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영어듣기 모의고사 16 회

문서에서 영어듣기 모의고사 (페이지 61-65)


W: Can I board flight 804 to Los Angeles yet?

M: I’m sorry, ma’am. That flight has been delayed.

W: Do you know when it will depart?

M: (It will leave in about two hours.) 02

M: Excuse me, do you sell calculators?

W: Yes. This model is very popular. It costs $80.

M: Really? That’s expensive. Can you tell me why it is so expensive?

W: (Because it has a lot of functions.) 03

W: May I have your attention, please? I have a few things to tell you before we get started. First, we’re going to have a new coach this season. His name is Fred MacSween, and he has worked with many high school teams. He’s led many of them to championship victories. Also, our main sponsor, Benji Sportswear, is providing new uniforms for the upcoming season. Finally, we have a new goalkeeper, Peter. Jason quit the team for personal reasons. We know Peter is going to do great. That’s all, and I wish you all luck this season.


W: Sam, can you please take a look at my laptop? It’s not working.

M: Wow, it’s brand new. What’s wrong with it?

W: I can turn it on, but I can’t type anything.

M: Did something happen?

W: Yes. I spilled some coffee on the keyboard by accident.

M: Did you turn it off immediately and dry it out?

W: No, I just wiped up the coffee and finished my report.

M: Maybe that’s the problem. The liquid may have caused damage to the internal circuits.

W: Yes, you might be right.

M: I think you’ll have to replace your laptop keyboard.


W: Did you have a good crop this year?

M: Yes, it’s been a good year. The apples are especially juicy. Try one.

W: [Pause] That’s really good. I’d like to buy 100 boxes.

M: Great. I normally sell them at $40 a box, but since you’re buying so many, I can give you 10%


W: Oh, great! Thanks!

M: What are you going to do with all those apples?

W: I’m going to sell half of them to different supermarkets in the state.

M: What about the rest of them?

W: They will be sold to a company that makes apple juice.

M: Good. I’m so glad the apples will be put to good use.


M: Everything is almost ready for our daughter’s first birthday party.

W: Let’s see. The two tall vases are on either side of the table.

M: And we hung up the banner that says “Hee-ro’s First Birthday.”

W: We also have a beautiful two-layer cake between two candlesticks on the taller table.

M: That looks great. And there are lots of cupcakes on the lower table.

W: They look delicious!

M: And there’s also a teddy bear in front of the table.

W: It’s so cute. That is a great present for a baby girl.

M: I hope our guests think everything looks good, too.

W: I’m sure they will.


M: What’s all this?

W: I bought some plants for the garden.

M: Looks like a lot of work.

W: It is. Where do you think I should put these flowers?

M: Oh, I don’t know anything about gardening. Don’t ask me!

W: Okay, I won’t ask you for ideas. But could you help me?

M: Sure, but you’ll need to tell me what to do.

W: Of course. I have to move this plant from the pot to the garden.

M: All right.

W: I have to dig a hole for it. But I can’t do that and hold the plant at the same time.

M: Now I understand. Let me help you with that while you dig the hole.

W: Thanks.


W: Hello, Paul. What happened to you this morning?

M: Hello, Mrs. Smith. I had a bad morning. My alarm was set for the wrong time.

W: And you woke up late?

M: Yes, so I had to run to the bus stop. Then I realized that I forgot my chemistry homework.

W: And you went back home to get it?

M: Yes, I did.

W: I’m sorry that you had a bad morning, but I still have to give you penalty points for being late.

M: This really isn’t a good day for me!

W: I know, but a rule is a rule.


[Telephone rings.]

W: Hello?

M: Hi, I’d like to put advertisements for a new musical on your buses.

W: Okay. It costs $20 per month for one bus route. How long do you want your ads to be shown?

M: Our budget will cover three months.

W: And on how many bus routes do you want it to run?

M: I want to put it on 10 different routes. Is there a special price?

W: We don’t have any special offers. But I can give you two extra weeks for free.

M: Oh, that would be great.

W: Please give me your name, and let me know how you wish to pay.

M: Yes, my name is Tom Johnson, and I’d like to pay with my credit card.


M: Emily, are you ready for your trip to Thailand tomorrow?

W: Yes, Dad. I just finished packing.

M: Good. Did you remember to pack your swimsuit?

W: Of course. It’s already in my suitcase. I can’t wait to go to the beach and swim.

M: Hmm... What about sunscreen? You don’t want to get sunburned.

W: Don’t worry. I bought some yesterday.

M: How about sunglasses? You’ll need them at the beach.

W: I don’t have any, but I’ll buy a pair at the airport before I leave.

M: All right. Don’t forget to bring a sweater. The air conditioning in your hotel room might be too strong.

W: Okay, I’ll put one in my suitcase.

M: Good.


M: Isadora Duncan was born in San Francisco in 1878. As a dancer, she refused to follow the classical style of ballet that she was taught. She found her inspiration in nature, using dance movements to mirror the ocean’s waves and passing clouds. During her career, she performed all over Europe, where she went on to establish dancing schools for children. Using unique teaching methods, she taught dancers to use their own forms of expression. Tragically, she died in 1929, when her long scarf became caught in the wheel of her car.


M: Have you heard about the Teachers’ Day Video Contest?

W: No, I haven’t. It sounds like a good idea, though. When does it take place?

M: You can enter anytime between May 1st and May 13th.

W: Is it open to college students?

M: Yes. There are three categories—elementary, middle and high school, and college and adults.

W: What are the prizes?

M: The first-prize winner gets 300,000 won plus a trophy. The second prize winner gets 150,000 won plus a trophy.

W: Wow, those are great prizes. Are you going to enter?

M: No. I won first prize last year.

W: Really? That’s great! Why don’t we work together?

M: Sorry, but they have a rule—you can’t win two years in a row.


[knocking on a door]

M: Come in!

W: Hi, Dr. Johnston. Can I speak with you for a moment?

M: Sure, what can I do for you?

W: It’s about the report that’s due on Monday.

M: What is it?

W: I don’t think I’m going to be able to finish it on time.

M: Why not?

W: Well, there’s not a lot of information on my topic. So it’s taking me a long time to do my research.

M: But you’ve had two weeks to get this paper together, just like everyone else.

W: Two weeks wasn’t long enough because of the topic I chose. I just need a few more days.

M: (No, it wouldn’t be fair to the other students.) 14

W: It’s time we got a new bed. Our old one is getting really uncomfortable.

M: I agree. Let’s look in this furniture store. What size should we get?

W: Our last one was queen size. It was big enough.

M: Right. Let’s lie down on this one and see if it’s comfortable.

W: Okay. [Pause] Oh, it’s very comfortable.

M: No, it’s too soft. I like a nice, hard mattress.

W: But I like a soft mattress.

M: Soft mattresses are uncomfortable. With a hard mattress, you’re not disturbed when the other person moves.

W: I’ve never noticed that.

M: Besides, firm mattresses are better for your back.

W: (You’re right. And we both have bad backs.) 15

W: Hannah saw a TV program about newborn babies in poor parts of Africa. She learned that

many of them die because they can’t maintain their body temperature. All that is needed to save their lives are knitted hats. So she started knitting hats for them. One night she is doing her homework and decides to take a break and make a hat. She has just begun knitting when her mother walks in. Her mother is angry because she thinks Hannah is wasting her time.

Hannah explains that she is just taking a short break. She also explains what the hat is for. In this situation, what would Hannah’s mother most likely say to Hannah?

Hannah’s mother: (Now I understand. That’s very generous of you.) 16-17

M: Hello, everyone. Summer is approaching. As the temperature rises, various harmful viruses spread more easily. These viruses affect our food sometimes. This leads to “food poisoning,”

which causes stomachaches, fever, dizziness and even vomiting. Today, I will tell you a few simple things about how to prevent food poisoning. When cooking or eating, wash your hands first in order not to spread germs to the food. Also, try to avoid eating raw food. Heat it long enough to kill any bacteria. In addition, it’s important to wash cooking utensils well with soap and warm water, especially after handling chicken, seafood and eggs. You should also avoid using wooden cutting boards when cutting raw meat, as they are difficult to clean. It is

recommended that you boil your water before you drink it, too. By following these tips, you will lower your chances of getting sick.

문서에서 영어듣기 모의고사 (페이지 61-65)