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사회학영문강독 제 12강

전광희 교수 jkh96@cnu.ac.kr



사회학자 Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Ralf Dahrendorf

실증주의 Positivism

사회진화론 Social Evolution

사회갈등이론 Theory of Social Conflict

사회정학과 사회동학 Social Statics and Dynamics


Auguste Comte (1798-1857)

프랑스의 사회학자, 철학자, 수학자

실증철학강의, 통속 천문학의 철학적 개론, 심 증적 정신론 등의 저작

파리공대에서 수학을 전공, 사회학이란 명칭 창시, 그의 영향을 받은 영국의 Herbert Spencer와 함께, 사회학의 아버지로 알려짐

1817년 유토피아 사회주의자인 Henri de Simon 가르침을 받고, 조수로 근무하였으나 1824 그와 결별함, 1844년 사망까지 John Stuart Mill과 친교를 맺고, 그의 소개로 Herbert Spencer에 큰 영향을 주었음

생애를 재야의 학자로 사회학을 바탕으로 인 류교(Religion of Humanity)를 창시하여, 그의 실 증주의 철학은 종교이념으로 승화하는 경향을 보임



Positivism is the philosophy of science that information derived from logical and mathematical treatments and reports of sensory experience is the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge,[1] and that there is valid knowledge (truth) only in this derived knowledge.

Verified data received from the senses are known as empirical evidence.

Positivism holds that society, like the physical world, operates according to general laws. Introspective and intuitive knowledge is rejected.

Although the positivist approach has been a recurrent theme in the history of western thought the modern sense of the approach was developed by the philosopher and founding sociologist Auguste Comte in the early 19th century.

Comte argued that, much as the physical world operates according to gravity and other absolute laws, so also does society


Law of Three Stages

The Theological stage refers to explanation by personified deities.

During the earlier stages, people believe that all the phenomena of nature are the creation of the divine or supernatural.

The Metaphysical stage is the extension of the theological stage.

Metaphysical stage refers to explanation by impersonal abstract

concepts. People often tried to believe that God is an abstract being.

The Positivity stage, also known as the scientific stage, refers to scientific explanation based on observation, experiment, and

comparison. Positive explanations rely upon a distinct method, the scientific method, for their justification. During this stage, humans tried to establish cause and effect relationships. Positivism is a

purely intellectual way of looking at the world; as well, it emphasizes observation and classification of data and facts.


Hierarchy of Sciences

Comte proposed a hierarchy of the sciences based on historical sequence, with areas of knowledge passing through these stages in order of


The simplest and most remote areas of knowledge — mechanical or physical — are the first to become scientific. These are followed by the more complex sciences, those considered closest to us.

The sciences, then, according to Comte's "law", developed in this order:

Mathematics; Astronomy; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Psychology;


A science of society is thus the "Queen science" in Comte's hierarchy as it would be the most fundamentally complex. Through social science, Comte believed all human social ills could be remedied.


Comte’s Sociology

Comte separated social statics from social dynamics. Social statics are concerned with the ways in which the parts of a social system (social structures) interact with one another, as well as the

functional relationships between the parts and to the social system as a whole.

Comte therefore focused his social statics on the individual, as well as such collective phenomena as the family, religion, language, and the division of labor.


Comte’s Sociology-Continued

Comte placed greater emphasis on the study of social dynamics, or social change. His theory of social dynamics is founded on the law of the three stages; i.e., the evolution of society is based on the evolution of mind through the theological, metaphysical, and positivist stages.

He saw social dynamics as a process of progressive evolution in which people become cumulatively more intelligent and in which altruism eventually triumphs over egoism. This process is one that people can modify or accelerate, but in the end the laws of

progressive development dictate the development of society.

Comte's research on social evolution focused on Western Europe, which he viewed as the most highly developed part of the world during his times.


Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)

영국 빅토리아 시대의 철학자, 생 물학자, 인류학자, 그리고 고전적 자유주의 정치이론가

스펜서는 진화(進化) 를 자연계, 생 물유기체, 인간심성, 인간문화, 인 간사회 등의 모든 객체의 점진적 발전으로 파악하는 포괄적 개념으 설정하였다.

스펜서는 다윈의 『 종의 기원 』 (Origin of the Species)를 읽고, 적자 생존(survival of the fittest)라는 개념 에 착안하였는데, 이것은 자연도태 (natural selection)를 설명하는 아이 디어를 제시하여 주었음



Spencer의 저술에는 진화(evolution)라는 아이디어가 관통

하고 있다. 사회진화론은 그의 저술에서 시작하는 것으로,

제1원리(First Principle)은 현실세계의 모든 영역에 뿌리내

리고 있는 진화론적 원리를 상세하게 설명한다.

흔히 사용되는 용어인 적자생존((survival of the fittest) 란 용어는 진화라는 용어와 함께, Charles Darwin이 아니라, Herbert Spencer가 만든 말이라고 해야 할 것이다.


Herbert Spencer의 사회학

스펜서의 사회학은 Auguste Comte의 실증주의와 사회학 사

상에 큰 영향을 받은 사회학의 창시자 중 1인으로 유명하다.

스펜서의 사회학에서는 유기체의 메터퍼를 이용하여, 사회

를 system으로 파악하고, 그것을 유지하고, 분배하고, 규제하

는 각 시스템으로 구분하여, 사회시스템의 구조와 기능을 분

석 상의 중심개념으로 한다. 이 때문에, 그의 이론은 사회유

기체설이라고 부른다.

미국의 사회학자 Talcott Parsons는 1937년 The Structure of Social Action (사회적 행위의 구조) 머리말에서 Spencer 무용

론을 이야기 했지만, Spencer는 사실상 구조기능주의

(structural functionalism)의 선구자라고 해야 할 것이다.


Spencer’s General Model of



Spencer on statics and dynamics

• In 1851 Spencer’s first book, Social Statics, or the Conditions Essential to Human Happiness appeared.

(‘Social statics’–the term was borrowed from Auguste

Comte–deals with the conditions of social order, and was preliminary to a study of human progress and evolution–

i.e., ‘social dynamics.’)

• In this work, Spencer presents an account of the

development of human freedom and a defense of

individual liberties, based on a (Lamarckian-style)

evolutionary theory.


Ralf Dahrendorf(1829-2009)

독일계 영국 사회학자, 철학자,

정치학자, 자유주의 정치인

영국 London School of

Economics 학장 및 작위수여에

의한 영국상원의원

다렌도르프는 계급갈등을 사

회분석의 중심에 위치시킨 학

자로서, 당대의 가장 영향력있

사상가로 간주된다.

그의 저서에는 산업사회의 계

급갈등(Class Conflict in

Industrial Society)과 사회이론 논문집(Essays in the Theory of Society)가 있다.


Dahrendorf ’s Major Books


Class Conflict in Industrial Society

Drawing on aspects of both Marxism and structural functionalists to form his own beliefs, Dahrendorf highlighted the changes that have occurred in modern society.

Specifically, with democracy came voting for political parties, and increased social mobility. He believes that the struggle for authority creates conflict. Furthermore, he believes that traditional Marxism ignores consensus and integration in modern social structures.

Dahrendorf ’s theory defined class not in terms of wealth like Marx, but by levels of authority.

Dahrendorf combines elements from both of these perspectives to develop his own theory about class conflict in post capitalist society.


Dahrendorf ’s Theory of Classes

Dahrendorf developed, cultivated, and advanced conflict theory.

This new theory attempted to bring together structural functionalism and Marxism

Dahrendorf states that capitalism has undergone major changes since Marx initially developed his theory on class conflict. This new system of capitalism, which he identifies as postcapitalism, is

characterized by diverse class structure and a fluid system of power relations. Thus, it involves a much more complex system of

inequality than Marx originally outlined.

Dahrendorf contends that postcapitalist society has

institutionalized class conflict into state and economic spheres. For example, class conflict has been habituated through unions,

collective bargaining, the court system, and legislative debate.


Relationship to other theorists

Unlike many of the other works published by social theorists in the 1950s, Dahrendorf ’s work acknowledges the same class interests that worried Marx .

Like Marx, Dahrendorf agreed that conflict is still a basic fact of social life.

Dahrendorf believed that class conflict could have beneficial consequences for society, such as progressive change.

Dahrendorf is recognized for being one of the best departures from the structural functionalist tradition of the 1950s. Dahrendorf criticized and wanted to challenge the “false, utopian representation of societal harmony, stability, and consensus by the structural functionalist school.”

Nevertheless, Dahrendorf still shares key ideas with structural functionalists, such as a general faith in the efficacy of political and

economic institutions. Like Weber, Dahrendorf criticizes Marx’s view that the working class will ultimately become a homogeneous group of



Auguste Comte, Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte (1855), translated by Harriet Martineau, Kessinger Publishing,

Paperback, 2003 ; Also available from the McMaster Archive for the History of Economic Thought, Volume One Volume Two Volume Three

Herbert Spencer (1862), System of Synthetic Philosophy, in ten volumes First Principles

Ralf Dahrendorf (1959), Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press

Ralf Dahrendorf (1968) Essays in the Theory of Society. Stanford:

Stanford University Press


사회학영문강독 제12강 19



The Economist (2008) Ralf, Baron Dahrendorf, thinker and politician, died on June 17th, aged 80



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