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eS Page 1 . Cops thwart coup bid


Academic year: 2022

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retoria News (www.pretorianews.coza

Page 2 . ANCYL rejects 'discredited' youth subsidy Page 2 . D-Day in Zuma spy tape battle draws closer Page 3 - City faces imminent bankruptcy, says DA


Page 1 . Cops thwart coup bid

Page 16 - Investors choose SA for African deals


Page 2 - Joblessness down as workseekers give up Page 18 . Currencies

Page 18 - Asian Markets


Page 3 - Postman 'torn to shreds'

ew Aae

Page 18 . African must manage new scramble for Africa

Page 9 - Drop in jobs in fourth quarter




노. ----

·尸出s易ㅇ섭。sㅇ驪鷺.su요싣。잽a l出.au。山 凶드.ㅌㅇ。孀싣JoJ 。召 드 ONV a룔 拓q 논둬8。審 턺성싣 略sp늄농싣。딨ㅇ。d恥§P려s出겁。閃ㅇㄴdd出 둬럴ㅇ pu螂 拓凶욉出섭出 릅。ㅌdㅇ[aAop 룔럴9면po섦枋。竇一뎡鸞締日턺일써.럽으’싣 ·棺。볐p。 .등려笏ㅌ둬ㅇ닒럽.놉 鷺’ㅌㅇㅁㅇ。。 6떠。ㅇsㅇ싣尸욥ㅇㅇ《틥’鱗喆룔았럽ㅁ써臼如요d 룔럴요 헒戚으.笏ㅁ 등컵놀섭ㅇ。 d 싣dop略 8 홉룁눌섭鷺섭ㅂ럴m。t볍 뛰ㅇ灌出요臼‘멩! ·。뎠ㅇ。츱凶§gn靭t서I’싣。。出驪 sot낟55써 Snㅇ》써略〉 Sst낟05써p o싣 ㅇT ㅇ싣 卜 셔。ㄴd驪ㅌㅇ出섭鷺놉씹렬s驪凶듸·컵앙`Hㅇ。aq pI'no〉낟섭p뻐出山o。듀꺼럽閃겹척낟P乙일一더 魅섭섭,ㅇ。。召듸· aldㅇ。d凶§9컨 둬띱솜싣ㅇ 뛰ㅇ as요김실 pHI띠 s鮮흽〉 놉*a"I싣 넉驪 싣럽,ㅇ。。螂ㅇ싣듸’a옴d싣plt낟ㅇ논/p。dㅇ겹拓。겁묜 苟占 召널9댑 JoJ sqㅇ「 鷺ㅇ 섭”。섭석낟。ㅇp ㅁ鸞mm렬。띱·p 出 聊드찝덩潟뛰 팝霙 s。능싣 ·。럴七s졈no논놉,鸞럽密.螂s넓ouasㅇ戚 .=싣ㅁaㅌ럽`鷺ㅇ靭ONV놉ㅇ台 ‘ㅇㅇp 옴。出q a흡 읊렬ㅇ둬s smㅇ。ㅇJd a日ㅇ싣尸 ㅁ눈낟ㅇ놀끔싣aq싣ou쐽눌台넒日낟s 。凶현飇 븝멸gn p。섭pㅇ둬。띱.p 。8= 喆흩 싣ㅁ。p嘴tio。 윕。눌 p듀 섭Hapl논oHdㅌ。희驪召럴9댑 눠ㅇ 엽`띱.흼。 。召 싣騙ㅇ50瀚 ㅇ싣 凶드 ,꼽。a騙suㅇ눠558山써p恪。써써요a"I싣禽。501。凶貰겁。헒눌山qplno>/논핍럽鷲出sa潟S 니凶은ㅇmo竇환飇山섧ㅁ溜써뎡`입繃山·軫轉出둬。。山凹貰섭閃p눋딩AVp써聽 ㅈd出뜅寒쵬 苟 鉀써잽딩겹瓮珊이 。룔 럽出 占써눌 휩Oㅌ■。짇님卯螂檍님翩능〉철8딩。`拓요〉苟占 앙‘써덥q 낑鱗 .닙슁a嘗 苟 乙·鱉요乞석8切 넉.8싣Iiall협I니왼/ㅇ凶甘pa졉않땁d切出눌 tI。t‘苔한 p둬ㅇ。。出 싣ㅁaㅌ눔요d日。 셔성gn a겁싣 닉ㅇ ssa。ㅇ.d 。七싣띠싣렬suㅇ。 。겹싣 뒤ㅇ치驪ds輅饍(。。鷺역맬디棚껍츌9비)at련I'= ’싣희즈凶m`。섭。。sqㅇ『。螺싣。pnl。石召뻐콥7 祗。鷺.륩。。石 섭。ㅌ논日Aㅌ。 겁싣쟐鷺 。를 8鷺요싣띠芯ㄴ릅. 511出싣。p恪졉Iㅇd馝日·出出驪。 's一p 。qtt여鮮QNV。占섦셔싣。둬出논/螂,눠띠 p毫出럽aXol。룝뛰ㅇ섭出d。둬a논/攫7乙 咎섦臼〃山a凶出鮮 흡렬gnpaJsuod甲세patl싣싣ㅁ。ㅌㅇ룁ㅌ뻐 s p횐/IㅇS핫H pUO섭a환騙 as O논0 싣띠S 셔。겨尸〉出럽ㅇ靭석잽 O엽겁a셔싣섦셔싣ㅌ써씹。 겹。I겹鮮 S쉰iㅇd。` ‘。纛띠ds눌흩 p。성ㅁ=拓atl싣 p뻐dm .。옵씹넉겹 셔믈ㅇ뉜 鷺H.엶a.凶 ',山 al볍 뉘ㅇ 둬。헙힙出q o떱 흼Optln 싣。ㅌ 셔。써螺눌 .suㅇ써喆띱뺘鷺出凶흼ㅇ召결9려。螺H 卜出尸욉sa논騙뻐능싣윕昏尸 잃럴ㅇ凶枋o→101띠I’졉음騙핍da님I싣竇논쁘鮮`픈룔낟 싣ㅇ凶 경H를끙7 .繃법出석잽 섧ㅁ뗘싫。 띱쵬싣듸* 占一鷺싣엶。p。qpT흩。눌拓靭8驢섭에 蘆a컵1돕ㅇIdula등占멸g乙。룝횝.d띠잽써 .셥ㅇ鮮ㅇ싣凹璜矗 아出눌 숴 鮮ㅇ겹ㅁㅇ s럽轉응 으`’凶 싣ㅇ럽尸p a隅芍qm出puㅇ졈戚ㅇ。tI띠轉듀答。p인’O 덩‘au。빈恪둬轉。둬。o出 拓q 볍a。ㅁ렬ㅇㅁㅁ出 S쫀飇O螺써O졍S읠T·륩aOHIS'ON겼`。芬H .8螂SㅇO戚ㅇ《싣略ㄴ。paJ능ㅇ刀出H겁섭鱗 s。겹띠dl。 싣ㅁa(鸞〉 竇 p왼/10>tfl a"iHOOq 눔싣늠d。8凶p혀sqnsg예d눌atllp毫ㅌ픈 ㅇ싣 sat엽둬驪鷺써 뒤ㅇ50《둬as出 뒤ㅇ Otlㅇ법I *셔성요p안려므dㅌ。§

싣찝9띠螂 싣 m·〉뻐’싣럽a。ㅁ써 ㅇ靭띠눌 싣럽a ‘씌自§‘ㅇ싣실ㅁ。럽씹H둬읠ㅇ靭。죄싣ㅇ15싣sanb업 덩둬憲山 。p驪ㅌ J閃환乙 枋蠟 넉O 。隅더 醵ㅌO졍S a禽싣po。ㅁ써 셔섭낟gn pasㅇdㅇㄴd 鉀ONV 。콥ㅁㅇ씹써ㅇd。J灌poㅌJo꺾띠p읾둬毫a 55윕凶뎡U山竇。pn싣山녘S띱I쵱p듀찔ㅁ。p 슬拓 겹S Jㅇ 55탭因섭ㅇO 。흩 .의山螂oq 甥어ㅁ멸릅ㅌㅇO 凶ㅁ럴ㅇ눋 。졈 .。럴凶出。니 8렬ㅇ논 p붑V 띱섭 돕q 苟욉召 瓮H 를001라논눠拐뎡H.竇。550 듀 ㅁㅇ써苗。멸p。 댑珊。ap o싣턺sㅇdㅇ둬d a"I싣pu出싣럽ㅇ흽烙요山ㅌatm 6n0恪 紛럴。 솝pㅇ싣pa섭。dx。出d鮮出럴ㅇ凶석ala孀H .p욘。昌ㅇ。出럽ㅇ凶 ·올잽섧드*졀出。鉀ONVㅇ븝s出拓螂졉욉山9려 졉ㅇ릅8희nollLI띠 。日 ap出尸 논a螺더 .:軫써sqn띠出띠饍日럽gnp。둬ㅇsuods 경력n'' al섭싣衍ㅌ·Id鷺It o싣섭日닉a 섬aㅌ■ㅁㄴ안굳。跏눔뎡섭찝솜ㅇ싣pa눈낟0〉흰낟出겨ONV a日ㅇ싣po"I凶커덩出ㅁ으.성띱.듀凶JㅇHHpㅇ돈




甘덞刀결s 룔n o눔 b8I ●p臼낚 曰 ?s 芯Q ·君 니 논 U言 V


띱섭驪如둬閃 켸p 。禽싣 .珊a`ps驪윕 찝겸 써n a捐I` 拓.出 싣ㅁ ·힉出七as。휵싣p졀Jt·山s出덥。p s螂겹~논vu。凶써

Jㅇ S

쎄吟시 싣鷺出〉O《O획 ㅇ싣 Olqd S驢鮮


pu. s욉쐽겹ㅌ .5신IㅇdㅇJ .驪pu霽ㅇㅌaㅌ 섦럽綸竇써 。릅찮 喆겹싣 컵ㅇ》실렵졉섭ㅇ。 s슭Vd붑 a召 띠싣。。.驪` a孀니切트`。m ㅌ出a싣 뎡跏。뻐 切뉵p .덞H.싣ㅁap껍tio。,써. atl싣 Jㅇ 'suo》싣`ㅇd! 囊흼vsu螂功 8궈略ㅌ OHIH겹 .驪섭홱군Z ㅇ실 눔섭덩써.싣ㅁ。pl눠Ho。

。占。ㅇ럴pㅇㄴdo싣 ~세05~뎡。클세 맺님환占珊섭OllHt臼op s논出p탠IVdNat첩횐曰如

蠟ㅁㅇ鸞섭팥。ㅇp。tl싣85切8닙 s一셔싣싣略臼눌s。쩝둬띠肉눠atllo 뎡如aI O눌싣 ㅇsa셔싣 Jo뒤 앙拓閃


섭一 싣ㅇu s輕鱗 a석s aAㅇJd ㅇ싣 a輅푀 出昌‘bs논出sp듀덩썹ㅁ。p띠uo。0늠띠 틥.눌 ㅁ「띠실qㅇ 싣 01섭띠q p8o出섭 卽룝·ㅁ9뻐。윕 님 衲켸q 贓띠더




눠0 5 숱나 。ㅌ灌。유 닐松 山 여 를 Nl 겹軫 O■ O

一出仍즈인려눌蠟력n。曰’ 에鱗飇 .엽ㅇ히 ㅇI 텁昌력 ㅁㅇ 竇apㄴㅇ 세05 at볍 石

았솜쇰倉鱗겹읠써卽S응흼ㅇ 실니O VOS ㅇ싣눔싣룔p 尸螂q뗘b s띠눌

=ap덥띠덩ㅌp듀뎡늠·鮮싣요건‘ 에연飇靭尸 ·뎔ㄴ 넉QS a孀싣 占H‘눌 8됴엽dㅌㅇ무겹ㅇ텁 눠ot써셩껍싣鮮요끔Sㅇ1出q《b흼臼싣렬OT.뉩I·paq 터.鮮숴싣略splo겁ㅇs뎡욉o白띠白。尸닌 貂렵01헉졀Oopamat텁85山OQ。띠청요훰.눈군 聊ㅌ볍빱出竇。珊`戚suol.섭띠。令略듸‘성렵

繼靺 .脯輾 髓 峰鰐 繼熊· 碎鮮 ‘譴 一죠 ’ps 料캬 쁘 雙 ㅇ

싣ㅇ럽 띠閃嘴 ㅌ띠a싣 뻐出凶졉 씹겹 싣볍띠 .띠芬·ㄴ。s 겸듀七p듀s靭럽뻐졉ㅇ。ㅇㄴa隅실 Jㅇ。니,切요。 蠟pasㅇ싣乞。묘ㅇ恪出드出·홱낟Z둬ㅇ져섧견飇 씹 anssl탬 凶럽一ㅁH띠ㅌ윕 눔Iuㅇ 。겹H :.럽日싣閃鉀甥안`섭ㅁ눋낟。珊여ㅇ싣싣ㅁ혈 山H윕台섭。놉‘p숴ㅇ럽’성논ㅇ召的이珊의·둬。s

T띠ㅁㅇH,싣dN~ p듀 ...5鬪릅’乙죙ㅇ。입

섭。橘凶 切륩석d섭ㅇpurl 。。ㅁa靭뻐·뻐I。싣겁I 세IN O"I싣

q :po환근ㅇ。 ㅇ둬. 5ㅇ싣ㅇㅁ

‘ㅁ켭싣 。8 5拓띠s 눌ou o졀/ 恪서열띠 ㅇ싣

띠ad싣a6p。ptlIVdNa占.召凶ㅓ。렬p요纛눠ㅇp螂省mㅁ一.럽둬n세笏쬐믈山 ‘써葛렬d。p螂ㅌㅁ。。qㄴ맏拓럽鷺띱써.功ad答 논d翌‘。山a螺싣J。s싣dt*J。띠섭拓싣몃孀a겹H .이口ㅇT싣螂S둬판戚님ㅇO DOldop.I山ITIT

Jㅇ m여TD둬ㅇOaJ OUI Tlln'TT JIT,J<p

이렵T논I츨 흼a1H띠 dOI螂논뻐딛o럽I 커TT뉩p

·》섭님ㅇp oa회낟 1비섭H 凶I山出。 귁닉1 ㅋ。

出ㅌN싣出.띠如出ㅇ凶겹。醜石dd쩝s력吟自。sp뻐出sotlsd戚6ㅇㅇ히럽`口비ㅁI ’山。仍ㅁㅇd略。둬s`VdNatl싣pu出 늬.겹。q尸出ㅌ鱗Nㅒloop띠렵ㅒ山럽ㅇ一S山trl눕lqn出

덩널戚。쩝컵덥00 apn×0 pIT10논낟 po。p ‘。`d oq ㅇ싣 :pJㅇ。a`pa。,p。욘‘ 。努닌 柄쩝,ㅇ。ㅇ召食p。苟써〉ㅇ둬。qp뎔o。릉窺 써0。p鉀a져md騫섦콜切듸.딩.능썩閃.出럽ㅋ낟Z 枋ㅁ며驪凶閃 sa매J螂겹。 p요싣dn둬둬ㅇ。 dㅇ둬p sp.p펴出쩝의꿈컵鸞설r.별甥公굽써p필0옴8蝦 넝出a겹 su으·실렬。。山ㅇ흼d uㅇ8 。ㄴe。q

닝 헙볍ㅇ0 0ㅌ윕돠IS a召겁鷺答觸 石

.‘切a싣ㅇㅁpu띠出8럴ㅁ뻐ㅌ .珊`ㅇdaJ ,.p듀둬 ·ㅇㅌ。컵써.! Q)tl싣 Ja>I’덟p ㅇ실 dq一h 둬ap둬ㅇㅇ싣 헙볍O。 ·8 5륩出눌 ㅇm엶 넉O OtIH` .5。露띠싣a겹싣J읠ㅇ pu閃螺ㅇ싣跏드.럽礪尸싣눙ㅇ。닉ㅇ玆ㅌ잽uㅇ。 논q su요凶씹ㅌqn山 섦tI실 嘴씌InH Iad

1셩一驪 版bI 鉀驪등Z 뒤o 싣驪。ㅌ럴凶a겹싣出섭。’창넉Q a孀싣 .sjad螂ds싣겨 戚I .H히눔둬d럴ㅁ驪너ㅁㅇ씹ㅁ。ㅌ ’렬跏늚 s숴 셔섭鷺 치럴ㅇO 져와’띠 역즐둬ㅇ싣업d 핍一싣 p듀 씹볍。pㅁㅇds윕 tllㅇq p。〉Jas 력n 。曰 J。섞閃 拓出pJ8sa卜 엶。럽덞렬q 성。山ㅇ렵拓q싣럽att써rl如둬山둬ㅇ띠p閃。져놉’a셔싣 숴拓죕"切 ㅇ싣 p。훠礪 ~비앙시) 一싣戚。。sa이 덞ㅁㅇ《실閃븝 O"I싣

갯dZ qOO臘* 싣덥Op》50`d ㅌat헙pu繃螺。싣얌뻐훠礪`日싣놈o。 님 실흘헙。싣등。 尸 pㅂInoj aq ㅇ싣 出日’ㅂ ㅇq。。如럽溶昌山切ㅇqsu요·싣恪。asad靭릅.닙d JoJ획驪。 겹。어섶〉 'J8섬ㅌ。겹싣石 s싣u。ㅌ l輟늠s뉵Qㅇ召ㅇ싣s。切ㅁㅇ口예ㅇ`둬日。ㅁ녘 ■p螂。p。昔 炤出졉。笏9乙Ja띠ㅇ덥da실s auㅇ 논ds탭. pㅇ력輜。lㅇs a셔싣 니ㅇ 쩝믿ㄷasqㅇ싣ㅇ섭 p'xl'a^a 실d휵싣

실a出 쩝ㅇ써둬oA돕띠p·탠T 딩며섦ㅁ蠟O^aㅇ톱졉 일써싣 螺섭눌 놈Idㅌㅇ。 섭 ,~SH’礪p出qtxl후~


·횝떽嵋S싣I· 왼拓겁。떼答이 ㅇㅁ .5ㅌ.a싣 出논ㅇ럽Jㅇ섭d




5 잽 答

p안군0ㅌ =出ad띠싣 珊尺J。su’겹 ■ed a겹싣 룔‘

닝 닝


굶 ,씸

졈 ,贊


럽렬세 出 럽H出al




DA has ca끄ed on

teng Locaj Govern- t MEC Ntom

place icipaljty


to "preven tthis Worsening".


He called on the MEC to under admjnjs

financial disaster trat ion the

tieS said the department was always in touch with municipalities

mogomotsi.magome@inLco.za in the past

UDtCV. 』【

'/ 7

Party calls for MEC to step in

blind eye to a munjc

crisis. ipality that is in

It is not the first time Tshwane has exl

paying Creditors at the

'^')erienced . Its cred- year that


The co Standard report.

Uncillors had

Bank with approachJ the same The

ire and move raised resulted in a

ciaii year in June last year stoodal R2.3 billion, with the auditor.gen.

erai remarking that the municip Ityjs 'technically bankrupt'," he



and s indicators are

damning erve as a


the Tsliwane muliicipaiity is facingUL imminent bankruptcy"

long-term debt could be used onlyed move was illegal as for capital expenses and not for operational expenses such as salaries, Nel said.

COnfrontation in the council. '4

xamoKgopa claimed at the time that the four couJicfflors were intent on thwarting the municipality's efforts to obtain a clean audit.

i ins claim was dismissed by ti DA, which said its main objectb had been to prevent a "black hole debt" from Consuming all the city assets in years to come.

Ivleigwe's spokesman, Motsamaj Motlhaolwa, said the call by the DA for the MEC to intervene had not been made dirtiv tg-, h...cc...

He was

contacted for not aware .of it until Comnlent

"It is clear that

m艸cipaiity can no I


the Tshwane onger meet its

"The MEC can no longer turn a This could

iJilse tne municipality's render services in terms stitutional mandate.


ability to of its con seriously

mise the


ㅌ一出《O 閃히恪 OtlrL


.싣섭QJHIHtl니맏군ㅇ靭 ㅇ召 笏石繃에郞 등며섬ㅇ꿜윕 螂pㅇ隅。륵衍써 p言 늄鷺笏써논흽늠O여pal섭ㅌp겹p믹.尸셕ㅌ써 ㅇ흗飇 엽.이쵤럴H 。一드럽a 힛I出 閃엡觸 OㅂL닌 여ㄴ驪힝려6H싣s出d띱써싣甥出八섦`白찔ㅁaux

日떠k飇 ·읠。ㅌ 芯q욉 Jㅇ 놈螂둬둬띠 靭臼.띱拓力 出 po싣SOJ럽》뱁OOqS띠겹O여p

。蠟싣 Jㅇ 'bo써칟鱗써Oq《一썹 졉樹 덜5.11윕·占ap텨11옵뻐851띠o凶 Ipdㅇ`q ㅇ。竇s 환굳出겁 .싣ㅁ。日ㅇ윕靭出 a。띠ad 잉ㅇ히셔。늠戚出둬ㅇs尸둬8ㅇ6ㅁㅇ靭石靭aua써 Jㅇ 出~며q出닙 卽럽.~sn。ㅇ이 ㄴa꺾出 aA뻐suaJ둬ㅇ 놉’a"I싣p。졈희驪出Iㅇ쐰嘴.껄寒。J띠입蝦。螺더 1며s切ㅇd FaA왈군o겹 .ㅇ늄 苗。ㅌ꺼‘。 pa靭a럽出 。겨싣 9拓셔 SU띠。「꺽섭 겸싣렬ㅇS ‘笏9써엽密*出이츳戚《q 山싣sHlO召흼tlㅇ싣 po섭럽《H 럽Oaq ㅇㅁ .a喆p q닌졉 여히驪pp出

희띠。써公궉덟결겹ao。日뛰。싣鷺a尸겹‘환/ㅇ恥a召靭竇눌ㅇ놉써헙환5喆pali서1.螂ㅁㅇ쩝鱗驪Aㅇ눔시8 ’써럽尸덩如씌럽 髓加룔·럽희驪` 뛰。鷺尺。戚띠렬m 鷺。졍枋’써니驪섭싫力환拓겹ㅇ쳔’.극낟요凶騙鸞。S Jom`。日섭。ㅌ`ㅇ《ㅁ。切ㅇ눌싣,H.6I a셔1 매힙ㅇpH出낟閃.1 山輅결 ㅋ。=뀝뻐ㅋT令늬긔 hㅢ苦괘

且皮ㅇㅂ竇욤엶澄 능酋욉검數’射 `。pt써n싣ㅁaㅌ텁둬맏낟ㅇ靭OHpat럽논5`겹헙앙石

·ads 판낟ts왑 ㅇ싣 윕霙 돠낟ㅇ柚 。召 p뻐ds 凶숴`ㅇ겹싣驪넉 恥ㅁ껄볍。058익 뎡ㅁㅇ덥出덥 。召ㄴ日 毫ㅌs입Hods .얾9毫 뻐룝·sㅇ겹석띠驪

出 石 dnoJ

IaA al솜싣 ㅌS《둬ㅇ둬JO卜 《aqOJ d Jㅇ S싣poㅌ paㄴㅇ섭컵ㅇㅌ 섭텁p 'O싣덥렬ㅇO 切‘00~눋H。S ·ㅇdod럽11*qjo出’H略。싣ㅇㅌ핍

;졍( *

’텁O一苗姃一枋 O실띠왹ㅇ싣Oa늬·n aㅌI"O 논숴`ㅇ一써d Jㅇ

c召 럽써 . 枋드’띠山궉 s。O一〉`as Saa驢띱..`ㄴV-V`VS `Sn-U-섭8빽ㄴ섭al낍횹,ObOIO''OXOIOI孕- .헙ㅇdd졀切`。召ㅇp듀 一럽ㅌ 휵섭*클 띠히戚 。겁실 氓ㅁ一p一匕ㄴd Jㅇ 긍 。를軫切드‘ptll。드’ .ps。adm렬m눔덟쐴.눌 -pa실出尸ㅌㅇpl《S길볍卜051出I싣鷺흽럽텁둬환7 叉.pu띠饍여 .싣덥aㅌ鷺둬鷺ㅇ如 O여따 알식1 ㅂJIT눌 이ㅁ一喆널ㅇ이뜻드‘靭。qㅇ싣싣텁。섭써a윕에出눔。凶듸 .눌山슨겹섭·눌 뛰ㅇ苟숴d戇

석。띠q uㅇ一凶aJ 。tI싣 靭L 럴놉.색 隅싣흼ㅇ붑 井O여O pa싣띠ㅌ一싣sㅇ

듀얌 뻐`鍔 細 맨綽 쫴錐

I露s一p 듸靭靭1

덥흼O싣Sa ㅌㅇ礪。덥螂질졀ㅇ pa>'1.。 환군棚tI요졀낟 곌aqa둬 田岺 。昌 Jㅇ s`aqt놈Iaㅌ o`9鮮 논a겹실 p뻐閃凶 덩一溜뉩ㅇluaㅌ。딥日ㅁa눌띠I샙乙띠自。山넉 .무O님 뛰ㅇ山T乞력a딥1驪싣 ‘띄.ssV눔늚숴탭.戚嘴恥驪눙贓 뛰ㅇ럽ㅇ뻐섦렬凶。蝦 의섭 님 閃p듀 히 m嘴。뻐싣。a切 凶듸’s山윕靭s糖솔 룔H.鱗p。卽늉겹。ㅇql훠鱗p塔뇰aㄴㅇ섭써8흼ㅇ軫쩝ㅇ싣‘일끔섭。 실능ㅇQT띠ㅁㅇ易·여灌‘ㅇ싣윕d 。召 듸‘ 늠add띠 룁눌 .띠덞럽鸞싣驪회OHQ 。q ㅇlp여出sa둬閃癌요써눌Jㅇ甥ㅇㅌ.ㅁaㅌ。螺H 환鷲써뻐 O님I싣 럽ㅇ一싣00싣ㅇ둬d pU驪 석·戚p ㅌS써綸ㅇ뒤쵱OH JsuTIㅇO 。8 논q ps。럴puㅇ。 sd鱗 p넒.鉀눔出p쳐8切9써.騶쵸s出岺8跏드’pㄴㅇ。。써 .요柚환려 笏蠟 ㅁ芯섭 옴。띠q 靭드’笏p .ssㅁㅇ日 .日凶릅·섦讐枋싣`씹널. ㅁ*궐 쩝螂孀 。。g에릅ㅇ릅님 O럽섭눔나법요.찝轎’Q열럽뛰ㅇ섭’尸낟섭써낍쳐ㅇ綸多닌 勺싣n츨ㅇ0 5익V山 at섭 드出山 ㅇ靭묘s出憙答경 ltHI.니 눙님p띠如써둬m 듀흡me석ㅇd이 ·욥Hㅇd

·흩실 섭a。눌싣aq potIS《《q.싣凶a 띠올겨.1 ㅇㅁ p《出山 》mg畛써 싣驪m

dnpapuno써,笏눌日굳£切 乞qo. ㅇ靭겹ㅇO Jㅇ 딥·Iqndㅇ여 潟拓흼。ㅇ拓。口 出 뛰ㅇ 山一aqㅌㅇㅌ 6H 셔늬를孀눌 日 p커엽 凶듸’ ■ㅁ눔ㅌ台恕ㅁ띠尸졍。트ㅇds`꼽髓겹, 뎡써呂白S鉀a。I'Iㅇd。SJo띠`。qㅌaㅌㅁatl鮮出ㅇp써出da。듀터단‘렬山ㅇ占拓出쩝눔枋。논

aul꽈IodVS 。召 .山띠畛써ㅇ鸞여ㅇ

~p易Jㅇ즙요 灌니 졀 p~Q 겹⑦ 뎡ㅁ 鸞닙럽 U여 O

山d ㅇ U



..,- ,【,..-''-뻐‘*.'-.=...■.■.·..「.■..,..놀

눕럽L 써띠

덩며Vul.〉ㅇㄴda겹싣p,Itl싣自d。p듀 ‘-.,-

ㅁJ。甥出。일써H .U여Q윕I*싣겹。 여훠q灑H JO 궈a占密ㅁ。

눔pun 511媤 tI욥겹磅 .8尸S sa겹11·‘O日一눌ㅁㅇ一섭.렬.Eㅇ。 pOStlOO럽aoq pd겹

·ㅌat김싣ㅇ깊山싣ㅁoHi勿《ㅌㅌㅇ。 s싣I^ 臼뎡둬 spㅇ렵.櫛싣럽oㅌ럽ㄴO〉ㅇ靭 pㅇ럽。qㅇ‘ 눔a겁싣 U여n。겹싣asn臼aq


A --f:l--

S ;

Investors choose for African deals

Ii Country was most acquisitive in sub-Saharan region in 2012

Sub-Saharan Africa targeted M&A

노 』 , I J _ , 〃 ㅗ , 급 려 눼 금 . ` 츤 十 ' ` 寺 논 * 令 , , - ' , ` · ' H 궉 , ㅏ ㅏ


45 507

288 312


J ’『

: 『 「



2000 2001 2002


/ :『 [‘「『,

2005 2006 2007

40 30 20 10 5 0


2, 4 2003 2004

' Value ($bn)

-.- Number of deals 498 446

Londiwe Buthelezi

SOUTH Africa remained the most targeted country for investment in sub-Saharan Africa last year, a report re-.

leased by Thomson Reuters showed yesterday.

About 48 percent of sub- Saharan African merger and acquisition (M&A) activity during 2012 involved a South African target. The next most targeted nation, Nigeria, caine in well behind at 28 percent, followed by the Democratic Re- public of Congo at 7.2 percent.

The value of M&A transac- tions involving sub-Saharan African targets increased by 18 percent year on year, reach ing $25 billion (R222bn) at the end of 2012.

This was even though the latest M&A report from Zephyr showed that the value of global M&A deals was at a five-year low in 2012, having declined by 7 percent to $3.144 trillion.

The Thomson Reuters re- port showed that South Africa was not only the most targeted destination for M&As, but it was also the most acquisitive nation, accounting for 39 per-

cent of M&As in the sub-Saha-

ran African region, overtaking the UK, which accounted for 22 percent of deals.

Most of the M&A transac tions were concluded in the materials and the energy and

power sectors.

The two accounted for 63 percent of activity in 2012.

Multinational investment


RBC Capital Markets

t아 iped the 2012

sub5aharan African

M&A Involvement

떫 th 9bn of deals.

bank RBC Capital Markets, which is part of Royal Bank of Canada, topped the 2012 sub- Saharan African M&A involve-

ment with $2.9bn of announced

deals, while US securities firm Goldman Sachs took second place with $2.Sbn.

At the same time the invest- ment banking fees in sub-Saha- ran Africa thpped 27 percent and stood at $307.9 million compared with $421m in 2011.

546 503

473 , . 495

Equity capital markets is- suance was also down 15 per- cent at $4.8bn. This marked the slowest year for sub-Saharan African equity capital market

activity since 2005.

South Africa was again the most active nation in the equity capital markets during 2012, and fmancials was the most ac- tive sector. Morgan Stanley topped the 2012 sub-Saharan African equity capital market ranking a 22 percent share.

The 29 issues recorded in the region's debt issuance stood at $11.8bn during 2012, repre- senting a 4 percent decline om2Oll.

Thomson Reuters Africa's managing director, Keith Nichols, said year-on-year fee declines were seen across all

532 1 600

0솔 ·

l. 500

l llljsij;1111떼`!

400 300 200 100 0

r ■ Jㅏ1 1 , Ll

· 宇네 ’누탤嘴’닉J



蝕홑戚~`죄0 I 零`눋山j Z

11 0 뀀컫’-1 2 +


·.驢ㅏ· · ∼굿’乙쎄”ㅜIeso ·`




l며.1'9 夔l驪1 0 땜딥剝l미l■ O I·― 7


'" ~ ― ■ O 翕 ―

O 2

asset classes except for loans, where fees nearly doubledfrom the year before.

Fees from syndicated lend- ing amounted to $83.8m during 2012, accounting for 27 percent

of all sub-Saharan African investment banking fee pool.

Fees from M&A advisory fell the most, at 60 percent, and reached $87.7m.

JPMorgan topped the sub-

Source. Thomson Reuters

Saharan African fee rankings for 2012, with a 10.5 percent cut of the fees. Citi and Bank of America Merrill Lynch fol- lowed in second and third positions, respectively.

;■‘…【 _


NTSAKISI MASWANGANYJ Economics Correspondent

THE number of unemployed people in SA unexpectedly fell to 24.9%, or 4.5-million, in the fourth quarter of last year, from 25.5% in the third



latest expe tigu nLLabour Minister Mildred

'Jiipnant ann

unced on Monday that


March 1, the- new minimum


ror farm, workers would be

iuuo a aay, up from R69.

Other than higher costs, employ-

are faced with the challenge of


a worktorce with the right


· a Lals ,

owed others in calling ior Detter education and skills train-

to give more

absorbed into people a change to


and themselves," said chief economist Azar


Joblessness down as works eekers give up

quarter, figures from a quarterly jobs survey from Statistics SA (Stats SA) released yesterday showed.

This was mainly because more peopie nan given up looking for work iwo tue agricultural and the con- struction sectors had created jobs in the period. Red ploynient is at the government and grammes, including Development Plan.

ucing centre of

business more uneni- many the National pro Agriculture, construction surprisingly, ruining showed employ- inern gains between the two quar-

.빽· 쁘넌르

employment fell in private liousenojcls, trade and transport


s, the quarterly labour force survey snowed.

The mining and transport sectors were plagued by violent strikes in the second bait of last year and as a result

added 毓000

」 to silent jobs. But the 小owed that mining joos Derween the two quarters, while the number of people employed in the transport sector fell by 18,000.

Stats SA social statistics deputy director-general Kefiloe Masiterig said absenteeism was observed in the mining sector in the fourth quarter

n. ^nn^..규 +n ;^ h 1^r「^∥

: iviuje people nave stopped look- lug lOt worm because of the chal-.


g economic climate. Most had ueen 10

ing for work for more than


ar. ngures showed that 87,000


': discouraged from looking

tor WOfl ’

thefourth quarter, join- ing more ttlan 2-million others.

ㅗ I "Employers are not that keen to


C Oil

eople any longer because of ujeir ooservation of the huge amount ol industrial tension bet-

Shireeri Darmalingam said employ-


year would be negatively

ajAr부에 uy companies laying off

employees as margins came under pressure from raised input costs, especially those related to labour


been it will But Absa Capital econonhist like

"If you where forced

wages ki'itterpcl van Zyl said the

山∥eredaccording - - look at the agricultural

effect of higher

to Sectors.



higher wages On employers . probably result in job losses."

is educa-


繇 g

Other analysts said the expected higher input costs such as electricity and fuel, coupled with steep wage demands, would be factors in deterring employers from adding more workers.

Standard Bank

'The key determinant tion," Stats SA

Pali Lehohia said statistician-general

"There is a chunk of people that m unemployment over a

of time."

remain long period


while for a

people, 61.3% did Of the 4.5-mi"ion

68% had been I year or longer.

won unemployed not have a man-ic ooking for work




슥Luㅛ ㅗ’`' 꿸以ㅛ姃L써닙굻‘丸拖얌



Ziirt/,,i China i000(Z$)j (YU)

62311 9.753 LIS($)

IJK(6) Evro() Japa미jOO (8) 紬궁 Swiss (Sf) Ausballa(세

New Zeal (NZ率)

Canada() Singapore (S$)


ZiriV1000(Z$) 毓滋. 什내

130431 0.8


62672 1Q叩 NA 32밋

0.6092 0.7026 0.8571 0.1369 0.1106 'M

9.1675 12.4022 14.4139 10.14 9.4192 0.0988 7.6420 0.6009



Malaysia (RI)l

S Korea (W



(RI) -

眈L硼 2.0990




0.3 01287



7 27



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2.63 0.02 0괘I0 2.1 Z0590

1.5 1.啣


뼈岬 飄 삐 雌

脯鄒 1鰍欠l

UK j Euro

() I


― Rand




0 7脯「




0.6218 '

0.7078- 0.5949 : 83949 - NA I

縕 110ap 10286ll 삐. 삐 0z.587I 7547cl 빽。


146.17 .


702995 0.8142

i4.4682 7.4651

&妬朽 7.1567


”八 1.42

삐배 097n





l10/29 '


1 “JJUl09

! 0.45881 0.4856


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91刪 10.9429 또`J 刀 뻐꿰:sf 沁 ·새!-11-=]t . 孀 臟 柵 蹄 溯 따떼―l"IIELH니」




1」肪 1.8555 1151 CO12?

0그聊 NZ

l we..ㅎ ! -,l -.■.*. 1


洲 刪 뼈

渺鄒 娜黔 쒜 飄 飄 짹 삐 料 뻬 삐 r8te50nI 觸驩 飄 ‘緇軻 빽쒸 略 뻬 빼一


쁜삐 湍. 硼삐

To use, read down first column to find the currency you have, then read across to find the rate of

脛쌥 騶 騶 梁 痲삐 溫

―IJsilljlJ- 渺娜



삐뻬 岬 삐 삐 吻 欄―

0.0436 1802.?







0.0920 旺刪

娜棚 娜… 柵 醜




0.38 0.0482

8.8011 05978

끕· 一악 脾

' h o o a


섞 卯

乃 軟 山


FIRST NATIONAL B/INK indicative market eachane rates ayainst the SIT rand


- 14.989

[ 29.991

73.16500.5930 147.180


0.6772 昭끄〕


0.7 .707

· N

0.1980 - 12445 0.400? , 2.5107

姻 F■ 嫩

7써 q O ^U ^'




SPOT 0.6150 0.7107 0.8692 0.1388 0.1119

끄너 0.6131 0. 7081 0.8653 0.1382 0.1114

케’ 헤섧

0.6033 0.6942 0.8450 0.1350 0.1093


0 5924 0.6788 0.8222 0.1314 0.1070


8.9205 12.0543 14.0364 10.44 9.2755 0.1018 7.5164 0.61

채탬 9590 12.1088 14.0949 10.39 9.2975 0.1014 7.5367 0.6159

3M 9.0415 12.2253 14.2208 10.29 9.3453 0.1004 7.5787 0.6098

12M 9.4123 12. 7447 14. 7912 9.86 9.5591 0.0960 7.7530 0.5844


Current % chg Current % dig

HK Hang Sang l!c!! Comp China A-Share Index

“旣硼Ian All Ord


4902.60 2433.79 2547.71

Zweoeeo0 27一召-召ㅡ00

New Zealand SX 50 mbai Sensex

4211.95 19659.82 1938.18 1933.53

0.00 -0.46 0:沈

ASIAN stocks fell yesterday, dragging the regional benchmark index down from an 18-month high, amid renewed concern about Europe's debt crisis. Hong Kong shares tumbled the most since November amid speculation the government may act to cool the property market.

Konica Minolta Holdings, a Japanese maker of imaging equipment that gets


its sales in Europe, dropped 3.1%. M acquane Group lost 4.1% amid concern full-

year earnings may trail the Australian lender's torecast. unina Petroleum & Chemical Corporation fell 6.4% in Hong Kong after Asia's biggest refiner said it planned to sell shares worth HK$24bn at a discount.

The MSCI Asia Pacific index slid 1.4% to 131.82, with almost four

stocks falling for each that rose. "It's a return of worries about Europe,"

AMP Capital Investors' Shane Oliver said. "The market got very stretched and was due for a pullback, it was just a question of what the trigger would be. We could still see some further weakness this month."

The MSCI Asia Pacific index, the benchmark regional equities gauge, rose 12% until Monday since the November14 announcement of Japanese elections sparked optimism a new government would lead the country out of recession and deflation.

Japanese shares fell, with the Nikkei 225 slipping 1.9% after closing at its highest level since April 2010 on Monday. South Korea's Kospi lost 0.8%. Singapore's Straits Times fell 0.8% and Taiwan's Taiex slipped 0.5%. Bloomberg


Kunene was deliv- on his route along



ermg mail on h Sodium Place,

his leg," said Gondwe.

"I bumped the dogs my

let go 0


'torn to


MAULED: Boerboels leave man with critical injuries


A POSTMAN was rushed to hospital with critical injuries atter fle was vicsousiy at- tacked by three boerboels

when the three dogs him.

Manide Gondwe and Edna

Moolman say they were on

tneir way nome wnen tney ca딨 upon小e scene. ,: 스끄. tnree aogs wrre멧 '-HiLl

쭈d 무le긱we臀 tearrng 무im`r0

snreas. Iwo naa mm oy me neck and the third was biting

scared they were going him. He had lost so -

ral Hill,

attacked blood he didn't even have

the ·


to kill much with them ras so

- Owner of the dog,

Erilshecloibet she

ka Schultz, said is certain she osed the gates

hind her before e left home.

ives,ut Mpumelelo Mdhluli, who in the same street, ran to assist the women, us- a stick to drive the dogs

into their yard, before closing the garden gate.

Kunene received injuries to his neck, face and upper body and could possibly lose his ear.

Kunene has worked for the Post Office for more than 10 years.


螂 · *。솝 덕Jo J。 (蠟릅 拓 · ④ k’ 。

j련芒륭논’茗논’견,乞娑拓을d 를驢,功켱섯..b섭)。.수I련륫t논1,注컨貧茗놜ㄴq 겯슨컨芒ㄴ결`〉鮮딩숙ㄴ宅닝OJ珊닐츤드슨芒ㅏV=亡덕

.님.山ㅌㅇ驪l1.·5「Lㅉ..螺써님) V‘ㅇㅌ。r一ㅇ꼽輜零- 「닐ㄷ輜【닐。잽드l걍드FI괏(=《프‘輟느’'C격 ‘길I:露= ㅌㅇ뜨.《-8"11긱/큉욤볍5볍tl輜욤驪스’=騙輜도 닙-쵯잽 乙낟볍鱗ㅌ ’섬l1격 드.芒騙님 ㅌ죠 .1)솟주)芟 괏一ㅌㄷㄷ즈三f一겻什j山텼lㅌ芥’伉눌윕=(볍.욥스즈드섧,귿 ,.一鷺드즈ㅌ∼螺뜨ㅌ”r.三《-5씰I一外--읫ㅉ∼즈5ㅌ85r ㅡ’닐..딩홑麗《 ㅇ∼ 졉솔驢o ’灌緘 ㅇ∼ 꽈.’깁츠F나 -,鸞"녈5一ㅉ。「 ,=-=·==驪F「一=一 ·곁Fㅌ드=딥 【`드섭渤一l u一 〉【「ㅑ戚새‘乙緘드.茨鷺ㄷ→ ’ㅌ ’ㅌ乙첫 승鮮픈ㅋ∼ 볍ㅌ一 쑈55切즈竇-ㅁ三..七격큰별lㅌ工졍I긍,!읔芒`珹乙=山읠F경·-딩-ㅌ읨ㄷ

ㅁ螂 - .섭/.p=츤) ’C\, 딩《一 뜨-【輜”【눋걀 굴ㅇㅁ 흑.릇隅ㅌ貂聊드긱‘切ㅌ=《닙r乙瀋-'I·11..,껍=汕酌山騶


F=ㅌ·)尸【=뜨《누=ㅡ 섯 =’겸- /L- '-칩乙一 切 〉》一ㅑ군忙집-=

溜域I죔-∼艾,걀-걍ㅌ컷=.=拓편孀긍,「졉쯧f쵤乙ㅌ녈芸ㅌ:쑈尸/.''l%.-c-'L‘궁,겯=尸f>HI형8츱드‘= =ㅇ팟-즛= 가..·一(贄-즈’〈甚馝쵭I활【",E寧츠ㅌ=「=

鷺欠蠟·옵겹.ㄷ드’驪므I山孀∼ㅁ一%'<Q쏠ㄷ。=l ㅍ。’切媤ㅇ一 논=丁욜-輜솜’꺌.。윅-’룻겹뜯춧솜섭격驪ㅌㅇ工.겯츤乙요 苟=∼ㅌㅇ’lJ斷亡졀g=ㅌ山ㅡ山=쵸:驢綴尸·5입ull.·슨丁’.乙一-님춧려=驢도灌길볍’춧=媤큰’욘lJ궁,흩ㅌㅇ工=’乙C

ㄴ山螺닛)山휴一 《一튠,c跳 !-乙낍:c긍걍’=盼-’섭尸==c놀汕쑈흽ㅁP一-.영心드‘눌=3콘111 ·/ㅡ一ㅑ줏ㅡ 르輜 ,욜·른「즉.E 萃츠 【l 》鞋 輜닙.■’lj7 LI볍ㅌ”茫乙=섭七르一ㅌ큄ㄷ긍Z'5-→쇱돈礪길-H.릇읊첩

늣憂言커=(굽 【一ㄴㅇ’「一一N'1甲ㅡ늪딩ㅌR?ㅌ‘p-

놀∼홉F-。O ㅁ.螺졈蔓 컨cㅌ :’二 .恪겸손굿」ㅇㅇ드蠟 수’毫껼첩ㅌ올ㅌ깁。길【一 즈첩.r결s'l貂온ljV증lㅌ田 .-驪=닥E愧=커볍섧’蠟輜蠅輜螺

졸螺∼닙날c工.도一ㅌ山ㅌ입Z’닐,.른塔겻닙。구ㅌ길 -瀋=zcㅡ눗스=’겯‘겯걀ㅌ딥輜길ㅇ딩出드一블輅늣孔’ㅌ길 Pㅌ!輜=--∼ㄷ恪,5ㅑ,c입=클’8∼-E-’흽겹===ㅇ입굿)

캬l솔(一c 흑 .ㅑ〈【閃욥尸ㅈ븐5놉。。F溜一즈孀一 .乙山즈.uㅇ》ㅇ길山ㄴ 청-드=(乙’닐r∼\,螺솜꾸烙蝦答성乙蝦→ㄴㅇC볍。=1

帆一즈‘螺一I)LIV .돈C드ㅌ깁솜잃 孀。.,【ㄷ..꺼∼

工山섦輜F’一ㄷ=즈‘볍닙..ㅌc드‘山 볍ㄷwe’희一.길H .帆。《ㅌ^)uㅇu. 볍。T輜q ·乞너텬ㄹ尸-환ㅌ尸Iㅇl드곁겹%ㅁ’=닛)切山姃螂璜騙.ㅇr,군

드.。쫏瀋【一灌ㅌ.切。길느欠驪황-一輜놉1苗ㄷ눌잽閃‘ㅇ·ㅁㅇ 듯’팝。뜨죠驪드.∼닙-귁7∼)첫출-∼룬Huㅇ읔乙。괏柚七p섧

건별一눌숱돌ㅌ5:‘鑿\졀珊논l三’茨졉ㅌㅇ섭。깁山ㅁㅇ-乙겯‘74。答j(憂-=즈 螺.51。’lㄴ섯。드님’-ㅇ논즈돕 ㅡ)=’걷ㅌ젼탬.도욜I\,ㄷ七’ㅍ익-公드.를ㅁ;蠟硅춧=氓 -,ㅌ근51닐tl輜。뜨=가I뜨드)p。灌‘`乙볍즌.~騶ㅌ요

孀 .-驪츤灌엥c()一珊l*I輜ㄷ5'1.님’숩V',乙雯겨- .뜰ㅌ=尸ㅌ8三F굿똔6릉du鉀헵召 쥬성一.'=’딩-lㅌ()솝뜰ㅌ7乙귿ㅌ눕ㅌ읠只笠ㅡ,5영7..。

J珏L乙蠟7를l윕-ㅡ糾드눙컵l乙=答芒긱증。뱀.ㅇㅇd뜨一 ’ㅌ■一쑈媤公)겯성姃。7《一’=긔볍(,5。ㅌ딩.블드乙힐-닐.--이눌 f영‘5乙7k군7→즈’욥·rC겻놀.릊ㅌ馝핑-:’냥三..七섯,j 드졉.一.‘닙門胃ㄷ^乙즈r별(-輜.枕느5길ㄴㅇ.ㅌ。도졉乙瓮l ㅌ乙七拐ㅌ철》닐跏드뉩(셩귤짊枇貂戇ㄴ潟一召긍騙텅ㅁ輜 ’軫7【ㄴ.IH。뜨(졍IV一염鐥仍;찬ㅇd出뢍驪즌5蕣乙ㅇ`눌ㅇ山l功녈Pus拐ㅁ솰닙.황ㅌ)7》쓰出첩心Vjㅇ컹..ㅉ騶늣섭馝石苞dps。컨£,乙鮮a'8듕ㅌ길-1.乙건 룬."=..쵯볍(5,7ㅇ·「釣[)秕ㄷ무8눌。즙*경’컨

읠-닐졍ㅌ-큅一닐걍拓螺》【一눌형ㅁ螂盼끙【%를=’·긋.놂ㅗ흇ㅌ零’I 크輜Eㅌㅇ뼝 ee「一넒一》(눌拓닒■七V.드딩一《「一ㅌ ()卜 u輜건《길 찬ㅇㅌ一(lu눌ㅇ毓름螺츤눌戇汪섯드’릇성`【"孔극-。牙姃드’/‘《ㄴㅇ鮮일렵.馝ㅌ祉轄。4ㅌ鱗乙。릉dl닐l^)익-길

凶出。J팜g군 ’枋(x。《《一鮮飇탭《ㅇ蝦。乙5礪‘이ㅌ=山ㅁㅇ나드蠟 ·-一ㅌ沁엡【輅드H■一뻐‘드蜀u輜ㅇ히0치논m.ㅁㅇ一喆-l집ㅇd氓드· ·찝亡輜은=럽棚pu輜겯맬鱗ㅇ毓욥ㅌ。5出枕媤;잽dㅇㅇd u尸「볍·灌d난sㅇㅌ-V.笠.pul둬ㅇ띠尸tIU凶輜겹낙甕凹으’七

lunㅇ。딥’ㄴ山ㅇ설ㄴ出《《ㅌ.■山sㄴd。o읖出날’蠟V恪p급 .芒鱗ㅇ‘驪溜ㅌㅇㅁㅇ出`oJ凶ㅁ용뻐‘puㅇ。sd입。 ㅇ닐乙여。논드竊軸dㅇ召ㅌ‘蝦囊5。。Pㅇ崙q螂珊겹겹 .즌馮ㅌ찬-乞ㅌ녹驪-貂.‘섭【ㅇd잽도눌.‘긍〉召坪悉 11''IjVㅌtI答山클ㅇ닐驪드.ㅇ恥%軫클-出즛눌乙ㅂ흣枋컴


.凶ㄷㅇ「닙ㅁㅁ輜릴‘七V녹ㅇㅁㅇ《쨉一텼鱗이《輜ㄴ’섦u 。三·ㅌ놀렁》즈鉀乙驪ㄷ’겹七Vc-첫ㄷ*-ㅌ山볍媚ㅌ毫건별즈따Eㅇ刀Fㅌ솝콰뻐’즈■늦乙흥긋召ㅇ→切드‘塔-컥


.乙.-乙..굿조ㄷ.실‘」겻이【ctl눌。%..鷺읽汕螺ㅌ戚cl님널召 u눌즈-)즈솔쑈ㅇ蠟튿■눔,一븝늦건별一눌.즈山鷺ㅇd츌ㅁ요ㅇ닙 드=욧=듀一큅-ㅡ驪드jF흣드1볍숱욘/一【닐騙눌ㅌㅇㅌ·ㅌ8


【F一()。닐-山눕숱드‘cㅇ工형亡化섧눌’술푼ㄴ9ㅌ亨。닐 `£.졉ㅇ三轍螂c出ㅌ편s驪。걸드볍8亡’,즈힁즛孔 u王욧==늬길-닐난貂즈=》.쵤1驪^囊드녹鷺를炙溜七V 딩드■=즛-。召驪드늴l틋‘批끙놀,\즈겹ㅌ凶 ·ㄷ尸切관졉ㅌㅇ드‘山斷亡뻐.눌ㅇJ驪艾8騙썹·.一즌灌驕V枋c넉 ·꼽프눔눗)벙「츳乙91닙JV.볍出-憑1.ㅇ切沈즈輜큇ㅇ헤 灌엉召볍ㅁ螂c姃輅乙貂논Om즌눌出드螺U궁l蠟긍=ㅌ 'JJ0。결毖닙·ㅌㅇㅁㅇ입。ㄷ輅.》ㅇ꼽드*`qㅇ召ㅁㅇ。요乙一.ㅇ놉

出溜七V길輜tI길pㅇl닐측깁uㅇ입섭ㅁ輜纖볍一‘F恪ㅇ蝦늴.。놉1닙召 ’ㅌ。드.注ㅇ·王스요-ㅇF.즙눙섭拓坪-輜。님희〉’「乙輜x늬

蠟숱芬ㄷ=乙-성.읠드乙〉드졉姃8’즐工貂쫍톨새乙(驪召.■一죽塔졸볍。驪一匕-눌ㅇ두볍,꽈아졍‘눌鷺cㄷ즈섭 .ㅌ츤一ㅌㅇ길。二3召笠=믓-沈ㅌ컨슨근軫쵤 勿驪드섭5욜拓캥ㅡ媤팜寧楮녹Iul.첩ㅇ鮮乙汕雯죠영「놉囊 늪(珹ㅌ쵤C.芯ㅛ쵸콰(驪널솜)섬끙ㅌoEㅌㅇ·乙녈ㅁ山。召姃무乙切욜즈ㅌㅌ6ul's썹눌닒7,(礪ㅇ딥凶읠《H닙즐

이ㅌ녈읠-길瓷ㄷ걍5,경。볍j.ㅏ논읠.=ㅌㅇ딥뜻걜杜(蠟성 上튿님(ㅇ욧긍젼一→p드〉딩《∼닐이굽)ㅌ乙尸一乙,.aV


'Jㅇl)드"∼【山눌帆一 輜·..台V'G 。I요ㅌ出‘·騙눌QH

O馝 螂 럽 螂 럽 써

닐⑦ 렬 릅 s u 螂 · 쩝 눠맥


obs in fourth

Mpho Sibanyoni

Business Reporter

THE Quarterly Labour Force Survey shows there were 235 000 less people employed in the fourth quarter of last year, a sign of the tough eco nomic times.

Statistics SA released the survey yesterday, revealing that the jobless rate fell by 0.6 percentage points from 25.5% to 24.9% between Octo- ber and December.

'It is the first time since . the inception of the

that there is a d

employment in the fourth quarter of a year," read the report.

"The decline in total employment was largely driven by the decrease in the number of employed persons in private households (48 000), trade (41 000) and transport (18 000) industries.

"Employment gams were observed in agriculture

(24 000), construction (15 000) and mining (8000)."

The proportion of employ- ees with benefits also turn- bled, signalling a decline in quality jobs.

The report highlighted that in the first quarter of 2008, about 64% of the unemployed had no matric while 5.2% had tertiary qualification.

In 2012's fourth quarter 61.3% of the unemployed, did not have matric and 6.2% had tertiary qualifications.

ecrea survey

ase in


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TTD Tracked target data TTM Tracked target message WPL Waypoint location.. MANTADIGITAL TM Operators Handbook; Part 2 of 2, issue 3, April 2012.. Page