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2017학년도 ( 영어 )과 ( 3 )학년 ( 1 )학기 1차 지필평가


Academic year: 2021

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로드 중.... (전체 텍스트 보기)

전체 글


※ 시험문제를 풀기 전에 과목 명 , 전체 쪽수, 인쇄상태를 확인하기 바랍니다.

※ O.M.R 카드와 서술형 답안지에 학년, 반, 번호를 정확히 기입(표기) 한 후 답안을 작성하시오.

※ 문항에 따라 배점이 다르니, 각 물음의 끝에 표시된 배점을 참고 하시오.

※ 문항 수는 선택형(13), 서술형(6) 총 (19)문항입니다.


다음 글을 읽고 답을 찾을 수 있는 질문을 <보기>에서 고른 것은? (4.3점)

< 보기 >

(A) Where was William born?

(B) When did William make his windmill?

(C) What was the title of the book William read?

(D) Why did William use four blades instead of three?

(E) How many radios could William turn on in his house?

① (A), (B), (D) ② (A), (C), (D)

③ (A), (C), (E) ④ (B), (C), (E)

⑤ (B), (D), (E)

【2-3】다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.



① thought he must have stayed in the junk yard

② went around the village and begged for money

③ needed to take care of his parents and villagers

④ could take anything needed from the field of trash

⑤ had to read more books about electricity in the library



Mrs. Koo is concerned that her 9th grade students don’t seem to have an idea of how to summarize. She notices that some students nearly copy several sentences from the text for their summaries, whereas others seem to select random information. She knows about the rule- based summarizing strategy and decides to model the process for her class. She puts a selection from the

Grimm Brothers

on the screen, and they read it together as a class. She provides copies of the rules for summarizing and tells they will be going sentence by sentence through the text and deciding what will stay in and what will be left out of the summary.

Jason says, “I think the first part about

J.K. Rolling

needs to come out of our summary, because it is a trivial idea.”

“Which rule are you using to remove it?” Mrs. Koo asks.

“It’s rule #1: ,” Jason replies.

“Good job, Jason. Let’s move on to the next sentence.”

① rewrite a passage in a new form

② take out words that repeat information

③ find a topic sentence or create one if it is missing

④ take out material that is not important to understanding While William was reading the book, he thought he could help his village by building a windmill. However, he did not have money to buy materials to make one.

In fact, his village was so poor that it did not even have electricity. He thought and thought. Suddenly, he got an idea. He . He ran straight to there and tried to find some useful parts.

Pieces appeared like rusted treasures in the tall grass.

As he dragged his metals, people whispered, “That boy is crazy!” William did not care.

William was invited to TED conference at the age of 19 and talked about the way he made a windmill. Five years ago, he wanted to help his village and succeeded in making his windmill. He had to drop out of school because of poverty, so he went to the library and read a book. He tried hard and made his own windmill by himself. His windmill was different from the one in the book. He wanted to increase power and realized that a windmill with four blades worked better than the one with three blades. He could light up his house and use two radios with the electricity that his windmill generated. He said his parents were so impressed. He also told the audience that he would build another windmill, bigger than before for irrigation.

2017학년도 ( 영어 )과

( 3 )학년 ( 1 )학기 1차 지필평가

이 시험문제의 저작권은 이매 중학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물이므로 전제와

복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권법에 의거

처벌될 수 있습니다.

과목 코드 10 시 행 일

2017. 5. 1.

( 2 )교시 만

점 100 쪽

수 6



다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은? (4.6점)

① bored → surprised ② painful → annoyed

③ depressed → thankful ④ impressed → worried

⑤ excited → embarrassed


(A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적 절한 것은? (3.9점)

(A) (B) (C)

① imitate …… recognize …… beginning

② imitate …… recognize …… end

③ imitate …… recommend …… end

④ immigrate …… recommend …… beginning

【6-7】다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

There are two types of people in this world: cat people and dog people. Which type are you? Well, if you like a pet that is low ⓐ maintainer, you might be a cat person. Cats are easier to take care of than dogs because cats are very independent. Since they use ⓑ litter boxes, they do not have to be taken outside to go potty like dogs. Also, cats clean themselves while dogs need occasional ⓒ baths. If you prefer a pet that requires more attention, you may be a dog person. Most dogs are very loyal and ⓓ disobedient. You can play games like fetch or tug of war with a dog. Dogs will also ⓔ alter you when someone is outside of your home, whereas cats will usually just stay quiet. Both cats and dogs like to be petted, and they both make excellent pets, but (A) it takes a certain kind of person to own them. Which kind of person are you?


윗글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ ~ ⓔ 중 올바른 표현만을 있는 대로 고른 것은? (4.3점)

① ⓐ, ⓔ ② ⓑ, ⓒ

③ ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓔ ④ ⓑ, ⓒ, ⓔ

⑤ ⓑ, ⓒ, ⓓ


윗글의 밑줄 친 (A)를 가장 적절하게 다른 말로 바꾸어 표현 한(paraphrasing) 것은? (3.9점)

① they should specify their needs

② it requires special kinds of pets

③ special kinds of cats are necessary

④ they need a specific type of owner

⑤ it takes a certain time to raise them


다음 글의 흐름상 어색한 문장은? (5점) Many parrots can talk or copy what people say, but

Irene Pepperberg designed special tests for Alex. She did not want him to simply (A) [ imitate / immigrate ] information. She wanted him to answer specific questions.

When she asked how many green blocks there are, Alex answered correctly by saying ‘four.’ Alex can tell how many, what matter was bigger or what matter was smaller. That is, Alex was able to (B) [recognize / recommend ] an object many ways – by color, size, and so on. During his life, Alex learned about 150 words.

Alex died in 2007 and left some words the day before his death. What he said to Irene in the (C) [ beginning / end ] was, “See you tomorrow. I love you.”

Another e-mail had arrived. My blood turned to ice as I read the message. “I’m sorry to report that one of the parrots was found dead at the bottom of his cage this morning...in the back left corner of the room.”





That’s Alex’s cage

! When I arrived in the lab an hour later, Alex had been wrapped in a piece of cloth.

In spite of Alex’s sudden, unexpected departure, I tried to get a hold of myself and look back at what he had done so far and how much he had amazed us. He made us get a glimpse of another world, one that had always existed but remained beyond our view: the world of animal minds. I couldn’t but appreciate Alex and his achievements. He was a great teacher to me and to us all.

Slowly, he built the sentence: “Windmills can produce electricity and pump water.” ① He closed his eyes and saw a windmill outside his home, pulling electricity from the breeze and bringing light to the dark valley. ② He also saw the machine drawing cool water from the ground, sending it gushing through the thirsty fields. ③ It could turn the maize tall and green, even when farmers’ prayers for rain went unanswered. ④ Farmers were often encouraged to pray to open up the heavens on Sunday. ⑤ The windmill was more than a machine,



밑줄 친 ⓐ ~ ⓕ 중 어법상 옳은 것만을 있는 대로 고른 것은?


① ⓐ, ⓕ ② ⓑ, ⓓ

③ ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓔ ④ ⓒ, ⓔ, ⓕ

⑤ ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓕ

【10-11】다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

( A ) Cats may seem like cute and cuddly companions.

( B ) To birds and other small mammals, however, they are highly lethal killing machines. ( C ) Even well fed cats may hunt and kill many small animals such as birds, mice, and reptiles. ( D ) Small animals are most at risk when cats are introduced to areas that have not hosted them before. ( E ) If they do not have the defenses to survive, cats will hunt these animals until they are wiped out completely. Cats . For example, the Hawaiian Rail can’t be found on earth anymore. While other things may have led to the destruction of these species, cat attacks were a main factor.


윗글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적

절한 곳은? (4.6점)

Since they are not used to living with the threatening cats, these small animals are naïve and vulnerable.

① ( A ) ② ( B )

③ ( C ) ④ ( D )

⑤ ( E )


윗글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? (5점)

① were the main targets of small animal attacks

② were less related to the extinction of small animals

③ led to an increase in the number of small animals

④ have played a leading role in protecting small animals

⑤ were the main cause of why many small animals died out

【12-13】다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

For a long time it was believed that Jacob and Wilhelm had gone about Germany and gathered their tales that had been handed from generation to generation and that all their tales were genuinely German. Many of these tales were similar to stories told in France, Italy, Japan, and other countries. The brothers wrote more than 150 stories which they published in two volumes between 1812 and 1814. These included stories (A)

Hansel and Gretel


Little Red Riding Hood


Grimms’ tales reflected German customs and culture.

(B) , forests are common in Germany, and this image appears often in the Grimms’ stories. For medieval Germans, the forest was a dangerous place. In Grimms’

fairy tales, witches, talking animals, and other magical beings live in the forest. People’s lives change forever when they visit this place.


윗글의 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 각각 알맞은 것은? (3.9점)

(A) (B)

① such as …… For instance

② both …… However

③ but for …… In contrast

④ like …… Finally

⑤ alike …… For example


Grimm Brothers에 관한 내용으로 유추할 수 있는 것은? (4.3점)

① They were familiar with the forest settings.

② They created just two stories in their lifetime.

③ They found old forests to be comfortable places.

④ They loved to collect folktales from other countries.

⑤ They considered medieval life in Germany too boring.

Alex was an African Grey Parrot ⓐ which received training from the animal scientist Irene Pepperberg. He was only a few months old when Pepperberg ⓑ bought him at a pet store in Chicago in 1976. Before Alex, people thought ⓒ what parrots just repeated words.

Alex changed it all. According to Pepperberg, Alex was

ⓓ as cleverly as a five-year-old child. He knew about 150 words, including the names of 50 different objects.

He could tell the number of the objects and ⓔ distinguish seven colors and five shapes. For example, ⓕ when Alex showed two red blocks and three green blocks and was questioned, “How many red blocks?” he correctly answered, “Two.”


서 술 형

【서술형 1】

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (총 10점)

(1) 윗글의 (A) ~ (C)에 들어갈 적절한 표현을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오.

< 조건 >

∘ (A)는 3단어로 작성할 것 ∘ (B), (C)는 4단어로 작성할 것 ∘ 우리말과 일치하도록 쓸 것

(A) (2점)

(B) (2점)

(C) (2점)

(2) 윗글의 ① ~ ④ 중 어법상 틀린 것을 2개 골라 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

【서술형 2】

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (총 8점)

(1) 윗글의 밑줄 친 (A)와 (B)가 각각 가리키는 내용을 구체적으로 우리말로 쓰시오.

(A) (3점)

(B) (3점)

(2) 윗글의 빈칸 (C)에 들어갈 말을 한 단어로 쓰시오.

(C) (2점)

Scientifically speaking, animal minds are more similar to human minds than behavioral scientists believed.

(A) It affects our view of the species

Homo sapiens

and its place in nature.

By implication, a vast world of animal cognition exists out there, not just in African Grey parrots but in other creatures, too. (B) It is a world largely untapped by science. Clearly, we didn’t know the fact that animals know more than we think, and think more than we know. That was what Alex taught us.

He taught us our vanity made us (C) the true nature of minds, animal and human.

“This is it!” shouted William Kamkwamba ① while looking through some garbage.

“This is (A) .”

(“이것이 내가 필요한 거야!”)

“I (B) this since last year.”

(“나는 지난해부터 이걸 찾고 있었어.”)

“I already have a bicycle and a car battery. With this fan, ② I can make a windmill generates electricity.”

After lots of research, William finally made a windmill.

The wind blew, and ③ the windmill started to move.

He (C) that it worked.

(그는 그것이 작동하는 것을 보자 흥분했다.)

With his windmill, ④ William became famous and have a chance to study in high school again.

<틀린 번호> <바르게 고친 것>

∘ → (2점)

∘ → (2점)


【서술형 3】

다음 글을 아래와 같이 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오. (총 6점)

Although Grimms’ fairy tales are now believed to be children’s stories, the brothers first wrote them primarily for adults. Many of the early tales were dark and a little scary. Later, the brothers changed the text of some of the original stories. They “softened” many of the tales and also added drawings. This made them more appropriate for children. Like the early tales, though, each of today’s stories still has a moral: work hard, be good, and listen to your parents.

The original folk and fairy tales of the

Grimm Brothers

were different from today’s stories for children. First, their early stories were made (A) . The original tales also (B) . Both versions, however, are similar in that they included moral messages.

(A) (3점)

(B) (3점)

【서술형 4】

다음은 Irene Pepperberg가 Alex와의 대화 후 작성한 보고서이다. 빈칸 (A) ~ (C)에 들어갈 적절한 표현을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오. (총 4점)

< 조건 >

∘ (A)와 (B)는 주어진 철자로 시작하는 1단어로 작성할 것 ∘ (C)는 6단어 이하로 작성할 것. 단, 앞의 내용과 중복되지 않도록 할 것

(A) c (1점)

(B) c (1점)

(C) (2점) Narration: Irene Pepperberg worked with Alex, an African grey parrot, on a project that showed surprising results.

Irene: Now, once more. “What number is Red?”

Alex: Three.

Irene: Very good! “How many green blocks?”

Alex: Four.

Irene: “Between these two blocks, what color is bigger?”

Alex: Green.

Irene: Good, birdy. “On the tray, what sound is yellow?”

Alex: OR.

Irene: Great! Good boy!

< 조건 >

◦ (A), (B) 각각 3개 이상의 단어로 작성할 것

◦ 연속적으로 3단어 이상이 본문과 일치하지 않도록 작성할 것

Alex, the African Grey Parrot

▷ He can identify different kinds of colors.

▷ He can (A) c the number of objects.

▷ He can (B) c the size of objects.

▷ He can (C) .


【서술형 5】

다음 글을 읽고, 아래 Q&A의 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오. (총 6점)

Little Red Riding Hood lived in a wood with her mother. One day Little Red Riding Hood went to see her Granny. She had a nice cake in her basket. On her way Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. “Hello!” said the wolf.

“Where are you going?” “I’m going to see my grandmother.

She lives in a house behind those trees.” The wolf ran to Granny’s house, and ate Granny up. He got into Granny’s bed. A little later, Little Red Riding Hood reached the house. She look at the wolf. “Granny, what big eyes you have!” “All the better to see you with!” said the wolf.

“Granny, what big ears you have!” “All the better to hear you with!” said the wolf. “Granny, what a big nose you have!” “All the better to smell you with!” said the wolf.

“Granny, what big teeth you have!” “All the better to eat you with!” shouted the wolf. A woodcutter was in the wood. He heard a loud scream, and ran to the house. The woodcutter hit the wolf over the head. The wolf opened his mouth wide and shouted – and Granny jumped out.

The wolf ran away, and Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.


What was the problem in the story?


The wolf was (A) .


How was the problem solved?


The woodcutter (B) .

< 조건 >

◦ (A), (B) 각각 7개 이상의 단어로 작성할 것

◦ 연속적으로 5단어 이상이 본문과 일치하지 않도록 작성할 것

(A) (3점)

(B) (3점)

【서술형 6】

다음 글을 아래와 같이 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말을 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시오. (총 8점)

Cats can be great pets but they’re not perfect. Some cats destroy household items with their claws. Or they may use their claws to scratch people’s faces if they feel threatened. Small children are the ones most often attacked by cats. These attacks can leave lasting scars.

Don’t worry though: you don’t have to get rid of your cat just because she can’t keep her claws to herself. You can get your cat an onychectomy. An


is when a cat’s claws are surgically removed. This is commonly called


the cat. If you get your cat declawed, he or she will still continue to swipe its paws at people and things, but the attacks will be harmless. Some people worry that declawed cats are vulnerable against attacks by raccoons and other animals that the cats might encounter outdoors. People with these concerns should only have their cat’s front claws removed, which leaves the cat with a defense if he or she is seriously attacked but also protects people and household items.

Cats’ claws (A) . They can destroy household items or leave scars on people’s faces. The solution is to declaw the cats. However, some worry that their cats could be (B) . Another way is to remove only their front claws, which can give them a defense as well as protect people and their goods.

(A) (4점)

(B) (4점)

< 조건 >

◦ (A), (B) 각각 3개 이상의 단어로 작성할 것

◦ 연속적으로 3단어 이상이 본문과 일치하지 않도록 작성할 것



번호 서술형 모범답안



(A) what I need (B) have been looking for (C) was excited to see


2 I can make a windmill that generates electricity 4 William became famous and

had a chance to study



동물의 지능이 행동주의 과학 자들이 믿는 것 이상으로 인 간의 지능과 비슷하다는 것

(B) 광범위한 동물인지의 세계

(C) overlook


(A) horrible for grown-ups

(B) didn’t have any picture


(A) count

(B) compare

(C) read aloud the alphabet letters


(A) trying to eat Little Red Riding Hood

(B) helped the little girl by hitting the wolf hard


(A) cause some problems

(B) attacked by other animals

1 ⑤

2 ④

3 ④

4 ③

5 ②

6 ②

7 ④

8 ④

9 ③

10 ⑤

11 ⑤

12 ①

13 ①


관련 문서

15 as well as people, long before 16 people popped corn to tell fortunes 17 machines are, used by street poppers 18 It was Americans that, popping corn during 19 Some

Jihun and other friends told me that they would like to invite me on

21 In China, many people are planting trees in deserts so that they can stop the spread of the yellow dust.. 22 The work is not easy, but they are working hard to

24 The artists shape huge piles of snow into animals, buildings, and other beautiful artworks.. 25 People watch the artists shaping their works from beginning

Jihun and other friends told me that they would like to invite me on

13 People who live near mudflat areas make a living by catching fish and other sea animals nearby.. 14 Thanks to mudflats, people can

• Deep brands are ones that may appeal only to a much narrower set of people, but they create a lot of value to those people. These brands have lower revenue but

 That is… people are free to choose individually the values to