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정보화 사회에서 정보에 대한 가치가 높아짐에 따라 관련 범죄가 급증하고 있 지만, 사용자의 연령대는 낮아지고 이에 대한 대비는 미흡하다. 다양한 분야에서 의 ICT와 소프트웨어 기술이 접목된 모든 것의 디지털화(化)인 시대에 직면한 문제들은 다양한 지식의 영역을 넘나드는 융합적이고 창의적인 사고력과 실천력 이 있어야 한다. 초등학생에게 정보보안 교육을 위해서 전문적 지식 등을 전달하 는 전문 정보교육은 학습자의 학습 성취도를 낮추게 되는 원인이 될 수 있어서 본 연구는 초등학생들의 정보보안 교육의 이해 수준을 고려하여 게임을 하면서 자연스럽게 정보보안의 개념 등을 익힐 수 있는 게이미피케이션을 도입한 블록 체인 기술의 핵심원리를 파악할 수 있는 학습 교구를 개발 하였고, 또한 많은 청 소년들의 주요 관심사인 해킹 원리학습을 보드게임으로 경험 해 보아 자연스럽 게 네트워크 해킹의 전문 용어 및 핵심 기술 등을 학습할 수 있도록 하였다. 또 한 이는 학습자 스스로가 정보를 보호할 수 있는 능력 함양을 할 수 있도록 기 술적인 부분을 더 쉽게 접할 수 있는 시나리오 기반 교육 프로그램이다. 이러한 문제 해결 역량을 컴퓨팅 사고력의 함양에서 모색하였다. 컴퓨팅 사고력은 앞서 언급한 언플러그드 컴퓨팅에서도 보여주는 대로 컴퓨터의 작동 원리를 통한 여 러 활동 중에서 정보교육과의 연관성을 찾았다. 정보교육 과정은 학습자의 의사 소통 능력, 문제 해결 능력, 창의력 등 고급 사고력을 각 활동에 적용하는 교육 을 통하여 컴퓨팅 사고력을 탐구하고 신장시킬 수 있다는 점에 착안하여 해킹 게임으로 보안 로직 학습 교구를 구상하였고 학습자가 해커가 되어 스스로 알고 리즘을 학습하고 각 단계를 완수하도록 하였다. 논문에서 제시한 해커 게임은 초 등학교 고학년 수준의 학습자가 학습할 수 있도록 하였다. 기술적인 시스템의 설 명 및 역할보다는 각 아이콘이 의미하는 공격· 방어의 의미를 습득하는 것에 중 점을 두어 학습의 흥미를 잃지 않도록 하였다. 또한 단계를 거듭할수록 흥미보다 는 정보보안의 기술 알고리즘을 구상하여 최종적으로 컴퓨팅 사고력 신장의 그 목적을 두고 있다. 향후, 초·중등생 뿐만 아니라 일반인 그리고 교육 전문가 및 관 련 기술 전문가에게 시범 수업을 운영하여 검증하고 사전·후 검사 및 만족도 검사 를 계획하고 실행하여 체계적인 효과성 및 만족도 분석을 통하여 완성도 있는 정 보보안 학습 교구의 역할을 다할 수 있도록 지속적인 연구를 진행할 것이다.

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Development and Demonstration of Elementary School Information Security Core Principle Education based on Hybrid

Blended Practice Model

Yujin Jung

Convergence Information Security Graduate School, Jeju National University

Jeju, Korea

(Supervised by professor Yung-cheol Byun) (Supervised by professor Namje Park)

The development of information systems is leading modern society to an era of digital transformation in conjunction with the advanced information and communications technology platform. Put differently, contemporary society is gradually transforming into an information society with cutting-edge content.

As the value of information increases, so do hackers’ techniques in taking advantage of unfair profits. However, education on information ethics and information protection that must be provided to people as members of the information society is still not sufficiently conducted.

In the atmosphere of social change, in the 2015 curriculum, information education was designated as an essential subject and revised to keep up with the social change.. Moreover, the importance of such curriculum is expected to gradually increase in order to cultivate talented people in accordance with the gradually developing future society. However, information education is

currently operated at the discretion of schools or teachers during creative experience activities. Furthermore, information security education is also limited to Netiquette-centered information ethics education because it is difficult for teachers to know what to teach students in order for them to practice information security due to the absence of regular subjects.

In particular, in the case of elementary school students, the Internet utilization rate is very high. Moreover, there is a dire need for information protection education as cybercrime against elementary school students increases rapidly. Furthermore, in the case of elementary school students with weak awareness of information protection or security, it is common to easily inform others of the information about themselves and the people around them, and use such information without any guilt. Therefore, it is a common opinion from a national point of view that education on information security is necessary to protect and prevent students from engaging in cybercrime.

In this situation, professional information education that delivers professional knowledge to elementary school students for information security education can cause learners to lower their learning achievement. Hence, this paper devised and applied for an easily accessible education program. In this paper, three educational programs were developed and demonstrated. The first is a teaching tool that can grasp the core principles of blockchain technology that applies gamification. This allows elementary school students to naturally learn the concept of information security while playing games in consideration of their understanding of information security education.

The second proposed educational program allows learners to naturally learn network hacking jargon and core technologies. This is done by devising attack and defense scenarios and experiencing hacking principles in board games, which are the main interests of many teenagers. In addition, this is a scenario-based education program that makes it easier for learners to access technical parts to cultivate their ability to protect information. Moreover, it

aims to strengthen the learners’ computing and thinking skills by helping them understand the role of security equipment applicable to the network by configuring panels that act as security equipment applied in a network environment to perform attacks.

The third is one of the new technologies of the future and is an educational program that allows students to learn the facial recognition technology of intelligent CCTV, which is very familiar and widely-used to our society. In combination with cybersecurity forensics, it is designed to make it easier for students to access complex principles by using rich techniques that use pictures, sketches, symbols, signs, and icons to express hidden issues in complex situations as images.

For stable education for elementary school students, as mentioned above, instructors or field teachers should be educated to easily access the problematic principles and correct concepts of information security. To this end, the vision and goals of the school organization vary according to the perception and will of the school manager, which affects the educational culture of the entire school. As such, it is necessary to change the perception and develop the competency of the school manager first. This is because school managers exercise a wide range of powers that cover the curriculum component of the entire education, budget, and administrative support, which have a significant impact on the education implementation in the school environment. In this study, we designed the educational programs to easily identify, accurately recognize complex concepts, protect students’ information, and further present directions to become information security experts.

Although the educational program proposed in this paper may not reach the level of textbooks for information security education in schools, it is designed at the level of alternative curriculum. In addition, as mentioned earlier, this program was first conceived to strengthen the instructors’ competence through school teacher and administrator training prior to field education for