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Ⅴ. 결론

2. 제언

학생들이 글로벌 관계를 이해하고, 세계시민으로서 아동 노동 문제를 비롯한 여러 세계 문제를 해결하기 위해 행동할 수 있도록 다음과 같이 제언한다.

첫째, 본 연구는 참여자가 특정 초등학교의 학급 학생들로만 구성되었다는 한 계점을 가지고 있다. 연구 참여자 수가 21명이었다는 점에서 연구 결과를 일반화 하기에는 어려움이 있다. 따라서 앞으로 많은 학생을 대상으로 한 글로벌 관계 수업이 필요하다.

둘째, 총체적인 관계로서 아동 노동 문제를 바라볼 필요가 있다. 수업 주제인 아동 노동 문제는 환경 문제, 역사 문제, 경제 문제 등 다양한 문제가 혼재되어 있다. 하지만 본 수업에서는 경제 문제에 치중하여 아동 노동 문제를 이해하였다 는 한계를 가진다. 따라서 이어지는 연구에서 보완할 필요가 있다.

셋째, 글로벌 관계 학습을 위한 수업 연구가 지속되어야 한다. 학생들은 글로 벌 관계가 복잡하고 눈에 보이지 않기 때문에 글로벌 관계를 이해하기 어려워하 였다. 이에 학생들이 글로벌 관계를 이해할 수 있는 수업 방법을 연구할 필요가 있다. 이와 같은 한계점을 극복한 글로벌 관계 수업이 이루어져 학생들이 세계시 민으로서 글로벌 관계를 이해하고, 세계 문제를 해결하기 위해 행동하기를 바란 다.

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Action Research

on Lesson of Global Connections : A Case of Child Labour Issue

Song, Ji-Yeon

Major in Elementary Social Studies Education Graduate School of Education

Jeju National University

Supervised by Professor Jeong, Kwang-Joong

Interdependence and interconnectedness are gradually deepening with globalization, and we have connections with people around the world. The problems that arise in the world are also closely related to us. To solve the world problem, we need a global citizenship that recognizes connections that we have with the world.

In this study, global connections class was implemented using child labor issues. In order to make a lesson plan, surveyed prior knowledge of the issue of child labour. According to the survey, first, students knew a little about the lives of children in the Third World.

* A thesis submitted to the committee of Graduate School of Education, Jeju National University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education conferred in February, 2020.

Second, students do not know specifically about child labour issues.

It was reflected in the class according to the pre-survey. First, the connections between child labour and students was recognized. So, using the materials of everyday life, they found out that they were part of the world's network. Second, students could understand the lives of working children. For this purpose, statistics on child labor, interview data, and photo data were utilized to identify how many children work around the world and the causes of child labour problems.

The class repeated the plan-implementation-reflection process. In the first class, the students knew the meaning of child labour and identified the status of child labour. After the first class, the students expressed sympathy and compassion for the working children. It also responded that it would not buy products produced from child labour to solve child labour problems. The students thought that child labour problems should be solved, but they did not recognize the connections between child labour and their life.

In the second class, the causes of child labour problems were identified. Students searched various reading materials, videos and data to find out the cause of child labour problems. Poverty is the cause of child labour problems, which are in a vicious circle due to an unfair global system. And they found out how the unfair world system works. Through the second class, students found the cause of child labour problems, but found it difficult to figure out how their consumption affected the unfair global system.

In the third class, students figured out how to solve child labour problems. The students figured out how people tried to solve child labour problems. Through the third class, students were aware of the seriousness of child labour problems. In addition, students said they would not use products produced from child labour to solve child labour problems, but would purchase fair trade.

unfamiliar child labour problem. The students found that children were working hard and were physically and mentally damaged. The students presented a way to solve the child labour problem and made a pledge to implement it.

However, there were also difficulties in global connections classes. Students found it difficult to understand global connections. Because the global connections, such as the connection between their lives and the lives of children who are working, and the connection between consumers and businesses, is too complex and invisible. As a result, some students said they should help children by purchasing products produced from child labour. It was also difficult to come up with concrete ways to solve child labour problems. There are cases where simulation lessons are given to simplify complex global connections, but they have limitations that can distort real society.

Keyword : Global connections, Child labour, Global citizenship, Global citizenship education, Elementary Social studies, Action research

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