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Quality of Life according to the Number of Components of Metabolic Syndrome based on Income Level

Minhee Bae Graduate School of Public Health Ajou University

(Supervised by Professor Ki Hong Chun, M.D., Ph.D.)


This study aimed to examine differences in the association between the number of metabolic syndrome components and quality of life.


The study subjects were 14,978 participants over the age of 35 out of 25,534 participants in both the health interview survey and health examination using data on the Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES V).

The metabolic syndrome components (waist circumference, blood pressure,

fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, HDL-C) were defined as the NCEP ATP III

guidelines. EQ-5D was used as a tool for assessing the quality of life and analyses

were performed after stratifying by gender. General characteristics were identified

by the number of metabolic syndrome components and the association between the number of metabolic syndrome components and quality of life by income level was analysed. This study demonstrated differences in the association between the number of metabolic syndrome components and quality of life by income level between males and females.


Females showed significant differences in the number of metabolic syndrome components among income groups. In both male and female, quality of life index was significantly different according to the number of metabolic syndrome by income level. In particular, females in the group with 'lower' income levels showed much lower quality of life than those in other groups, and quality of life index decreased sharply with increasing the number of metabolic syndrome components. They were statistically significant.


The results showed that the number of metabolic syndrome components

according to income level of the females were more closely associated with

quality of life than that of the males. Particularly, both males and females in the

group with 'lower' income levels showed much lower quality of life than those in

lower income groups and to improve the national health level and qualify of life, there is a need to prepare active interventions for metabolic syndrome, which involve education, customized prevention, and management services at the community level.

Key word: metabolic syndrome, income level, quality of life

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