• 검색 결과가 없습니다.


5. Conclusion

The results of the equations for imports are also shown in Table 10. For the FMOLS results, a 1% increase in capital increases output by 0.434%. Therefore, a 1% increase in labor and energy, increase output by 0.562% and by 0.104%, respectively. A 1% increase in imports increases output by 0.204%. The coefficient of energy consumption is significant at 10% level. In the long run, this model shows that labor and capital has been a major role in economic growth. Energy also contributed to economic growth. All these coefficients except energy consumption are significant at the 1% level. The estimated coefficients for capital, labor, and energy from Tables 10 have the same sign as the ones found by Apergis and Payne (1010) and Sadorsky (2012) in their model related to output, capital, labor, exports, and imports.

consumption of this region may negatively affect the economic growth of this region.

In the long-run equilibrium, energy consumption deeply affects economic growth. Therefore, the environmental and energy policies that support stable energy consumption in this region positively affect the economic growth.

There is short-run Granger Causality from energy consumption to exports.

This implies that energy consumption can affect exports of this highly trade intensive region. The energy or environmental policies designed to restrict energy consumption may cause negative impacts on exports in this region, and may provide an unintended indirect effect on the economic growth of this region. Therefore environmental and climate change policies will have to get a policy to ensure a reliable a low carbon energy.

In the long run, the energy consumption has been increasing with economic growth in East Asian countries and the stable energy consumption has been supported economic growth and exports. Therefore the greenhouse gas mitigation policies that restrict energy consumption may affects the exports of this region, and may slow economic growth in this region as a result.

Therefore, greenhouse gas mitigation policies should be promoted in the way that encourages the low carbon energy sources such as the non-fossil fuel energy (new and renewable energy, nuclear energy etc) and in the way that provide the stable energy supply.

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에너지경제연구 제 14 권 제 1 호 Korean Energy Economic Review

Volume 14, Number 1, March 2015 : pp. 65~85

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주요 단어 : 수력발전, 수용성, 순서형 로짓모형 경제학문헌목록 주제분류:Q42, Q48

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