 너무 많은 카페인이 네 뼈를 해칠 수 있다는 것을 알고 있었니?


(can / that / you / hurt / too / did / much / know /


중3영어 동아(이병민) 04과 대화문 어순 ③ your / caffeine / bone)

⑦ 아, 나는 그것을 몰랐어.

37) (know / I / oh / that / didn’t)

⑧ 나는 네가 에너지 드링크를 덜 자주 마셔야한다고 생각 해.


(less / should / think / drink / often / energy / you / drinks / I)

⑨ 아마도 네가 맞아.

39) (you’re / maybe / right)

⑩ 고마워, 톰.

40) (Tom / thanks)

① 너는 스마트폰으로 책을 읽는 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하 니?


(on / feel / do / about / a / how / reading / you / books / smartphone)

② 나는 그것이 좋다고 생각해.

42) (think / good / I / it’s)

③ 우리는 언제든지 읽을 수 있어.

43) (can / anytime / we / read)

④ 나는 동의하지 않아.

44) (don’t / I / agree)

⑤ 그것은 우리 눈에 좋지 않아.

45) (for / not / our / it’s / eyes / good)

① 이 모든 상자들은 무엇이니, 수지야?

46) (these / are / boxes / what / Suji / all)

② 그것들은 온라인으로 내가 주문했던 물품들이야.

47) (ordered / items / they’re / online / I)

③ 너는 인터넷으로 쇼핑하는 것을 좋아하구나, 그렇지 않 니?


(you / on / like / the / you / Internet / shopping / don’t)

④ 응, 그래.

49) (I / yes / do)

⑤ 너는 온라인 쇼핑에 대해 어떻게 생각하니, 토니야?

50) (Tony / feel / do / how / online / you / shopping / about)

⑥ 나는 그것을 전혀 좋아하지 않아.

51) (it / don’t / at / I / like / all)

⑦ 왜?

52) (why)


④ 04과 대화문 어순 중3영어 동아(이병민)

⑧ 한 물품이 실제로 무엇처럼 생겼는지 아는 것이 매우 어려워.


(item / to / very / actually / know / difficult / looks / what / it’s / an / like)

⑨ 나는 그것에 대해 너와 동의해.

54) (on / with / that / I’m / you)

⑩ 만약에 네가 그것이 마음에 들지 않으면 물품을 반납하 는 것도 또한 어려워.


(if / to / you / also / return / don’t / it’s / an / like / difficult / item / it)

⑪ 네가 맞아, 하지만 나는 그것이 편리하다고 생각해.

56) (convenient / I / right / think / you’re / it’s / but / very)

⑫ 글쎄, 편리함이 전부는 아냐.


(convenience / everything / well / isn’t)

① 너는 교복을 입는 것에 대해 어떻게 생각하니?

58) (feel / uniform / do / about / how / wearing / you / school)

② 나는 그것이 매우 마음에 들어.

59) (a / like / lot / I / it)

③ 너는 내게 이유를 말해 줄 수 있니?

60) (me / you / the / can / tell / reason)

④ 나는 무엇을 입을지에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없어.

61) (to / to / don’t / worry / wear / I / about / need / what)

⑤ 나는 동의하지 않아.

62) (don’t / I / agree)

⑥ 모두가 똑같이 보여.


(looks / same / everybody / the)


교과서 본문은 출판사 및 공동저자에게 저작권이 있습니다.

ⓒ 2020. Minkyu Hwang.

All right reserved

중3영어 동아(이병민) 04과 대화문 어순 ⑤

중3 동아(이) 04과 대화문 어순


1) Hi, Amy.

2) Welcome to Korea.

3) Long time no see, Minho.

4) How have you been?

5) Great.

6) How did you come here from the airport?

7) I came here by subway.

8) How do you feel about the subway in Korea?

9) I think it’s very clean.

10) Brian, did you hear the news?

11) What news?

12) We can use smartphones during classes from next week.

13) Yes, I heard that.

14) How do you feel about it?

15) I think it will be very useful.

16) I can look up words I don’t know.

17) Yeah.

18) We can also find information on the Internet.

19) Right.

20) It will be very helpful.

21) Can I ask you a difficult question?

22) Sure. I’ll try my best.

23) How do you feel about the single food diet?

24) I think it's easy but unhealthy.

25) Did you enjoy the movie?

26) Yes, I liked it a lot.

27) What did you like most about it?

28) The acting was so great.

29) I’m with you on that.

30) Hey, Jessica.

31) Why are you always drinking energy drinks?

32) Because they help me stay awake.

33) I’m with you on that,

34) but they have too much caffeine.

35) Well, they help me focus on my studies.

36) Did you know that too much caffeine can hurt your bones?

37) Oh, I didn't know that.

38) I think you should drink energy drinks less often.

39) Maybe you’re right.

40) Thanks, Tom.

41) How do you feel about reading books on a smartphone?

42) I think it's good.

43) We can read anytime.

44) I don't agree.

45) It’s not good for our eyes.

46) What are all these boxes, Suji?

47) They’re items I ordered online.

48) You like shopping on the Internet, don’t you?

49) Yes, I do.

50) How do you feel about online shopping, Tony?

51) I don’t like it at all.

52) Why?

53) It’s very difficult to know what an item actually looks like.

54) I’m with you on that.

55) It’s also difficult to return an item if you don’t like it.

56) You’re right, but I think it’s very convenient.

57) Well, convenience isn’t everything.

58) How do you feel about wearing school uniforms?

59) I like it a lot.

60) Can you tell me the reason?

61) I don’t need to worry about what to wear.

62) I don't agree.

63) Everybody looks the same.


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