• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

중환자 전문간호사의 세부영역 분류체계 및 전문간호사의 핵심역량 개발


Academic year: 2021

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로드 중.... (전체 텍스트 보기)

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Development of Classification System for Critical Care and

Core Competencies of Advanced Practice Nurse

Kim, So Sun


You, Ock Su


Kwon, In Gak


Moon, Seong Mi


Sung, Young Hee


1) Professor, College of Nursing, Yonsei University

2) Director of Nursing Department, Seoul National University Hospital

3) Director of Nursing Education, Samsung Medical Center

4) Researcher, Nursing Policy Research Institute, Yonsei University

5) Chief of Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center

Purpose: The purpose of this study were to classify and define critical care and to develop the core competencies

of advanced practice nurses. Method: From an extensive literature review, a draft of a classification system in critical

care and the core competencies of advanced nurse was developed. A focus group, consisted of the representatives from

related areas in medicine and nursing, was used to draw a consensus on the draft presented. Result: A final classification

system for critical care contained cardio/pulmonary system, gastrointestinal system, neuromuscular system,

genitourinary system, endocrine system, oncology/hematology/immunology system, and pediatrics. The core

competences for advanced practice nurse contained advanced clinical practice, education and counseling, consulting and

collaboration, research, leadership. Conclusion: Increased complexity of care and clinical decision making need

advanced practice nurse to be prepared as a competent professional. Based on the study result, a standard for education,

practice and credentialing can be refined.

Corresponding author : Moon, Seong Mi

Nursing Policy Research Institute, Yonsei University

134, Shinchondong, Seodaemungu, Seoul 120-752, Korea

Tel 82-2-2228-3322, E-mail dalmazi89@hanmail.net


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