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국민대학교 일반‧학사 영어 시험 문제


Academic year: 2022

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국민대학교 일반‧학사 영어 시험 문제


※〔1∼19〕다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.


The word ‘psychology’ is made up from two Greek words: psche, meaning mind or soul, and logos meaning word or study. ‘Psychology,’ then, means ‘the study of the mind’, and this is one way of describing what psychologists try to do. There is, however, a serious difficulty with this ___①___. No one has been able to isolate or identify ‘the mind’ scientifically. It has no known weight or size and does not appear to exist in any ___②___ form. ‘Mind’ is a left-over term from an earlier century when it was thought that man was controlled by some small creature or spirit within. Later this idea was modified and mind was thought of ___③___ some operating and controlling process which was different from the body. The two were thought to work in harness together.

This approach merely pursued an elusive abstraction, so psychologists, as scien- tists, shifted their attention to a more ___④___ approach to the study of man.

They began to concentrate on the observable effects of the ‘mind’ ― that is, the way in which we behave.

1. 윗 글의 빈칸 ①에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

(A) defiance (B) inhibition

(C) science (D) definition

2. 윗 글의 빈칸 ②에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

(A) sanguine (B) evasive

(C) material (D) abstract

3. 윗 글의 빈칸 ③에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

(A) while (B) as

(C) because (D) whereas

4. 윗 글의 빈칸 ④에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

(A) profound (B) esthetic

(C) subtle (D) concrete



Thanks to the recent development of agricultural technology, we have various kinds of flowers, vegetables, and fruits all through the seasons, because they are grown in greenhouses all the year round.

Most people living in urban areas have gradually lost the sense of season and become indifferent to the seasonal change of nature. Nature was once our friend and we lived in harmony with her, but now, somehow alienated from her to live in a mechanical age, we have come to be less and less attracted by her beauties.

5. 윗 글의 밑줄 친 부분 indifferent to의 의미를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오.

(A) ∼에는 무관심하다 (B) ∼와는 무관하다

(C) ∼와 구별되다 (D) ∼와는 다르다

6. Why can we have various kinds of vegetables even in winter?

(A) Because we have no more seasons.

(B) Because winter has become warmer.

(C) Because all the seasons are the same.

(D) Because we have greenhouses.

7. What kind of age are we living in?

(A) We're living in a youthful age.

(B) We're living in an age of natural beauties.

(C) We're living in a mechanical age.

(D) We're living in an age of flowers and vegetables.

8. 윗 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

(A) We were once less attracted by the beauties of nature.

(B) We were once on friendly terms with nature.

(C) We are now estranged from nature.

(D) We are now less sensitive to the seasonal change of nature.


The basic thesis is that intellectual freedom is essential to human society ― freedom to obtain and distribute information, freedom for open-minded and un- fearing debate and freedom from pressure by officialdom and prejudices. Such a trinity of freedom of thought is the only guarantee against an infection of people by mass myths, which, in the hands of treacherous hypocrites and demagogues,


can be transformed into bloody dictatorship. Freedom of thought is the only gua- rantee of the feasibility of a scientific democratic approach to politics, economy, and culture.

But freedom of thought is under a triple threat in modern society ― from the opium of mass culture, from cowardly, egotistic and narrow-minded ideologies, and from the ossified dogmatism of a bureaucratic oligarchy and its favorite wea- pon, ideological censorship. Therefore, freedom of thought requires the defense of all thinking and honest people. This is a mission not only for the intelli- gentsia but for all strata of society, particularly its most active and organized stratum, the working class. The worldwide dangers of war, famine, cults of per- sonality, and bureaucracy ― these are perils for all of mankind.

9. 윗 글의 대의로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

(A) Democratic approach to politics, economy, and culture (B) Freedom of thought essential to human society (C) Treacherous hypocrites and demagogues (D) Dangerous threats of modern society

10. 윗 글에 언급되지 않은 내용을 고르시오.

(A) 대중 문화의 아편성 (B) 관료적 소수 독재의 독선 (C) 이기적이고 편협된 이데올로기 (D) 지식층과 노동계층의 확대


There are ___①___ people who say they “don't like Shakespeare.” They might just as well say they don't like winter, or air-travel, or television. These things are part of our existence and so, whether we “like” him or not, is Shakespeare.

He is as important a figure in the history of mankind as Nelson or Lincoln, Newton or Einstein. His works have become a part of us and if they had never been written our lives and our language would have been so much the ___②___.

Most of those who “don't like Shakespeare” have probably never had a chance to decide fairly whether they do or not. They may have studied one of his plays at school for an examination or at the mercy of an unimaginative teacher. They may have tried to read a play or two for themselves and been frightened off by the ___③___ language.


11. 윗 글의 빈칸 ①, ②, ③에 들어갈 말들이 차례로 결합된 것을 고르시오.

(A) such ― richer ― native (B) many ― worse ― familiar (C) few ― better ― foreign (D) some ― poorer ― unfamiliar

12. 본문의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

(A) 셰익스피어의 작품은 학교에서 시험공부나 상상력이 부족한 교사들을 위해 필요하다.

(B) 넬슨이나 링컨, 뉴턴, 아인슈타인과 같은 사람들은 셰익스피어를 싫어했다.

(C) 셰익스피어의 작품은 비행기 여행이나 텔레비전과 같이 우리 일상생활의 일부가 되었다.

(D) 셰익스피어의 작품은 우리에게 친숙해서 혼자서도 쉽게 읽을 수 있다.

13. 윗 글의 밑줄 친 부분 whether they do or not을 고쳐 쓸 때 본문 내용에 가장 적합한 것을 고르시오.

(A) whether they like Shakespeare or not

(B) whether they read Shakespeare's plays or not (C) whether they decide fairly or not

(D) whether Shakespeare's works have a chance to be read or not


American parents are so devoted to their children that they are often accused of creating a child-centered culture. Their ambitions are more often related to their children's lives than to their own. For this reason, parents often turn to the writings of experts, such as pediatricians, psychologists and psychiatrists, for advice on child-rearing. As knowledge often leads to a more meaningful life in the American society, parents try to give their children as many opportunities as possible to develop skills and interests. The typical middle-class child has a large assortment of educational toys and athletic equipment. To help him do well in school, he may also be given his own room, a set of encyclopedia, and, if necessary, private tutoring. There seems to be no difference between American and Korean parents' attitudes toward their children.

14. 윗 글의 내용과 가장 일치하는 것을 고르시오.

(A) 부모가 자녀를 기르는 데에는 미국과 한국이 상당히 다르다.

(B) 미국의 부모들은 자녀중심 문화를 창조하기 때문에 칭찬을 받는다.

(C) 미국사회에서 의미 있는 삶을 위해 필요한 것은 자본과 기술이다.


15. 윗 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

(A) 전형적인 중산층 자녀들은 다양한 교육용 장난감이나 운동기구를 가지고 있다.

(B) 중산층 자녀들은 과외공부를 하지 않는다.

(C) 미국의 부모들은 자녀교육을 위해 전문가들의 글을 읽는다.

(D) 미국의 부모들은 자신들보다는 자녀들의 생애에 더 야심적이다.

16. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The above passage is about ______.

(A) the writings of experts for advice on child-rearing (B) the education of American parents

(C) the attitude of American parents toward their children (D) the knowledge for a more meaningful life in American society


It is a grievous fault, ①of which few are innocent, to make generalizations from an insufficient number of particular instances, especially in our judgements about foreign people. Such judgements are often little more than prejudices and so are extremely hard to get rid of. We make hasty judgements about people's characters ②on the strength of a brief and casual acquaintance and very often the judgement we make about one person, especially if he is a foreigner, turns into a general judgement on the whole nation. We must, moreover, expect for- eigners to judge us or to misjudge us according to their own standards, not according to ③ours.

17. 윗 글의 밑줄 친 ①을 다음과 같이 바꾸었을 때 빈칸에 넣을 가장 적당한 것을 고르시오.

of which many are ______

(A) ashamed (B) guilty

(C) proud (D) careful

18. 윗 글의 밑줄 친 ②를 다른 말로 바꾸었을 때 가장 적당한 것을 고르시오.

(A) as strong as (B) beyond the power of (C) relying upon (D) firmly convinced of

19. 윗 글의 밑줄 친 ③ours가 구체적으로 가리키는 것을 고르시오.

(A) our own standards (B) our own judgement (C) our own prejudice (D) our own misjudgement


※〔20∼21〕빈칸에 넣을 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.

20. He is the most ______ poet I have ever met.

(A) image (B) imaginative

(C) imaginary (D) imaginable

21. Each delegate to the conference is an expert in his ______ field.

(A) respectable (B) respective

(C) respectful (D) respected

※〔22∼23〕다음 문장 중 용법상 옳지 않은 문장을 하나 고르시오.

22. (A) My services are always on your disposal.

(B) They have been on friendly terms for many years.

(C) It was on a hot summer afternoon when I was introduced to her.

(D) I met him on my way home from school.

23. (A) The wind cleared the air of dust.

(B) The judge found him guilty of stealing.

(C) You've been of great help to me. I'm very grateful to you.

(D) I'm looking forward of hearing from you soon.

※〔24∼25〕다음 빈칸에 넣을 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.

24. Traffic signs should be ______ enough for everybody to notice.

(A) decorated (B) obscure

(C) artificial (D) conspicuous

25. ______ is anything that serves to keep alive the memory of a person or an event, especially a column, statue, tomb or arch.

(A) Church (B) Gymnasium

(C) Monument (D) Sanatorium

26. 다음 문장 중에서 문법적으로 옳은 것을 고르시오.

(A) The patients were ordered to have his food hotly.

(B) I met 50-years-old American businessman yesterday.

(C) Let him have what little pleasure he can.


※〔27∼28〕다음 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

27. The street was far from being tidy at that time.

(A) not at all (B) in the least

(C) not a little (D) pretty well

28. The professor will go over all his students' papers.

(A) repeat (B) examine

(C) cross (D) delete

29. 다음 문장 중에서 문법적으로 틀린 것을 고르시오.

(A) His suggestions made John happy, but they made Mary angry.

(B) You have to do it the first thing tomorrow morning.

(C) The moment he saw me, he left the spot.

(D) Dollar is the major unit of American monetary system.

※〔30∼32〕다음 우리말에 가장 알맞은 영어 표현을 고르시오.

30. 김군은 국민대학교 졸업생입니다.

(A) Mr. Kim graduates from Kookmin University.

(B) Mr. Kim is graduated from Kookmin University.

(C) Mr. Kim is a graduate of Kookmin University.

(D) Mr. Kim was a graduate of Kookmin University.

31. 나는 그 책을 어디서 본 기억이 나지 않는다.

(A) I don't remember seeing the book anywhere.

(B) I don't remember to have seen the book anywhere.

(C) I haven't remembered to see the book anywhere.

(D) I don't remember to see the book anywhere.

32. 다음 대화에 나오는 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것 중 가장 자연스러운 것을 고르시오.

A: How was the weather in Toronto this summer?

B: 날씨가 지극히 좋았습니다.

(A) The weather could have been worse.

(B) The weather couldn't have been better.

(C) We have had exceptionally good weathers.

(D) We have had an exceedingly good weather.


33. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 넣을 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: “Will you go home this weekend?”

B: “No, and ______”

(A) neither Michael will.

(B) so won't Michael.

(C) Michael won't, too.

(D) neither will Michael.

34. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 발음이 나머지 셋과 전혀 다른 것을 고르시오.

(A) sceptical (B) indict

(C) science (D) victual

35. melancholy와 강세(stress)의 위치가 다른 것을 고르시오.

(A) eloquent (B) legendary

(C) metropolis (D) hazardous

36. 다음 대화 내용에서 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적당한 표현을 고르시오.

A: Don't say it. I know exactly what you're thinking about and the answer is no.

B: What? I didn't even ask you yet. I just wanted to...

A: I know, but Thursday night is out.

B: How did you know I was going to ask you out on Thursday?

A: ______

(A) I dreamed how handsome you were.

(B) Let's change the subject.

(C) Now you're thinking I'm very strange, right?

(D) I just read your mind.

※〔37∼38〕다음 빈칸에 공통으로 한 단어를 넣을 경우 의미가 통하지 않는 것을 고르시오.

37. (A) Take an umbrella with you in ______ it rains.

(B) The situation will take a ______ for the better.

(C) In any ______, I'll go there tomorrow.


38. (A) When ______ comes to English, he is the best student in the class.

(B) We thought ______ they were all aware of the fact.

(C) I take ______ that he is French.

(D) Tradition has ______ that the mountain rose in a single night.

※〔39∼40〕다음 대화를 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적당한 것을 고르시오.


A: Here you are, sir. Just try these on, please. How do you like them?

B: They're a little too tight. Show me some others, please.

A: All right. Here you are, sir. How about these?

B: They fit me all right. ______

(A) How do you charge for these?

(B) What do you ask for?

(C) What's the price?

(D) What do you sell it for?


A: I'm afraid we'll be late.

B: We can ______ it from here by taxi in time.

(A) get (B) take

(C) have (D) make


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