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2020학년도 편입학 전형 (서울)


Academic year: 2021

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Ⅰ. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined word. (1-10)

1. Because the speaker belabored every point of his speech, the exhausted audience lost interest in everything he had to say.

① elaborated ② summarized

③ put off ④ refrained

2. Several of the dunes in the desert are obviously factitious; if I were to dig for buried treasure, that is where I would start.

① clean ② truthful

③ artificial ④ attractive

3. Our teeth and gut were not designed to masticate and digest real food.

① grind ② drink

③ vomit ④ reproduce

4. The fact that the bombardiers are Saudi hardly exculpates the United States.

① praises ② familiarizes

③ exaggerates ④ acquits

5. Certainly being the son of a pastor had contributed to Vincent van Gogh’s religiosity, but in time even his father was disturbed by the growing intensity of his son’s fervor.

① cruelty ② effectiveness

③ enthusiasm ④ apathy

6. The neoterics have dismissed the terse writing style of Hemingway for a more ornate and almost turgid approach.

① modernists ② critics

③ scholars ④ readers

7. As we age, we forgo a very extensive network of connections established through a lifetime of experiences, thoughts, feelings, actions, and memories.

① abjure ② capitulate

③ accomplish ④ configure

8. The perceptions and practice of built environment professionals involved in the procurement of sustainable housing schemes has been gauged regarding a sustainable development policy.

① implement ② analysis

③ censure ④ acquisition

9. The Bangkok Bank of Commerce provides a well- documented case of expropriation by managers that worsened as the bank’s financial troubles deepened.

① misapprehension ② preemption

③ allotment ④ investment

10. This is the structural context of the paradox: the real ability of social movements to intercede and force change in national and regional social structures has declined.

① interrupt ② intermediate

③ intervein ④ interiorize

Ⅱ. Choose the word that is grammatically most inappropriate. (11-18)

11. The central thesis is that ①it is possible and fruitful to theorize ②about the structure and function of discourse independent ③on specific theory about the mechanisms ④that languages use to serve those functions.

영어 A형(40문항, 70분)

2020학년도 편입학 전형 (서울)

지망학부(과) : 성명 : 수험번호 :

● 유의사항

1. 문제지에 지망학부(과), 성명, 수험번호를 정확히 쓰시오.

2. OMR 답안지에 지망학부(과), 성명, 수험번호를 정확히 쓰고, 수험번호를 마킹하시오.

3. OMR 답안지는 컴퓨터용 사인펜으로 마킹하고, 답 이외에는 어떠한 표기도 하지 마시오.

4. OMR 답안지의 “문제유형”란에 문제지 상의 문제유형(A 또는 B)을 마킹하시오.

5. 시험 종료 후 OMR 답안지와 문제지를 모두 제출하시오.


12. Of course it is one thing to have ①some serious

worries about logical psychologism, and quite

②another to have ③compelled arguments against ④it.

13. The flesh is not something one has, but, rather the web ①which one lives; it is not simply what I touch of the other, or of ②myself, but the condition of possibility of touch, a tactility that exceeds ③any given touch and that cannot be reducible ④to a unilateral action performed by a subject.

14. Despite the engagement of analytic philosophers

①with important scientific and mathematical developments ②in the twentieth-century, the analytic tradition ③in philosophy has often been misunderstood especially ④with traditional humanists and literary intellectuals.

15. ①With a clear view of how interaction ②itself provides sites and processes for the symbolic exploration of social categorization, we can now try to look at formal institutional settings ③where there may not be any canonical genres ④dedicating to the spectacular enunciation of new ethnicities.

16. ①Since 1999, small-scale coffee producers in Mexico and in Central America ②have confronted with

③severely depressed export markets that are destroying their livelihoods, ④mortgaging their children’s future, and undermining the cohesion of families and communities.

17. Democrats are now more liberal and Republicans

①more conservative than they were 50 years ago.

Some view this phenomenon simply ②as for a reorganization of political tendencies, with little effect on behavior or mass polarization, ③whereas others suggest that this sorting is ④a reflection of a deep polarization emerging in the electorate.

18. ①For the better part of the 20th century, Korea

②was primarily a country of outmigration, as residents were forcibly relocated, ③fled from the devastations of colonialism, war and dictatorship, or sought a better life ④in overseas.

Ⅲ. Choose the one that is most suitable for the blank.


19. While Aesop’s fables aim to a practical or worldly kind of wisdom to their readers, Powys’

fables are preoccupied with the existential and theological issues of God, death, and solitude.

① differentiate ② reduce

③ procrastinate ④ impart

20. What is perhaps most important—though it receives less than its proper share of attention from Catholic analysts of the Church’s cultural problems here—is the fact that the Irish became the primary between America and the other immigrant groups.

① catalysts ② asylums

③ apogees ④ blandishments

21. Although America developed a massive service of inland canals and river steamboats, they were not to the speeding wheels of the new industrial production.

① abated ② geared

③ apprehended ④ held

22. In a just society the liberties of equal citizenship are taken as settled; the rights secured by justice are not to political bargaining or to the calculus of social interests.

① included ② superior

③ subject ④ likely

23. Surprisingly, the fossil record suggests that there has been a rather decline in the size of the human brain during the past 15,000 years, partly but not wholly reflecting a shrinking body that seems to have accompanied the arrival of dense and “civilized”

human settlements.

① restrained ② fearful

③ generous ④ steep

24. While Puerto Ricans agonize over whether or not their English is cultivated enough, the public written use of Spanish by Whites is often nonstandard and ungrammatical.

① grossly ② properly

③ critically ④ actively


25. The seemingly inexorable advance of democracy appears to have and is even being reversed in some places.

① expedited ② diffused

③ stalled ④ subjugated

26. The distinction between active and passive euthanasia is thought to be crucial for medical ethics. The idea is that it is , at least in some cases, to withhold treatment and allow a patient to die.

① permissive ② drastic

③ emphatic ④ discredited

27. U.S. President Donald Trump has promised a foreign policy that is nationalist and transactional, focused on securing narrow material gains for the United States. He has no broader vision of the United States’ traditional role as defender of the free world, much less outlined how the country might play that part.

① radicated ② prevailed

③ enunciated ④ divulged

28. Mixed gender messages were prevalent in Aladdin.

The prince frequently displayed emotion and was sensitive and helpful, traditionally associated with femininity.

① provisions ② natures

③ attributes ④ supplements

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions.


29. Which of the following is the most likely to be the main topic of the passage?

① Hume’s distinction between truths of reason and truths of facts

② Leibniz’s truths of reason and Kant’s analytic statement

③ The relation between possible worlds and the truths of fact in Leibniz’s philosophy

4 The importance of statements of subject- predicate form in Kant’s philosophy

30. According to the passage, which of the following CANNOT be inferred?

① Leibniz’s notion of truths of reason can be comparable with Kant’s analytic truths.

② Kant thought that an analytic statement is always true because of its meaning by itself.

③ Kant’s distinction between analytic and synthetic truths precedes Hume and Leibniz’s philosophy.

4 Leibniz thought that a statement which is true by reason should be true in every possible world.

31. Which of the following is the most likely to follow the passage?

① The depiction of the notion of containment

② The critique of the definition of analyticity

③ The description of the concept of truth

4 The discussion of the notion of meaning

V. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

(32-34) Kant’s cleavage between analytic and synthetic

truths was foreshadowed in Hume’s distinction between relations of ideas and matters of fact, and in Leibniz’s distinction between truths of reason and truths of fact. Leibniz spoke of the truths of reason as true in all possible worlds. Picturesqueness aside, this is to say that the truths of reason are those which could not possibly be false. In the same vein we hear analytic statements defined as statements whose denials are self-contradictory. But this definition has small explanatory value; for the notion of self-contradictoriness, in the quite broad sense needed for this definition of analyticity, stands in exactly the same need of clarification as does the notion of analyticity itself. The two notions are the two sides of a single dubious coin.

Kant conceived of an analytic statement as one that attributes to its subject no more than is already conceptually contained in the subject. This formulation has two shortcomings: it limits itself to statements of subject-predicate form, and it appeals

to a notion of containment which is left at a metaphorical level. But Kant’s intent, evident more from the use he makes of the notion of analyticity than from his definition of it, can be restated thus: a statement is analytic when it is true by virtue of meanings and without any consideration of fact.

Pursuing this line, let us examine the concept of meaning which is presupposed.

The first major theorization of Science Fiction (SF) occurred within a Marxist paradigm, in the work of Darko Suvin. Suvin took the ideas underlying the theatrical practice of Verfremdungseffekt— estrangement or alienation. [A] He wanted his audiences to think through the ideas of his plays, rather than simply empathize with his characters, and used a number of techniques to wake them up in their viewing. [B] When reading a work of SF, the reader becomes conscious that they are observing a different world from their own which is unfamiliar to them; when they are then faced with the real world, they may see it in a new way. [C] But the reader does not come to the fictional world entirely as a


32. Which is the most likely for the following sentence to be inserted?

① [A]

② [B]

③ [C]

4 [D]

33. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

① While writing plays, Brecht did his best to make his audiences sympathize with his characters.

② In reading SF, the notion of cognition and the notion of estrangement are distinguishable but intertwined.

③ When appreciating a work from SF, the reader does not have any presupposition about how the world behaves.

4 In Suvin, the notion of cognition is closely related to the imagination of the illogical and the fictional.

34. According to the passage, by reading a work from SF, a reader can

① identify herself with the characters.

② understand how Galileo deduces the path of a pendulum.

③ reconstruct the way of understanding her own world

4 distinguish the familiar and the unfamiliar in terms of cognition.

VI. Read the following passage and answer the questions.


35. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

① Working-class students may feel like outsiders in the middle-class habitus of higher education.

② Individuals tend to possess innate intelligence based on their social class.

③ Educational institutions ensure the profitability of the cultural capital of the dominant.

4 The dominant culture, by making itself recognized as universal, legitimizes the interests of the dominant group.

blank tablet to be impressed upon—the reader has a sense of the structures and interrelationships within the world they are familiar with, and comes to the fiction with the same sense of expectations. This process is known as cognition, and is associated with knowledge, especially scientific, logical knowledge.

Brecht connects cognition to Galileo’s ability to deduce the path of a pendulum from observation of its swing. Having seen a chandelier move, Galileo could predict the motion of a clock pendulum. [D] By analogy, the reader of SF takes their expectations of how the world works—especially in the realm of scientific knowledge—and uses them to build up a series of assumptions about the fictional world being described by the SF writer. Suvin thus defines SF as a “literary genre whose necessary and sufficient conditions are the presence and interaction of estrangement and cognition, and whose main formal device is an imaginative frame-work alternative to the author’s empirical environment”—to some extent the notion of “cognition” maps on to science, the

“estrangement” on to fiction, although the two impulses are connected in a sort of dialectical relationship, in the oscillation between the familiar being unrecognizable and recognizing the unfamiliar, the fictional science and scientific-flavored fiction.

This notion originates from the German playwright Bertolt Brecht.

The school system is viewed by Bourdieu as an institution for the reproduction of legitimate culture through the hidden linkages between scholastic aptitude and cultural heritage. He believes that, despite ideologies of equal opportunity and meritocracy, few educational systems are called upon by the dominant classes to do anything other than reproduce the legitimate culture as it stands and produce agents capable of manipulating it legitimately.

Bourdieu has argued that it is the culture of the dominant group, which is embodied in schools.

Educational differences are thus frequently misrecognized as resulting from individual giftedness, rather than from class-based differences, ignoring the fact that the abilities measured by scholastic criteria often stem not from natural “gifts” but from

“the greater or lesser affinity between class cultural habits and the demands of the educational system or the criteria which define success within it.”

The notion of cultural capital was proposed by Bourdieu in the early 1960s to describe familiarity with bourgeois culture, the unequal distribution of which helps to conserve social hierarchy under the cloak of individual talent and academic meritocracy.

This notion includes such things as acquired knowledge (educational or otherwise), cultural codes, manner of speaking and so forth, which are embodied as a kind of “habitus” in the individual and are also objectified in cultural goods.


36. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

① According to Bourdieu, every culture is equally valued and equally legitimate.

② According to Bourdieu, schooling produces certain entrenched ways of recognizing that foster existing class stratification.

③ According to Bourdieu, individuals’ efficacy is most strongly influenced by mastery experiences throughout all phases of their lives.

4 According to Bourdieu, cultural reproduction is a trivial mechanism through which socioeconomic polarization takes place.

37. What would be the best title of the passage above?

① The importance of individual giftedness in schooling

② The significance of students’ achievement in schooling

③ The social responsibility of dominant culture in schooling

④ The reproduction of inequalities in schooling

VII. Read the following passage and answer the questions.


38. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

① In situations where property rights are hard to define, it is not recommended that the state uses its power to impose or invent market systems.

② The assumption that individual freedoms are guaranteed by freedom of the market and of trade is a cardinal feature of neoliberal thinking.

③ The sanctity of contracts and the individual right to freedom of action, expression, and choice must be protected.

④ Competition—between individuals, between firms—is held to be a primary virtue.

39. Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of the neoliberal state?

① It seeks to transfer control of economic factors to the private sector from the public sector.

② It is a less regulatory state with regards to private life.

③ It emphasizes the efficiency of market competition and the role of individuals in determining economic outcomes.

④ It tries to protect social justice and redistribution at all costs.

40. What is the meaning of the “tragedy of the commons”?

① The tendency for markets to grow more imperfect, causing social inequality

② The tendency for individuals to irresponsibly exploit public property resources

③ The tendency for companies to ignore investing in quality-enhancing factors

④ The tendency for societies to self-protect against unregulated market exchange The neoliberal state should favor strong individual

private property rights, the rule of law, and the institutions of freely functioning markets and free trade. These are the institutional arrangements considered essential to guarantee individual freedoms.

The state must therefore use its monopoly of the means of violence to preserve these freedoms at all costs. By extension, the freedom of businesses and corporations (legally regarded as individuals) to operate within this institutional framework of free markets and free trade is regarded as a fundamental good. Private enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative are seen as the keys to innovation and wealth creation. Intellectual property rights are protected (for example through patents) so as to encourage technological changes.

Neoliberals are particularly assiduous in seeking the privatization of assets. Enclosure and the assignment of private property rights is considered the best way to protect against the so-called “tragedy of the commons”. Sectors formerly run or regulated by the state must be turned over to the private sphere and be deregulated (freed from any state interference).

Privatization and deregulation combined with competition, it is claimed, eliminate bureaucratic red tape, increase efficiency and productivity, improve quality, and reduce costs, both directly to the consumer through cheaper commodities and services and indirectly through reduction of the tax burden,


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