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지자체의 지리정보기반 강화방안

문서에서 2. 연구범위 (페이지 109-116)

1) GIS마인드 확산 및 전문인력 양성

지자체 GIS도입․활용 및 유지관리를 위해서는 사업기획, 소요재원 확보, 부 서간 이해조정 및 조직내 제도개선 등을 수행할 수 있는 전문인력 확보가 시급하 다. 지자체의 GIS도입․활용을 위해서는 GIS와 정보통신분야 뿐만 아니라 행정 업무 전반을 깊이있게 이해하고 있는 전문가가 필요하다. 이를 위해 신규 직원충 원시 GIS전문가를 영입하거나 GIS관련업무 담당자의 GIS활용교육을 통한 전문 인력 양성이 시급하다.

GIS관련 업무담당자의 열성과 노력 그리고 정책결정자의 적극적인 지원이 주어질 경우 지자체 지리정보기반 강화는 보다 용이하게 이루어질 수 있다. 따 라서 관련분야의 정보화마인드 향상, 전문지식 습득을 위한 지자체 자체적인 노 력이 성공적인 지리정보기반 구축의 관건이 된다.

그리고 지자체의 행정업무의 효율화와 개선을 위해서는 정책결정자에서부터 실무담당자에 이르기까지 정보활용에 대한 인식개선 및 기존 행정체제 개선을

위한 마인드 확산이 필요하다. 그리고 지자체 조직내 전체 관련부서간의 원활한 연계․협조가 가능토록 업무담당자의 인식변화 및 조직문화 변화가 요청된다.

2) 단계별 GIS추진전략계획 수립

지자체의 GIS정보화가 체계적으로 추진되기 위해서는 장기적인 차원에서 정 보화계획이 수립되고 각 단계별로 수행해야 하는 세부과정과 결과가 객관화될 수 있도록 할 수 있도록 추진전략계획 수립이 필요하다. 그리고 전문인력 확보, GIS구축 및 활용에 대한 부서간의 협조체제 구축, 소요재원 마련방안 등 단계별 추진전략계획 수립과 수행결과 평가를 추진계획에 반영할 필요가 있다.


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A Study on the Regional Difference of Geographic Information Infrastructure in Korea

Jong Taek Park

Geographic information systems (GIS) are crucial means in local governments to improve the diverse internal operations or service to citizens. According to the progress of informatization, the importance of knowledge based on information infrastructure has been emphasized.

GIS has been emerging as a new Social Overhead Capital in information societies. Since the First Masterplan of National Geographic Information System was established in 1995, a lot of GIS projects have been launched out in many local governments.

Although the rapid spread of GIS projects in local governments, most of small cities and counties(named gun in Korean) are just located in initial stage of GIS or have not introduced GIS yet. Especially because counties are excluded from central government's NGIS policy, the bases of GIS in those local governments are very weak. And there is severe

level difference of Geological Information Infrastructure between medium or large cities and small cities or counties.

The level difference is one of the main causes of regional inequalities in local governmental administrative services.

However the tendency of regional inequality in GIS infrastructure is strengthened, there is no study of Geographic information infrastructure levels in local governments. Thus it is necessary to study regional inequalities in Korea and improve some theoretical approaches such as the conceptualization of Geographic Information Infrastructure, theories of regional inequalities and digital divide, etc.

National Spatial Data Infrastructure(NSDI) was defined in 1994 for the realization of National Information Infrastructure by the government of the United States. Because local government's Geographic Information Infrastructure is unfamiliar with us, we define that concept in this chapter. In addition, we review some issues on the relation of time and regional inequalities, digital divide.

Chapter 3 deals with some analytical model to assess Geographic Information Infrastructure in various kinds of local governments. After that we review some key factors of constructional stage, operational stage and maintenance stage in GIS application, we set up some measurable models on the base of these factors. In this chapter, we divide local governments to 4 types, such as large, medium, and small cities and counties(Gun). According to these types we establish

measurable models, which are divided into two alternatives..

We describe the present situation of local governments' Geographic Information Infrastructure in Korea. And we measure the difference of local government's Geographic Information Infrastructure in these 4 types of local governments. The objects of this analysis contain 166 local governments. The major data are GIS master planning, GIS organization, well trained manpower, GIS H/W and S/W, GIS database, GIS application, etc.

In this analysis it is found that there are no meaningful difference of geographic information infrastructure in large and medium cities. However there are big difference of geographic information infrastructure between large, medium and small cities and counties. These two types of local governments have little base of Geographic Information System compared with other two types of local governments. And there are some difference of geographic information infrastructure between capital region area and other regional areas.

In conclusion, we find regional difference of geographic information infrastructure among the types of local governments, and between capital region and other regional areas. Thus we should arrange some policy scheme to improve these situations. We suggest that the central government should give some policy supports to improve the levels of geographic information infrastructure in small cities, counties and especially non-capital areas. And we suggested that local governments should upgrade their abilities to improve the levels of geographic information infrastructure.

문서에서 2. 연구범위 (페이지 109-116)