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정보환경 개선방안도 구체적으로 나올 수 있다. 연구의 깊이에 한계가 있는 것이다.


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Information Environment Improvement Plan for Land Knowledge Ecosystem Activation

Daejong Kim, Dongkun Kim, Seung Man An, Ryunghyeok Im, Jung Hyun Song, Jeong Ki Park, Sang Kyu Kim, Soowook Lee

Key words: knowledge ecosystem, collaboration network analysis, open platform.

The goal of this study is to identify how we can improve computing environment for facilitating territorial knowledge ecosystem. Knowledge ecosystem is a conceptual framework that describe how knowledge can be created from data to solve territorial problems. Knowledge ecosystem has been studied as a subject since information technologies began to change knowledge creation process.

Knowledge ecosystem is composed of producers who produce data using various technologies, 1st consumers or knowledge producers (researchers) using those data and 2nd consumers (government, company and people) who are applying produced knowledge into territorial domain.

Two approaches have been made for deep and narrow-down investigation on knowledge ecosystem focused on KRIHS, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, which has been leading knowledge creation in territorial domain.

One is computing environment that is supposed to help knowledge creation process. This has been investigated by interviewing staffs and users. The other is interaction among researchers who are producing knowledge using data and

tools in collaboration with others. Collaboration networks were analyzed for the year of 2016, 2017 and 2018 based on all research projects. Relationship between knowledge producers and consumer was visualized using network graph based on all the projects that are practiced by request from demanders.

The investigation and data analysis results suggest some directions for facilitating the territorial knowledge ecosystem. First, we need to diversify production elements including researchers’ domain, data and tools, and knowledge product format. Second, we need to establish a data lake that produced data in various agencies and companies flow in in real time if possible so that knowledge creators can get necessary data as soon as possible. Third, analytical model and programming code should be shared along with data. Fourth, collaboration and competition should be balanced to create positive feedback and motivation.

Finally, relationship between knowledge producer and consumer should be rearranged to make the knowledge ecosystem facilitated by making knowledge asset shared.

Four suggestions to improve computing environment are identified to facilitate knowledge ecosystem. First, an open platform should be established to provide necessary data and tools for collaborative data processing, visualization and analytics. Second, real-time networking process should be given to researchers to understand where he/she is, and whom they can collaborate with. Third, all data should be processed and produced for integration based on standardized time-stamp, geotag and identifier of researcher and research project. Lastly, incentives need to be given to best practices based on its value as a knowledge asset and outcome/impact on national territory and people.

수시 19-02

국토지식생태계 활성화를 위한 정보환경 개선방안

연 구 진 김대종, 김동근, 안승만, 임륭혁, 송정현, 박정기, 김상규, 이수욱, 김근채 발 행 인 강현수

발 행 처 국토연구원

출판등록 제2017-9호

인 쇄 2019년 8월 28일 발 행 2019년 8월 31일

주 소 세종특별자치시 국책연구원로 5 전 화 044-960-0114

팩 스 044-211-4760 가 격 비매품

I S B N 979-11-5898-452-6 홈페이지 http://www.krihs.re.kr

Ⓒ 2019, 국토연구원

이 연구보고서를 인용하실 때는 다음과 같은 사항을 기재해주십시오.

김대종, 김동근, 안승만, 임륭혁, 송정현, 박정기, 김상규, 이수욱, 김근채. 2019. 국토지식생태계 활성화를 위한 정보환경 개선방안. 세종: 국토연구원.

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국토지식생태계 활성화를 위한 정보환경 개선방안

Information Environment Improvement Plan for Land Knowledge Ecosystem Activation

제1장 연구의 개요

제2장 국토지식생태계의 개념과 이론 제3장 국토지식생태계와 정보환경 사례분석

제4장 국토지식생태계 활성화를 위한 정보환경 개선방안 제5장 결론


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