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Keywords: Creative Industry, Creative Economy, Regional Development

The purpose of this study is to analyze the creative industry agglomeration and examine the possibility of new regional development strategy. For this purpose, creative industries, based on the theoretical review, were set to fit Korean economic situation and Korean standard industrial classification Code (5digit) were extracted based on the creative industries. After analyzing the status and growth patterns, creative industry agglomeration were made by using GIS. Finally, the possibility of local development strategies and policy was suggested. In this study, the time ranges from 2000 to 2010 years was set.

The emergence of creative economy is connected with the limits of cities and regions due to jobless growth, the needs of the consumer's self-realization-oriented creative ideas and protection policies of new technology.

The term 'creative economy' was used for the first time by Peter Coy and its core fields and system was mentioned by Hawkins. He defined the 15 creative economy sector emphasizing intellectual property. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development suggested creativity is an essential part of the creative economy, pointing out the creative economy to be the viable development strategy.

The term creative industries issued by the Australian government report was developed mainly the UK Department of Culture, Media, and Sports. The creative


창조산업 집적현황과 지역연계전략

industries is used in a variety of non-economic areas and economic and commercial area at the intersection of the fact that the newly emerging concept was confirmed.

UNCTAD classified the creative industry into heritage, arts, media and functional creations. Foreign countries' creative industry is generally based on the classification of the UK DCMS.

Creative industry in this study is "creativity and technology, information and communication technology (ICT) through the fusion of the industrial added value of the new tangible and intangible". More specifically, the creation of the four UNCTAD industry division (heritage, arts, media, creative practical) framework was maintained. Considering domestic economic policy direction, ICT creation base was added. Finally Korean creative industry can be classified 5 sectors, 10 industries, which in turn finely Korean standard industrial classification Code (5digit) is extracted, separated by 136 industries.

Employees in the creative industry are 1.13 million people, 6.4% of the total and rose 32.2% in 2000-2010, which is significant compared to total, 29.7%.

Seoul has a largest number of employees and Gyeonggi-do was analyzed as the highest growth rate from 2000 to 2010. Top dense areas are Gangnam, Seocho, Geumcheon, Jung-gu, Guro, Yeongdeungpo, Mapo, Jongno-gu, Suwon (Yeongtong, Giheung), Seongnam(Bundang), Anyang(Dongan), Hwasung and Pyeongtaek.

To enhance regional development, creative industries and the support of the policy should be focused on taking advantage of the potential of regional creative industry.

Second, new creative space needs to be made, enabling production, exchange, and support at the same time. Third, cultural amenities, quality of life, state-of-the-art service system, living conditions should be created. Fourth, the partnership with central and local government to promote sustainable regional growth.




창조산업 집적현황과 지역연계전략




창조산업 집적현황과 지역연계전략

구분 창조산업 주요내용 표준산업분류코드(9차 기준)

⑩ ICT 디바이스

유무선 디바이 스_핸드폰, TV, PC 등

26310 컴퓨터 제조업 26321 기억장치 제조업 26322 컴퓨터 모니터 제조업 26323 컴퓨터 프린터 제조업 26329 기타 주변기기 제조업 26410 유선 통신장비 제조업 26421 방송장비 제조업 26422 이동전화기 제조업 26429 기타 무선 통신장비 제조업 26511 텔레비전 제조업

26519 비디오 및 기타 영상기기 제조업 26521 라디오, 녹음 및 재생 기기 제조업 26529 기타 음향기기 제조업

26600 마그네틱 및 광학 매체 제조업 주 : 표준산업분류코드는 세세분류(5-digit) 기준으로 구분함

국토연 2013-11

창조산업 집적현황과 지역연계전략

지은이 박경현, 류승한, 박정호 발행인 김경환

발행처 국토연구원 출판등록 제25100-1994-2 인 쇄 2013년 9월 4일 발 행 2013년 9월 6일

주 소 경기도 안양시 동안구 시민대로 254 전 화 031-380-0114

팩 스 031-380-0470

ISBN 978-89-8182-150-0

한국연구재단 연구분야 분류코드 B170900 홈페이지 http://www.krihs.re.kr

Ⓒ 2013, 국토연구원

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