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기후변화와 환경 part 1 - 2


Academic year: 2021

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IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

기후변화와 환경


- 수십 년 동안 대기 및 해양 등에서 일어나는 여러 현상을 평균화한 것, 주로 30년 동안의 평균값으로 나타내며 날씨와는 다른 개념 - 날씨(기상)는 우리가 매일 경험하는 기온, 바람, 비 등의 대기상태를 일컫는 말


자연적·인위적 원인에 의해 기후가 변화하는 것 - 대기 중의 이산화탄소, 메탄 등 지구를 따뜻하게 감싸 적당한 온도를 유지시켜 주는 기체 - 우리에게 꼭 필요하지만, 과도할 경우 지구온난화를 유발











대기 배출





- 대기 중 온실가스 농도가 증가하여 지구의 지표온도가 과도하게 상승, 지구 온난화 현상 초래 - 산업화 이전 280ppm → 산업혁명 이후 2011년 391ppm (약 40% 증가) * 1960~2005년 평균 이산화탄소 농도 증가율은 1.4ppm/년 - 쓰레기를 분해하는 과정에서 메탄 등의 온실가스 배출 - 온실가스를 흡수하는 자연의 능력 감소


IPCC 4차 보고서,Tyndall Centre

+ 4℃

- 아시아와 아프리카 인구 밀집 저지대 홍수 겪는 인구 수백만명 증가- 저위도 지역 곡물 생산량 심각한 감소 - 영양실조·이질·호흡기·심장질환 및 전염성 증가

+ 3℃

- 해안습지대 30% 침수- 45억 인구 기아의 위험에 처함 - 12 ~ 30억 인구 물스트레스에 처함

+ 2℃

- 2억 인구 기아의 위험에 처함 - 10억 ~ 28억 인구 물스트레스에 처함 0 1 2 3 4 (oC )

최악의 기후 재앙 방지를 위해 넘어서는 안 되는 온도 상승폭

 2020년까지 국가별로 1990년 대비 20~40% 감축  2050년까지 1990년 대비 50%수준으로 감축  CO2 농도 450ppm 이하 유지 필요 (cf. 2007년 현재 385ppm)

+ 1℃

- 1,800 ~6,000만 인구 기아의 위험에처함 - 3억 ~ 16억 인구 물스트레스에 처함

지구 평균기온 상승에 따른 영향(지구규모)


• 미 국립해양기상청(NOAA) : ‘2012년 기후보고서’를 통해 해수면이 기록적으로 상승하고 있고 북극 빙하 또한 급격히 줄고 있어 지난해의 이상고온이 일시적 현상이 아님을 강조


필리핀 태풍 하이엔 (13.11.8


 필리핀 중남부지역 타클로반지역은 태풍으로 1만 여명 사망, 재산피해 7억 1160만 달러 추정  “기후변화 부정하려면 필리핀 가 보라” 유엔기후협약총회서 필리핀 대표 눈물의 호소

(제19차 유엔기후변화협약(UNFCCC) 당사국 총회)


IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

Synthesis Report


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Key Messages

Human influence on the climate system is clear

The more we disrupt our climate, the more we

risk severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts

We have the means to limit climate change and

build a more prosperous, sustainable future


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Humans are changing the climate


Globally averaged combined land and ocean surface temperatures

It is extremely likely that we are the dominant cause of warming

since the mid-20th century


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Temperatures continue to rise


Globally averaged combined land and ocean surface temperatures

Each of the past 3 decades has been successively warmer than

the preceding decades since 1850


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Oceans absorb most of the heat

More than 90% of the

energy accumulating

in the climate system

between 1971 and

2010 has

accumulated in the


Land temperatures

remain at historic

highs while ocean



IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

GHG emissions growth between 2000 and 2010 has been

larger than in the previous three decades


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Sources of emissions

Energy production remains the primary driver of GHG emissions






2010 GHG emissions

Energy Sector Agriculture, forests and other land uses

Industry Transport

Building Sector


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Some of the changes in extreme weather and climate events

observed since about 1950 have been linked to human influence


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Impacts are already underway

• Tropics to the poles

• On all continents and in the ocean

• Affecting rich and poor countries


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Projected climate changes

Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further

warming and changes in the climate system

Global glacier volume will

further decrease

Global mean sea level will

continue to rise during the

21st century

It is very likely that the Arctic sea

ice cover will continue to shrink

and thin as global mean surface

temperature rises

Oceans will continue to warm

during the 21st century


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Potential Impacts of Climate Change

Food and water shortages

Increased poverty

Increased displacement of


Coastal flooding


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

The window for action is rapidly closing

65% of our carbon budget compatible with a 2°C goal already used

Amount Used








Total Carbon






IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Climate Change Poses Risk for Food Production


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Stabilization of atmospheric concentrations requires moving away from the

baseline – regardless of the mitigation goal.

Based on Figure 6.7


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Stabilization of atmospheric concentrations requires moving away from the

baseline – regardless of the mitigation goal.




IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report Figure SPM.10, A reader’s guide From climate change risks to GHG emissionse


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Limiting Temperature Increase to 2˚C

Measures exist to achieve the substantial emissions

reductions required to limit likely warming to 2°C

A combination of adaptation and substantial, sustained reductions in

greenhouse gas emissions can limit climate change risks

Implementing reductions in greenhouse gas emissions poses

substantial technological, economic, social, and institutional


But delaying mitigation will substantially increase the

challenges associated with limiting warming to 2°C


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Mitigation Measures

More efficient use of energy

Greater use of low-carbon and no-carbon energy

• Many of these technologies exist today

Improved carbon sinks

• Reduced deforestation and improved forest management

and planting of new forests

• Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage

Lifestyle and behavioural changes


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

Ambitious Mitigation Is Affordable

Economic growth reduced by ~ 0.06%

(BAU growth 1.6 - 3%)

This translates into delayed and not forgone


Estimated cost does not account for the

benefits of reduced climate change

Unmitigated climate change would create

increasing risks to economic growth


IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report

The Choices We Make Will Create Different Outcomes

With substantial


Without additional


Change in average surface temperature (1986–2005 to 2081–2100)


Figure SPM.1: WGⅡ AR5 핵심개념도


관련 문서

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