• 검색 결과가 없습니다.

Hungarian Literature, Yugoslav Linguistics, Yugoslav Literature, Czech Linguistics, Czech Literature/ Korean Language and Literature/ Comparative Literature/

Linguistics and Cognitive Science/ Philosophy/ History/ Archives and Information / Global Culture & Contents/ International Affairs/ Political Science and International Relations/ Public Administration/ Law/ Communication and Information/ International Economics and Law/ Economics/ Management/ Management Information Systems/

International Business/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Statistics/ Environmental Science and Engineering/ Bioscience and Biotechnology/ Computer and Information

Communication Engineering/ Electronics and Information Engineering/ Industrial and Management Engineering

[Graduate School of International and Area Studies] Korean Studies / International Area Studies (Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, India & ASEAN Studies, Russian

& CIS Studies, European Union Studies, North American Studies, Latin American Studies, Middle East & African Studies)/ International Relations (International Politics, International Trade and Commerce, Comparative Socio-Cultural Studies)

. Admission Schedule

1. Application Submission Due: March 18, 2011 2 HUFS Selection committee: March 25, 2011 3. Recommendation to NIIED: March 31, 2011

4. Announcement of Final Scholarship winners by NIIED: April 18, 2011 5. Visa Application & Medical Checkup(before entry to Korea):

July 1, 2011 to August 19, 2011

6. Entry to Korea : from August 29, 2011 to August 31, 2011 7. Korean language course : starting from September 1, 2011

Ⅲ. Eligibility for Application

1. Both applicant and his/her parents must be citizens of the foreign country.

* Applicants cannot have Korean citizenship.

2. Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for a long period of time.

* Applicants must accurately fill out the Personal Medical Assessment among application documents. All successful applicants must take a medical exam after and submit an Official Medical Assessment. If the results show that the applicant is unfit to be a KGSP student (e.g. HIV, drug addiction, or other serious illnesses), selection result will be canceled before entry to Korea.

3. Should be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2011 4 Hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of August 28, 2011

* Applicants who are enrolling or have already enrolled in the same academic program in Korea as the one they are applying for will not be admitted.

* For Master’s program (or Integrated Master’s & Doctoral program): students who hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than Bachelor’s degree

* For Doctoral program: students who hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than Master’s degree.

Check List for Application Documents MA Doctoral

1. Personal data (Attachment #1) ○ ○

2. Self Introduction (Attachment #2) ○ ○

3. Study Plan (Attachment #3) ○ ○

4. Letter of Recommendation (Attachment #4) ○ ○

5. Pledge (Attachment #5) ○ ○

6. Personal Medical Assessment (Attachment #6) ○ ○

7. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended undergraduate

Institution(s) ○ ○

8. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s) ○ ○ 9. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended graduate institution(s) - ○ 10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) - ○

11. Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy) △ △

12. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy) directly sent

from ETS/IELTS △ △

13. a Copy of Passport ○ ○

14. Published papers, if available (one or two) △ △

15. Awards, if available (one or two) △ △

16. Certificate of Citizenship of His/Her Parents : birth certificate,

passport, etc. (* only for overseas Koreans)

17. Adoption documents (*only for overseas Korean adoptee) △ △

* Applicants who are expecting the adequate diploma should present their diploma by August 28, 2011 when they arrive Korea.

5. Should have a grade point average (G.P.A.) at least grades/marks/score of 80%

or higher from the previous attended institution

* If the grade is difficult to convert to percentage, official explanatory documents from the attended university are required.

6. Priorities or additional marks will be given to applicants who has obtained Korean language proficiency test scores(TOPIK, KLPT) or English language proficiency test scores(TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS) at the first round of selection.

7. In the event two or more applicants show same qualifications or recive same marks in the selection process, preference will be given to applicants for science/engineering area to separate the tie.

Ⅳ. Required Documentation

1. Required Documents

2. Notes

- Dual recommendation by more than one organization is not acceptable.

- Documents should be presented in the original form. Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete and accurate English or Korean translation certified by the issuing institution.

- Submitted documents will not be returned to the candidates.

- Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by NIIED.

(Even after entry to Korea)

- In case of submitting copied documents inevitably, applicants must submit the original to the organization(Embassy or University) they apply and have the two documents collated.

- Applicants must accurately fill out the health checklist based on truth. All successful applicants must take a medical exam after and submit an Official Medical Assessment. If the results show that the applicant is unfit to be a KGSP student selection will be canceled before entry to Korea.

- Applicants may submit the copies of published papers, if available.

- Applicants may submit the copies of awards, if available.

- Applicants who are currently studying in Korea or graduated from Korean university must submit one recommendation letter of the head of department of the relevant university.

- No Student is allowed to transfer school during the entire period of program once they enter the school.

. Application Procedure

1. Documentation Review 2. Interview

Ⅵ. Campus Life (Residence Hall)

1. HUFS Finanacial Aid for KGSP Students who obtain high grades 2. One-Stop Student Support Service

3. Various Cultural Experience Activities

4. Extra Korean language program for low proficiency level students

5. On-campus Accommodation (Globeedorm) at Seoul Campus: 371 rooms for up to 800 guests

. Important Notes

1. Medium of Instruction

- Graduate School : Korean (partly in English)

- Graduate School of International and Area Studies: English or regional languages 2. Minimum period for obtaining degrees

- Graduate School : Two years for Master's or Doctoral Program

- Graduate School of International and Area Studies: Two years for Master's program, Three years for Doctoral Program

3. Contact:

- Phone: 82-(0)2-2173-2449, Fax: 82-(0)2-2173-3369 - e-mail: hufsgsias@hufs.ac.kr

- web site: Graduate School http://www.hufs.ac.kr/gra

Graduate School of International & Area Studies http://gsias.hufs.ac.kr