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A Study on the Effects of Financial Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Post

Transaction Activities

-Focused on District National Agricultural Cooperative Federation

(NACF)-Hyun-Sil, Kim Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Business Administration Cheju National University Supervised by Professor Hyoung-Gil Kim

The corporate management has transformed from manufacturing oriented industry to service oriented industry. Especially in case of financial institutions, there are strong competitions among banks and only through enhancement of financial service quality can the participant survive within the relentlessly competitive environment. Previously conducted studies shows that customer satisfaction rate increases with the increase of service quality and as expected, the customer satisfaction rate drops with the decrease of service quality. Incase of district National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF), establishment of system to enhance financial service quality is imperative in order to achieve leading position in this highly competitive service industry.

As such, this study was conducted with targeted subjects of customers of district NACF to examine the effects service quality has on customer satisfaction and the importance of service marketing for customer satisfaction.

Through such research, the study seeks to provide suggestive outline for

establishment of service marketing strategy for enhancement of service quality by NACF.

For predictive analysis, Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) for Windows Release 13.0 and structural equation modeling program, AMOS 5.0 was utilized and the analytical methods applied are as follows.

First, to identify characteristics of the data, frequency analysis was conducted to obtain frequency and ratio of the data and to verify the reliability of the data, Cronbach's Alpha value was obtained through reliability analysis and furthermore, Squared Multiple Correlations (SMC) was obtained per each variable. To obtain validity, primary factor analysis was conducted with SPSS and with further reviewing of identified variables together with theoretical background, verification of primary factor analysis was conducted in AMOS.

In section 1, inquisition, objective of the study, application methods and formation is outlined.

In section 2, previous research data pertaining to service quality, customer satisfaction, corporate image, and physical environment were reviewed through related documentations.

In section 3, research model and hypothesis was set. Accordingly, customer service quality and customer satisfaction rate of NACF was measured and research model and originating background of the sample, distribution and collecting process of the survey, and constituting contents of the survey were explained to support the validity of the hypothesis.

in section 4, based on the analysis of each stages of research results, reliability and appropriateness of the research model was analyzed and the hypothesis was verified based on such results. Through correlations analysis and regression analysis, service quality, customer satisfaction rate, repurchase behaviorism and word-of-mouth behaviorism of NACF were analyzed and its results were obtained and summarized.

Lastly, section 5 details the summary, implication and limitation of the study.

The summary of the hypothesis are as follows:

First, there exists notable effects on customer satisfaction on both the sympathetic and tangible type of services by NACF. This is identified by when ever the sympathetic type of service quality is raised, customer satisfaction rate increases and likewise, whenever the tangible type of service is increased, as does the customer satisfaction.

Second, customer satisfaction has significant effect on returning intent behavior on the customers. As the customer satisfaction rate increases, their intention to return increases and as for the word-of-mouth behaviorism, customer satisfaction rate as same significant effects where as the satisfaction rate increases, their word-of-mouth marketing behavior is also increased.

Third, in group categories per gender, marital status, age, occupation, and etc., there were no significant difference identified in the areas of customer satisfaction, intent to return, and word-of-mouth behaviorism, but in group categories per education and income, there was significant difference in area of intent to return behaviorism. In group categories per NACF usage frequency and Cash Dispenser (CD) machine usage satisfaction rate, there showed significant difference in areas of customer satisfaction, intent to return, and word-of-mouth behaviorism.

Fourth, in group categories per NACF usage frequency and Cash Dispenser (CD) machine usage satisfaction rate, there showed significant difference in areas of customer satisfaction, intent to return, and word-of-mouth behaviorism.

This study, with targeted subjects of customers of NACF in Cheju district, conducted various analysis pertaining to service quality, customer satisfaction rate, intention to return, word-of-mouth behaviorism, and related surveys.

The analyzed data is limited to targeted subject groups who have visited specific branch of NACF in Cheju district during the period of research and does not include survey data on the customers who have not visited the branch during the period in which the survey was conducted. Therefore, in future studies, there is necessity to increase the number of targeted branches per district, increase the targeted regions to include urban city, agricultural community, residential community, and industrial district with sufficient time for conducting research.

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50 귀하는 농협을 계속적으로 이용하시겠습니까? ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

51 귀하는 주위의 다른 분들에게 농협과의 거래를추천할 의향이 있으십니까? ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

※ 다음 사항은 귀하가 이용하시는 농협을 앞으로 계속하여 이용할지 그리고 다른 사람에게 추천할 의사가 있는지에 관한 질문입니다. 해당번호에 √하여 주십시오.

50번 응답자 중 ①, ②번 응답자만 농협과의 거래를 그만 드시려는 이유는 무 엇입니까?

( )

※ 다음은 귀하의 신상에 관한 질문입니다. 해당번호에 √하여 주십시오.

52. 성별 ①남성 ②여성

53. 결혼여부 ①미혼 ②기혼

54. 연령 ①20대 ②30대 ③40대 ④50세 이상

55. 학력수준 ①고졸 ②대졸이하 ③대학원졸 이상

56. 직업 ①학생 ②주부 ③농업 ④자영업 ⑤공무원/교원

⑥영업직 ⑦사무직 ⑧기타

57. 월평균소득

①100만원미만 ②100만원이상-200만원미만 ③200만원이상-300만원 미만 ④300만원이상-400만원 미만 ⑤400만원이상-500만원 미만 ⑥500만원이상

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