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문서에서 디자인 디자인 디자인 (페이지 123-127)

참고문헌 참고문헌




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․ 이행원, “디자인 교육 개선 방안에 관한 연구-초등학교 저학년을 중심으 로”, 인하대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논문, 2001.

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․ 최숙희, “중등 미술 교과 교육 과정에서의 디자인 교육에 관한 연구”, 경 남대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논문, 2003.




<인터넷 인터넷 인터넷 인터넷> > > >

http://interior.kaya.ac.kr/%7Ektkim/steelfurniture/structure/Ch04/4-3-1c.ht m




Experience, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, and and and Appreciation and Appreciation Appreciation Appreciation in in in in Design Design Design Design Education Education Education Education Through Graduate School of Education Kookmin University Directed by Professor Kim, Kwan-Bae

We tend to be negligent of the design education, even though we make students acknowledge things based on their own experiences and develop the ability to express themselves. Such a development can be realized throughout the education based on design. By this time, students were taught totally with the abstract concepts. In other words, in short of abstraction in materializing their experiences, logical and objective thoughts were inefficient and ultimately, those could not be connected to their everyday lives.

Recently, despite of recognition and support for design education,

the concrete plan for it is not equipped. Moreover, discovering the beauty from experiences is not conformed to teaching models;

therefore, education was led by teachers' subjective decisions. In other words, the education should be executed not only with developing the teaching materials, but with growing critical judgment by evaluating the outcome of design. The current seventh course of study emphasizes the importance of comprehension and appreciation, regardless of the expression-centered course, and it pursues the integrated system which equally relates esthetical experience, expression, and appreciation.

This study, therefore, is to verify the current issues and problems on design education as well as analyse the fine arts textbook which is used nowadays. And finally, this aims to develop a model of connecting three concepts: esthetical experience, expression, and appreciation to use practically in lessons.

In the first chapter, the background, goal, range of the study is explained. And the next examines the current seventh course of study and general design education. The third chapter analyses the relationships between the contents of the high school textbook and the area of design sector. In the fourth, the status quo of design lessons is grasped for the academical high school teachers. The final chapter proposes a model that relates esthetical experience, expression, and appreciation on design lesson.

By this research, a need is to alter design lessons from producing art works to growing appreciative ability by experiences and feelings.

In addition, design education should be connected to our everyday lives and when it has that connectivity, the educational effect becomes much higher.

문서에서 디자인 디자인 디자인 (페이지 123-127)