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Keywords: Regional Development Policy, Hope Area, Cultural services

Since the government announced the new regional development policy, called the HOPE(Happiness, Opportunity, Partnership and Everywhere) Project, on July 18th, 2013, it has tried to gather various opinions from many different people and groups and spread its policy to the regional levels. The HOPE Project includes the government’s message and commitment to strongly push ahead with the policy and to generate tangible achievements that people can recognize and feel in their life. Many local governments signed agreement with their neighbors on the basis of the government’s guideline, and finally 56 HOPE Areas were made all over the country. Now they are about to drive forward with individual plans that has a purpose to improve local residents’ quality of life together.

Focusing on cultural services which are provided by public bodies, the study aims to analyze various aspects of the HOPE Area’s conditions, to survey similar foreign cases that are providing cultural services through interregional cooperation, and to suggest policy directions for effective provision of cultural services at the HOPE Area and some useful policy measures and examples on the basis of the findings. The main methods employed in this study to achieve research purposes

are statistical analysis, survey and case study. The statistical analysis is mainly carried with the latest population data from KOSIS, the comprehensive survey reports and government documents from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The survey is performed with 118 experts, who are public officials and researchers in charge related to the plans of HOPE Area by email and telephone.

And the case study are conducted with Japanese similar cases.

From the main findings, the study proposes four policy measures with some examples that help the allied local governments to go ahead with their plans of HOPE Area and to provide cultural services effectively: 1) the jointly operation and planning of their existing cultural facilities to overcome the difficulty of local finance and the shortage of professional manpower and to provide cultural services that can meet local residents’ needs; 2) the building of system and network to exchange manpower in culture and art between cities and rural areas in order to allow the whole of society to enjoy its cultural services and the job creation of elders; 3) the development of cultural contents and programs, such as the co-use of libraries, the currency system of cultural talent and resource, the shop to lend expensive musical instruments and teaching materials and to share exhibition and recital skills and experience for a small service fee by which residents can actively participate in various cultural chances; and 4) the organization of regular events and festivals to assist residents and amateur clubs in the HOPE Area to show and exchange their talents with each other. All of these will contribute to the cultural enrichment which is one of national policy orientations.

There are few studies that deal with cultural services in the HOPE Area. It means it is not easy to generalize the findings. This study may have some limits to find out possible policy implications as well. Even so, the attempt may be able to provide useful suggestions to public authorities seeking for the desirable ways to provide various cultural services effectively.



<부록1> 54개 생활권별 문화기반시설 분포도

□ 중추도시생활권 내 개별 생활권의 문화기반시설 분포도

□ 도농연계생활권 내 개별 생활권의 문화기반시설 분포도

□ 농어촌생활권 내 개별 생활권의 문화기반시설 분포도


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