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요양병원에 근무하는 간호사의 간호근무환경, 의료정보 보호인식, 의료정보 보 호활동의 관계에 대한 연구 결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 제언을 하고자 한다.

1. 본 연구는 일 지역 병원에 근무하는 간호사를 대상으로 하였으므로 연구결과의 일반화는 제한이 있으므로 연구대상자 수와 지역을 확대하여 자료를 수집한 반복 연구가 필요하다.

2. 요양병원 간호사의 의료정보 보호활동을 강화시킬 수 있는 교육 프로그램 개발 과 적용에 대한 후속 연구를 제언한다.

3. 요양병원 간호사의 의료정보 보호활동에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 규명하여, 이 를 교육프로그램에 적용할 것을 제언한다.

4. 병원 규모, 병원 내 정보관리 시스템 체계에 따른 간호사의 환자 의료정보에 대 한 보호인식과 보호활동 정도의 차이와, 이에 미치는 요인을 탐색하는 연구를 제언 한다.


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Zandona, D. J., Thompson, J. M.(2017). Going Beyond Compliance : A Strategic Framework for Promoting Information Security in Hospitals. Health Care Manager, 36(4), 364-371.

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Nursing work environment, awareness & practice for patients medical information protection

in long-term care hospital nurses.

Sun Me Lee

Department of Nursing Science The Graduate School, Ajou University

(Supervised by Professor Moon Sook Yoo, RN, Ph.D.)

This study is a descriptive research study to find out the relationship between nursing work environment, patient's perception and activity of medical information protection, and its correlation among nurses working in nursing hospital. The subjects of this study were 194 nurses working at three geriatric nursing hospitals located in Gyeonggi-do, and collected data using the structured questionnaire from March 14 to March 20, 2019.

The nursing work environment was measured using a survey tool for measuring nurse working environment developed by So-hee Park(2015), and the personal information protection awareness developed by Ki-Jung Cha(2015) to measure the degree of awareness of medical information protection of nurses.

The evaluation tool was used, and the medical information protection p measurement tool used 16 items for the second-person measurement tool that modified and supplemented each item of recognition level to identify the activity level based on Song Young-shin's tool for medical information protection recognition. Modified and used.

The results of this study are as follows.

1. The nursing working environment of the study subjects was minimum 2.0 points and maximum 3.9 points, and the average score was 3.3±0.40 points. The medical information protection awareness was minimum 3.7 points and maximum 4.3 points, the average score was 4.12±0.75 points. The medical information protection practice was minimum 3.4 and maximum 4.3, with an average score 3.90±0.73 points.

2. Medical information protection awareness was found to have a statistically significant positive correlation with nursing work environment(r=.387, p<.001).

The medical information protection practice was found to have a statistically significant positive correlation with the nursing work environment(r=.288, p<.001) and the medical information protection awareness(r=.736, p<.001).

3. As a result of testing the differences in nursing working environment according to the general characteristics of the study subjects, the nursing working environment had the highest clinical experience less than 5 years. and the lowest for five to ten years(F=3.592, p=0.08). In addition, the age group was the highest in the 20s and the lowest in the 50s.(F=3.60, p=0.15). As a result of post-testing, 20s(3.57±0.54) was found to be higher than the 30s(3.38±0.42). In the gender, males(3.71±0.54) were higher and females(3.37±0.41) were lower(F=-2.372, p= 0.31).

4. As a result of testing the difference of medical information protection awareness according to the general characteristics of the study subjects, the medical information protection awareness according to education showed that

Key words : long-term care hospital, nursing work environment, medical information protection awareness, medical information protection practice

the experience of medical information protection education was three or more times, and the lowest was none(F=6.442), p<.001). As a result of the post-test, it was found that more than three times(4.44±0.66) was higher than none(3.67±0.66).

5. As a result of testing the difference of medical information protection practice according to the general characteristics of the study subjects, the medical information protection practice according to education showed that the experience of medical information protection education was two or more times, and none was the lowest(F=4.852), p=0.03). As a result of post-test, more than three times(4.18±0.64) was higher than one times(3.65±0.69), and 1 times(3.65±0.69) was higher than none(3.53±0.66).

The results of this study showed that there is a positive correlation between nursing work environment, medical information protection awareness and medical information protection practice. It was found that medical information protection awareness and medical information protection practice were influenced by the experience of medical information protection education. It is thought to require repeat education and management of medical information protection. In order to improve the nursing work environment for medical information protection practice, it is thought that continuous changes will be needed with various support such as organizational support, leadership of nursing staff, strengthening interaction between colleagues, and improvement of nursing competency.

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