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문서에서 그 림 차 례 (페이지 177-188)


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명지대학교대학원 박사학위논문

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S ․ U ․ M ․ M ․ A ․ R ․ Y


Directions and Future Tasks of Urban and National Territorial Policies in Preparation for the Age of Centenarians

Yeong-Kook Choi, Eun Jung Kim, Hye-Seung Kim, Joon-ki Kim, Jung-Eun Park

The purpose of this study is to develop the urban and regional policies that would prepare for the age of centenarians. The study area covers whole national territory and the target year of policies is 2020.

This study examines the policies to be implemented in the national territory mainly focused on urban, housing, and transportation sectors.

Method of the study includes literature reviews, official interviews, consultative meetings, and seminars.

The dictionary definition of centenarian is a person who has attained the age of 100 years or more. This study defines the age of centenarians is the age that the majority of people expects to live to or beyond the age of 100 years. Government reports have suggested that Koreans over 65 will account for more than 14 percent of the entire population by 2018 and over 20 percent in 2026. This means that the age of centenarian will come around 2020, and it is time to prepare that age. For the age of centenarians, the government should develop the policies to be

implemented in urban and national levels with paradigm shift of the old from vulnerable group to ordinary group.

In order to check and review actual conditions of local governmental policies about the preparedness for the age of centenarians, this study choose Daejeon(big city), Wonju(medium-sized city), and Seocheon(small-sized city). For the urban and regional planning sector, Daejeon and Wonju carried forward relevant policies such as creation of urban forests, vegetable garden, and activity-friendly waterfront. As housing policies, Seochoen tried to supply welfare complex for the old.

For the transportation sector, all three local governments supplied several policies such as provision of barrier-free design, low floor bus, and school and silver zone.

As national territorial policies for the age of centenarians, they should concern to build healthy environments, maintain and expand safety urban infrastructures, supply comfortable shelters, and provide various leisure opportunities. In order to achieve the goal of centenarians' age, building a healthy and dynamic territory, this study selects four key words including health, safety, job, and leisure.

Policy issues were selected by three sectors(urban, housing, and transportation) and four keywords(health, safety, job, and leisure). For the urban and regional sector, several policies should be included such as creation of urban forests, activity-friendly waterfronts, urban farm, sport facilities, and other institutional strategy for healthy environment.

For the housing sector, this study suggests including provision of home care service and housing supply for the old, job creation of elderly caregivers, and creation of community housing for all generation. As a transportation part, there are provision of barrier-free public transportation, modification of pedestrian environment, and creation of safe driving environment.

This study has following four significances. First, it leads the governmental policies from the perspective of aging society. Second, it offers insight into how to provide urban environmental policies to

prepare the age of centenarians. Third, it provide guideline of direction and future task of urban policies. Fourth, this suggests several policy issues in urban, housing, and transportation sectors.

■ Key words _ Homo Hundred, Healthy Aging Society, Territorial and Urban Policies, Urban, Housing, Transportation

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부 록

<부록 1> 원주시 건강관련 사업 및 정책사례

기타 건강관련 사업 및 정책으로는 건강한 사회환경 조성을 위한 제도적 장치 마련의 사례를 들 수 있다. 앞에서도 기술했듯이 원주시는 WHO 서태평양 건강도 시연맹의 건강도시 회원도시이고, 대한민국건강도시협의회 의장도시로 건강도시 사업을 활발하게 추진하고 있다. 특히 조례, 기본계획 및 실행계획 수립 등 건강 한 원주시 조성을 위한 제도장치 마련에 다양하게 노력하고 있다. 특히 2006년부 터 담배소비세를 건강도시에 사업에 투자하여 주민들의 호응과 안정적인 재원마 련에 성공하기도 하였다. 건강도시 사업에 투자한 재원은 ‘06년에는 161억 원으로 시작하여, ‘07년 258억 원, ’08년 297억 원, ‘09년 347억 원, ’10년 322억 원을 투입 하여 현재까지 건강도시 추진과제 397건에 총 1385억 원을 투자하고 있다.

뿐 만 아니라, 원주시와 지역 대학(연세대학교 원주 의과대학)과의 파트너십에 의해 ‘09년 7월부터 건강도시 사업으로 ‘평생건강·운동의학센터’ 운영하고 있다.

이 센터는 지속적인 원주시민의 삶의 질 향상과 건강형평성 제고를 목적으로 운 영되고 있으며, 방문 이용자 1,704명을 대상으로 시설 이용의 접근성, 검진내용의

이 센터는 지속적인 원주시민의 삶의 질 향상과 건강형평성 제고를 목적으로 운 영되고 있으며, 방문 이용자 1,704명을 대상으로 시설 이용의 접근성, 검진내용의

문서에서 그 림 차 례 (페이지 177-188)

관련 문서