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본 연구의 결론을 통하여 고등학교 여학생의 체지방에 따른 체력 비교연구에 있 어서 나타난 문제점을 중심으로 앞으로의 연구과제에 대하여 제언하고자 한다.

첫째, 본 연구에서는 연구대상을 서울지역의 일부학교로 조사하였으나 앞으로의 연구에서는 조사대상을 전국적으로 확대 선정을 통한 구체적인 연구가 필요하겠다.

둘째, 본 연구에서는 고등학교 여학생의 체력종목을 50m달리기, 1,200m 오래달리 기, 제자리 멀리뛰기, 팔굽혀 매달리기, 윗몸 앞으로 굽히기로 국한하여 체지방에 따 른 체력을 비교하였지만 앞으로의 연구에서는 다양한 체력능력과 관련된 질적 연구 방법으로 접근하여 연구할 필요성이 있다.

셋째, 본 연구에서는 고등학교 여학생의 체지방 측정을 위한 피하지방 두께를 삼 두근과 어깨뼈 하단 두 부위로 국한하여 체지방에 따른 체력을 비교하였지만 앞으 로의 연구에서는 여러 부위의 측정값과 다른 방법의 체지방 측정을 통한 구체적인 연구가 필요하겠다.

넷째. 청소년의 비만과 체력에 대한 프로그램을 작성하여 이를 시행하여야 하며

향후 성장기 청소년의 건강관리 및 체력향상을 위한 의학적 요인들에 대한 연구가 계속 되어야한다.


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A Comparative Study on Physical Fitness with Different Level of Body Fat Distribution of Girls in High School

by Jin Ah Lee Department of physical education Graduate School of Education, Kook Min University Seoul, Korea

The objective of the research which it sees is a place where it compares the physical strength which it follows in body region of the high school schoolgirl.

In order to attain a same research objective with this the contents which it will research grade classifies the high school schoolgirl especially and it measures it measures a body region and a physical strength element.

It produces a body region it respected, does not flee the room thickness to measure triceps and the subscapular blade lower part two region, the physical strength element is 5 items, 50m running (speed), 1,200m running (the core abolition old calendar), the proper place it runs long far, (the pure foot power), eight it bends and it is hung, (honest higher officer muscle endurance), the upper body in the future it bends, (pliability) it measured.

From the research which it tries to follow hereupon the S high school schoolgirl 1 grade which is located at Seoul hour 29 person 2 grades 34 person 87 people 3 grade 24 person guns difference of difference and physical strength of grade star body region of the high student, in order to examine the difference of the physical strength which it follows in body

region distribution it used SPSS Window 11.0 version in the object and in the p<.05 day case to do a member independence variate analysis time after death verification (scheffe′) it executed.

And body region rate (%fat) below 25%, it shared at 25.01% over 2 phase and with 'stepwise' method multiplex regression analysis in order to examine the body region of the high student to execute an independence sample 't-test' and the relationship of physical strength element it analyzed.

It followed in research objective of over and is collected and the data which a same conclusion it analyzed with afterwords it got.

1. The body region which it follows in grade of high school schoolgirls appeared that there is not a difference which considers.

2. In eight the physical strength element which it follows in grade of high school schoolgirls it bends and it is hung there is a difference which considers from whole grade but to each grade for the difference which considers did not appear.

3. In the physical strength element which it follows in body region 50m running, 1,200m running, the proper place it runs long far eight which it excepts to bend, it is hung, that the upper body in the future bends the recording physical strength where the body region rate will be low is high, it appeared.

4. 1 grade bends in the physical strength element which it follows in body region 1,200m with running eight long and that is hung the recording physical strength where the body region rate will be low is high, it appears, 2 grades bend in the physical strength element which it follows in body region 50m running, eight and that is hung the recording physical strength where the body region rate will be low is high, it appears, 3 grades bend in eight the physical strength element which it follows in body region and that is hung the recording physical strength where the body region rate will be low is high, it appeared.

5. The body region of the high school girl and interrelation of physical strength element for run body region and 50m running, the proper place far, eight it bends and it is hung and that there is a higher officer who is positive with the body region to appear 1,200m long running and the upper body in the future it bends there is a higher officer but that, it appeared.

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