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Academic year: 2021

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다음 글에 드러난 ‘Anne’의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?1) [올림포스1 4 ]강

Anne and Marco’s comfortable home immediately becomes a crime scene. Anne is sitting on the sofa in the living room. Someone has placed a blanket around her shoulders, but she’s still trembling. Police cars are parked on the street outside the house, their red lights flashing, pulsing through the front window and circling the pale walls. Anne sits immobile on the sofa and stares ahead as if hypnotized by them. Marco, his voice breaking, has given the police a quick description of the baby ― six months old, blond, blue eyes, about sixteen pounds, wearing a disposable diaper and a plain, pale pink onesie. The house is swarming with uniformed police officers. They fan out and methodically begin to search the house, but the baby is gone.

joyful and satisfied

① ② excited and hopeful

relieved and grateful

③ ④ bored and indifferent

sorrowful and desperate


다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은, ?2) [올림포스1 17 ]강 When you are immersed in writing an essay for class, you can easily forget that you are trying to ⓐcommunicate with a specific person ― your teacher, who will grade the essay.

However, you should always keep this in mind: What can you write that will most

ⓑimpress your teacher? A teacher is probably not going to be overly amazed by flawless grammar and spelling; those qualities are expected. What will matter is the ⓒquantity and strength of your ideas. Inspirational ideas are the crucial component of a good essay. They must be interacted in a manner that makes them ⓓaccessible to the reader.

Coming up with sophisticated and intelligent ideas is your ⓔresponsibility; no book can give them to you.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ



(A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?3) [올림포스1 17 ]강 When our emotional fuel is low, we can't do an Indy pit stop and (A)[park / refuel]

quickly. Our emotional reserves can be compared to a car battery. If we sit in a parking lot and run all our car’s accessories ― radio, headlights, and so on ― we can almost (B)[exhaust / explore] that battery in about ten minutes. After that massive drain, suppose we then take the battery to a service station and say, “I’d like this battery

charhed in ten minutes.” What would the attendant tell us? “No, we're going to put the battery on our overnight charger. It’s going to take seven or eight hours to bring it all the way back up.” It has to be recharged slowly or else the battery will be damaged.

Likewise, to (C)[ keep / recover] properly from an emotionally draining activity takes time.

(A) (B) (C)

park explore keep

park exhaust recover

refuel explore keep

refuel exhaust

④ keep

refuel exhaust recover


(A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?4) [올림포스1 5 ]강 Mostly self-taught, Paul Creston became one of the most popular composers of the mid-20th century. A (A)[conservative / progressive] musician, Creston claimed his greatest influences to be long-dead composers. Harmonically, he might be called an American impressionist. Creston achieved (B)[renown / rebuke ] when his Symphony No. 1 won the New York Music Critics’ Circle Award in 1941. He had already received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1938. His work was performed widely in the aftermath of World War Ⅱ, but it (C)[developed / faded] from the concert repertoire with the rise of academic music in the 1960s. Several of his works were inspired by the poetry of Walt Whitman. He died in Poway, California, a suburb of San Diego.

(A) (B) (C)

conservative renown developed

conservative rebuke

② faded

conservative renown faded

progressive rebuke

④ developed

progressive renown developed



다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것은, ?5) [올림포스1 4 ]강

My daughter Sondra had a friend in sixth grade that would never look directly at me (we’ll call her “Emma”). Emma wasn’t shy, but she gave me the feeling she was hiding something. When I served an after school snack in the kitchen, she wanted to eat− upstairs. If I suggested that the girls ⓐplay outside where I could see them, she

encouraged Sondra ⓑto stay in the rec room. She seldom smiled or said please or thank you. One day, I found a purse in the street by our house. ⓒOpening it up to find the owner’s identification, I saw that it belonged to Emma’s mom. The purse also contained

$600 cash! Naturally, I called Emma’s mom − ⓓwho picked up the purse without even saying thank you. It confirmed my feelings that Sondra’s relationship with Emma needed

ⓔto monitor.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ


다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?6) [올림포스1 5 ]강

The Springbok emblem was worn by South African national sporting teams throughout most of the 20th century. It continues to be worn by the South African national rugby team today, known universally as the Springboks. The designation began on South Africa’s first rugby tour to the British Isles in 1906. Team captain Paul Roos coined the term to prevent the British press from inventing one for them. The 1906 Springboks were highly successful, winning nearly all their matches including Wales, the top British Isles nation at that time. The Springbok emblem proved to be highly __________ as national sporting teams were limited to the white minority population until the 1980s.

For white South Africans, the emblem was a symbol of pride and national sporting power.


① ② divisive ③ practical


④ ⑤ successive



주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?7) [올림포스1 4 ]강

“No, This is only the eye of the storm. It is the calm part of the storm, and it could start getting bad again any minute.” Just as Grandpa said that, the wind picked up and I looked out at the ocean from the ship.

(A) I watched the big, dark wave as if it were in slow motion until lightning flashed and woke me from my daze. The wave hit the boat with an amazing force, knocking me off my feet.

(B) I reached for something to grab but there was nothing. I soon realized that I was in the ocean, and the waves were all around me. I saw something floating in the water next to me and grabbed it and held on for my life.

(C) The biggest wave I had ever seen in my life was headed toward our ship. I was frightened! I didn’t make a move toward the stairway, but just stood there looking at the wave.

(A) (B) (C)

① − − ② (B) − (A) − (C)

(B) (C) (A)

③ − − ④ (C) − (A) − (B)

(C) (B) (A)

⑤ − −


다음 글의 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장인 것은?8) [올림포스1 5 ]강

American social reformer and leader of the movement for women’s suffrage (the right to vote), Susan B. Anthony born into a Quaker family committed to social equality was a determined pioneer of women’s equality and other social causes. ⓐAnthony was the principal organizer and ideological voice of the National Woman Suffrage Association that was formed in 1869. ⓑIn 1872, Anthony was arrested for voting in her hometown of Rochester, New York, and convicted in a widely publicized trial. ⓒHer arrest, trial and sentence of a fine that she refused to pay became a model for other suffrage protests.

When campaigning for women’s right, Anthony was also harshly ridiculed and accused

of trying to destroy the institution of marriage by the public. ⓔAnthony did not live to see the achievement of women’s suffrage at the national level, but her single-minded advocacy of equal justice for women has been credited with helping to win social and political gains for women and launching the women’s movement in the twentieth century.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ



다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것을 두 개 골라 바르게 고치시오, .9) [올림포스1

5 ]

Al-Jazari (1136-1206) was a Muslim scholar, inventor, mechanical engineer, artisan, artist and mathematician. He is best known for writing ‘The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices’ in 1206. He ⓐis remembering for his automaton designs, including water operated ones. Most of them are decorative fanciful objects, but some also serve− a function. Al-Jazari constructed a hand washing automaton first ⓑemployed the flush mechanism now used in modern toilets. It features and automaton standing by a basin

ⓒthat is filled with water. When the user pulls the lever, the water is released and the automaton refills the basin. Leonardo da Vinci is said to have been influenced by the classic automatons of Al-Jazari. Al-Jazari appears ⓓto have been the first inventor to display an interest in creating human like machines for practical purposes such as−

ⓔusing the environment for human comfort.

어색한 어법 바르게 고친 어법

[ ] [ ]

(A) __________ ⇨ (B) ___________________

(C) __________ ⇨ (D) ___________________


다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 것을 세 개 골라 바르게 고치시오, .10) [올림포스1

17 ]

Yellowstone National Park was the first ‘wilderness’ protected area in the world, but the model spread rapidly across the globe, ⓐeven though the fact that many ‘wilderness’

areas were created by removing local inhabitants. In Africa, game reserves were

established with the aim of refilling stocks of wildlife ⓑwas killed by Europeans in the

‘scramble for Africa. Safeguarding animal populations in protected area facilitated the control of access to wildlife and also served ⓒto separate wildlife and domestic stock at least to some extent. This has helped ⓓslow the rate of spread of animal diseases. Since human influence was to isolate conservation areas keeping disturbance to a minimum, on the grounds ⓔwhich if left alone, nature’s balance would prevail. These ideas were supported by the belief that nature’s fragile balance would be disrupted by human influence.

어색한 어법 바르게 고친 어법

[ ] [ ]

(A) __________ ⇨ (B) ___________________

(C) __________ ⇨ (D) ___________________

(E) __________ ⇨ (F) ___________________



다음 글을 읽고 전체의 흐름에 맞게 빈칸, (A), (B)를 완성하시오.11) [올림포스1 17 ]강 Art is a force for preserving the status quo, but it is also often used in the opposite way − as a vehicle of protest, resistance, and even revolution. A number of artists have attempted, through their own artistic media, to raise the (A)__________ of their

suppressed countrymen and to bring about changes in social and political structures. For example, Marjorie Agosin documented the case of the Chilean arpilleristas, who told the story of political restraint on scraps of cloth. These courageous artists were considered such a threat to the established government that they were eventually banned in their own country. In Chile, during the Augusto Pinochet regime, local artists painted murals under the cover of night depicting scenes of government (B)____________ only to have them removed by the military police the next morning.


< >

conscious, dependence, surrender, oppress


< >

1. 보기 의 단어에서 선택하여 사용하시오< > . 2. 필요시 단어를 중복 사용하시오, .

3. 필요시 어형을 변화하시오, .

(A) : _____________________________________

(B) : _____________________________________



다음 도표를 보고 도표를 묘사하는 글의 빈칸, (A)~(C)를 완성하시오.12) [올림포스1 6 ]강


< >

many, little, small, large


< >

1. 보기 의 단어에서 선택하여 사용하시오< > . 2. 필요시 단어를 중복 사용하시오, .

3. 필요시 어형을 변화하시오, .

The graph above shows the percentage of men and women responses on exercise companionship from a survey conducted from 2003 to 2006. More than half of both men and women reported that they exercised alone, which represented the

(A)____________ category of companionship for the two groups. The second highest response category for the two groups, which had the largest percentage point gap between men and women, was exercising with family members. More male respondents reported exercising with friends or neighbors than female respondents. No other exercise companion group for men and women, respectively, was (B)____________ favored than co workers. For female respondents, the percentage of exercising with family members− was (C)____________ than that of exercising with friends or neighbors.

(A) : _____________________________________

(B) : _____________________________________

(C) : _____________________________________



1) ⑤ 2) ③ 3) ⑤ 4) ③ 5) ⑤ 6) ② 7) ④ 8) ④

9) ⓐ → is remembered ⓑ → employing

10) (A) ⓐ → despite (B) ⓑ → killed (C) ⓔ → that 11) (A) consciousness (B) oppression

12) (A) largest (B) less (C) larger


관련 문서

 “As the passionate lover and the divine, he approached God with the passion he had formerly shown to women: he addresses Christ with the fierceness of a lover”.

The language of the journey is used as indicative of the reality that transformation and achievement of equality and justice are actually a process not necessarily a once

빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?. occurs when a foreign object lodges in the throat, blocking the

The writer who suffered in this period of difficulty had an attitude to join in social movements focusing on national unification and later he was engaged

According to the results of this study, the biggest visual effect that can be achieved by introducing a fusion collage technique using various media into

Second, to see a similarity factor among the relation between a factor which forms peer group and the attitudes toward school life, in case of the

3) There was a significant difference in the strategy children had utilized to reduce parents' anger according to the gender. In anger situation with

Children's experience of life sdtress: The role of family social support and social problem-solving skills as protective factors.. “Social competence: An