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빠바 구문독해 5강


Academic year: 2021

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리카수니 영어블로그

학교 기출문제 정리 update 2018. 6. 16.

빠바 구문독해 5강 http://likasuni.tistory.com


다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [빠바 구문독해 5- 1]1

① Venus flytrap는 식충 식물에 속한다.

② Charles Darwin은 Venus flytrap에 대해 호평을 하였다.

③ Venus flytrap의 잎사귀는 턱과 위의 역할을 한다.

④ Venus flytrap의 잎사귀의 촉수가 곤충을 감지한다.

⑤ Venus flytrap은 곤충을 잡는데 많은 에너지를 소비한다.

(A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [빠바 구문독해 5-3]2

① disproves / promptly / unconscious

② disproves / prominently / conscious

③ proves / promptly / unconscious

④ proves / prominently / conscious

⑤ proves / promptly / conscious
 Unlike most plants, Venus flytraps are

carnivorous, which means they eat meat.

Charles Darwin wrote in his 1875 publication,

“Insectivorous Plants,” that the Venus flytrap is

“one of the most wonderful plants in the world.”

Venus flytraps grow to around 5 inches (13 centimeters) in diameter. Each plant usually has about six stems with hinged leaves. The edges of the leaves are lined with “teeth.” The leaves fit together like a clamshell and act as jaws and a stomach. If an insect touches the trigger hairs on the surface of these leaves, the leaves close, trapping the insect. Amazingly, a recent

experiment showed that the Venus flytrap knew how many times its trigger hairs were touched and could even count the time between these stimuli. The trap only closed if the plant sensed two stimuli within a 20 second time span. Once 20 seconds passed, the process was reset. In addition, more than three stimuli were required for the plant to begin producing the enzymes that digest the trapped insect. Thanks to this process, the Venus flytrap doesn’t make wasted efforts trying to trap and digest raindrops or fallen leaves.

It has been believed that the ability to

contemplate one’s own thoughts, also known as

“metacognition,” was limited to humans.

However, recent research performed with rhesus monkeys (A) [disproves / proves] otherwise.

Researchers gave 120 rhesus monkeys the chance to search for food placed in one of two tubes arranged in a “v” shape. When the monkeys saw which tube the food was put into, they ran (B) [prominently / promptly] to it.

However, when they didn’t know which tube contained the food, they ran to the spot where the two tubes were joined so that they could easily check both. This experiment shows that, when confronted with a task or a problem, rhesus monkeys are (C) [conscious / unconscious] of what they know and what they don’t know.



리카수니 영어블로그

학교 기출문제 정리 update 2018. 6. 16.

빠바 구문독해 5강 http://likasuni.tistory.com


글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 한 곳은? [빠바 구문독해 5-5]3

The task of identifying these children had been left entirely to medical doctors in the past.

The French Ministry of Public Instruction wanted a fair and objective way to identify those children that could not succeed in public schools because of serious intellectual difficulties. (①) Such children would be put into special classes for the mentally slow. (②) But different doctors had different standards for judging mental ability. (③) Unfortunately there was no way to resolve their disagreements. (④) So a type of fair test was needed to solve these problems. (⑤) To serve this practical purpose, the first IQ tests were devised by two French psychologists, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon.



리카수니 영어블로그

학교 기출문제 정리 update 2018. 6. 16.

빠바 구문독해 5강 http://likasuni.tistory.com








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