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S | U | M | M | A | R | Y


Keywords: Company towns, Future policy directions, Balanced development, Case studies

This study aims to introduce present problems and future policies for the development of company town project.

As a result, among the 6 company town projects, 4 of them are being constructed and 2 projects has been cancelled. Wonju, Chungju and Taean company towns are reaching to their goals, while Yeongam and Haenam are being delayed. As similar facilities are being constructed throughout the country, the competitiveness of company towns has risen as a new subject to deal with.

This study introduces a new purpose for the construction of company towns which is ‘realizing the happiness of the citizens by constructing a human based city’. The existing 2 purpose of the company town project are to ‘strengthen National Competitiveness’ and ‘achieve balanced national development’.

For establishing national policy, also the study introduces two national policies for the government which is revitalizing the pilot project and prudent policy for additional designation. To revitalize pilot projects the study suggests deregulation for tourism and leisure based company towns, and systematic urban management for knowledge based company towns. For additional designation of new project, the study suggests a control tool for tourism and leisure based company towns, prudence decision for knowledge based company towns, and a realistic and effective

location and size standard among with an evaluation system to prevent inappropriate project.

The study introduces 4 improvements for the system; revising the company town types, suggesting additional use on tourism and leisure company town, improving calculation method for capital cost related to restitution of development benefit, and increase the use of reinvestment of development benefit.

For future subjects, 3 studies are suggested; a study related to deregulation, additional study on location and development scale standard, and a study on making guidelines for operating and managing the ‘Company Town management Association’.

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