제 2장과 제 4장에서 환동해권의 지역경제 현황과 장래 변화 전망에 대해 나름 대로의 분석과 검토를 시도했지만, 환동해권 전체를 하나의 통합된 경제권역으 로 설정하고 타 권역과 강점, 약점, 기회요인과 위협요인 중심으로 비교 분석을 심도 있게 하지 못한 것은 본 연구의 한계로 지적하지 않을 수 없다. 후속연구에 서는 이러한 결점을 보완하여, 산업입지나 물동량의 흐름 등에 대한 보다 세밀한 분석을 통하여 환동해권 물류․수송체계의 구상을 모색할 필요가 있을 것이다.
또한 제 1장에서 거론한 바와 같이, 환동해권의 지리적 범위에 대해서도 전문가 들의 동의를 얻을 수 있는 보다 정교한 범위설정의 방법론을 개발할 필요가 있을 것이다.
본보고서의 제 6장에서는 환동해권 지자체들이 공동으로 추진해 볼 수 있는 중점협력과제와 추진체계를 제시한 바 있다. 중점협력과제나 선도과제를 추진하 기 위해서는 유럽의 경험에서와 같이, 과제별로 선도지자체를 선정하고 책임을 분담할 필요가 있다. 이에 대해서는 지방간 협의체에서의 논의가 필수적이며, 본 연구에서 제안한 ‘환동해권 광역협의체’가 그 역할을 담당할 수 있을 것이다. 예 를 들면, 선도과제로 제시한 ‘항만간 페리노선 확충’은 한국이 이미 속초-자루비 노 페리 운영경험이 있으므로, 한국의 동해안 지역이 선도적이 역할을 할 수 있 을 것이다. ‘수산업 파트너쉽 결성’은 일본 서해안지역이나 러시아 연해주 측에 서 선도적인 역할을 수행할 수 있는 과제이며, 동해연안 대체에너지 개발 시범사 업은 한국과 일본이 공동으로 선도적 역할을 담당할 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 협 력과제와 관련사업의 추진 불가피하게 재원조달의 문제로 이어지는데, 본 연구 에서 여기에 대한 체계적인 대안을 제시하지 못하고 있다. 다만 일부 사업에 대 해서는 중앙정부의 지원과 관련국의 해외원조자금을 지방간 협력사업에 활용하 는 방안에 대해 좀 더 심도있는 검토가 필요할 것이다. 도로 건설 등 수요 측면에 서 타당성이 있다고 판단되는 협력과제에서는 프로젝트금융 등 민간자본의 조달 방안도 적극 검토해 볼 수 있을 것이다.
본 연구에서 검토가 미진하였던 환경부문에서의 협력은 환동해권의 지속가능 발전이라는 장기적 비전 달성을 위해 추가적인 검토와 연구가 필요한 부분이다. 일본은 현재 정치적인 이유로 두만강개발계획에 참여하지 않고 있으나, 일본 정 부가 내세우고 있는 환경선진국이라는 기치를 감안하면 정치적인 관계여하를 떠 나 일본은 두만강지역, 더 넓게는 환동해권에서의 지속가능한 발전을 위해 선도 적 역할을 담당할 수 있을 것이다. 이와 같이 국가나 지방의 이해관계를 벗어나 환동해권 전체의 공동이익을 확대해나가는 노력은 우리 측 동해안 지역에도 필 요하다.
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Strategies for Inter-Local Cooperation in the East Sea Region from the Perspective of Korea's East Coast Area
Won-Bae Kim, Hyung-Seo Park, Sang-Jun Lee, and Sung-Su Lee
This research monograph aims at developing implementable strategies and measures for inter-local cooperation in the East Sea Region (ESR, hereafter) based on the analysis of potentials and constraints of the region as well as on the review of past efforts by local authorities. Chapter 1 discusses the background, purpose, scope, and methods of the study. The geographical scope of the East Sea region is defined in two versions: narrow and broad. The narrow definition includes only the coastal areas of Russia, China, two Koreas and Japan abutting the East Sea. Although China does not have direct outlets to the East Sea, Jilin province can be included as part of the narrow East region because it has very close links to some ports in the East Sea. The broad definition covers the hinterland of coastal areas. Relevant statistics are collected and analyzed for both narrow and broad East Sea Region. One important distinguishing feature of this study is to incorporate the viewpoints of not just Korea's east coast area but those of the areas across the East Sea. Furthermore, the opinions
and perspectives of private enterprises were sought with regard to the possibility of cross-border economic cooperation. In the sectors, which are regarded to have a great potential for cooperation, the study brought in specialists' assistance to carry out a meaningful analysis.
Chapter 2 describes the economies of the constituent parts of the ESR and their current interactions. The reasons for low interactions within the ESR are attributed to the small population and weak economic foundation as well as the constraints arising from larger political economic environment surrounding the ESR. There are very few million plus cities in the ESR, which is a contrasting feature when compared with the Yellow Sea region. Despite these weaknesses, the ESR has potentials for cross-border cooperation based on the economic complementarities between the Far East Russia, China's northeast region, the east coastal areas of North and South Korea and Japan's west coastal area. The key, however, lies in policy intervention to activate these potentials. Especially inter-state cooperation in the energy and resources sector is essential to bring new momentum for cross-border cooperation in the ESR.
In Chapter 2, the authors also point out that the small volume of trade in the ESR is a limiting factor. Because of small trade volume, logistics and transportation in the ESR is underdeveloped. This forms a vicious circle. In order to break such a vicious circle, local economies in the ESR should develop and thus generate sufficient volume of trade across the sea. Fortunately, there are signs of positive changes. First, China's central government began to implement the strategy for the renewal of Northeast China including Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang. Second, Russia decided to build oil line from Taishet to Skorvordino and construct terminal facilities at Perevoznaya.
Third, North Korea is renewing its efforts to develop the northeastern corner of the country, which is a vital part of the Tumen area.
Chapter 3 assesses the past efforts of inter-local cooperation in the ESR. Even though individual localities in the ESR have been carrying out diverse programs and
initiatives for international cooperation, they lack a common vision and focus. These programs also lack concrete strategies and implementation mechanism. These local areas, which are underdeveloped and located in the periphery of their respective countries, do not have ability to carry out independent international programs. In spite of odds facing against these localities, some of local authorities such as Gangwon province and Gyeongsangbuk province in Korea, and Niigata prefecture in Japan made significant efforts for cross-border cooperation. Although these efforts did not produce tangible economic benefits, they succeeded in achieving a consensus for cross-border cooperation at least at the local level. However, local rivalry and lack of cooperation between local and central government remain to be an obstacle to inter-local cross-border cooperation in the ESR.
Another important lesson derived from the past efforts is that it is more effective and realistic to start with small projects instead of big projects. For the ESR, it is important to produce many successful examples so as to create a self-sustaining momentum. Chapter 3 also brings in the European examples of cross-border cooperation in the North Sea Region and Baltic Sea Region. These two examples provide an important point for the ESR in terms of long-term vision, specific programs, and cross-border structures. It must be noted, however, that there exists a big difference between Europe and Northeast Asia. The existence of supra-national organization like the European Council provide a critical institutional infrastructure for cross-border cooperation at the local and regional level. Northeast lacks such an institution and moreover international relations are not favorable to produce an environment to encourage cross-border cooperation at the local level.
Chapter 4 assesses the impact of Notheast China's renewal strategy, Far East Russia's economic recovery, and potential resolution of North Korea's nuclear problem on the development of the ESR. Four scenarios are possible. The most favorable one for the ESR is the policy-driven regional public goods building in the ESR. This