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Abst r act

TheRel at i onshi psamong Emot i onalLabor , Soci al Suppor t ,andDepr essi veSympt omsofNur ses

Kim,Ha-Ja DepartmentofNursig

GraduateschoolofJejuNationalUniversity (SupervisedbyProf. Kim,Jeong-Hee)

Thepurposeofthisstudy wastoidentify thelevelofemotionallabor,social support,anddepressivesymptomsandtoexaminetherelationshipsamong these variables among nurses. By using a self-reported questionnaire,data were collected from 314 nurses who worked in fourgeneralhospitals in J province from Aprilto May,2011.

Brotheridge & Lee (2002)'s EmotionalLaborScale translated in Korean and editedbyLee(2006)wasusedtomeasureEmotionalLabor.ThePRQ-Ⅱ,edited by Kim (2000) was used to measure individual support. The perceived OrganizationalSupportscale developed by Kim (1990)was used.The Korean version ofthe CES-D,validated by Chon etal.(1999)was used to measure depressivesymptoms.Collecteddatawereanalyzedby using theprogram SPSS Version 18.0 in which descriptive statistics,and Pearson correlation coefficient andstepwisemultipleregression.


1. The mean score of total emotional labor of the subjects was 3.28.

Deep-acting was a higherthan surface-acting.The levelofindividualsupport washigherthanoneoforganizationalsupport(mean=2.75).Themeanscoreof

CES-D was 16.92,indicating itto be 'mild depressive symptoms'.Fifty six percentoftotalsubjectssufferedfrom mildormajordepressivesymptoms.

2.Depressivesymptomswerepositively correlated with surface-acting (r=.26, p=.001),while ithad negative correlation with individual(r=-.39,p<.001)and organizationalsupport(r=-.23,p<.001).Surface-acting wasnegatively correlated withorganizationalsupport(r=-.30,p<.001).Inotherwords,thehigherthelevel ofsurface-acting was,thehigherthelevelofdepressivesymptomswas,while thehigherthelevelofperceived individualand organizationalsupportwas,the lowerthelevelofdepressivesymptomswas.

3.The factors which affected significantly the levelofdepressive symptoms were marital status, individual support, and surface-acting. These factors explained25.0% ofthevarianceofnurses'depressivesymptoms.

In conclusion,this study shows thatas the levelofsurface-acting ofthe subjects was higher,so was the levelofdepressive symptoms,while as the levelofperceived individualand organizationalsupportwashigher,thelevelof depressive symptoms was lower.Therefore,in order to prevent or manage depressive symptoms ofthe nurses,itis needed ofhospitals to organizational supportprograms and particularly,as the nurses who are in their 20s,have shortworking experience,orsingle show relatively higherlevelofdepressive symptoms,itis urgently required to provide depression symptoms managing programstargetedforthosenurses.


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연구 참여 동의서

연구 제목:간호사의 감정노동과 사회적 지지,우울과의 관계 연구자 :김하자(제주대학교 간호학과 석사과정)

연락처 :010-9793-9699 이메일 :icu0326@hanmail.net

본 연구의 목적은 임상간호사의 감정노동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대해 알 아보는 것입니다.본 연구를 통해 얻어진 내용은 연구의 목적 이외에는 사용 되지 않을 것입니다.다음 내용을 읽으시고 연구 참여에 동의하시는 분은

본 연구의 목적은 임상간호사의 감정노동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대해 알 아보는 것입니다.본 연구를 통해 얻어진 내용은 연구의 목적 이외에는 사용 되지 않을 것입니다.다음 내용을 읽으시고 연구 참여에 동의하시는 분은

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