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Gas Permeable Membranes Composed of Carboxylated Poly(vinyl chloride) and Polyurethane


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Gas Permeable Membranes Composed of Carboxylated Poly(vinyl chloride) and Polyurethane

Chun-W on Lim, Chai-Gyun Kim, Wan-Young Kim, Yong-Seob JeongJ and Youn-Sik Lee*

Faculty of Chemical Engineering & Technology, The Research Institute of Industrial Technology, ChonbukNational University, Chonju 561-756, Korea

'Faculty of Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University, Chonju 561-756, Korea Received December 30, 1998

Gas-permeable polymeric membranes containing carboxyl groups which are suitable for enzyme immobiliza­

tion were investigated in order to use them as gas electrode membranes in biosensors. Carboxylated polyure­

thane (CPU) was synthesized via a reaction between 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)propionic acid as a chain extender and prepolymers prepared from polycarprolactone (Mn=2,000) and 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocynate. It was difficult to prepare membranes from the pure CPU because of its high elasticity and cohesion. However, trans­

parent free-standing membranes were easily prepared from the blend solutions of CPU and carboxylated poly(vinyl chloride) (CPVC) in tetrahydrofuran. Both elasticity and cohesion of the CPU/CPVC membranes were decreased with increasing the content of CPVC. DSC experiment suggests that CPU and CPVC may be well mixed. Permeability coefficients for O2 and CO2 (P02 and Pco2) in the membranes increased as the pro­

portion of CPU increased. The addition of dioctyl phthalate (DOP), a plasticizer, significantly enhanced the P02

and Pco2 which were 4.4 and 30 Barrer, respectively, in the CPU/CPVC (80/20 wt/wt) membranes containing 20% of DOP at 25 oC and 100 psi. Thus this type of membranes may have a potential for the use as gas electrode membranes in biosensors.


A biosensor is adevice incorporatinga biological sensing element connected to a transducer.1 The biological sensing componentcouldbe enzyme,microorganism,tissue materi­

als,and antibody,etc. Since thefirst enzyme biosensor was described by Clark and Lyons in 1962,2 a great deal of researches have been reported in this field.3 In biosensors, three different membranes are usually employed for con­

struction of anelectrode.4-7 Typically,a gas electrode is cov­

ered with a gas-permeable membrane such as poly(tetra- fluoroethylene), polyethylene or Cellophane. A layer of enzyme is placed over this and held inplace with a second membrane such ascellulose acetate.Finally,the electrode is wrapped witha dialysis membrane. If only one membrane instead of thetwo or three membranesis used, the response time and sensitivity of thebiosensors willbe improved,and themanufactureprocesswill bealso simplified. In thiscase, themembraneshould begas-permeable,enzyme-immobiliz­ able, and biocompatible ifthe device is for medical applica­

tions. Water, however, should not permeate through the membrane, otherwise the electrolytes in the electrode can not be protected.

Varioustypes of polymers such as Teflon, polypropylene, polystyrene and polyethylene have been employed in pre­

paring theO2 electrodemembranes. Among these polymers, Teflon is most frequently used since the other polymeric membranes are not verystableto heat.8,9Teflon, however,is notappropriate for immobilizationof enzymes withoutany chemical modification which seems to be very difficult.

Polysulfones have properties such as good reproducibility, goodmechanical strength and chemical inertness, and thus

have been studied for the use of a membrane-covered O2

electrode system.10-15However,the polysulfonemembranes show rather low permeability coefficients for O2 even though theidealgasseparationfactor betweenO2 and N2 is relatively high.16 Most of the other polymeric membranes being used inbiosensors are prepared from graft or block copolymers, but they still have some limitations.

Over thepastdecadeor more,remarkableresearcheshave been performed inthe field of gas separation through poly­

mer membranes to yield an extensivebody of experimental data on permeation of gases fora variety of glassypolymers.

Most of this research has focussed on the relationship between gas permeabilityandpolymer structure because of an interest in developing better gas separation mem- branes.17,18 Recently, Park and Paulreportedcorrelationand prediction of gas permeability inglassy polymer membranes via a free volumebased group contributionmethod, which significantly improves the accuracy of correlation and of prediction.19

In a biosensor, the biological element such as enzyme, antibody, nucleic acid, and receptors should be properly attachedtothetransducer. There are severalmethods of this immobilization such as adsorption, microencapsulation, entrapment, cross-linking, and covalent bonding.20 In gen­

eral, the lifetime of the biosensor is greatly enhanced by proper immobilization, and thecovalent bonding is themost effective amongthe immobilization methods.1 Some func­

tional groups inan enzyme whichare not essential for the catalytic activity of theenzyme can becovalentlybondedto a support containing reactive groups such as -NH2, -OH, -COOH,or-SH.

We are investigating polymeric membranesthat are gas-


permeable and enzyme-immobilizable, and canbe used as electrode membranes in constructing biosensors. In this paper, we report synthesis of carboxylated polyurethane (CPU) and characterization of membranes prepared from CPU and carboxylated poly(vinylchloride) (CPVC) in vari­ ousratios.

Experimental Section

Reagents. CPVC (carboxyl content 1.8 wt%), dioctyl phthalate (DOP), 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl propionic acid) (DMPA), polycarprolactone diol (PCL, Mn=2,000), and 4,4'-diphenylenemethanediisocynate(MDI)werepurchased from Aldrich.PCL wasdried in a vacuum oven at90 oC for

12 h before its use. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) was used as received.

Instrumentation. Infrared spectra were obtainedwitha FT-IR300E spectrometer(Jasco Co). Thermaltransitions of polymer samples wereobservedwith a DSC2910 differen­

tial scanning calorimeter(TA Instruments Co.) at a heating rate of 10 oC/min. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) data were obtained with a Waters 440 HPLCcalibrated with polystyrene in THF.

Preparation of CPU. A mixture of MDI (12.5 g, 50 mmol) and PCL (50.0 g, 25 mmol)was stirredat 75-80 oC under nitrogenatmospheretoprepareprepolymers asrepre­

sented in Scheme 1. Thecontentof -NCOgroupswas deter­

mined by titration with di-n-butylamine.21 A solution of DMPA (3.35 g, 25 mmol) in THF (30 mL) anda catalytic amount of dibutyltin dilaurate were added to the prepoly­

mers, and themixturewasstirred until the -NCO groupwas not detected any more. The reaction mixture was used for preparationof membraneswithout further purification.

Preparation of membranes. CPU and CPVC were dis­

solved in THF (4 wt %), and the solutionwas stored in a refregerator for longer than 12 h in orderto remove foams and simultaneouslyto reduce theamount of solventevapo-

H^O(CH2)5C^OH + 2(心0皿0*0


PCL 75 〜80 C MDI

MDI ——PCL— MDI Pre polymer



Scheme 1. A schematic route for synthesis of carboxylated polyurthane (CPU).

rated. The polymersolutionwascast on a Teflonplate, and driedin airfor5h and furtherdriedat160 mmHg and 50 oC for 30h.

Measurement of gas permeability coefficient. The per­

meabilities for O2 and CO2 in the polymeric membranes were determined using the apparatusas shown inFigure 1.

The pressure ofthe upstream sidewas maintained to be con­

stant duringtheexperiment while the pressure inthe down­

stream side was monitored. The effective membrane area was 9.6 cm2. The temperature of the permeation apparatus was maintained to be 30 oC by usinga thermostatic water bath. The volumeof permeated gasthrough the membrane was calculated from the flow speed of 1-propanol in the micro-tube.

>_ JL 丫 _n(d<273」5pb、(dh'


The permeability coefficient, P, was calculated by em- polying the above equations. In the first equation, Js

[cm3(STP)/cm2.sec] is the volume ofpermeated gas fora certainperiod at STP conditionatsteadystate and L [cm] is the thickness of the membranes.The p1 and p2representthe pressurein the upstream and downstream side, respectively.

In thesecondequation, d [cm],A [cm2], pb[Hg], T[K],and dh/dt representthe diameter of the micro-tube, the area of the permeation cell, thebarometricpressure,theexperiment temperature, and the flow speed of 1-propanol in themicro­ tube, respectively. The P is usually expressed in Barrer which is corresponding to 10-10 cm3 (STP)-cm/cm2-sec- cmHg.


CPU was synthesized as described in the experimental section, and the IR spectra ofthe startingmaterials and CPU are presented in Figure 2. The -NCO group in MDI and the

apparatus for

6 1-

1. Nee비e valve 7 Thermometer 2. On/Off valve 8 Nee시e valve 3. Pressure gauge 9 3-Way valve 4. On/Off valve 10. Capillary tube 5. Permeation cell 11. Vacuum gauge 6. Water bath 12. On/Off valve Figure 1. The experimental




4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

Temperature (°C)

Figure 3. DSC thermograms for blends of CPU/CPVC: (a) 100/0, (b) 80/20, (c) 60/40, (d) 40/60, (e) 20/80, and (f) 0/100.


Figure 2. FT-IR spectra of (a) MDI, (b) PCL, (c) DMPA, and (d) CPU. Inset shows C=o stretching bands for PCL, DMPA, and CPU from the top.

-OH group in PCL appear at 2265 and3400 cm-1, respec­

tively. These two bands disappeared almost completely in CPU,and instead a newband for -NHappearsat 3340 cm-1.

Furthermore, a strong and broad bandappears at 1700-1725 cm-1 where a strongband originated from the carbonyl of -NH-COO group is overlapped largely with a band origi­ nated from -COOHgroup asshowninthe inset. This result indicates that thepolymerization wascomplete and thepoly­ mer contains carboxyl groups. GPC experiment indicated that the number- and weight-average molecularweight of theCPUwereabout 97,000 and 280,000, respectively.

It was attempted to prepare CPU membranes employing the solution casting method usingTHF. However, the thin film was too cohesive and elasticto be peeledofffrom the Teflon plateto forma freestandingfilm. Thehighelasticity and cohesion of CPU were expected sincethese properties arecommonlyobserved from PUs consisting of thesoftseg­ ments of high molecular weights.22,23 PCL with lower molecular weights wouldgiveCPUs which are less cohesive andelastic.24The cohesion and elasticity of the membrane, however,werereducedgreatly when CPUwas blendedwith CPVC.Thus free-standing films were easily preparedwhen CPVCwasaddedtotheCPUsolutionatleastabout20% or greater byweight.

DSC experiment was carried out for CPU, CPVC, and blends of CPU/CPVC, and the results are presented inFig­

ure 3 where the thermograms were obtained from the first heating scans. The thermal transitions at -39 and 25 oCin Figure 3a are probably due to the glass and melting transi­ tion of thesoftsegments in CPU, respectively. Noevidence ofa transitionattributableto the hard segments of CPUwas observed from the thermogram traces, which is typical for PUs. CPVC undergoesa glasstransitionat 62 oC as shown in Figure3f.TheCPU/CPVC membranesweretransparent.

Theyalsoshowonlyoneglasstransition, whose temperature

is dependent onthe relative ratios ofeach component and liesbetween the Tgs of CPU and CPVC.25 Actually,the ther­

moplasticpolyurethaneis used asa plasticizerfor poly(vinyl chloride), being compatible in any ratio.26 Thus it can be concluded that CPU and CPVC are reasonably mixed in the membranes. TheTgs of themembranes approach totheTg of CPU as the proportion of CPU increases. This result sug­ gests thatthe membranes become more rubbery as increas­ ingthecontent of CPU.

ThePco2 and Po2 in the membranes were determined as a functionof gas pressure in theupstream side,and theresults are presented in Figure 4 and5. At constant pressure, the Pco2 and Po2 increase as the content of CPU in the mem-

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 pressure(psi)

Figure 4. Dependence of Pco2 on the pressure at 25 oC in the membranes composed of CPU/CPVC:・80/20, >70/30, ▲60/40, ▼ 40/60, and ♦ 20/80.



40 60 80 100 120 140 160 pressure (psi)

Figure 5. Dependence of Po? on the pressure at 25 oC in the membranes composed of CPU/CPVC: ■ 80/20, >70/30, ▲60/40, ▼ 40/60, and ♦ 20/80.

brane increases. This result is understandable since accord­

ing to the DSC experiment, the CPU/CPVC membranes becomemorerubberyat room temperatureastheproportion of CPU in the membranes increases.

The solubility coefficient of Co2 in some rubbery poly­ mers such as poly(trifluoropropyl methyl siloxane) was reported tobe significantly highatcertaintemperature and was attributed due to a specific penetrant/polymer interac- tions.27 The solubility coefficient of Co2 in the polymer increasedlinearly with pressure atthetemperature.28 on the other hand, the solubility coefficient of Co2 in the rubbery polymer wasdecreased with temperature, and the permeabil­

ity coefficient was decreased accordingly. In this case the permeability coefficient wasalmostindependent of thepres­ sure at thehighertemperatures.

The permeability coefficients of Co2 in CPU/CPVC (80/

20, 70/30, and 60/40) membranes are relatively high at 25 oC, and increased linearly with theupstreampressure. on the other hand, the permeability coefficients of Co2 in CPU/

CPVC (40/60 and 20/80) membranes arerelatively low,and independent of the upstream pressure.Inthis research, con­

tributions of solubility and diffusivity coefficient to the per­

meability coefficient of Co2 were not estimated, but bothof thetwofactorscould affect thepressuredependence. A sim­ ilar explanationmay be appliedtothe pressure dependence ofthe permeability coefficient of o2 in these membranes.

However, thedependency of the permeabilitycoefficient of Co2 on theupstream pressure is morenoticeable than that of o2. This result may be attributable to the fact that Co2 is morecondensable gas.

The ideal separationfactors between Co2 and o2 (Pco2/ Po2)at 100psiand 25 oC werecalculated based on thedata described above, and the results are shown in Figure6. The separationfactorincreasesrapidly as thecontentofCPU in the CPU/CPVC membranes increases, and reaches to 3.2

Figure 6. Ideal separation factors between CO2and O2(PC02/P02)in the CPU/CPVC membranes containing various proportions of CPU.

when the content of CPU is increased to 80%. This results from the factthat the Pco2 increases more rapidly than the Po2 as the content of CPUinthe membrane increases.

Itwas difficult to prepare free-standing membranes con­

taining CPU more than 80%due to high cohesion and elas­ ticityofthe blends. The Pco2 and Po2 in theCPU/CPVC(80/ 20) membranes containingvarious amount of DOPwhichis a typical plasticizer were determined, and presented in Fig­ ure 7. The addition of DOP to the membranes enhances sig­

nificantlythe P02 and Pco2, and thedegree of enhancement increases with increasing the amount ofDOP added. The effect of DOP on the gas permeability is more effective toward CO2 thanO2. For example, the Pco2andP02 in the membrane containing 20% DOP at 25 oC and 100 psi are about30 and 4.4 Barrer, respectively.TheDOPdispersedin the membrane probably increases the free volume in the

Figure 7. Dependence of P02and Pco2 in the CPU/CPVC (80/20) membranes on the content of DOP at 25 oC and 100 psi.


polymers, resulting in theenhancement of theP values.


Prepolymers were obtained from PCL (Mn=2,000) and MDI, and reacted with DMPA to yield CPU. Transparent free-standing membranes were easily prepared from the blend solutions of CPU and CPVC inTHF, while the pure CPUwas not abletoformthefree-standing membranes due to its highelasticity and cohesion. CPU and CPVC maybe well mixedsince the blend membranes aretransparent and showonlyoneglass transitionin any ratio. The PO2 andPCO2 in theCPU/CPVC membranes increased as theproportion of CPU increased, and the highest PO2 andPCO2 in the CPU/

CPVC membranes were obtained when the proportion of CPU intheblendwas 80%. The addition of DOPenhanced significantly the Pco2 and Po2 in the CPU/CPVC mem­ branes. Thus the blends of CPU and CPVC containing appropriate amountof DOP maybe used inpreparinga gas electrodemembranesin biosensors.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (Grant No.961­ 0100-001-2).


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