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이상의 유아교사와 학부모의 유아문해교육 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구의 결론 에 비추어 후속연구를 위한 몇가지 제언을 하고자 한다.

첫째, 본 연구는 유아교사와 학부모가 경험한 문해교육에 대해 현상학적으로 접근하여 사례중심의 질적 연구로 진행되었다. 추후에는 현황에서 대한 객관적인 자료를 지속적으로 수집하여 인터뷰 내용을 해석하는데 활용해야 한다.

둘쨰, 연구대상을 제주시에 있는 G유치원의 교사와 학부모만을 한정했기 때문 에 본 연구의 결과를 일반화시키기에는 무리가 있다. 추후에는 다양한 배경을 가 진 유아교사와 학부모를 대상으로 유아문해교육에 대한 경험과 인식에 대한 양 적 연구방법론을 통합하여 심도 있게 다각적인 측면에서 분석할 필요가 있다.

셋째, 향후 후속연구는 유아교사와 학부모가 함께 사용할 수 있는 양질의 유아 문해교육 관련 교육프로그램을 구체적으로 개발할 필요하다. 유아교사들은 간접 적 교육방법을 사용하고자 하였으나 유아문해교육에 대한 정보부족으로 인한 어 려움을 토로했으며 전문적인 문해교육체계의 마련을 요구하였다. 학부모의 경우 에도 문해교육방법에 대한 정보부족의 이유로 문해사교육에 의존하고 있었기 때 문이다.


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A Phenomenological Study on the Parents' and Teachers' Experience of the Literacy Education

for Children

Yu - jin Yang

Department of Educational Administration & Educational Consulting, Graduate School of Education, Jeju National University

Supervised by Professor Lee, In Hoi

Language is an indispensable element in social life throughout human life.

Language functions as a system of communication in everyday life and plays an important role in interaction with the physical environment. Early childhood is an important period of literacy development through interaction with the surrounding environment. Therefore, parents’ and early childhood teachers’ perception of literacy education is of importance, which provides the literacy environment for families and early childhood education institutions [ECEI] where children mostly live.

The purpose of this study is to phenomenologically analyze the experiences of parents and early childhood teachers in order to analyze the actuality of literacy education for young children, and to suggest the support plans for early childhood literacy education. To this end, the following research questions were set up.

First, what are the experiences of teachers and parents about early childhood literacy education?

Second, what are the experiences of teachers and parents on literacy

education connections between ECEI and families?

Third, what are the perceptions of teachers and parents on the improvement of literacy education connections between ECEI and families?

The participants in this study were five early childhood teachers who deal with 5 years old children in child educational institutions and five parents with children aged five year old. This study was conducted as a phenomenological research on the early childhood literacy education experiences of early childhood teachers and parents from January 2019 to May 2020.

For the data collection, early childhood teachers and parents were individually interviewed between June 2019 and December 2019, in order to find out the meanings and contexts by extracting meaningful statements about the experiences of early childhood literacy education. Then, this study categorized the meanings into topics and topic groups, and then classified them into nine topic groups and three categories.

The results of this study are as follows. First, early childhood literacy education is not just knowledge transfer, but should reduce reliance on literacy education as early childhood teachers and parents understand the specific methods of literacy education. To this end, early childhood teachers should provide literacy education information and action materials appropriate to the age and level of children as early childhood education experts, such as literacy activities through play and picture books which can be easily used at home. It needs to support experience-based literacy education, such as literacy activities using various on-site experiences and five senses related to literacy, so that parents can actively participate in the literacy activities connected with ECEI to keep their children interested in literacy.

Second, it needs to build specific cooperation programs between families and ECEI to reduce the difficulties in early childhood literacy education connections between early childhood teachers and parents. For example, by operating 'Mind Sharing Day' quarterly, they look back on early childhood literacy education-related activities that were previously conducted linking

ECEI and families, share the process, and discuss the effects and difficulties of the connections so that they plan together by reflecting the results into childhood literacy education-related activities. Through these programs, effective childhood literacy education connections will be established, thereby enabling childhood teachers, parents, and children all to enjoy sustainable literacy education without any stress.

Third, it is necessary to provide specific early childhood literacy education for early childhood teachers and parents to reduce the differences in early childhood teachers’ and parents’ perceptions of early childhood literacy education connections. For example, it is to provide common education, rather than different education separating the cases of children’s play-centered childhood literacy education connections between early childhood teachers and parents, so as to apply education appropriate to each institution and home environment. This improved education for early childhood teachers and parents will reduce the perception gap between early childhood teachers and parents, and establish early childhood literacy education connections that understand and practice children’s play-centered curriculum of the 2019 Revised Nuri Curriculum.

* Key words: early childhood teachers, parents, literacy, early childhood

literacy education, phenomenological research

<부록 1-1> 연구동의서 (유아교사)

유아교사와 학부모의 유아문해교육 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구 참가 동의서


항상 유아들을 사랑으로 교육해주시는 선생님께 감사를 드립니다. 본 연구자는 석 사학위 논문의 과제인 ‘유아교사와 학부모의 유아문해교육 경험에 대한 현상학적 연 구’를 수행하고자 합니다. 이를 위해 선생님과 2회에 걸쳐 유아문해교육에 대한 인터 뷰을 실시할 것입니다.

항상 유아들을 사랑으로 교육해주시는 선생님께 감사를 드립니다. 본 연구자는 석 사학위 논문의 과제인 ‘유아교사와 학부모의 유아문해교육 경험에 대한 현상학적 연 구’를 수행하고자 합니다. 이를 위해 선생님과 2회에 걸쳐 유아문해교육에 대한 인터 뷰을 실시할 것입니다.

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