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2017학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형


Academic year: 2021

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전체 글


홍 익 대 학 교

영 어 (1-20)

I. 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 적당한 표현을 고르시오. (1-6)

1. I had to make the life raft in order to avoid drowning.

① off ② down

③ for ④ in

2. Copyrights may prevent people engaging the reserves of existing ideas, images, and codes.

① in ② of

③ by ④ from

3. The absolute secrecy information about the remarkable British effort to break the German codes had evidently been at least partially lifted.

① surrounded ② have surrounded

③ surrounding ④ is surrounded

4. Last year there a number of events bringing Turing’s importance to the attention of the public.

① were ② has been

③ was ④ have been

5. The very special character of the theory is seen more vividly when comparing it with the contemporaneous attempts to analyze directly the effective calculability of number theoretic functions.

① very ② while

③ the ④ even

6. Ibrahim Said is a prominent Egyptian Protestant scholar in the twentieth century produced able commentaries in Arabic on Luke and John.

① when ② while

③ what ④ who

Ⅱ. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 가장 어색한 표현을 고르시오.


7. Epidemiology ① is traditionally defined ② for the study of the distribution and determinants ③ of disease and other health states in human populations for the purpose of ④ improving the health of those populations.

8. It is ① satisfied to find that this book ② has been sufficiently successful for a new edition to be ③ called for, ④ not many years after its original publication.

9. Also ① on my desk is a blue cardboard folder

② contained with papers, ③ most of which, by the way, I ought already to ④ have read, but have not.

10. The notion of sets ① enable us to express the problem ② with similarity differently; or, perhaps, to give ③ expression to different problems ④ about it.

11. There is ① no trouble ② working out what impression the idea of contiguity ③ arises: it is the impression of things ④ touching.

Ⅲ. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 표현을 고르시오.


12. For many of us childhood books are sacred objects.

① untouchable ② absolvable

③ vulnerable ④ crucible

자연 계열 (영어+수학)(30문항, 60분)

2017학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형

지망학부(과) : 수험번호 : 성명 :

● 유의사항

1. 문제지와 OMR 답안지에 지망학부(과), 성명, 수험번호를 정확히 쓰고, 수험번호를 마킹하시오.

2. OMR 답안지는 컴퓨터용 사인펜으로 마킹하고, 답 이외에는 어떠한 표기도 하지 마시오.

3. OMR 답안지의 위에 있는 응시과목이 “영어+수학”이라고 표시된 곳에 마킹이 되어 있는지 확인하시오.

4. OMR 답안지의 1번 ~ 30번 란에 정답을 표시하시오.

5. 시험 종료 후 OMR 답안지와 문제지를 모두 제출하시오.


영어+수학 2017학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형

홍 익 대 학 교

13. Little Red Riding Hood outwits the wolf in some versions of her story.

① tricks ② disregards

③ helps ④ admires

14. Disseminated across a wide variety of media, fairy tales have become a vital part of our cultural capital.

① recognized ② spread

③ accumulated ④ enjoyed

15. The views that the red color psychoanalytically implies something have been rebutted by folklorists and historians.

① inferred ② parodied

③ accosted ④ repudiated

16. It may be for those reasons that highbrow reviewers (mostly men) have patronized her work and academic critics have chosen to ignore it.

① sponsored ② enthralled

③ mesmerized ④ captivated

17. In its depiction of horror, du Maurier’s short story “The Birds” far surpasses Alfred Hitchcock’s popular film adaptation with its intrusively added love story.

① describes ② identifies

③ exceeds ④ neglects

Ⅳ. 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (18-20)

18. According to the above passage, Achilles could never catch up the tortoise because

① there was no reason why Achilles had to catch up the tortoise.

② Achilles was sometimes much slower than the tortoise.

③ there will be always some gap between Achilles and the tortoise.

④ the tortoise can move much faster than Achilles in some races.

19. Which of the following is least likely to be inferred from the above passage?

① According to Zeno, Achilles could never catch up the tortoise as far as the tortoise was given a head start.

② In Zeno’s view, in this race, Achilles should get to the places occupied by the tortoise again and again.

③ Zeno showed that an apparently logical reasoning can be led to a counterintuitive conclusion.

④ For Zeno, it was important to know why the tortoise had to race with Achilles, and why it should win.

20. Which of the following is most appropriate for the blank (A)?

① Also ② So

③ While ④ But

(수학: 다음 페이지에) Zeno the Greek lived in Elea (a town in what is now

southern Italy) in the fifth century BC. The paradox for which he is best known today concerns the great warrior Achilles and a previously unknown tortoise. For some reason now lost in the folds of time, a race was arranged between them. Since Achilles could run much faster than the tortoise, the tortoise was given a head start. Zeno’s astonishing contribution is a “proof” that Achilles could never catch up with the tortoise no matter how fast he ran and no matter how long the race went on.

The supposed proof goes like this. The first thing Achilles has to do is to get to the place from which the tortoise started. The tortoise, although slow, is unflagging: while Achilles is occupied in making up his handicap, the tortoise advances a little bit further. So the next thing Achilles has to do is to get to the new place the tortoise occupies. While he is doing this, the tortoise will have gone on a little bit further still.

However small the gap that remains, it will take Achilles some time to cross it, and in that time the

tortoise will have created another gap. (A) , however fast Achilles runs, all the tortoise has to do in order not to be beaten is keep going — to make some progress in the time it takes Achilles to close the previous gap between them.


영어+수학 2017학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형

홍 익 대 학 교

수 학 (21-30)

21. 다음 중 옳은 것을 모두 고르시오.

a. log

 ×  ×   

b.  log 

c. log    log

  

⋯ log

  

  d.

 log


 

① a,b ② a,d ③ a,b,c ④ a,b,d

22. 실수 에 대한 두 조건 , 가 다음과 같다. 가 이기 위 한 충분조건이 되는 정수 의 개수를 구하시오.

 :

    

:   

    

  

① 1 ② 2 ③ 3 ④ 4

23. 함수    

  

   ≠ 

   

에 대한 다음 설명 중

옳은 것을 모두 고르시오.

a.   에서   의 좌극한값은 4이다.



  

에서 연속이다.

c.   는   에서 미분가능하다.

d. 직선   과 곡선     , 축으로 둘러싸인 부분의 넓이는 


① a,b ② a,d ③ b,c ④ c,d

24.   ≤  ≤ 에서 두 함수



에 대한 합성함수 를

 ∘  

로 정의할 때, 다음 중 옳은 것을 모 두 고르시오.

a.  ∘  ∘     b.  ∘  ∘      c.  ∘  ∘    d.  ∘  ∘    

① a,b ② b,c ③ c,d ④ a,b,d

25. 두 수열  에 대하여 다음 중 옳은 것을 모두 고 르시오.

① a,d ② a,c ③ b,c ④ a,b,d a.    이고,

  

이 수렴하면

  

도 수렴한다.

b.   

,   

이 발산하면   

 도 발산한다.


  

이 수렴하면

  

 도 수렴한다.


  

 ,

  

 이 수렴하면 두 수열  도 수렴한다.


영어+수학 2017학년도 수시 재외국민과 외국인 특별전형

홍 익 대 학 교

26. 이차함수   에 대하여


→  

    

 일 때,

     위의 점 에서 접선의 방정식은      다.   의 값을 구하시오.

① 1 ② 2 ③ 3 ④ 4

27. 함수     


    의 극댓값을 구하시오.

① 3 ② 4 ③ 5 ④ 6

28. 연속확률변수 의 확률밀도함수가       ≤  ≤ 

일 때, 확률변수  의 분산을 구하시오.

① 1 ② 2 ③ 3 ④ 4

29. 두 농구팀 A와 B의 상대전적이 4:1이고, 매 경기의 승패는 독립이라고 가정하자. 두 팀이 3번 경기를 할 때, 다음 설명 중 옳은 것을 모두 고르시오.

a. 세 경기 중 B팀이 이기는 경기 수는 이항분포 

를 따른다.

b. 세 경기 중 B팀이 이기는 경기 수가 A팀이 이기는 경기 수보다 클 확률은 0.104이다.

c. 세 경기 중 A팀이 이기는 경기 수에 대한 기댓값은 2.4 이다.

① a ② b ③ a, b ④ b, c

30. 어느 공장에서 생산되는 제품의 무게 는 평균이 60, 표준 편차가 인 정규분포를 따르고, ≤    이다. 생 산된 제품 중에서 개를 임의로 추출하여 구한 무게의 표본평균 이 이고,  ≤ ≤   일 때,   을 구하시 오 (단, 무게의 단위는 이다).

① 10 ② 20 ③ 30 ④ 40

  ≤≤  

0.5 0.1915

1.0 0.3413

1.5 0.4332

2.0 0.4772



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